Hunting legend

Chapter 19 Guardian

This secret road is really secret. If it hadn't been for the stone's eyes that could see through, even if all the earthen bags were flattened, nothing would have been found.

"The secret channel has been destroyed!"

Mo Yu pointed to a broken thick stone slab and said.

The stone nodded and said, "The dirt bag we saw before was caused by the giants forcibly widening the passage. It can be imagined that this secret passage can only accommodate two people walking side by side. Isn't those giants more difficult to walk? It's good not to destroy the whole secret passage."

This secret road does lead to the mountain grottoes. What is puzzling is that hundreds of years ago, why did those ethnic groups open up this secret road? This is an extremely huge project.

When Carlo told the question in his heart, he said with a smile, "This secret passage has only been slightly processed manually. The stone inside this stone mountain is completely different from the outside. It looks like a thin hole, and the stone is also relatively soft. It is not difficult to dig. Maybe your ancestors accidentally found this naturally formed cave and did it*, just hiding the secret all the time.

Carlo nodded, shining under the flashlight, and continued to walk forward. The passage slowly showed a downward trend. When he got to a place, Carlo suddenly stopped the stones in front of him. When the stone turned its head, it was seen that the stone hanging under Carlo's wrist was emitting a flash of green light in the dark.

The little boy was the first to run over and said, "Carlo, what's going on?"

Carlo said, "I don't know what's going on. The first time I picked it up was because it would shine. The red light means that it is dangerous, but the green light can't be sure. Sometimes the green light means that I don't know what I found."

The little boy suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "Carlo, can you show me this stone?"

Carlo nodded, untied the stone and handed it to the little boy.

Almost just as the little guy put the stone into the palm of his hand, the flashing green light suddenly disappeared. Before everyone could react, under the flashlight, the round stone suddenly disappeared in the palm of the little boy's hand. Almost at the same time, the little boy's body suddenly became transparent. The next moment, The green light of the eyes began to radiate from the little obedient body, shining the whole channel, but it looked extremely strange.

Carlo didn't expect that things would develop like this, but less than a minute later, the green light on the little boy's body suddenly magically disappeared. Looking at the little boy slowly returning to normal, everyone asked with concern.

Xiaoguai spread out his palm, and the stone slowly appeared in the palm of Xiaoguai's hand. Xiaoguai handed the stone to Carlo and said solemnly, "Carlo, there is extremely powerful energy in this stone. You have to put it away. I saw something just now. This stone may be part of the sacred object you are looking for.

Carlo nodded and said, "Not long after I picked up this stone, I had a strange dream. In my dream, this stone seemed to be embedded in the center of a round stone plate."

Xiao obedang clapped his palm and shouted, "What I just saw is exactly the same as you said. It seems that this stone piece should sense something. Maybe that stone plate is the sacred object you are looking for!"

Looking at the stones that no longer shine, Carlo said, "Since the stones emit green light here, it is likely that the sacred objects are here. Just looking at the stone walls on these four sides, there seems to be no other passages and so on."

Xiaoguai closed his eyes, felt it carefully for a while, and said, "I have arranged that one of the two pterosaurs to hover near the stone wall totem. According to the information from the split, we have to go down a distance to be on the same horizontal line as the center of the totem."

Everyone immediately began to move forward, or Carlo stopped everyone, looked at the dazzling green stones, and said, "Carlo, try to communicate with this stone. There is a mysterious energy body hidden in it, but the body is relatively blurred, which may be the patron saint of your family."

Carlo shook his head and said, "I have tried thousands of times before, and there is no way to get in touch with this stone. In times of crisis, this stone once controlled a pterosaur and sent me from halfway up the mountain to the top of the mountain."

Xiaoguai thought for a moment and asked, "In this case, that is to say, this stone will only show supernatural when you are in danger and life and death."

Carlo thought for a moment and said, "It seems to be like this, but there is one thing I still can't figure out. When I saw this stone, it was on the body of a little beast, but strangely, although the green light appeared, the little beast was still eaten by an Archaeopteryx. Normally, the green light can protect me, and it should be able to protect the little beast.

Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "It's not like this. Usually, this kind of sacred object will only be responsible for people. Those low-level creatures such as animals will never be protected by them. I even doubt that only the blood of your family can awaken the inspiration of sacred objects."

Carlo immediately said, "It's true. It was because the edge of the stone cut my finger before, so I had a strange dream and saw the stone plate."

Xiaoji nodded and said, "That's what happened. Now only you can communicate with the guardian god who lives in the stone, because he has got your blood and agrees with you. Otherwise, he will not warn you at those dangerous situations."

Looking at the green stone, Carlo thought about it, put his index finger to the edge of the stone and scratched it hard. A strange feeling immediately surged into his heart. This time, a huge suction suddenly appeared in the stone. Carlo suddenly began to feel that blood could not stop rushing along the wound of his fingertips to the stone. The green light emitted by the stone became more and more abundant, wrapping Carlo's body in the green light.

Carlo in the green light is now in great pain. The blood in his body is like a flood that can't be opened. He is forcibly absorbed by stones that can't be shaken away, afraid that he will eventually die of blood.

Carlo began to feel that he could not lift a trace of strength all over his body, and even his vision began to blur. In a moment, he faintly saw a figure flashing outside the green light.

When Carlo finally woke up, he opened his eyes and found that the big guys were all around him. Carlo struggled to sit up, but jumped up, and his extremely weak body was full of strength in an instant.

Looking at Carlo's surprised face, he said with a smile, "Carlo, congratulations, the Guardian has just transmitted all the energy to you."

Carlo looked at his hand with a confused face. The stone was still there, but the original transparent stone had become completely transparent and looked like crystal, emitting a faint halo.

"Carlo, as an energy body, I can establish a spiritual connection with the patron saint who absorbs your blood, so I know something that you don't know."

Carlo asked, "What is it?"

Xiaoguai said, "Three hundred years ago, the high priest of your fallen clan encountered interference in a energy conduction ceremony, which directly led to the explosion of the sacred object carrying energy. Together with the totem guardian god, it almost disappeared. Now the patron saint hidden in the stone is just a mutilated spirit. I have been sleeping all the time. Not long ago, you got a stone and cut your finger. It was this drop of blood with blood inheritance that woke the guardian god from his sleeping state. However, because the spiritual body was incomplete, the patron saint lost part of his memory, and his ability was naturally greatly weakened. Previously, when I was checking the stone fragments, the stones actually absorbed part of the energy of my body. In this case, the stones have spare time to recover with the help of the blood in your body. As compensation, your body now has half of the energy of the guardian god, and you can now talk directly with the patron saint. "

Carlo looked at the stone on his wrist in disbelief and seemed to be lost in thought.

Xiaoguai said, "Carlo, believe in yourself. The patron saint of your family is indeed not simple. Although I am the same energy body as the patron saint and can receive some spiritual messages voluntarily transmitted by the patron saint, if I want to chat with him, that guy ignores me. But you are different. You have established a special contractual relationship because of blood. It can be said that the guardian god can be awakened from the deep sleep, which is all your credit. Otherwise, if you let the guardian god sleep and be exposed to nature, it will eventually disappear. It can be said that you saved it. The guardian god, in the future, every once in a while, you must unconditionally offer some of your blood to the guardian god until the body of the guardian god fully recovers. During this period, the patron saint can communicate with you, and you can ask him if there is anything you don't understand.

Carlo asked, "What should I do now?"

Xiaoguai said, "Naturally, let the patron saint help you find the sacred objects first. You just need to remove the distractions in your mind, immerse your mind in the depths of consciousness, and you can naturally feel the existence of the patron saint."

Looking at Carlo sitting cross-legged on the ground, Stone asked in a low voice, "Good boy, what does the patron saint look like? I didn't expect you to communicate with the guardian god.

Xiaoguai said, "The patron saint is a little different from me. He is a pure spiritual energy body, and Xiao Taisui and I are the existence of energyized substances. This is still quite different, but because of the isotopic energy body, he can take the initiative to contact me, but I can't contact him, but Carlo is fine. ."

Stone asked curiously, "Have you found anything?" Is there anything in this world that can replace the energy we need?

Xiaoguai nodded for sure and said, "The answer is yes. The power of the patron saint is like this. Otherwise, he would not have absorbed my energy before. I doubt that their sacred objects can give us an answer."

At this moment, Carlo suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground and said to everyone, "Everyone follow me. There is another mystery here."

I don't know what Carlo did to the stone wall in front of him. The stone wall, which could not even see through the stone's eyes, was suddenly blurred. In this way, everyone followed Carlo into an extremely spacious stone room.

With the help of lightning, people can see that this square room is about 100 square meters full of a special oil paint, forming a bright and vivid picture.

Carlo looked at the totem painting on the stone wall opposite, and suddenly knelt down. He muttered and didn't know what he was talking about.

After Carlo finished reading a language that no one could understand, the stone hanging on Carlo's wrist lit up again, and the straight green beam of light shot directly into the center of a picture at the top of the cave. It was a strange one-eyed giant eye on his forehead. Almost in an instant, the whole stone room suddenly became bright, shining The whole stone room must be as bright as day.