Blood Eater

Chapter 56 Chapter 57 The Unre end of the world

Yang Yiping lowered his head, and the drops of water on his hair dripped on Chu Ruoxi's face. "Are you going to go alone? Leave me!"

Chu Ruoxi's head turned away, "It's not that I left you. You don't understand water quality, so you can't go down."

"Who said I don't understand? Can't you teach me?" Yang Yiping, who is no longer stupid, is a little rogue.

"How to teach for a while? I'm just talking about things. Don't be capricious, okay?"

Chu Ruoxi looked at the sky and said to him, "It's getting late. I'm going to find out before the sun sets. At night, I can't stand the cold water."

Yang Yiping grabbed her hand and made her feel helpless.

"Or, I'll take you to the lake first. If there are monsters in the water, you can only wait to die."

What Chu Ruoxi said was serious, but Yang Yiping was not moved. "Don't waste time. It's not a flood several times. You tell me the trick of going into the water. I'll go with you. How can't I let your little girl take risks alone?"

"You crazy!"

"I know I'm crazy, and you still talk so much nonsense to me?"

The lake water "shud", Yang Yiping drilled into the water, and then came out of the lake with a "shudling" sound, sticking closer to Ruoxi. "Hold your breath, quiet, right?"

The beads like broken lines slipped from his face, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but his eyes were very gentle...

Chu Ruoxi sighed secretly, "Your Highness, I believe it's not difficult for you to hold your breath for a long time. Well, I'll go down to explore the way first, and then take you down."

"It's really so simple."

Before Chu Ruoxi could react, Yang Yi flattened and said, "I'm going down."

"You..." She sincerely suspected that what the swindler said was not water-watering, and she was worried that something would happen to him. She took a deep breath and quickly followed.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will guess that there is a hole hidden in the water under this bare cliff.

The mouth of the cave was square, and the water gushing out of it was a little urgent. Chu Ruoxi and Yang Yiping tried twice and found the trick before barely avoiding the dark surge.

There is a dark river in the cave, and you may find the way to the outside of the valley along this river. The source of the water can't be in this lake.

With this idea, the two were in high interest, as if the other end of the cave was the way out.

The hole was dark, and only a little soft light rippled in the lake - that was the gem on Yang Yiping's purple gold crown.

With this light, Chu Ruoxi's heart has settled a lot, at least he is by his side.

It was not far away. The hole suddenly narrowed and the water flow became more rapid. Yang Yiping grabbed Chu Ruoxi's hand a little tight. He was asking if he wanted to continue moving forward.

The hole turned around here, and something slid past Chu Ruoxi's body. She was overjoyed. It was a fish!

The fish that hit her came down from the top of the hole.

Without hesitation, she moved forward.

The sight was not good in the dark, and the water here was a little rapid. The two of them had a hard time in the water and finally crossed the corner of the hole.

Chu Ruoxi was overjoyed and the terrain gradually rose. Just as she was considering whether to go back to change her breath and replenish her strength before exploring, she noticed that the top of the cave was no longer filled with water, and the two were not connected.

She pulled Yang Yiping forward quickly, and soon had a sense of rebirth for people who were suffocated - about ten steps up, and there was a gap of about half a foot between the top of the cave and the water surface.

The sound of gurgling water was like the most beautiful music in the world. Chu Ruoxi took a deep breath and forgot that she was still in the cold water. She hugged Yang Yiping and was overjoyed, "Your Highness, there is indeed a dark river in this hole. We have found a way out."

Yang Yiping looked at her pale face and put his hand around her waist with a trace of pity. "Yes, Ruoxi, your guess is right. Let's continue to move forward and don't stay in this abyss."

Even in the cold water, Chu Ruoxi can feel the warmth of Yang Yiping's masculine body. She forgot the secular precepts and hung it around his neck reluctantly. Her teeth trembled, "Then let's go."

Yang Yiping smiled, held her with his hands around her waist inadvertently hugged her and walked forward with her in his arms, "Okay!"

Sure enough, there is a cave sky. The two walked all the way. The cave gradually opened up, the terrain extended upwards, the water level lowered, and finally became a dark river in the cave. More often, the two could walk on the dark "riverbed", and occasionally encountered the situation that the cave suddenly narrowed and the water was deep.

However, fortunately, this hole has always been connected, and it is unknown where it leads to.

Both of them practice martial arts and keep crawling. Their bodies gradually adapt to the cold in the cave. Chu Ruoxi looked at the gems above his head and said happily, "What comes out of the palace is different. Your purple and gold crown is a good treasure, comparable to the night pearl."

Yang Yiping smiled proudly and said, "Of course, what's the point of not being a prince? This is what my father gave me on my 15th birthday. Of course, it's a good baby."

His words made Chu Ruoxi's eyes dim in an instant. Under the faint fluorescence emitted by this gemstone, she could not escape Yang Yiping's eyes. She took the opportunity to let go of Yang Yiping and turned around and walked forward.

"Ruoxi, are you unhappy?"

Yang Yiping chased after her and forcibly pulled her, "slow down, the sight is not good, don't fall down."

Chu Ruoxi's voice was cold, "Your Highness, don't bother. Even if you fall, it's my business, and it has nothing to do with Your Highness."

Yang Yiping was a little confused and stunned, "Are you still complaining about me cheating you? I have a pain. I don't want to explain that, and I won't explain it in front of you. I hope you can understand.

His words were a little helpless and sad.

Chu Ruoxi gently said, "Your Highness has been stupid for ten years and endured humiliation. This scheming alone is beyond the imagination of others. How can I understand it?"

The dark river rang, and with the footsteps of the two, there was no other sound in the cave.

Yang Yiping was arrogant. After Chu Ruoxi said this angry sentence, he did not explain, let alone pester her like when he pretended to be stupid, but silently followed her.

Chu Ruoxi's foot was high and low. He walked forward. In the dark, no one could see the loneliness on her face.

Although Yang Yi is stupid and hateful, he cheated the whole world in order to protect himself. This is not what she is angry about.

What she was annoyed with was the imperial city behind Yang Yiping, his identity.

When he mentioned his father, the shame in his heart and deep hatred for the Yang family eroded her body and mind.

The most hateful thing is that she forgot her mission of rebirth, no longer resented Yang Yiping, who was a descendant of the great enemy, and even worried about his life and death!


With a sigh, she secretly swore that she was forced to be helpless with him now. When she took advantage of him to leave the predicament, the two would be strangers - more likely to meet their enemies.


He was so immortal that he only cared about the wandering Chu Ruoxi's feet and fell to the ground.

Yang Yiping couldn't hold it and was a little annoyed, "Ruoxi, you... didn't fall anywhere!" He stretched out his hand to help him, only to hear Chu Ruoxi scream and burst out.

"Don't be afraid, everything has me." He hugged Chu Ruoxi and looked down. With the faint fluorescence, there was a pile of white and faint phosphorescent things under the ground.

Yang Yiping retreated fiercely and tightened Chu Ruoxi Tower, "Is it a skeleton?"

After a moment of panic, Chu Ruoxi jumped down from Yang Yiping awkwardly and wondered, "How can there be bones in this isolated cave?"

"This place is isolated from the world... unless..." Yang Yiping pondered slightly and suddenly said, "This hole is indeed connected to the outside world. Someone fell to the Ming River on the ground, and then the body was washed here."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Chu Ruoxi forgot his fear and naturally dragged Yang Yiping to the depths of the cave.

"Your Highness, do you listen?"

I didn't go far, and there was a faint sound of water flowing in front of me, and the sound...

Is it a waterfall? Ruoxi, there is a waterfall in front of us, and we have found a way out.

Running along the sound, there was a faint light in front of the cave, which made the two people who groped in the night more excited, "There is light! Your Highness, the exit is right in front.


Chu Ruoxi looked up at the waterfall in front of her, and her eyes were full of despair.

The light of the sun shines through the mouth of the high cave, just shining on her body, reflecting a lonely figure on the ground.

Yang Yi looked at the desperate Chu Ruoxi. There was something flashing in his dark eyes, and he lowered his head and meditated silently.

In front of him is not the exit imagined by Chu Ruoxi. This is indeed a small waterfall. The cave suddenly broke down here. The dark river fell from the fault seven or eight feet high. On the far away wall of the cave, there was a mirror-sized opening, which brought in a ray of light for the dark cave.

No matter how good their martial arts are, it is impossible for them to fly up, and the luminous hole is even more impossible to climb up and escape. Even if they climb up, who can guarantee that it is not another cliff outside?


For a long time, Yang Yiping held her in his arms, and she did not refuse. If she can't get out, those national hatred and family hatred will always be just a fantasy.

"Don't worry, there is no way out. There must be a way to go up."

Chu Ruoxi's eyes were a little dull, and Yang Yiping's words were as if he hadn't heard it. Looking at the hole where the sun shone in, his eyes were full of loss.

Yang Yiping reached out and stroked the wet hair on her face and said softly, "Believe me, I will definitely take you out of here."

Chu Ruoxi was hugged by him and struggled for a while, but she couldn't resist his brute force and looked up at him, "Let go of me, Third Highness."

Seeing that she finally opened her mouth, Yang Yiping was also secretly relieved, "You rest here for a while. I'll see if there is any way to go up."

The waterfall splashed down, and a faint water mist sprinkled on their faces. Chu Ruoxi left Yang Yiping's arms, "No, let's find the way together."

Yang Yiping has no objection.

What is hidden behind his deep eyes? Chu Ruoxi doesn't want to guess anymore. What she wants to do most now is to leave here. She still has a lot of things to do, and she has to leave as soon as possible.

"What is that?" Yang Yiping pointed to the shining thing stuck in the stone wall and was surprised.

Chu Ruoxi stared at it, and her heart beat. Can't believe it?