the first house in history

Chapter 50 The Dark Ages

Dark Ages

Watching Optimus Prime go out against Megatron, I can't help but be extremely excited. Then this exciting scene traveled through the big movie ahead of schedule, but why does my brother know my name?

Suddenly, he was shocked and suddenly remembered that only one comrade met this tone. Could it be Yue Fei who crossed over to Optimus Prime, so he hurried to explore the fire of Optimus Prime and really felt the familiar memory.

It's him, and Marshal Yue finally appeared.

On the space bridge, the two strong men met again.

Yue Fei's white eyebrows, Optimus Prime VS Megatron.

The confrontation between leaders is dazzling.

Heroes, awe.

At that moment, I couldn't help bursting into tears...

Suddenly, a powerful force broke out in the space bridge, which seemed to be launched. If the two really crossed, I would have to separate from Marshal Yue and the stinky master again. I had no choice but to fly up and take them down with a teleportation.

But everything seemed to be too late. At that moment, the powerful impulse on the space bridge blocked my crossing, and the two were swallowed into the space bridge and disappeared.

I fell back to the ground helplessly, looked at every crowd present who was as surprised as me, and said coldly, "They have crossed, and your dark era is coming."

————————————————The helpless dividing line——————————

"Optimus Prime has left, but we have to continue to fight with Bopai. No one can help us except the laser gun in our hand." Back to Bopai, we have been questioned as never before, and the first of them is the steel cable.

The boss of this robot dinosaur is not only dissatisfied with the status of Optimus Prime, but also dissatisfied with the current self-contained strategy of Bopai. He insists that Megatron should drive the Decepticon out of the earth in no way.

Unfortunately, most automakers are not militants. They even naively think that without Megatron Tigers, they will not even provoke war. I think they must have ignored an important person, that is, shock waves.

This guy is more cold-blooded than Megatron. In his dictionary, he will not surrender to anyone except for the strong man Megatron. It seems that it is necessary to have a good lesson with these people. At this time, Wang Laowu came to me and said, "That's not possible. They are too naive. I read it. If you don't go on, why don't you speed up the search quickly, and then we will leave at the end of the task early morning.

I flashed the lights depressedly and said, "Well, what about the disappeared Yue Fei and Bai Mei? It doesn't matter?"

"What do you think we should do? We can save as much as we can. According to the gossip, the two-dimensional guys set this task quite difficult, and it's impossible to cut it up quickly."

I nod my head to the cable and said, "If you want to attack, it's not possible. At least accept my challenge first, otherwise everything will be avoided."

"If I fight with you, what others say is very mysterious, but it's a pity that I don't believe it." The steel wire looked at me contemptfully and asked, "Where can I do it?"

"Let's go outside." As soon as I said it, I pulled the steel cable and teleported to the empty land outside. I took the opportunity to quietly test him, but I was surprised. I didn't expect that it was the soul of Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, who was sleeping in the wire.

Well, I said to myself that this is not an existence that I can deal with casually. I was trying to help him wake up the memory of the past, but the wire grabbed the opportunity to do it in advance and split it with a knife: "Let's go, stop deserting."

In the face of Xiang Yu's strong attack, I only saw the move, so I reached out to conjurehend a laser sword and took a slight step back, blocked the knife cut by the steel cable, and asked, "Are you sure this is really a good time to fight?" He suddenly pushed Comrade Xiang Yu away.

Xiang Yu was a little surprised to see that I was so powerful. He rubbed his body and sighed and looked down on you, and then rushed up again. At this time, I felt that it was better to fight quickly, so I directly used hypnosis and shook Xiang Yu's left hand and used the serial sword move in his right hand. Xiang Yu was attracted by my exquisite sword move for a moment. After my hypnosis, I suddenly fell into a state of meditation, and I took the opportunity to wake up his memory.

Seeing that a fire in the other party's body was almost touched by me, several brothers of the steel wire rushed up and shouted, "Don't cheat, let my boss go."

Go, this is a fight. I saw that it was about to be completed. If it was destroyed by them, it would not be destroyed. I immediately turned my heart and was about to explode a small universe or something. Suddenly, the CD recording the crystallization of the wisdom of the autobot in my body suddenly flashed and combined with my body by itself. In an instant, countless Cerbertan's memories surged into my heart. I seemed to have experienced a cosmic explosion, carrying countless wisdom, as if in another world.

Suddenly opened my eyes, and I locked the four dinosaur warriors in front of me one by one. Iron slag and mud were right in front of me, howled on my flanks, and darts hovered above my head. According to the Sebertan people's fighting skills and combined with my own martial arts practice, I instantly made the following judgment - my body retreated first, and then bent down. A sweeping leg, sweeping down the howl of the flanks, and then the sea pushed the huge howling body to the iron slag and mud, followed by stepping on the tail of the mud and climbed up to his body. He repeatedly grabbed the darts flying in mid-air and threw him into the distance. When he landed again, the steel cable was still under my control.

I stretched out my index finger and pointed it on his chest, and the last energy rich in Sebatan's wisdom entered the body. With a fiery red light shining, the fire of the steel cable was finally awakened by me, and Xiang Yu finally remembered who he was.

He touched his head and asked, "Where am I?" Is it resurrected again?

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are now an autobot on Serbottan."

When Xiang Yu heard this, he was a little moved. As he greeted his brothers to stop, he said, "It's rare to show his face and just appeared casually. It's too weak."

I looked at the cars gradually gathering in the distance and said, "It's time to come to an end."

At this time, almost all the automakers rushed over when they heard the news. They were very shocked by the disappearance of Optimus Prime and Megatron. I saw familiar faces coming here, in addition to springs, sensors, jacks, as well as Alsi, tape recorders, Tong Tianxiao and the newly added Skyfire. I saw Wang Laowu is talking to them one by one, saying to himself, has he gathered everyone together?

Sure enough, Zhang San came over and said to me, "I have found some people again. The tape recorder is Liu Qing, Hercules is Master Luban, and Alsi is Princess Alice and the crazy guys are basically all together."

I said, "This is also an unsatisfactory ending, but I don't know if there will be any more waves?"

At this moment, Li Si rushed over in panic and shouted something was wrong. These people ran over. Could it be that they were going to smash the field to surround the red spider and start trouble? Unexpectedly, the red spider raised the white flag and said, "Don't be excited, don't be excited. I'm here to report the news."

I quickly went up to separate the crowd and said, "It's okay. They are all our own people. This is Zhang's three brothers." Then he went over and said to Zhang San, "What's going on? What's going on?"

Zhang San said with an embarrassed face and said, "No one is convinced by the sound wave and the shock wave. They each won a group of people to make internal quarrels, and more than these, I found the guys behind their back to instimate them to fight..." Before that, a laser suddenly shot in the distance. Fortunately, I was not weak enough to pull Zhang San aside in time. Comrade Red Spider died heroically.

At the same time, a group of Decepticons appeared not far away. They actually gathered over in such a short time and launched an attack on the Bo faction. I saw that the leading waves were sound waves and shock waves. You guys were really pervasive. Immediately, they organized the Bo faction and began to fight back. It is said that people know that we will win by mourners, and we can't be too Shame on you.

So a blocking battle broke out. The tape force of the sound wave met the little brother of the tape recorder, which could be said to be equally divided. The shock wave went to find his old brother's wire. Unfortunately, at this moment, the steel wire was reincarnated as a hegemonic, which directly exploded the anger of the bastard and threw a shock wave with joy.

Then the combination of gold and steel appeared one after another. For a while, Hercules was combined, for a moment, for a moment, a fearless transformation, a leopard appeared, and for a while, the guardian god appeared. After you sang and I came on the stage. It was really lively. Later, I quietly contacted Lu Fanghan Zhang, and the two comrades probably had enough trouble and secretly released it. Water, the Mighty King, who lost to Luban, and they were fearless, while the rest of the comrades interpreted the melee more colorful and lively for the battle.

Who is the one behind the scenes that encouraged them to go to war? With doubts, I pulled Zhang San aside to ask. The guy was obviously shot a few times and said to me in his last breath, "It's not the fallen guy. He is a spy sent by the emperor of the universe."

Damn, I know that the plot has to go in this direction. After all, the universe emperor, you can't stand loneliness. At the same time, the hot fight on the field has also changed. The sound waves are actually like gods to repel a large number of elite talents on our side. I look at the magic they use. There is no doubt that it is the black magic of the fallen.

You don't have to guess that the fallen man must be hiding somewhere at this moment and watch this good play. It seems that the emperor of the universe is plotting again. He immediately opened his sixth sense to observe the movement in the whole battlefield. Finally, I found a trace of clue. This guy actually bewitched by the fire of sound waves and shock waves. He must use it. What method has brainwashed them? I believe that he will not be too far away at this moment.

I continued to search along the residual breath of the fire, and finally found the shadow of the fallen man on a certain Decepticon soldier. You also learned from us to travel through time. Unfortunately, I won't give you a chance. I quietly laid a boundary around me and then quietly made trouble.