Gate of the Cross

Chapter 112 Attribute Crystal

After Yu Shuai finished saying this, he couldn't take his eyes off Xinjie, hoping that he could agree. As the saying goes, he can only do this step, and the rest depends on how Xinjie answers. If Xinjie agrees, it will naturally be the best. They will never be stingy and will do their best to repay the snowy dragon soul.

After all, there is still a distance away from the town. Although the vitality recovery medicine they carry can ensure that 77's life is not in danger. But even if she rescues Qiqi after arriving in Vinoa Village, I'm afraid she will be greatly injured and will have a great impact on the next action, so it is better to let Qiqi be treated here.

But if Xinjie doesn't agree, then he can't force the snow dragon soul to treat it, can he? Besides, even if he is forced, he doesn't think his side has this kind of strength.

"Let's have a look first."

Xinjie said this sentence, which made Yu Shuai disappointed and a little happy. After all, the other party has not said anything, which proves that there is still a chance.

Yu Shuai led the way and brought a few people to their team.

Xinjie glanced and found that this was a seven-person team, two more than Xinjie. It's just that six of the seven of them are empty-handed, and only one has a bow on his back. In this world, combat professional empty-handed can only explain one thing, that is, the weapon they use is throwing weapons. Although throwing weapons are long-range attacks like bows and arrows, they have fatal defects - their attack power is very unstable.

This often happens on the battlefield. A boomer throws over and seems to be a very powerful row of demons, but only returns to the owner after scratching the skin of some monsters. Another throwing weapon knife is much more stable than boomerang, but it is also far less than swords, guns and axes, and far worse than bows and arrows that belong to long-range weapons.

The profession that uses this weapon can only be three professions of the pet department: sealer, trainer and breeder. Of course, it may also be doctors and nurses, but there should be no doctors and nurses in the present situation, otherwise they will not come to ask for help from the Snow Dragon Soul.

A beautiful girl was lying on the ground, closing her eyes and unconscious. Her face was pale, and although she was in a coma, she could still see that her eyebrows were wrinkled and she looked very painful.

"This is Captain Xinjie, a noble swordsman, this is Miss Xueyu Dragon Soul, a missionary with noble moral qualities."

Yu Shuai hurriedly introduced them, because they already knew Robert when they came here before. As for Gene and Nanali, he had no other intention to care about them for a while.

After hearing his introduction, others also focused on the Snow Dragon Soul. In their opinion, although Xinjie is the captain, a swordsman's attraction at this time is not as strong as that of the missionary Snow Dragon Soul.

"Miss Xueyu Dragon Soul, please be sure to take action to save Sister Qiqi. She was stung by the alien bee to protect me. Whoo, it's useless for me to make Sister Qiqi become like this." A girl who looked thirteen or 14 years old cried.

"Yes, please, Miss Snow Dragon Soul, we are willing to compensate for your magical loss." Another seemingly dull teenager said. After he finished speaking, he touched his head with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at talking, but Sister Qiqi is usually very kind to me, and I don't want to see her like this."

"Please take action. The magic stones and crystal fragments we got along the way can be given to you!" Another teenager said that he was much calmer than the previous two, but his tone was also quite sincere.

What they said is similar to Yu Shuai's previous promise, but there is nothing new. Magic Stone can exchange money for Rococo in the Adventurer Hotel, and as for crystal fragments, it is a magical substance. As long as you come to this world, both people and demons have their own elemental attributes, which are one or two consecutive two of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind. For example, a person's attributes may be pure water, pure land, pure fire, pure wind, or earth water, water and fire, fire wind, but it is absolutely impossible to be water, wind and fire. As for the reason, no one knows it now.

In addition, if they are two attributes, they will also be combined in a certain proportion. According to the "Crystals and Attributes" written by the scorching sun blowing ice that Xinjie saw in the library, people have also quantified the attributes, stipulating that each person's attributes are ten. For example, pure water is water 10, and pure land attribute is earth 10. No matter how the two attributes are mixed, their sum is 10, such as water 5 fire 5, earth 1 wind 9 and so on.

Generally speaking, a person's attributes have been determined from the moment of birth. Over time, other physical attributes will change: such as strength, agility, physical strength, mental strength, recovery, etc., but the attributes can never be changed. This makes people have to understand the attributes of the demon monsters that fight against them, so as to choose the right place for them to adventure.

However, the attributes are not necessarily unchangeable. The crystal fragments mentioned by the man in Yu Shuai's team are such props. Crystal fragments, like crystals, have four attributes, namely, crystal fragments of the earth, crystal fragments of water, crystal fragments of fire and crystal fragments of wind. Their role lies in the quantity. Once 100 pieces of crystals of the same attribute are collected, you can find professionals to exchange attribute crystals.

In this way, the magical thing of attribute crystal makes it possible to change the attribute. Unlike the conical crystal, the magic power on the attribute crystal can change the original attribute of the person. However, collecting crystal fragments is a very cumbersome thing. After all, the fall of crystal fragments is probable. They are condensed by the elemental power of the demon clan with this attribute after death, and it does not mean that as long as the demon clan is killed, it will definitely fall.

In addition, 100 crystal fragments are more or less, which makes crystal fragments play a great role, but various restrictions make their role a little tasteless and a pity to be abandoned. People often spend money to buy complete attribute crystals directly from others instead of collecting crystal fragments by themselves.

Of course, sometimes you can get crystal fragments or even complete crystals from the treasure chest, but this kind of thing is too challenging for character.

So it sounds like they use magic stones and crystal fragments as a reward, but if you think about it carefully, it's not a big deal.

Despite this, Xinjie still decided to let the snow dragon soul promise to treat this girl. Anyway, they are all people from different worlds. In order to fight against the demon clan, they were summoned here by the Frankish kingdom. We all come together for a common goal. This friendship between comrades-in-arms also touched Xinjie a little, but he was about to open his mouth, but things suddenly changed at this time.


"Humans, kill them!"

Just when the two teams were discussing, the demons who had been hiding in the dark suddenly appeared, surrounded them and successfully launched a sneak attack.