Blood Eater

Chapter 55 Life and Death

The strange voice behind him is very frustrated in this grave.

Chu Ruoxi turned his head, and the bush fell on both sides as if it was overturned by a big stone. A monster with a long mouth and white fangs hanging outside was particularly scary in the bushes.

Her feet were soft and she almost collapsed to the ground. Yang Yi's flat arms were amazing, and she ran wildly.

The monster was longer than the cow, and its legs were very short. It was not seen clearly. The skin was rougher than that of a toad. With its big mouth open, its round eyes were full of evil light, and it caught up with Chu Ruoxi.

"What the hell is that?"

Chu Ruoxi's tongue is knotted. She is not afraid of evil people, but afraid of this unknown monster.

This thing doesn't have long legs, but it crawls very fast.

Especially this uneven stone beach, which is much faster than Chu Ruoxi.

"I don't know. It's right to run."

Yang Yiping's answer made Chu Ruoxi feel so calm.


Yang Yiping suddenly pushed away Chu Ruoxi, a monster - to be precise, a monster. With a high and low terrain, his heavy body jumped up and rushed to the two.

Chu Ruoxi was pushed aside by Yang Yiping, and he raised his sword and split the monster.

The monster's skin was thick and rough, and his body was swinging. The sword seemed to hit the stone. With a "bang", Yang Yiping was not a lot of strength, but only opened a cut on it.

The monster was enraged and made a few roars. The underground gravel was splashed around by it and rushed to Yang Yiping crazily, opening his teeth and claws.

Yang Yiping kicked the big stone in the mouth of the bowl, and the monster's big mouth closed, and the stone was bitten by it.

"Your Highness, this damn thing is so powerful that it's important to save your life."

Chu Ruoxi can't imagine what would happen if it bit a person?

"You go first, and I'll come later."

"No, let's go together." Chu Ruoxi aimed at the monster's eyes and threw the stone in her hand. She was very good and hit the monster's left eye. Unfortunately, her strength was not enough. "Wow", the monster violently waved its ugly body several times and retreated repeatedly.

"Your Highness, come here quickly." Chu Ruoxi reminded Yang Yiping that if he didn't leave at this time, the goose egg-sized stone would be threw fiercely at the monster.

The monster's big eyes were red, his head turned to Chu Ruoxi, and his body was as flexible as a snake, rushing to her.


Chu Ruoxi was caught off guard, and the two white fangs were close to her. Her body softened and collapsed to the ground.

"Go to hell."

Bai Sensen's fangs fangs leaned to one side against Chu Ruoxi's face. Yang Yiping shouted loudly and kicked the monster's head, like a paper harriar turning over, with a sword on the ground, jumping bullets on the monster's back, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and thrusting vigorously into the monster under him.


The purple blood splashed Yang Yiping's face. The monster turned its head and opened its mouth to bite, but it couldn't bite Yang Yiping on his back. He jumped wildly and hoped to throw him down.

Yang Yiping hit it, pulled out a knife and cut it down at the junction of its head and neck.

The monster jumped wildly, and Yang Yi's center of gravity was unstable. This knife failed to cut off its neck, but completely angered it.

The monster screamed and hit the big stone on the edge. Before it hit the big stone, Yang Yi got up in the air, flew away and fell next to Chu Ruoxi.

The stone was hit by the monster and moved a few points, and the gravel fell to the ground one after another, showing the strength.

Yang Yiping's bloody face looked at Chu Ruoxi's eyes, "Go quickly, this monster can't be killed."

Chu Ruoxi looked at him, with a kind of alienation in his eyes, avoiding Yang Yiping's hand, "Are you lying to me?"

Yang Yi flattened his eyebrows and frowned. Regardless of three seven or twenty-one, he forcibly pulled up Chu Ruoxi, "Go quickly, the monster is up."

The injured monster fell down Yang Yiping, shouted, found the target, and jumped up again.

Yang Yiping was not worried about the one in front of him. He was worried that its strange screams would attract othertong leis. Seeing that Chu Ruoxi threw away his hand angrily, he simply took her around her waist, walked vigorously, and left the monster behind him for a moment.

The two were interspersed in the shade of their backs. The shrubs here were thicker, and the lake was not as empty as before. In the jungle, there were a few roars.

This sound...

Behind Chu Ruoxi, the injured monster, the huge body pressed the low branches and weeds, and the roar echoed at the bottom of the valley.

This is not the most terrible. In front of Chu Ruoxi, the same roar echoed the beginning and end of the injured monster - as expected, there was more than one.

"Ruoxi, there are more ahead."

Chu Ruoxi's waist tightened, and Yang Yiping hugged her and jumped to the nearby big stone. "You hide here and don't move. If..." He glanced at the lake, "If the momentum is not right, you can borrow water to escape."

He frowned, his eyes were sharp, and he was not as stupid as before. His face was solemn. As soon as the blade in his hand turned over, he wanted to jump down.

Chu Ruoxi pulled him and looked into his eyes. There was grievances and resentment, but more worried. He hated his deception and dragged him desperately, but he couldn't say a word.

Her nails pinched into his arm. He held back, pulled her hand away, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

The knife flashed and faced the injured monster.

As fast as a cheetah, it avoided the fierce attack of the monster and flew over its head. The knife in its hand accurately stabbed the monster's eyes.

Yang Yiping calculates very well. The monster's skin is rough, and the weakest thing on his body is its eyes.


Chu Ruoxi's ears buzzed, and the blind monster made a earth-shaking scream, and a huge thing burst out of the jungle, which was bigger than the one in front of him.

"Your Highness, come back quickly."

Yang Yiping cut the monster's ankle directly with a knife and ignored the danger behind him.

Chu Ruoxi jumped off the rock and toss the big monster that came out to the branch in his hand to attract its attention.

"You are stupid!"

Yang Yi cursed angrily, injected his arm strength, and rushed to Chu Ruoxi's big monster to drop the steel knife in his hand, jumped over, and walked to the lake with Chu Ruoxi in his arms.


He threw Chu Ruoxi directly into the water, "Let's go, I'll stop them."

"You bastard!" Chu Ruoxi wiped the drops of water from his face and said to Yang Yiping, "You fool, jump down quickly."

"Ruoxi, you go, I'll break it."


The monster forced up. Chu Ruoxi pulled the rattan on the shore and jumped ashore. "Yang Yiping, you fool, go quickly."

" click

Chu Ruoxi threw the wild vine in her hand at the monster and was bitten by it. She pulled Yang Yiping and jumped into the lake behind her.

Yang Yiping really doesn't know water. Chu Ruoxi said urgently, "Take a breath and don't move."

She dragged him away from the shore of the lake.

"How stupid. This monster can't be watery. It's been fighting for so long."

"Why?" Yang Yiping opened his mouth, choked, and couldn't help fling watering randomly.

Chu Ruoxi shouted, "I told you to calm down and don't move. Didn't you see the monster dare to go into the water? Are you so angry that you went crazy on the shore?"

Yang Yiping rolled his eyes at the sky, and he was about to drown. How could he have time to take care of monsters?

The sound of "Wow" followed all the way, so that Chu Ruoxi did not dare to approach the shore. Finally, he was blocked by the cliff where there was no way to go, so he did not keep up again.

Chu Ruoxi dragged Yang Yiping and couldn't keep up with her physical strength. The two leaned against the stone wall protruding from the cliff. Yang Yiping held a big stone. She was out of breath.

Yang Yiping's eyes were apologetic, and the corners of his mouth moved. He looked at Chu Ruoxi, who didn't even look at him, and carefully apologized: "Ruoxi, are you angry? I..."

"I don't want to hear anything."

"I was very moved when you tried your best to save me just now. Ruoxi, I..."

Chu Ruoxi said angrily, "I didn't try my best to save you, and I don't have the ability to save you. How can someone else save your good ability?"

"I have difficulties, but I did lied to you. If you are really angry, I won't be ashamed to see you again. Let me drown in this lake and feed fish."

After Yang Yiping finished speaking, he really let go of his hand and his body sank into the water with a "coon".

Chu Ruoxi was shocked by his move and quickly dived into the water to pull him up. He looked at Chu Ruoxi sadly and refused to come up.

The bottom of the water was entangled for a while. Yang Yiping, who could not be water-based, was dragged out of the water by Chu Ruoxi. His face had long been purple. In addition, the lake was cold, and both of them were shivering with cold.

"You... don't want to die here. At least, you have to take me out of this damn place to die." Chu Ruoxi said angrily.

Yang Yiping took a few breaths and said in a domineering tone. He looked at Chu Ruoxi's eyes and could not refuse. "If you want to be angry, you can beat me or scold me, but you can't ignore me, otherwise, I might as well disappear in front of you."

Chu Ruoxi looked at Yang Yiping's eyes, full of anger. The damn liar said as if she was wrong. She really wanted to push him into the water and drown him directly, but she was reluctant to give up.

Looking at his eyes, her anger gradually faded away, her eyelashes flashed, and tears mixed with water from her buns raging on her cheeks. She lowered her head, her body trembled slightly, and her heart was even more painful. He was the descendant of Yang Zicheng, but she didn't want him to die...

"Is it cold?" Yang Yiping stuck up, ignored Chu Ruoxi's resistance and held her in his arms. "We have to get ashore quickly, or we will freeze to death in this lake."

She was forced to lean against his chest, and a familiar feeling surrounded her. She suddenly pushed Yang Yiping away, "No, no."

Yang Yiping was scared by her appearance. She clenched her teeth and looked at his eyes to bring him a strong murderous atmosphere. How could a little girl protect such a strong murderous spirit?

"What's wrong, Ruoxi?"

Chu Ruoxi's body trembled, as if he woke up from a nightmare, shook his head, and suddenly asked Yang Yiping, "Your Highness, can you hold on for a while?"

Yang Yiping was puzzled: "Except for being a little cold, everything else is fine. What do you want me to do?"

"I want to go down to the lake to have a look. Just wait for me here."

"Glow the lake? What did you find?"

Yang Yiping no longer pretends to be stupid and smart, and he can guess. Chu Ruoxi didn't intend to hide it from him.

"I just went down to save you. I saw a hidden water hole below, in which there was an undercurrent rushing into the lake, and the area where you and I are, the lake is particularly cold. I suspect there is a dark river in this hole."