the first house in history

Chapter 143 Even if you are separated, sing a happy elegy

Even if you are separated, you should sing a happy elegy

I said to myself, is this the alien in Nintendo's mouth? So when he was killed, one of the glasses-wearing guy jumped off the ship and greeted me gentlemanly: "Hi! We are from the park office. Your lease contract has expired and we hope to renew the fee on time.

As soon as I heard this funny, Ya came with a spaceship and pretended to be a park office. It was completely unreliable, so I said, "No, I extended the rent ten years later. Are you mistake?"

"Real, right?" This guy actually found an account book to check, and then laughed and said, "It's really wrong. It's not time to pay the rent, but the garbage fee. You owe a year, a total of 5 billion." Speaking of the last sentence, my face suddenly became gloomy, and I went to Nimachuan to change my face!

I stepped back and said, "Oil, don't install it. You can drive the boat here to destroy it. What's the shame of pretending to be a park manager? In fact, I have solved the mystery. You are all aliens!"

The other party's face immediately became gloomy, and he lowered his head and rolled back: "Forget it, it has been completely exposed. Come back next time."

"Next time!" Suddenly, a figure flashed over from another spaceship and kicked the glasses comrade away. "I told you this trick!"

I saw that it was a little Lori. She had white hair and looked very cute. Except for a small tail at the back, which planet is this?

Little Lori stood in front of me and roared, "Hey, have you seen enough, big pervert! We are here to collect the house. Are you ready?

I smiled and said, "You haven't developed yet. Do you want me to rub it for you?"

Little Lori blushed and was about to kick me away like an eye-eyed man. Unexpectedly, someone had already taken action behind, and a familiar voice roared in my ear, "You bad **, even the little girl will not let go!" But Cat strangled me by the neck and tied me back.

I shouted for help and extended the rescuers to the aliens opposite. These comrades were all pale and ignored them.

Acat pulled me back to the hotel and said angrily, "The situation is so critical now, are you still in the mood to play?"

I squeed my nose and said, "This book is YY. How can there be nothing wrong with my protagonist?"

Wang Laowu suddenly pressed my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, brother, I did something wrong to you."

I saw that his face was not right, and I asked quickly, "Why did you get ED?"

Wang Laowu blushed: "Who said that?"

I asked again, "Did the stock lose?"

Wang Laowu said angrily, "Fuck your mother!"

Then I was surprised: "What's going on?"

Wang Laowu said sadly, "I mortgaged the property rights of the house, but I was cheated. I just got the notice that our property certificate was bought."

"No way!" I took his neck hard and asked, "Didn't you say you were going to sell it? Why did you mortgage it again? Who did you mortgage it to? Who notified you?"

"Give me the mortgage." Suddenly, a familiar voice appeared in my ear, and I looked up at a person I had just known recently appearing in front of me.

"Sure enough, it's you. It seems that it's not just about saying hello that night." I stood up and calmly took my earwax and said, "How long have you been ready?"

Zhong Wusheng sneered and said, "It's only been a month. It's too easy to break through here. Didn't you find it yourself? Without organization and discipline, the leader is not like a leader, and the follower is not like a follower, so it is broken with one blow.

He looked at my bitter expression and continued, "Isn't it? I just said that this place was going to be sold, and the people have almost left. Is there anything wrong with me?

"Yes, what you said is not bad at all. Loose sand like us can't be called a plate, obviously a grain of fine sand." I slowly raised my head with a smile on my face. "We are unorganized and undisciplined. We fly separately when we are in trouble. That's because our hearts have already been tied together, and any external form is false."

I suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, like a thunderbolt rushing in front of Zhong Wusheng: "So the world can't stop any of us's obsession!"

"Good to come!" Suddenly, he rushed back, and there was an extra military thorn in my hand, which just blocked my hand from defeating the dragon's eighteen palms. There was a roar on the flat ground, and the whole hotel seemed to be shocked by the momentum we bursting out.

I looked coldly at him and laughed arrogantly and said, "This place is too small to stretch your fists and feet. Let's go out and fight."

"Good!" Zhong Wusheng only answered one word briefly. At the same time, he and I shook our figure and floated out of the hotel. In an instant, we had made countless moves. At that moment, I seemed to incarnate the invincible Jianjiro, punching and kicking fearlessly. For my Golden Hotel and for the hotel people not having to wander around, I could only be invincible.

Delusional reincarion onefold, double, triple...

Turtle shock wave, ten times turtle shock wave, teleport turtle shock wave, super turtle shock wave...

I was red-eyed. I didn't know how many opponents were in front of me. I knew that I was against the sky and earth, and I couldn't let anyone touch the hotel that belonged to me. After many confrontations, I was finally submerged by the powerful laser cannons fired by several other's spacecraft at the same time.

The earth seemed to collapse, the galaxy seemed to burst, and everything finally disappeared. I lay in the dark soil and felt that my life without the sun was nothing more than that. Suddenly I was so tired that I didn't want to do anything.

Maybe separation is inevitable, but it is difficult for me to look up to the stars.

I faintly heard someone above my head as if they were digging the stone soil anxiously. A trace of light finally broke into the ground and shone on my tired eyes. I knew it was Acat who came to save me.

"Dig it, dig it, he's still angry. Lift him out quickly." With blurred vision, I faintly saw a few familiar faces, but I barely smiled: "I'm defeated!"

"Forget it, they have already gone in." Wang Laowu's voice said next to me. I felt that I had been set up, and the leader still extended a helping hand at the critical moment.

I suddenly laughed and said, "How much did you sell?"

Wang Laowu's voice paused and replied, "50 million...bonds!"

"Haha, bonds may be high!" I reluctantly smiled and said, "The more garbage it is these days, the more valuable it is."

I suddenly found that I didn't speak. I suddenly pushed Wang Laowu away and stood there and said, "Why don't you talk? Don't be sad. Since separation is inevitable, we can at least choose to leave with a smile!"

"Acat, tell me where the direction of the hotel is?" I stretched out my hand and finally touched the back of the warm hand. Acat pointed to me, "It's on your left hand."

I slowly turned around and faced the hotel that once belonged to me. I reluctantly squeezed out the brightest smile and sang, "Get up, hungry and cold slaves! Get up, suffering people all over the world! The blood has been boiling..."

Seeing that no one matched, I clenched Acat's hand: "Why don't you sing? Just think of it as an elegy before parting and practice it for us to make heroic to the end."

Acat suddenly sobbed, patted me hard, lay on my shoulder and sang in a low voice: "... Fight for the truth! The old world is flowing..."

I hummed and encouraged everyone to sing together. Since you want to lose it, don't regret it. Memory will always stop in our minds, and the robbers will leave nothing.

Zhang San couldn't help shouting: "Sing, just sing. Although I can't sing, this song is exciting." Li Si also said, "If you want to sing together, no one will stop you." Wang Laowu also seemed to say cruelly, "sing! Let's all sing loudly. Let's all risk it today."

Someone seemed to rush over in the distance, probably to stop us, but none of us was willing to retreat. Those people finally ran nearby but were stopped: "Forget it, just let them sing." I heard the sound of Nintendo.