Hunting legend

Chapter 52 Wu Shaojun's Request

Longli County is not large. The whole county covers an area of six square kilometers and has a population of less than 30,000. Surrounded by mountains, the only one connected with the outside world is a provincial highway that has not been built for a long time.

Before the end of the world, people living here lived an undisputed life. This place can almost be called a paradise.

Shortly after the disaster, many people's bodies had some changes, became irrational and began to attack each other, and fear began to spread. Survivors who were still able to keep their consciousness clear drove away from the hell on earth. But that's only a few, and more people have no choice but to stay and face fear.

After half a year, the situation slowly stabilized. All the irrational mutants were cleared by the united survivors, and people began to relax and prepare to restore the former harmony of the county.

The orcs suddenly appeared without warning, and the unprepared people were suddenly killed and injured. In the continuous battle with the orcs, some people found that their bodies actually had powers. These people became the hope of all and naturally became the leaders.

Wu Shaojun is not a capable person, but his father is also a capable person as a county magistrate. In addition, he took the lead in the battle and always rushed to the front line. He gained great prestige and became the spiritual leader of all survivors.

The situation began to settle down, and people gradually recovered. At this time, there were still about 10,000 survivors. But the good times didn't last long. One day, people suddenly found that there were many big birds in the sky, big birds, and their claws could easily lift an adult into the air.

This is an unprecedented disaster. The giant birds waiting in the air day and night are no longer satisfied to fill their stomachs and regard the poor survivors as toys.

In the face of mutant birds several meters long, there is nothing the capable person can do.

In the process of looking for food at the grain station, people accidentally found a tunnel. Following the tunnel, they found an underground warehouse built during the Anti-Japanese War, which could accommodate 10,000 people. So people began to change their minds. All the people worked together to dig a well-round underground passage in the ground. At the same time, they transferred all the materials used on the ground to the ground, and then survived.

People have begun a truly stable life. Under the ground, everything else is barely tolerable except the sun. Thanks to everyone's efforts, the underground shelter was built in good shape.

Once life settles down, people's nervous expressions will slowly relax, and people who are extremely empty will find some fun for themselves.

Women will always be an eternal topic. In the underground, the poor and boring survivors began to think about women. Throughout the ages, women have always been in a weak position. Under several disasters, there are less than 100 women who can survive. Therefore, women are regarded as a unique scarce material and become the cause of large and small struggles. Under this growing situation, women have completely lost all their basic rights as human beings.

At first, Wu Shaojun's father could suppress those who took the lead in making trouble, but in the end, those who were able to unite to get rid of this old man who often talks about human rights, law and conscience. Finally, a month ago, the old man died on the spot in a fight deliberately provoked by the other party. When Wu Shaojun rushed over, the cause of the old man's death was actually said that he had accidentally hit his head. Just as Wu Shaojun was preparing to gather his father's supporters to ask for an explanation from those capable people, the disaster happened again.

The underground passage suddenly encountered a rat. A group of mutant rats the size of adult white rabbits suddenly emerged from the four-way channels. The whole underground shelter suddenly became a mess. Survivors who had previously split into two organizations left their hatred in the face of the disaster and once again formed an alliance to successfully resist the invasion of mutant rats. But once the danger is lifted, division and strife begin to spread again. At the moment when the situation was tense, a group of stones suddenly appeared in the channel, and unknown people united again and prepared to unite with the outside world. Therefore, the two camps jointly elected Wu Shaojun as the representative, which led to the previous scene.

After listening to Wu Shaojun's story, the team members were indignant and quite excited.

The stone waved his hand, and the cave suddenly quieted down, leaving only the tinkling sound of drops of water dripping into the pool.

"Our Brotherhood has decided to fully support you. What do you need us to do?"

Wu Shaojun was silent for a moment and said, "In the hearts of those capable people, whoever has the strongest power has the most say. As strong, their personalities have been completely distorted, and I want to implore everyone to expel them forever on behalf of the weak living underground.

The stone was about to speak when a cold voice suddenly sounded in the cave.

"Wo! How can we capable people offend Wu Dashao and want to unite with outsiders to expel us!"

Wu Shaojun's face suddenly changed greatly, and his legs couldn't help stepping back two steps.

The stone gently patted Wu Shaojun on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. Wu Shaojun immediately calmed down.

Looking at the strange young man in front of him, with his hands in his pockets, Wu Shaojun shouted, "That's right! You well-dressed beasts, expelling you is also for the sake of saving many people in the past! According to the law, you people can't wash away the crimes you have committed even if you are shot a hundred times!"

"Tut, what a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance." The young man slapped his chin and said with a sneer, "Who do you think you are! I don't have the ability to speak to law in front of me! I'm not afraid to tell you that I killed your father myself. Here, we are the law!"

The stone grabbed Wu Shaojun, who wanted to go up desperately. He looked coldly at the young man opposite and said, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! Raise your head three feet and there are gods. People are doing it. God is watching, and you are not afraid that God will punish you!"

The young man suddenly covered his stomach and laughed wildly. After a while, he straightened up, stared at the stone like an alien, touched the board inch on his head, and suddenly changed his face. "Where did you come from? You can take care of the uncle's business! Yes, I did trample on many girls, and there were indeed several lives in my hands, but they all asked for it. Without our capable people, they would have become rations for beasts a long time ago. It's their blessing for the old men to play with them. They are looking for death and life. What's not looking for death?

"You are shameless!" Wu Shaojun covered his chest and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"I'm despicable, I'm shameless, I'm dirty, I'm ** bitchy, so what? This is not a time of peace. Open your eyes and see clearly. Now is the end of the world. If you want to speak, you must have strength! Wake up, gentlemen!"

"If you really have the ability, you can kill orcs, live openly in the sun, and only know how to hide underground and bully the weak. What kind of man!"

"Hey, you are so shameless that you taught the old man a lesson!" The young man turned his head and looked at the angry team members around the stone and said contemptuously, "These days, with a few broken guns, we are not qualified to talk to those who have the conditions. Do you say yes? The young man stared at the stone's eyes and said playfully.

The reckless man suddenly couldn't calm down. He picked up the sledgehammer and rushed out to teach the young man in front of him a lesson.

This time, no one stopped him. Everyone wants to see what this arrogant young man can do and dares not pay attention to everyone.

The young man did not move and looked coldly at the rushing reckless man. The reckless man screamed, and the sledgehammer hit the young man in the head fiercely, bringing a sound of wind.

Young people do not dodge, and their eyes are full of disdain. Seeing that the sledgehammer has touched the young man's inch, even the reckless man is hesitant to stop.

The nervous people suddenly felt a flower in front of their eyes, and the young man disappeared out of thin air. The reckless man only felt that his hand sank, and his whole body was taken two steps forward by the sledgehammer that had lost its target, and the sledgehammer almost hit his leg.

The red-faced reckless man picked up a sledgehammer, looked around, and searched for the young man.

A bodyless hand suddenly touched the reckless man's neck. The reckless man was thrilled, and the sledgehammer swept desperately behind him, but it was empty, and there was no one behind him.

Stone finally saw it clearly. This young man is quite not simple and has an extraordinary speed. When moving instantly, there is not even a shadow left, and the eyes can't track the other party's movements at all, which looks like a ghost.

The reckless man was teased by the other party several times in a row. He was already angry, but he could not catch the other party's figure and could only stare.

"Con admit defeat, big man!"

The young man suddenly appeared in front of the reckless man. When the reckless man was about to do something, the hammer in his hand suddenly became disobedient. The strange reckless man raised his left hand and held the hammer in both hands. But no matter how hard he tried, the hammer did not move, as if two more powerful hands had grasped the hammer in the air.

The reckless man is already sweating and blue veins on his forehead. He has a strong nature and refuses to bow his head and admit defeat.

The stone went up, raised his right hand and waved it gently between the two. The reckless man suddenly felt that the hammer in his hand was light and walked back to the team with a red face.

The young man blushed, and he really didn't expect that the other party would easily disconnect his control of the hammer.

In fact, Stone was also shocked just now. The other party could use his own power to control the opponent's weapon, but it seemed to be only effective for metal.

After today's stone is combined with the small body, it can clearly sense the subtle changes in energy in the air. No matter what powers of different nature the capable person has, fundamentally, the morphological change of the power is actually a subtle control of energy. The reason why capable people have powers is that their bodies absorb the energy of green light to varying degrees. In this case, cutting off the energy connection between them can naturally get the reckless man out of control.

It's easier said than done. Stone actually used the little golden dragon's lightsaber just now, which can easily cut off the energy controlled by the other party. In order to make an unfathomable effect, the stone made the little obedient attach to the lightsaber and made the lightsaber invisible, which shocked the young man and thought that the other party cracked it so easily.

The young man's eyes suddenly changed, put away his previous contempt, hugged the stone and said, "Little brother, please give me some advice."

"I don't dare to give advice. We might as well compete with each other."