Hunting legend

Chapter 18 Secret Path

With the sound of the wind in their ears, several people finally rose to the air. In order to facilitate control, Xiaoguai controlled the two pterosaurs to maintain a certain distance and circled several times in the air, which handed over control to Xiao Taisui.

Little Taisui immediately began to manipulate the pterosaur under his body. Through the little obedient body on his shoulder, Xiao Taisui almost moved, and the pterosaur under him immediately reacted and made corresponding changes.

When Xiao Taisui mastered the skill of controlling flight, the little obedient split on his shoulder immediately conveyed a thought: "It's time for us to fly as high as possible to see what secrets are hidden in this sequoia forest!"

As soon as the words fell, the pterosaur under the little seat immediately raised quickly and shot into the blue sky like a sharp sword. The young Taisui was not willing to lag behind. When his heart moved, the pterosaur under the seat immediately began to rise.

Looking at the ground under his feet gradually becoming condensed, and the whole earth was all green, Xiao Taisui said, "Little boy, it's almost done. I'm afraid I can't see anything further."

The little boy immediately replied: "A higher, only when we reach the right height can we see if there is anything special about the arrangement of those metasequoia trees."

Xiao Taisui thought for a moment and said, "Everything is up to you. Let me know as soon as you find it!"

Almost as soon as this sentence was finished, Xiao Taisui immediately found something abnormal. There were some eye-catching reds in the originally green sequoia forest.

Xiaoguai also found this abnormality and said to Xiao Taisui, "Our height is still a little too high. When we fly over the red area, we will immediately lower the distance appropriately."

Xiao Taisui didn't say anything and flew over behind the little boy.

Over the red area, Carlo, who had been quiet, suddenly became a little excited and lay on the little boy's back and shouted, "Those red patterns are special marks of our tribe."

Xiaoguai had no words and lowered the height appropriately. Some green lines immediately appeared in the original dense red, and the red and green did form a pattern.

"Carlo, take a closer look and see what else you find!"

Carlo opened his eyes and looked carefully at the circular pattern of an acre under his feet. At first glance, this is indeed the only clan logo that can represent the fallen family except the totem, but now it has become somewhat plausible with the decline of height.

After thinking about it, Carlo said, "Brother, lower the height a little more, circle a few times before flying high, so that I can make a comparison."

The little boy was overjoyed and knew that Carlo had found it. He immediately manipulated the pterosaur to fly down according to his wishes. The little Taisui who followed the little boy did not keep up this time and began to hover on the edge of the red area to see if there were any other discoveries.

As the height dropped, red and green immediately became blurred, but in Carlo's eyes, it was already another scene. In the fallen clan, for a long time, in order to preserve some secrets of the tribe, those ancestors created a set of hidden patterns that could convey messages. As the patriarch, their grandfather once taught Carlo these before his death. For the fallen people, not only they, but also the whole human civilization world has not appeared in words. All communication is a pattern except language, but in order to avoid some important information being mastered by foreigners, the corresponding hidden patterns are created in this way.

The emblem of the fallen clan is an outer edge with sharp spines, and a circular wooden plaque painted with the head of the patron saint inside. In fact, strictly speaking, this clan emblem is not a fine depiction like a totem. On the contrary, it is rough and simple, but it reveals a simple and primitive Wild atmosphere.

The clan emblem is the combination of the totem and the patron saint pattern, but the large pattern under his feet is a little plausible. When hovering to the fourth circle, Carlo signaled that the little boy could rise.

When it reached a suitable height, Carlo signaled that the little boy was ready and began to hover suddenly.

This time, Carlo finally found that after ignoring his known totem and patron saint patterns, the remaining line area was composed of a sentence - the sacred object in his heart!

Carlo is puzzled, what does this mean?

I didn't hear Carlo's response for a long time, and the little boy couldn't help saying, "Carlo, have you found it again?"

Carlo recovered from meditation, patted the little boy on the shoulder and said, "You can go back!"

The little boy immediately smiled and began to command the pterosaur under him to turn back.

Seeing the safe return of several people, Stone and Zixuan immediately greeted them.

"Have you found it?"

Carlo hesitated for a moment and said, "We found a pattern over the sequoia forest with a hidden phrase, but unfortunately I don't understand what it means!"

Stone immediately said, "Carlo, don't worry, say it first and let's listen to it. Let's help you find out."

Carlo nodded and said the secret words. The sacred thing is in my heart!" The stone muttered, with a confused face.

Xiaoguai thought for a moment and asked, "Carlo, do you know what the sacred object looks like?"

Carlo shook his head and said, "I don't even know if my grandfather, who is the patriarch, has never seen the sacred objects."

Xiao Taisui suddenly said, "You might as well change your mind and think about the problem. Being able to skillfully mix some plants with different leaf colors into this sequoia forest to form a pattern, there must be someone among Carlo's ancestors who can look down on the earth at a high altitude like us and see the whole situation.

Carlo immediately said, "Yes, Grandpa once said that all generations of high priests can use the power of the guardian god to control the pterosaur to become their mounts."

Xiao Taisui nodded and said, "The whole layout was completed 300 years ago. The person who is in charge of the overall situation must be the high priest himself. However, in the next time, he not only hid the holy things, but also the most incomprehensible thing is that hundreds of years later, no one knows what the holy things look like. Thinking of the holy things in his heart, this must be a metaphor. We must not understand this sentence literally.

Looking at Carlo, who was still confused, Xiao Taisui asked, "Carlo, what is the most important thing in your hearts?"

Carlo immediately said, "Apart from relatives and friends, totems and sacred objects are the most important!"

"You know and have seen the totem with your own eyes, right?"

In the face of the young man's knowing question, Carlo said, "Yes, the totem not only appears in that mountain village, but also engraved on the stone wall of the peak where we are, and it is quite eye-catching, far away..."

Carlo suddenly stopped talking, and Xiao Taisui slapped him and said, "You can see it from afar. What you want to say should be this sentence, right?"

Carlo nodded, and there seemed to be some light flashing in his mind.

"The sacred object is in the heart, and the only thing I remember in my heart is the totem, that is to say, the sacred object is hidden in the quite eye-catching totem sculpture you mentioned!"

Xiao Taisui's almost hoarse words were like a headbang, and the light in Carlo's mind immediately lit up.

"Yes, Grandpa has repeatedly explained that the sacred object has been lost, but even after thousands of years, we can't forget the existence of totem!"

The little guy immediately clapped his hands and shouted, "This high priest has done so many things and deliberately did not let future generations know the appearance of the sacred object, but passed on the totem. This sacred object must be in the center of this stone wall totem in his heart!"

"But aren't you afraid of others finding it in such a conspicuous place?"

Facing the question of the stone, Xiaoguai said with a smile: "The totem is the symbol and dignity of the family. Who would have thought of climbing to the stone totem on the stone wall to have a look? Even those with bad intentions will never think that the sacred object is hidden in such a conspicuous place. You know, the most dangerous place is often the safest place!"

Xiaoguai said, "It seems that we have to fly in the air again and take a look at the totem!"

Mo Yu, who had never said anything, suddenly said, "Wait a minute, have you ever thought about it? Only the high priest has the ability to control pterosaurs. How can ordinary people climb to such a dangerous mountainside? It can be imagined that there must be another mystery in this crypto. There must be a shortcut hidden around here. I even began to conceive It is suspected that there must be a hollow secret road leading to the bottom of the mountain in this main peak.

The little boy thought for a moment and said, "It's true, otherwise those giants would not have run in front of Carlo and Carlo doesn't know, and all the routes they took have passed here. But it's not right. There is no reason why Carlo, who is a degenerate family, knows the secret that even those giants, doesn't know it. This is the place where Carlo's ancestors have lived for generations!"

Mo Yu suddenly turned his eyes to Carlo and asked, "Carlo, is there anything else in the pattern other than that sentence, such as arrows that can indicate the direction."

Carlo closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "I'm really confused. No wonder I haven't understood it before. It turned out to be this time!"

Mo Yu immediately asked, "What new discoveries?"

Carlo said, "The sharps on the outermost part of the pattern are missing a few. Previously, I thought it was old, and those leaves could not be so perfectly stitched together. Now that I think about it, it must be intentional."

After saying that, Carlo pulled out the dagger tied to his leg and began to draw on the ground.

Carlo painted the totem of their family. The perimeter of the circular pattern symbolizing the sun was full of spikes of different lengths. Looking at the head of the central patron saint, Carlo suddenly gently scraped off several marks on the ground with a knife body, which were the spikes that should have been missing.

Carlo looked up at the sun in the sky and asked for a stone to pass the compass. After identifying the direction, Carlo drew a new pattern on the ground again. The two identical patterns were only in different directions.

Carlo stood up from the ground and looked far away along the missing spikes, and immediately turned his eyes to the relatively raised ground not far away.

"Come with me!"

Watching Carlo walk forward quickly, Stone and others immediately followed.

The small earth bag looks no different from the surrounding ground, but it is slightly close to the stone peak, and the border looks a little strange, but the dense grass on it covers everything very well, so that people can't find any signs related to the secret passage for a moment.

"Let me have a look!"

The stone separated everyone and watched carefully. There was really nothing unusual, but the small earthen bag did not seem to be in harmony with the surrounding environment, but the geographical location happened to be hidden behind the peak, a little secretive. If you don't pay attention, you really won't notice the small dirt bag. .

Seeing that nothing was found, the stone immediately opened the perspective function of his eyes. As his eyes gradually penetrated into the earth bag, the stone finally found that there was a small space hidden in the earth bag, all paved with stone slabs.