Hunting legend

Chapter 51 Underground Maze

The tunnel is very small and can barely accommodate one person. Stone and Wang Cai entered the tunnel first, while the others kept a certain distance from each other in case something happened. The people behind could help immediately.

The tunnel went directly to the depths of the earth. After walking for about five minutes, the people began to open up.

"Finally, I can straighten my waist!" The reckless man muttered.

"Wait!" Li Liang suddenly rushed to the front of the team and stopped everyone.

"The situation is not good, everyone be careful!"

"What's going on? Li Liang!"

"Report to the captain that the other party has found us and has taken action."

"How many people?" Mo Yu said calmly, "Don't be so flustered in the future, so as not to mess up your feet!"

"Captain!" Seeing that he couldn't understand for a moment, Li Liang simply handed over the detector in his hand.

Mo Yu glanced at it, and his face immediately changed greatly. He turned around and handed the instrument to Dai Jun.

There are several green light spots on the LCD screen in the middle of the screen, which represent themselves. However, the moving red light spots around are slowly approaching the green light spots, forming a thick circle and almost covering the screen.

"We are all surrounded. The number of people on the other side should be more than a thousand, and the data cannot be fully displayed. Please keep calm. The other party should not be able to meet with us in three minutes, and we still have a chance.

"You don't have a chance anymore!"

A cold voice suddenly appeared out of thin air and echoed under the ground. It sounds like it's in my ear.

"All retreat! Keep the formation!"

"It's too late!"

With a sneer in the air, Cui Ming, who was behind the team, first found that the only channel that had entered before had somehow come out two more.

"Everyone go separately, as much as you can!" Mo Yu shouted.

"Stop everyone!" Stone suddenly shouted, "You can't walk through three channels. That's a trap!"

Everyone stopped and looked at the stone, with their eyes full of expectation.

"Dat, at worst, we have to fight to death, don't we have *? No matter how worthless it is, you can die together!"

"Man, don't be impulsive! Things are not at the worst yet!"

Stone stopped the reckless man's Hu Lai, looked up and shouted around, "Friends in the dark, I know you can see us. This time we came here abrupt and didn't say hello in advance. Please forgive me!"

Seeing that no one replied, Stone continued, "We are survivors like you. We just came here to pass by. We don't mean any harm. Let's have a good talk.

No one replied, and the surroundings were very quiet.

Li Liang suddenly came over and whispered, "They all stopped. I don't know if they are considering it."

Suddenly, the passage lit up, and the bright light made everyone close their eyes one after another. After a while, everyone slowly adapted to the sudden light. They turned off the tactical flashlight one after another.

"Your team is very strange!"

The cold voice came again, which made Stone happy. It seemed that there was something to talk about.

"What's going on? Who are you? Why is there still a chimpanzee? Isn't it an orc?

Stone's heart tightened and said bluntly, "We captured this orangutan when we were fighting a group of orcs before. But he already has human wisdom and can talk to human beings.

Seeing that there seemed to be no response from the other party, Stone continued: "Although orcs are the common enemies of our human beings, these successfully evolved apes are also the targets of bullying by orcs. Not only is there no threat to human beings, but on the contrary, we can also use their power in the jungle to fight against the orcs together.

"Is that why you left him? You are not afraid that he will bite you in the future!" The man said coldly, "As noble as human beings, and there are also many of them who retreat and abandon their faith. What's more, a beast!"

Stone took a deep breath and said loudly, "As a member of our brotherhood, I am confident that no matter what happens in the future, Lu Li will never betray us. Because he is our brother, and we are also his brother!"

"Hehe, what a joke! Everyone listened and got up as brothers with a beast. Did I hear it wrong, or is the world too crazy at all!"

"A lion can pick up a man and fight with humans. What could be crazier than this!" Stone said coldly, "What's really crazy is that the end of the world has come, and there are still people who can hide under the ground and eat his rice, which makes people feel unworthless!"

"Good scolding!" The reckless man roared rudely, but was stared at by Mo Yu fiercely. He quickly withdrew back into the team, but his face could not hide a trace of pride.

"Speaking so bluntly, you are not afraid that I will kill you!"

"You have already started to kill us, and you don't have to talk to me so much! Besides, although I stone is young, I can also hear that you are also a good man with blood. Staying underground may also have your difficulties!"

Papa! A burst of applause suddenly sounded, and a young man under 30 suddenly came out of the tunnel and looked at the stone with a smile.

"It's rare for you to be so young and see that things are so old-fashioned. Your previous words have been offended. Please forgive me!" After saying that, the young man arched his hands around with his fists.

"You are not simple, young but brave. You are not afraid that we will catch you as the leader and force others to submit!"

"The Stone Brothers praise me so much that orcs can willingly make brothers with you. Can the Stone Brothers still do things that are worse than beasts?"

As soon as the words came out, the two suddenly burst into laughter, with a look of hatred for seeing each other late.

"Falty to everyone! Little brother Wu Shaojun. This is not the place to talk. Please come with me."

So everyone followed the young man who claimed to be Wu Shaojun to the place where he had just appeared. When they got close, the stone could see it clearly. It turns out that the earth wall is full of portals that can be turned left and right, but the color of the wooden door is exactly the same as the earthy yellow wall. It is unbelievable that you can't see it with your own eyes.

"Everyone must not be careless." Wu Shaojun smiled and said, "The underground of the whole county has been transformed into an underground labyrinth by us. There are thousands of passages here, which are connected in all directions. But many of them are dead roads, and there are traps and ambush everywhere. Even if I walk inside, I have to be careful. If I remember the wrong way and open the wrong door, I can't escape the end of immortality.

Everyone immediately took a cold breath and followed the team members in front of them for fear of falling behind.

Under the twists and turns, the people are almost dizzy. Under the ubiquitous lights, these channels all look exactly the same, and they can't distinguish between southeast and northwest, let alone remember the route.

I don't know how long it took. The passage slowly became open, and the wall was no longer a pure loess wall. Unexpectedly, you could see stones interlaced with canine teeth in the earth wall.

When everyone unconsciously walked into a cave, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. This is clearly a cave.

"It's so beautiful!" Everyone unconsciously praised.

The whole cave is about ten meters high, and the top of the cave is covered with dense stalactites, which are almost falling to the ground, and the short one is the size of a palm. They are of different sizes, uneven, and have different images. The water leaking from the top of the cave dripped down the stone pillars like bamboo shoots, forming a small pool in the center of the cave.

Dai Jun picked up a small stone and knocked on the tip of a bamboo shoot several times. Suddenly, there was a pleasant tinkling sound in everyone's ears, which could not help echoing in the cave of about 100 square meters.

Wu Shaojun stood aside and looked at the crowd with a smile on his face. It was not until the crowd slowly calmed down that he gently clapped his hands. But in this empty cave, the applause was amplified a lot, and the sound spread far away.

Suddenly, some people came out of several stone crevices, wearing civilian clothes, holding something in their hands, walking to the stone and others, smiling and nodding, and starting to bend down to arrange.

Stone saw clearly that these people were three men and two women. In addition to two round futons woven with thin rattans, each person also holds a cloth pocket in his right hand. Stone noticed that these people's fingers were somewhat different from normal humans.

Soon, Stone and others were filled with food such as fruit biscuits.

Wu Shaojun smiled and waved to the three men and two women standing aside. These people nodded to the stone and others and got into the stone crack that had just come out.

"You're welcome. Sit down and have a meal first. Let's have a good chat later."

Looking at the fresh and watery fruit in front of them, everyone was no longer polite. They sat on the futon next to their feet, picked up the fruit in front of them and chewed it.

The stone picked up a big red apple and broke it in half. While feeding Wang Cai, he talked to Wu Shaojun sitting in front of him.

"How many of you survived?"

"It's a little over 2,000, and the pressure is a little high."

"Not enough food to eat?"

"Food can continue for a year and a half, but there are some unstable factors inside us."

"Your leadership status is threatened?"

Wu Shaojun suddenly stood up. His pale face, which had not seen the sun all year round, had a blush. He walked back and forth a few steps in the cave. Suddenly, he clenched his fists, turned around and stared at the stone and said solemnly, "Brother Stone, I know you are not ordinary people. I also believe that you will never open your eyes. Watching human beings kill each other, so on behalf of all the weak who survived here, I beg you to stay and help us!"

Stone's heart tightened, and this request was really difficult to answer for a while, and he couldn't help turning around and looking at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded at the stone, and his eyes were full of encouragement.

Stone turned around and looked at Wu Shaojun and said, "Since there is such a thing, although the number of our brothers is not large, we will never sit idly by. But we have to find out what happened between you first?

With a sigh, Wu Shaojun said, "It's hard to say!"