the first house in history

Chapter 51 Goodbye, Cosmic Emperor

Goodbye, Cosmic Emperor

But he said that the fallen man fell into my trap and was beaten by my magic array. He immediately broke away from the body of the overlord miscellaneous soldier, withdrew more than half a miles and knelt on the ground and said angrily, "Su Tian, you are bad for me again."

The voice is so familiar, and it should be the old enemy. I pinched it and understood the cause and effect. It turned out that it was also two-dimensional @Yuanyuan. After so many chapters of feelings, you are here to do me bad. I'll go to your second uncle.

Immediately stopped talking nonsense, and flew to turn him into a pile of scrap iron. However, Yuanyuan was not in love with war. He immediately shook his move, withdrew four or five steps away, pressed his hands on the ground and laughed: "Do you think I will fight with you? You're wrong. At this time, you have to stage a tangled drama. I've already found a * annoyance for you. Suddenly, his hands condensed the seal and began to summon.

I shouted secretly. As soon as I rushed for two steps, the ground under my feet had cracked. Is this an earthquake, or is the hateful cosmic emperor going to appear? I immediately forced myself to stand and ask, "Yuyuan, are you going to open the way for the cosmic emperor? Where is he hiding?"

"Hide?" Yuanyuan smiled sinisterly, "No, he is sleeping underground at this moment. I'm afraid you don't know that Yuanshi Tianzun and the Cosmic Emperor are twin twins."

"What the he said, can this also be put on?" I strongly complained that I couldn't, but what happened next made me accept it even more. Mechanical parts actually came out under the cracked surface, and the fortresses on the ground began to combine with each other. Even some unlucky comrades were sucked into the heart. It seemed that Yuan Yuan was not a lie.

The emperor of the universe really wants to borrow the corpse to return his soul, and it is the first time he has traveled through time and space.

In the face of such a bad situation, I had no choice but to become the savior who saved Sebotan. I immediately flew into the air and grabbed the Tianxiao who fled in front of me and said, "Where is Master Titanium? Tell me the energy treasure of the autobot?"

Tong Tianxiao said in a panic, "It's so chaotic now that I can't confirm where Master Titanium will be?" Why are you looking for the energy treasure? That thing is likely to have disappeared with the disappearance of Optimus Prime.

"No! Master Titanium will definitely have a way. At this time, we need energy treasure. Only energy treasure can guide us to defeat the emperor of the universe and overcome difficulties. Before I finished talking to Tong Tianxiao, Yuanyuan jumped out and complained to me inappropriately: "It's impossible. The disappearance of Optimus Prime has been predeed by me. Don't expect Energy Treasure to help you..."

Before I finished speaking, I flew up and kicked him down, then pressed his broken hand on the ground and directly crushed his two shoulders, and then picked up his body and threw it directly into the unknown crack of the ground.

I have never been soft to deal with such a villain.

After ending Yuanyuan, I should do something. Seeing that the whole Cybetan is really clean, the emperor of the universe will soon complete his robot form. I decided to take a risk to go deep into the universe emperor. Maybe the key to end everything is there, and I want to see if the fire of the emperor of the universe is He is also an old acquaintance.

So I found a seam and slid all the way down. During the landing process, I met many robots that fell into the belly of the emperor of the universe like me. There were autobots and domineers and domineering tigers. I said to myself that now you still can't fight.

It was so easy to land on the ground. I fell down very unelegantly. The body of the Nima Universe Emperor was also cold hard metal. I got up and didn't expect to meet an unfriendly guy, Deceptical's No. 2 character shock wave.

The shock wave stared at me with one eye and didn't know what he was planning. Unexpectedly, he was not in a hurry to fire. I smiled bitterly and said, "It's not good to fall down, right? Hey, you stand there motionless. Is there something wrong with the program? You know that robots can't be too rigid. When you learn to ask for help in time, I will do you a small favor. After all, none of us can get out.

The shock wave was stunned and said, "Are you Su Tian? Is this name familiar?"

No, the watch wants to tell Jingbo that he is also my acquaintance. I tried to take a step closer and began to explore the other party's fire with mind-reading skills. Although it looked very cold when I first came into contact with it, it was a little more chivalrous after careful exploration, and it was also a ranger temperament that only existed in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Could it appear? Will it be in front of me?

I was shocked, clapped my hands and asked, "Are you specialized?"

At the mouth of the word, the only eye of the shaking wave suddenly burst into a strange light, as if to say: Yes, I am.

OK, in any case, there is finally one less friend and one more enemy. Maybe the cosmic emperor can gather all his old friends together. If the Decepticons and Autobots all become hotel people, how happy it would be.

While helping to wake up the memory, I thought happily that suddenly a few guys came out next to me and said nervously, "Stop, don't move!" Then another voice was shocked, "Ha! Why is Su Tian? What are you and Zhenbo doing?

As soon as I heard these two voices, I knew that it was Wang Laowu and Zhang Sanli Si who came over and said quickly, "Don't be nervous. Shock Wave is also an old friend. He is dedicated to helping him recover his memory."

As soon as these words came out, those guys immediately ran over: "Really, it turned out to be an old professional. Now I'm relieved." Damn, you are completely happy about the lack of a strong enemy.

So he and his soldiers were united, asked a few questions about the situation after falling, and then continued to meet the others. After a few steps, they met two groups of people fighting. When they came forward, they saw that the tape troops of sound waves and tape recorders were playing a team battle. At that time, I muttered in my heart that if the shock wave was special, then Will the sound wave also be a member of the hotel? The last time we met in a hurry and didn't have time to say hello, let's get to know each other now.

I immediately used my lark's mind-reading skills to peep at the fire in the body of the sound wave. This investigation actually found a great guy. Why did Nima and Shen, the first red man around Qianlong in the past, come here? How long has it been since you appeared?

So he rushed to perform eight Leiyin and directly separated the two: "Don't fight, don't fight. It's all my family who don't want to flush the Dragon King Temple."

The two groups of people fought inexsolublely. How could they listen to me? They got up and had to fight again. They had no choice but to use the technique of phantom split. Unexpectedly, my shadow split could still be used. Suddenly, they turned into several splits, pulling the people on both sides, and then forced The fire of the sound wave awakened his memory. At the critical moment, there was a sudden riot in the distance, and someone shouted for help.

"What's going on?" Wang Laowu wink at Zhang San and Li Siyi. The two went to find out what was going on. After a while, only Li Si ran back and said, "No, those people were caught by the monster and sent back to the furnace for reconstruction. The third brother was accidentally hit."

As soon as I heard it, the emperor of the universe must have returned these captured robots to the furnace and turned them into his own energy. If I am one step late, the titanium master may not be able to save them, so I told them not to walk around and go ahead to inquire first.

After a few steps, countless mechanical tentacles rushed out from all directions to catch me. Unfortunately, I was clearly against the sky and walked away quickly, easily avoiding these rompous tentacles and came to the melting furnace.

Several familiar comrades on it have turned into fish on the cutting board. I saw Li Si, Ding Zhaohua, Xiang Yu, Liu Qing and even Lu Fang and Han Zhang. By the way, you are really good at it. I don't know what you think when you meet one by one?

Well, I won't think about it. I quickly went up and opened the way. First, I broke the tracks of the teleport comrades with one shot, and then jumped up to close the lid of the melting furnace below. When several comrades came down safely, I went up and asked, "Well, are you all right? Has anyone seen Master Titanium?

"Master Titanium?" Wang Laowu shook his head and said *. However, I had no choice but to mobilize everyone to continue looking. After asking again and again, I was almost giving up disappointed. At this time, an old voice said in my ear, "Don't be disappointed young people. Sometimes hope is in front of us, but you still need to take a few more steps."

I suddenly looked up and saw the old titanium master with a long white beard. You were finally willing to appear. I couldn't help rubbing my eyes. Fortunately, now the robot only squeezed out two drops of oil. I grabbed the titanium master and said urgently, "Optimus Prime has disappeared. The autobot, not the whole Cerbertan needs to be able to Yuanbao's guidance, so we have to ask you.

"It doesn't matter, don't worry." Master Titanium looked at the eagerly anticipated people behind me and continued, "Actually, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Do you know, Su Tian, I came earlier than you?"

You know what my name is. I'm extremely depressed to guess that the titanium master in front of me is the acquaintance, but he skillfully took out the legendary energy treasure and held it in front of me.

I finally got the hope of the autobot, the savior of Cerbertan, and held it in my hand and felt the powerful energy from the energy treasure. I suddenly found that there was a violent tremor from the inside of the emperor of the universe. Maybe this big guy also knew that his doomsday was coming.

I raised the energy treasure and shouted, "Cosmic Emperor, you can't see evil. Do you still surrender and lose half?"

A gloomy voice above his head replied coldly, "Slutty year, don't be too proud. I haven't lost yet. What can I do with an initial form of energy treasure?

Yo, I'm still an acquaintance. I feel that the fire of the cosmic emperor seems familiar. At this moment, I have determined the origin of the other party.

Lao Tongtian, you can't stand the loneliness.

Without further ado, the most exciting moment came. I learned the appearance of the hot wave in the big movie, put my finger into the mechanism of the energy treasure, slowly pulled it away, and a bright light shined out of the energy treasure...