Gate of the Cross

Chapter 113 Encounter

"Oh, it's a demon grass! Beware of their meteorite magic!"

"There is also a bad breath!"

The sneak attack of the demon clan made people panic. The girl named Qiqi was injured because of a demon grass sneak attack in the demon clan. After all, in the face of magical monsters, people are always instinctively panicked, just like magicians, because magic is still a mysterious force for a physics fighting profession like them.

Compared with their panic, the five-person team led by Xinjie seemed much calmer. Nanali and the Snow Dragon Soul quickly retreated. Nanali had begun to bend bow and arrows and aim at the other party. Naturally, the target was the most threatening magical demon grass. The Snow Dragon Soul glanced at the whole audience and was ready to cast skills to protect his teammates.

While Nanali and Xueyu Dragon Soul retreated, Gene pulled out a long gun in front of the two girls and protected them from harm was his greatest responsibility. However, because the other party has magical demon grass, he can only pay more attention to those bad breath ghosts - he can't stop the magic attack for the two.

Even Robert, a young swordsman who had just made his debut, took a step forward, staring at the opposite side with bright eyes, waiting for Xinjie's signal to rush up and waved the sword in his hand to kill these harmful monsters without mercy.

Xinjie closed the picture book in his hand and raised his head and said, "Demon grass, plant grass family, attribute land 8 water 2; yellow bad breath ghost, plant bad breath ghost family, attribute wind 9 land 1!"

Just a glance and immediately confirmed the names of the two monsters. After all, their characteristics are too obvious. At first glance, they are plant systems, not to mention that someone has called their names from the team where Yu Shuai was from the beginning.

The demon grass is the same as its name. It is a kind of grass that absorbs demon spirit. Generally speaking, like tree spirit, it is tree into spirit, and this is grass into demon. The green leaves hold the red flowers above the head and a pair of flickering eyes. This plant can do meteorite magic.

As for the demon clan with a strange name like yellow bad breath ghost, I don't know if it has bad breath, but its appearance is not pleasant at all. Like the demon grass, it can be seen from the appearance that it is a plant demon clan. After all, it has not fully evolved, and the branches and leaves are still there, especially a long branch in the big mouth of the blood basin, and the thick lips make its mouth look bigger. This scene is very discordant and affects people's desire to watch.

"What an ugly demon, captain, do you want to start attacking?" Nanali couldn't help contempting the yellow bad breath in front of her.

"Attack, target demon grass!" Xinjie said calmly.

As soon as Xinjie's voice fell, the arrow in Nanali's hand flew out. The arrow, which had been prepared for a long time, was fast and fierce, and she also used the skill of throwing the universe. There is no doubt that a demon grass was directly blown away by it.

At the same time, Xinjie and Robert rushed up at the same time. Xinjie's body flashed and jingled, which was also a world. The attack power was not inferior to Nanali's attack power made his sword cut on the demon grass exert a powerful effect. A red aperture formed on the surface of the demon grass body, and then quickly dispersed, and There is no suspense that this demon grass was also blown away by Xinjie.

Although Robert rushed up with Xinjie at the same time, his speed was slower than Xinjie. After Xinjie flew a demon grass, his sword was cut down. He also used the universe like Nanali Xinjie, but his mastery of skills was not as good as the two. In addition, his actual combat experience was insufficient, so the universe that gathered all his strength in one place could not hit the demon grass, but was dodged away by the demon grass. His blow did not hit the demon grass.

"Calm down! Attack!"

When Xinjie saw that Yu Shuai's team had not organized an attack yet, he shouted to Yu Shuai.

"Shame!" Yu Shuai naturally saw everything in front of him and admired Xinjie's reaction speed. Despite the sneak attack, the five people still reacted so quickly that their team members were spontaneously ready to fight without even giving orders from the captain Xinjie. After Xinjie gave an order, they kicked off the attack.

Although the young swordsman made a mistake and failed to attack, they still cleaned up the two demon grass as soon as they saw them. In this way, there are only two demon grass and three bad breath ghosts left on the opposite side, and the pressure suddenly decreases. After all, the magic attack of the demon grass is what they are most worried about.

On the contrary, when they were attacked, the whole team, including himself, panicked. Perhaps it was also the reason why the injury just now gave them excitement, but in this comparison, the two teams made a judgment.

"Attack, target demon grass!"

He also shouted, "Rabbit, take good care of Qiqi, Soul Creek, Xiaohuang, Xiaokai, you attack the demon grass with all your strength, and the others rush forward with me!"

However, at this time, the magic of the demon grass had also been released, and the palm-sized stone fell from the sky and fell into them, making them jump and run around. It's strange that the magic of the two demon grasses somehow went to them all. The powerful meteorite magic can summon four meteorites at a time, and the two demon grasses are eight. Each of them is richer.

And two of them fell towards Qiqi lying on the ground. The simple teenager just now, the rabbit who was asked by Yu Shuai to protect Qiqi saw this situation and resolutely ignored the meteorite hitting him and stood in front of Qiqi.

The rumble sounded and dust splashed. Although it was only a palm-sized meteorite, it was a meteorite directly summoned by magic power from the earth element. It was not just a stone that fell freely, but also contained magic power. Although this round of magic will not cause much damage to the seven teams, they are busy avoiding and have no time to worry about the demon grass, so as long as the demon grass sings the spell again, the next round of magic will certainly cause them more damage.

But they don't have a chance.

Ding! Ding! In two tones, Xinjie and Nanali once again hit the two demon grasses away while they were still singing magic, and the three yellow bad breath ghosts were not idle. At this time, they launched an attack. Unlike the demon grass, their target is Nanali and Xueyu Dragon Soul. The demon clan here has a certain IQ. Knowing that Nanali and Xueyu Dragon Soul are a weak defensive link among the five people, they abandoned Xinjie and Robert in the front row, walked around from behind and rushed directly to the two women.

"Good come!" Unfortunately, there is still Gene here. Seeing the bad breath rushing towards the two girls, he smiled confidently and used countless guards to stand in front of Nanali again.

The guard is the knight's skill, and the head of the Knights, Arnet, himself, was personally awarded the title of "Oath Knight" by the king. Of course, this skill is not just as blocking the attack. As the skills become more and more proficient, not only will the speed of launching faster and faster, but the damage will also be less and less. At the realm of Yanet or Hibile, the mentor of the guard skills, you can withstand the attack of the other party almost unharmed. Especially Hibir, as a knight who invented the skill of escort, his understanding of the guard is much deeper than Biagnet. He is called "Hibir who is not afraid of death" by his peers, which shows how crazy he is. It is said that the guards he used can even block magic attacks for others. How unstoppable!

The guard is originally a skill launched by the strong belief of chivalry. As long as you believe in the chivalry and firmly implement it, the power of this faith will be infinitely amplified and will be more prominent in the guard skills.




After three sounds, Gene still stood fearlessly in front of Nanali and Xueyu Dragon Soul, just shaking his body, but never stepped back.

When the Snow Dragon Soul saw this situation, he didn't say anything. As soon as he raised his wand, a bright light suddenly shone on Gene. He only felt that his whole body was warm and indescribably comfortable. The pain caused by the small wound he had just received was immediately swept away and shouted, "Stay!"

Strike back! Another of the knight's signature skill, the horizontal gun, hit a yellow bad breath ghost who had just swept him fiercely with branches and leaves. The bad breath ghost didn't expect that Gene could make such an attack after being hit hard, and was immediately beaten by Gene. However, the power of the counterattack is not as good as the active attack. In addition, the attribute does not restrain the yellow bad breath ghost, so although Gene's blow caused a lot of damage to it, it did not leave it.

"It stinks! No wonder it's called a bad breath!"

Gene kept the posture swept out of the horizontal gun just now and put on this handsome Poss, waiting for the praise of the two girls. Unexpectedly, Nanali said such a big thing, covering her nose while saying it, and the other hand fanned hard in front of her eyes, as if to drive away the smell.

"Hey, Nanali, can you talk to the atmosphere? My posture is very tired. Can't I praise it? Gene was suddenly disappointed, and the old problem of complaining was committed again.

"Praise you! Hurry up and clean up the rest of the monsters, and it will make people lose their appetite!" Nanali was completely immune to Gene's complaints. She said that it was an arrow. This time, she didn't use any skills. The yellow bad breath ghost who had just been hit by Gene was hit by Gene and finally fell down slowly.

"Are they still in the mood at this time?" Seeing this situation, Yu Shuai couldn't help but be a little surprised. In his opinion, there was a fierce battle in front of him, but the five people talked and laughed, and did not pay attention to the demons in front of him at all. Even the knight and archer were in the mood to quarrel. If it happened in other teams, he would definitely think that the captain of this team did not have the ability to lead, which caused internal conflict between the team members.

But he just saw clearly that both Nanali and Gene have excellent martial arts skills. The knight's guard and counterattack were completed in one go, and there was no pause in the process of casting the two skills. Although he didn't know much about the knight, he still felt that the knight was very powerful. Not to mention the red-haired girl archer, the archer on her side is completely a scum compared with others!

As for the captain Xinjie, there is nothing outstanding. The only thing that makes people care about is his calmness. From the beginning to the end of this encounter, he basically did not speak and his expression did not change.

Perhaps, it was this calmness that affected the rest of the team and made them identify with his identity as captain.

Yu Shuai thought so.