the first house in history

Chapter 144 When you are depressed, you will know how precious your friends are

I didn't know how precious my friends are until I was depressed

Yesterday, I stood at the door of the hotel and sang an international song for a long time. Finally, I couldn't stand it and fell to the ground. When I woke up, I found that I was already lying **. My body had been cleaned and bandaged. Acat sat next to me and looked at me with concern and said, "You finally woke up!"

I rubbed my head and asked, "Where is this? Do we still have a place to go?"

Acat blushed and said shyly, "This is the Clock Hotel. Which one do you know?"

I'll go. How did I choose this place? With a black line, I asked, "Where's Wang Laowu?" Before Acat answered, he heard a very harmonious voice from the next door. This day was so bold. I was really speechless. I was embarrassed for a long time.

"Zhang San and Li Si are outside. Do you want to ask them to come in?" Acat stood up and went out to find someone to try to break this silence. As soon as I heard, why didn't I find Wang Laowu to find Zhang San and Li Si first? Has Wang Laowu defected?

As soon as I thought of this, I heard an extremely familiar voice in the harmony next door. Why is it like Wang Laowu's voice? Did the leader run to have fun in suffering? My God, I covered my face with one hand and lay back **. What a tragedy.

Then the door was pushed open, and Zhang Sanli rushed in and gathered around the bed and asked me, "Wake up, wake up! It's reassuring."

As soon as I saw how the two of them wore hotel waiter clothes, I said, "Do you... work here?"

"It's not!" Zhang San couldn't help telling the truth, "It's not just us, because we didn't have money to pay the rent. Wang Laowu also went to be a publicist. Bian Que and Hua Tuo opened a small clinic nearby. In order to save you, they also owed a lot of medical expenses!"

I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing: "Everyone has worked really hard. Is there any other news?"

"For the time being, you can recover first." Li Si comforted me and said, "Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao and others have received news that they will go back to the United States to arrange something first and come back to help us."

"What about Di Qing, Zhu Zhu, and Xiang Yu? Why aren't they there?" Hearing my question, the two bandits fell down and said nothing. For a long time, Zhang San couldn't calm down and said, "Brother, they are actually not interesting enough. They defected to those people early in the morning."

"I don't believe it!" I shook my head and couldn't believe it. "They are Di Qing and Zhuzhu. You don't know what kind of people they are. How can they betray your friends?"

Li Si took out a newspaper for me to read. The headlines said "Mysterious consortium raid and acquisition, the four heroes charged into battle". When I saw the photos, it was clear that they were Di Qing, Zhuzhu, Nintendo and Zhong Wusheng. Could it be said that they had colluded together for a long time?

I tore up the newspaper and said, "Haha, it seems that there is something wrong with my vision. I must be dazzled. You should all wash your eyes. It must be an illusion."

Seeing that I didn't want to believe it, Zhang Sanli Si shook his head and sighed and poured a basin of cold water on my head on the shelf. It was so unhappy that the two bandits rebelled. I almost jumped up and said angrily, "What do you want to kill someone!"

Zhang San actually grabbed my collar and said, "If you want to escape like this for a lifetime, forget it, we can think that we haven't known you, but if you are still the boss who sang international songs last night, wake us up. Can't you see that everyone is trying to adapt and resisting? But you have to ignore our efforts. How can you make everyone feel at ease?

The first time I was taught such a lesson by the bandit Zhang San, I was a little speechless. I wiped the drops of water on my face for a long time, looked at the cat who pushed the door and Wang Laowu, who was untidy, and suddenly laughed, "Well said, I should be sober, and some things also need to be Go face it."

I stood up and changed my clothes silently and was ready to leave here: "Let you take care of me. I promised to give you a comfortable place to live. I have rang my promise, so I will solve this problem in person."

Zhang Sanli Si tried to stop me, but was gently pushed away by me. Acat, who was blocking the door, stretched out his hand and looked at my appraisal eyes, but finally took my arm: "I'll go with you!"

Wang Laowu stood at the door and obviously hadn't finished the matter. He asked awkwardly, "Then where are you going? I don't care about the leader."

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Leader, you have worked hard. I'll give you a concave waist when you come back."

I came to the park office of the special committee of the Galaxy Group. According to the address in the newspaper, I came to this newly built office. It is said that Di Qing and Zhu Zhu have just taken office here. I bought a 20 yuan roast sheep whip at the roadside barbecue shop to give to the two as a congratulatory gift to celebrate their promotion.

The little sister at the front desk is very Lori. When she heard me say that I wanted to meet the new supervisor, she gently reminded me whether I had made an appointment. I said that I had never made an appointment when I had seen these two comrades before. The customer service girl immediately replied, "Please wait for a while and see what the two supervisors have time to arrange for you."

I sat in a chair stupidly. I don't know when these two busy people will be busy to see me. I'm afraid I won't see them for a day today. Looking at the dark sky outside the door, I couldn't help coughing like an old man. Then I grabbed Cat's shoulder and secretly told her: "Wait a minute. Son, I will attract other people's attention. Why don't you take advantage of the chaos to go in and see if Di Qing are there?

Acat immediately nodded. I lowered my head, the sea was infinite, and the Buddha was shining. Suddenly, I spit out a large pool of overnight meals. Suddenly, I flooded the desk of my sister at the front desk, which caused a sensation for a moment. The front desk sister screamed and called the security guard and dragged me out. It is said that she wanted to teach me a lesson. Teach me a lesson.

I saw that the cat successfully went in, and I didn't resist until these people pulled me outside that my face suddenly sneered: "I still want to come with me to fish and enforce the law. You are simply uncomfortable." First, let's take back, press the boy who caught me on his body and beat him in the chest, and then flew up and kicked the two people behind him into airmen. The remaining people were dumbfounded. I picked up the baton that fell on the ground and asked, "What, are you still fighting? I'm in the mood?"

Several bears exclaimed and ran away. I threw the baton out with a whist, hit a comrade's **, and fell to the ground with a howling. I picked up another one and threw it again. Suddenly, someone held my hand behind me and said, "Forget it, why do you have to be like them?"

I knew that Di Qing was coming when I heard the sound. I slowly put down my hand and didn't look back. I just said, "Why? Don't you tell your brother after you are promoted?"

"Is there any difference at this time?" He also let go of his hand, "What's the point of everyone holding each other and dying?"

"Yes!" I said affirmatively, "The only difference is how to die?"

"If you are destined to part ways, then at least leave happily first." I turned around and stretched out my hand, "Isn't it, my friend?"

Di Qing looked at me blankly. I saw Zhu, Nintendo and Zhong Wusheng standing behind him. They must be monitoring Di Qing, so he just coldly stretched out his hand: "If possible, don't call me friends anymore. We will never be different from now on."

"So, is your new friend standing behind you?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes, sometimes friends have to update and replace them from time to time." Di Qing took his hand back and said, "I have my revenge, and it's the same. I don't want to spend my whole life in that shabby hotel. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Although I'm not satisfied, I actually want to say the same thing. Have you seen some uncles and aunts over there?" I pointed to several cleaners sweeping the floor by the roadside and said, "They are also my new friends, and I'm also going to say that I want to make some new friends. Everyone has the same purpose and takes care of each other." A few people began to mutter: "Who knows you?")

Di Qing took a look and did not refute: "Well, good luck." Then he quietly walked away with his new friends.

Acat came back to me and asked worriedly, "Why is it over?"

I smiled and said, "Where, everything has just begun. Let's go back." I turned around and threw the paper ball in my hand into the trash can, which contained the message Di Qing sent to me.