Beast Flame

Chapter 67 Control of the Five Battalion

At this time, in the Lijun camp 20 miles away from the Canglang Pass, a middle-aged man was holding the back of a teenager with both hands, and the palms of his hands kept coming out of true air, while the teenager was sweating and his body trembled. After a moment, the middle-aged man spewed a mouth with a mouthful of blood, and then lay quietly on the bed.

"General Xuan, how about your son?" The speaker seems to be quite official, but he is respectful to the middle-aged man and his words are quite cautious.

"Fortunately, the residual blood in the body was forced out, and the consequences would not be unimaginable." The middle-aged man wore a black brocade, with his hair neatly tied behind his head. His eyes were slightly small, but he was very distracted. His eyes looked at the teenager on the bed, and there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that this wolf gate is really talented. Today, the person who fought against Chen'er is only about 20 years old, but his internal strength is so deep that this person can force Chen'er's internal strength back into his body, causing Chen'er to be injured and seriously injured his internal organs. It's really dangerous."

This person is Xuanfei's brother Xuankong, and the person lying on the bed is his biological son Kuang Xingchen. Xuankong's common name is Da Tian. Later, because he practiced evil skills when he was young and fell down at the Black Flame Gate, so he was named Xuankong. This time, he heard that his brother Xuanfei died tragically in the Wolf Pass, so he specially went out of the mountain and took up the position of General Xuanfei. He vowed He wanted to take the wolf pass and avenge his younger brother. For several days in a row, Xingchen killed five masters in the cavalry camp, but tonight, he was finally defeated by the hands of hatred.

"Yes, General Chen, are you sure that the person tonight didn't kill my brother?"

The man known as General Chen nodded violently, "It's absolutely right. The person who killed General Xuanfei on that day is younger than him, and the color of the beast flame is also different. Tonight's person is red, but the person who killed General Xuanfei that day is purple, but there is another person who assisted on that day, and the color of the man's beast flame is It's blood red. Yes, it's blood red. I remember clearly. At that time, when we surrounded him, the young man with purple beast flame had not arrived. He was the only one who resisted us 5,000 people. We couldn't get close to him. At that time, his body was the same as if he had soaked in the blood pool, which was very evil.

"One person can resist 5,000 soldiers and horses, blood red, and there is also a teenager with purple beast flames." Xuankong muttered, "Cangyun is really a heroic teenager. If I guess correctly, the purple flame teenager must be the Ao family. In Cangyun, only their wolf purple flame has such power, but I really don't know who the blood-red teenager is. Fortunately, we didn't attack rashly today. I'm afraid it will be tragic."

Xuankong is really careful and considerable. Don't you know that his worry is also Ao Twelve's worry? If he really orders the siege of the city today, who can know what the result is?

"General Xuan, what do you think?"

"Watch the changes, pay attention to the every move of the wolf pass at any time, and let me know immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes, General Xuan!"

Xuankong clenched his fist and smashed hard at a wooden table next to him. A big hole suddenly appeared on the three-inch thick wooden board. Xuankong pulled out his fist and said fiercely, "A few stinky guys in Cangyun, I want you to die in my hands one by one. Brother, you can wait at ease. It won't be long, teacher Brother, I can avenge you."

In the morning, Ao Shi got up early. The first time he came to Guan was mainly to see him. Unexpectedly, he met Xuanfei and killed him with the help of Xiaojiu. Then he met hatred. After accidentally saw the strength of hatred, he had deeply fallen in love with this heat. Bloody battlefield, on that day, after Xiaojiu left, he also immediately set out to return to Tongyun. Under his persuasion, Ao Lie finally agreed to him to guard the Canglang Pass.

It must be a general to guard the customs. Xiaojiu is the best choice, so he ran thousands of miles to the youth camp to borrow people. Unexpectedly, he found Qian Ming and Qian Liang's business on the way. When they finished dealing with the two, as soon as they came to the Canglang Pass, they met the empt to revenge. Therefore, until now, the sergeants of the Canglang Pass have returned I don't know that Ao Twelve has officially taken over all the military power, commanding the five battalions and guarding the border.

"General Dong, is there any movement in Li Jun?" Ao Twelve walked out of the camp and saw Dong Yun waiting beside him, so he called him over.

"Little marquis, don't worry. Maybe the empty man knows that the little marquis is coming. Now there is no movement at all. I think he is afraid of you."

Ao Twelve was very unhappy. He really didn't understand why his father wanted Dong Yun to be the general of this cavalry camp. He really didn't find any other strengths except that he could flatter him.

"I tell you, General Dong, dazzling is definitely not as simple as you think. You keep an eye on me carefully. As long as there is a little wind blowing, you will inform me immediately."

"I know."

"Oh, by the way, this is for you!"

After saying that, Ao Twelve then took out the military charm of Tongyun from his body, which was a wolf carved from purple jade.

"Cloud Order?" Dong Yun was shocked. With Tongyun's order in hand, he could mobilize all the soldiers and horses of Tongyun anytime and anywhere, but this token has always been in the hands of Ao Lie, a brave marquis. He really didn't expect Ao Lie to give it to Ao Twelve so soon. After all, he is only 16 years old.

"What are you doing!"

"Little marquis, can you give me this?"

"Take this to inform all the generals of the battalion to come here to see me immediately. Go back quickly!"

"Yes, little marquis!" Dong Yun was originally a flatterer. At this time, he was not happy to see Ao Twelve appreciate himself so much.

Holding Tong Yunling, he immediately ran away.

The five battalions in Tongyun are stationed in the Canglang Pass, which is not very far away from each other. Everyone has their own independent training ground. Everyone guards the gate once a month. Generally speaking, everyone does not interact with each other, but if they really encounter a big enemy, as long as one battalion is lit up with wolf smoke, the other four battalions will help immediately. There are no many beast flame masters in each battalion, but for the sake of face, they have never lit wolf smoke for more than ten years. Among the battalions, Dong Yun's martial arts is the worst, and of course, his character is also the most disgusting. Therefore, as soon as he heard Dong Yun's arrival, the battalion commanders of other battalions really didn't want to see him, but when he heard that he was with Tongyun Ling Then, that's different. In Tongyun, he saw Ling Ruyonghou, so everyone welcomed him in politely.

"General Dong, please!" Dong Yun first came to the Fenwei camp, that is, the place where he hates. The general of the Fenwei camp is Yang Tie, who is a beast and flame master. This man was born with divine power. At the age of 15, he went to the battlefield and made great achievements. At the age of 37, he was finally promoted by Ao Lie as the general of the Fenwei battalion and was in charge of the Fenwei camp.

Dong Yungong set out, "General Yang is polite. Today, I am here to invite the generals to discuss major events at the order of the little marquis."

"Oh, the little marquis is here again?" Yang Tie really didn't know about Ao Twelve's arrival. Since Ao Twelve killed Xuanfei last time, he immediately set out to return to Tongyun. No one expected that he would come back so soon.

"Not bad, and..." Dong Yun wanted to speak but stopped.

Yang Tie is impatient. Seeing that Dong Yun was deliberately taking his appetite, he couldn't help but aggravate his tone, "General Dong, and what, what are you saying?"

Dong Yun took out Tong Yunling and said mysteriously, "General Yang, what do you think this is?"

Yang Tie looked at it and was surprised. He had never seen this cloud. Now Dong Yun took it out and saw a purple jade carved into a lifelike wolf, roaring up to the sky, but the wolf's eyes were inlaid with two crystal rubies. Looking at it, the wolf was more bloodthirsty and active.

"Is this Tongyun Order?"

"Not bad."

"General Dong, don't you know what it means for the marquis to give Tongyun order to the little marquis?"

"That's what I want to say, and I think the marquis should be ready to hand over the military power to the little marquis."

"Ah, give it to the little marquis. He is only 16 years old. How can he lead troops to fight?"

"Then I don't know. This is just my personal guess. I will naturally know when I see the little marquis. Well, I won't tell you more. I'm going to inform the rest of the generals. General Yang, don't forget to see the little marquis later." Dong Yun finished speaking and left in a hurry.

"General Dong, slow down!" When Dong Yun left, the more Yang Tie thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became. If Ao Lie came here now, even if there was no cloud order, everyone would follow happily. Now that Ao Twelve comes here does not mean that everyone doesn't want to follow, but dares to follow. Imagine how much experience a 16-year-old teenager can have. Now The military power of the ministry has been handed over to him, and I really can't imagine what will happen in the future.

Yang Tie shook his head and sighed.

Ao Twelve sat quietly in the tent. An hour later, all the generals of the battalion came one after another. Everyone was very polite to see Ao Twelve and saluted one after another.

Ao 12 quickly stopped everyone.

"Generals, in the courtiers, I am your little marquis, but in terms of generation, we are all uncles of the twelve, so if there is no generals, you don't need to be courteous when you look at the twelve."

Everyone looked at Ao Twelve with admiration.

"Generals, my little nephew called everyone to come today. There is an important matter to discuss with you."

Everyone actually guessed something, because Dong Yun told the rest of what he said to Yang Tie. What he did was nothing more than showing that he was well-inform and how the Ao family trusted him.

"My father has taught me the Tongyun Order, so from today on, I will guard the Canglang Pass with everyone."

"Little marquis, I have nothing to say about you guarding the wolf with us, but I have something to ask, I don't know if it's possible?" It was Guo Kun, the general of Changsheng Camp, who spoke.

"General Guo, please say!"

Guo Kun arched his hand and said slowly, "The little marquis has a cloud order, so we must listen to the little marquis. A few days ago, I heard that the little marquis killed Xuanfei as soon as he came, so I absolutely dare not doubt the little marquis's martial arts, but this march is not something that can be determined by one's ability. , it depends on everyone's efforts, so in such a situation, we need a very rational and thinking-capable commander. There must be a way to fight, and more importantly, there must be thousands of experience on the battlefield. I want to ask, do you have it?

Guo Kun's words were extremely tough, and everyone was worried about him, but they didn't expect Ao Twelve to smile.

"General Guo, thank you in advance. Thank you for teaching me something that 12 doesn't understand. I know that all the generals present have experienced a hundred battles. It's really strange to listen to me, a brat boy. I admit that my experience is not as good as that of everyone else, and there is no way to talk about the formation of troops, but Have you ever thought about why the Canglang Pass was so dangerous last night? If it hadn't been for the empty heart, I think today's Canglang Pass is already a Li nationality.

Generals, why do people have only one head and two hands and two feet? That's because the head is the place where we think and issue orders, which is the same as our battalion. One person in the five battalions must unify the overall situation, not help each other for the sake of face as they are now. Busy, in order to fight, rush to war. Yesterday, the situation was critical. General Dong, why didn't you ask for help from other big camps, say!"

Dong Yun was drunk by Ao Twelve and fell to the ground in horror and muttered to himself.

"That's because you are afraid. You are afraid that the generals of other battalions will laugh at you and say that there is no one in your camp, right? And what about you?" After saying that, Ao 12 looked at the generals of the other four battalions and said, "You know that the air is coming, why don't you help, because you only remember that today is the day of the cavalry camp to defend the city, and the wolf smoke is not lit. You don't need to go at all, do you?"

The five generals were all looked at by Ao Twelve.

"Generals, think about it, if the air attack came in yesterday, will they only kill the sergeants of the cavalry battalion without killing you?"

"Generals, I'm your junior. I have said that I can't compare with you except for the status of a little marquis, but if I give this heavy responsibility to any of you, I don't think everyone will be convinced, so I think about it, the person in charge of the Fifth Battalion should be I'll do it on the 12th." After saying this, Ao Twelve lost his smile and replaced it with a domineering and indifferent face.

"Little marquis, does the last general have another question?"

"General Guan, please say it!"

Guan Yunfei, the general of the broken camp, stood up. The man had a beard and was tough. He looked at Ao Twelve and said calmly, "Little marquis, if one day we are besieged by the enemy and we are outnumbered, we will undoubtedly be defeated. What should you do?"

Ao Twelve looked at Guan Yunfei and said loudly, "As God's will, I, Ao Twelve will coexist with the three armies. If we take a step forward, the five thunders will hit the top, and the sky and the earth will be destroyed!"

"The last general will fight for Yang Tie!"

"The last general will win over Guo Kun!"

"The last general rides Dong Yun!"

"The last general is Zhao Yan!"

"The last general will break the big camp Guan Yunfei!"

"I am willing to follow the little marquis to the death, kill all the barbarians, and protect me!"