Beast Flame

Chapter 68 Black Flame Gate

Ao Twelve looked at the five generals in front of him and relaxed. At the same time, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was really too heavy. He was more than 20 miles away, and there was a possibility of activating troops at any time. Although he had now been in charge of the five battalions, it was definitely not a day to really integrate these sergeants together. What can be done in two days.

After the five generals left, Ao Twelve couldn't help thinking of Xiaojiu. The boy hadn't seen anyone all morning, and he must have gone there to hate again.

"Go and see the injury of the hated brother!" Ao Twelve thought to himself and couldn't help walking out.

This morning, the injury of hatred has improved. He was just devoured by internal forces. Once his body recovers a little, he can force those remaining forces out of his body. Originally, if someone helped him, he would have accelerated the speed of healing, but everyone's beast flame is different, and the direction of internal forces is different, so Ao Twelvedang Shi still gave up this idea. He was afraid that he would not help hate at that time, but hurt him. The empty father and son, more than 20 miles away from the Wolf Pass, are different. Moreover, Xingchen has followed Xuankong to practice evil skills since childhood. The internal strength of the two can be said to be the same, so there is no need to worry about the direction of internal force at all.

When I came to the Fenwei camp and walked into the camp of hatred, I saw Xiaojiu Wangli sitting by the bed, and Hate had also sat up. His face was rosy and his face was much better. It seemed that he would recover in a few days.

"Hate brothers!" Ao Twelve looked at the hate and said with a smile.

"12, you are here!"

"Hmm! Are you feeling better?"

"Don't worry, this minor injury is not a big deal." Hatred waved his fist and made everyone laugh.

"12, how's the situation on Li Jun's side?" Xiaojiu is thinking about revenge for hatred, so he wants to know whether the Li army has sent troops now.

"There is no movement for the time being, but this is also what I am most worried about. It seems that Xuankong is an extremely cautious person. Yesterday's attack was just that he came to explore the reality. Fortunately, he hated his brothers and shocked them with one person. If it weren't today's Wolf Pass, there must be a bloody battle."

"So that's it!" Wang Li nodded.

"12, are you in charge of the Fifth Battalion this time?" Hate suddenly asked.

Ao Twelve smiled, "I have said that I hate brothers not only good at martial arts, but also strong shooting skills, even here." Ao Twelve pointed to his head, "It's also extremely powerful!"

"Twelve, is it true? You really control everything here now!" Xiaojiu said excitedly that now he is like a small child. Once he hears something exciting, he can't hold himself.

"Of course it's true." Ao Twelve said, and at the same time, a trace of worry appeared on his face, "Hate brother, you have been in the Wolf Pass for so many years, and you should also know what is the weakest point of our Wolf Pass?"

"People's hearts!"

"Yes, it is the people's hearts of the people. The previous way of defending the city should be resolutely changed. Five battalions guard the customs and one battalion guard the city, so that sooner or later they will be swallowed up by the Li army." Ao Twelve said worriedly.

"12, you're right, but now this is not the most difficult problem, and now the key is still dazzling!"

"Dazzling!" Ao Twelve looked at the hatred in puzzled. The Canglang Pass is also a strong soldier and strong, and his brothers, together with the masters of other battalions, will not be much worse than the Li army. No matter how powerful the Xuankong is, can he really beat a hundred?

"If you hate your brother, please make it clear!"

"12, to tell you the truth, before Xuankong came here, I have figured out his details. Xuankong is Xuanfei's brother. They also belong to the Black Flame Gate, which belongs to the Li clan. The Black Flame Gate is located in Wushan in the territory of the Li nationality. This mountain is very strange. The whole mountain has no grass, and there is no trace of birds and beasts. There are only countless poisons, poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions and poisonous toads everywhere. Except for the Black Flame Gate, the rest of the people will be poisoned to death on the spot, not to mention going up the mountain.

After hearing this, the three people unconsciously fought a cold war and continued to say.

"The founder of the Black Flame Gate was named Wu Tian. He didn't know what strange fate he got when he was a teenager. He actually found a way to increase his internal strength by poison. This man was addicted to killing. After the evil skills were completed, he helped the Li army attack our Cangyun. A hundred years ago, Wu Tian followed the Li King of the Li people all the way to kill our Cangyun. Cheng, later, didn't know what was going on. In the battle, Wu Tian actually went crazy. The muscles on his face rotted in an instant and turned into a skeleton monster and fled back to Wushan. In a hundred years, Wu Tian received countless disciples, but most of them were poisoned alive because of lack of talent, but there was one person. However, he survived, and cultivated three poisons at the same time, namely, vipers, centipede, and scorpions. This man is a dazzling master who is addicted to drugs. This person has long forgotten his name. Some people are addicted to blood, but he is addicted to drugs.

"Poisonous!" Ao Twelve listened and knew that this person must be an extremely ferocious person just by listening to his name, but he didn't know if he was still living in this world. If the answer was yes, it would be really a disaster.

"He was addicted to poison and accepted eight apprentices in his life, but this time he was luckier than Wu Tian. Among the eight people, there were only three Xuankong left. In addition to the dead Xuanfei, Xuankong also had a senior sister named Xuanji."

"Hate big brother, did you say so much that Xuanji also came to the Wolf Pass?" Wang Li asked in a hurry.

"This is not true, but the dazzling air is at least ten times stronger than the dazzling flight, because he has reached the realm of the beast!"

"Animal body..." Ao Twelve was shocked and speechless.

"Hate big brother, what is the animal realm? Tell us about it." Xiaojiu is just training in the youth camp. How did she hear such a wonderful story? Now her appetite has been raised and she keeps urging hatred.

"Brother Xiaojiu, let me tell you this. It's already very tired to hate brothers." Ao twelve stood up and looked at Xiaojiu Wangli.

"In our vicissitudes or even Li, or other Miao people and other places, no matter how you practice, they are actually the same, that is, you have to constantly gather the internal strength of your body. Once the internal force reaches a certain level, you can cut off the gold and stone, dominate the world, and even more, call for wind and rain. I can't."

"In the early stage of cultivation, our body will gather a small ball of internal force. Whenever we work, a faint flame will appear in our eyebrows. This is only the primary stage of cultivation. We call it beast flame. In the middle stage of cultivation, the internal force of the body will be based on us. Different ways of practicing have different effects. The continuous change of the direction and speed of the internal force in the meridians, coupled with the relative strength of our usual training, will resonate with some beasts in the world at a certain time. Just like now, whenever we use the beast flame, the shape of the flame will Unconsciously gather into a dragon, a tiger, or my wolf, and the beast flame will continue to change its color in the continuous improvement of our internal strength in the future. Generally, the internal force is good in the middle stage. It takes a long and difficult process to develop to the later stage. Of course, there are many days. Practicing wizards can quickly reach this level. Now the beast body mentioned by hating brothers is in the later stage. Everyone knows that no matter how we change and improve our internal strength and practice martial arts, our physical function can never reach the level of a beast. Whether the beast's body is from attack power It is a great advantage over us humans in defense, so if you want to exceed the limit, you must reach the later stage. At that time, the human body will become as tough as beasts, aggressive and invulnerable.

"That's awesome. Has the dazzling air really reached this level?" Xiaojiu asked in disbelief.

"It should be!" I hate to say it again.

"In fact, there are still breakthroughs in the later period, but this can only be based on talent or acquired adventures. If it can't be achieved, once it breaks through the animal body, people will have a strong idea. Under the domination of such ideas, they can reach the realm of summoning. At that time, they can freely control themselves Its internal power is transformed and released outside the body. The beast transformed by internal force can have the same power as the real beast. If you can summon the dragon, you can sit on it and soar for nine days. It's just that the summoning is limited by time. The time the beast is summoned to stay is inseparable from the strength of the internal force. The stronger your internal force, the longer the beast will last.

"Fly for nine days!" Xiaojiu thought foolishly that if he reached such a state one day and summoned a fierce tiger, could he also ride it all over the clouds? How majestic it would be at that time.

"The back of the summoning is the unity of man and beast. In our nearly 100 years, only one person has achieved the maximum limit of the beast flame. That is the invincible god of war Huaxia. His beast flame has directly reached the realm of the unity of man and beast. Once he reaches that realm, the summoning will not be affected by time and is summoned fiercely. The beast directly becomes a part of your body. You can use it alone, or fight side by side with it. At the same time, you can also be integrated with it. Once this happens, you have not only your own strength and strength, but also the common power of you and the mythical beast in your body. At that time, people are no longer human beings. , but God.

God, what an unattainable word, how difficult it is to reach such a state!

"Hate brother, if Xuankong really reaches the realm of the beast, I don't think even the four of us can beat him together!" Ao Twelve said worriedly.

"Yes, so we really have to think about countermeasures now. If we can't show off at that time, it's really difficult for us to deal with it."

"Well, let's not talk about it. I hate you, brother. You'd better recover. If your injury is not good, we have no hope of winning."

"Yes, hate big brother, have a good rest!" Wang Li and Xiaojiu said at the same time.

The three walked out of the hating tent, and it was already noon.

"It seems that there will be no movement in the sky today." Ao Twelve said that he had already told Dong Yun to pay attention to Li Jun's behavior at any time. Once he found the situation, he should inform him immediately, "I really don't know what Xuankong is thinking."

"12, don't worry, Xuankong is coming. Let's try our best. If we still can't defeat him, I think this is also God's will!" Wang Li slowly comforted Ao Twelve.

"God's will, it's right. If innocence wants to destroy this wolf pass, I will coexist with the wolf pass."

"And me!" Xiaojiu looked at Ao Twelve, "12, don't forget that you are not alone. You still have us. We are brothers!"

"Good brother!" The three suddenly increased a few more confidences. As the saying goes, brothers are of one mind, and their profits are broken. As long as they try their best to do anything, even if they fail, they should have no regrets.

When he came to the Wolf Pass, Xiaojiu had been worried about the injury of hatred. Now there is nothing serious about hatred, and he can't help thinking of Wang Dahe.

"Twelve, Brother Li, I want to see my father!"

"Hundred kindness and filial piety first, little nine brothers, go ahead."

Xiaojiu said goodbye to the two and hurried to the cavalry camp. As soon as he arrived at the door of the tent, he heard Xiao Meng's thick voice inside.

"Brother, our injury is almost healed. Now that Xuanfei's brother is here, our five brothers will definitely teach him a good lesson."

"Forget it, fourth brother, it's okay for us to kill some shrimp and crabs. We can't deal with that dazzling air." It was Zhou Qing's voice.

"Yes." Wang Dahe said slowly, "Hidn't you hear about it? Yesterday, the hatred of the Fenwei Camp, which was very good with Xiaojiu, was injured in the battle with Li Jun. The next young general with dazzling empty hands is still like this, not to mention Xuankong. Wang Dahe is almost 50 years old, and his hot temper when he was young is restraining little by little, and he thinks of things more than before.

"Hate is also injured, which is difficult to do. You know, the bow and eight arrows of hatred that day were called a magic skill by our sergeant, and his strength is very high."

"I don't know how our Xiaojiu is better than hate?" Li Jin said boringly at this time.

"Hey, Xiaojiu went back to the youth camp. I don't know when I can meet that boy." Wang Dahe thought of Xiaojiu and couldn't help but feel sad again.

"Dad..." Hearing Wang Dahe's words, Xiaojiu couldn't help shouting out and ran into the camp.

Everyone was stunned. Xiaojiu's appearance was not a surprise, but more unexpected.

Looking at Xiaojiu, Wang Dahe's tears flowed out again and stretched out his trembling hands. He hugged Xiaojiu, "My good son!"

The other four people couldn't help but wet their eyes when they saw this. Wang Dahe's own son had died before joining the army. It can be said that he now treats Xiaojiu as his own. Day and night at the Wolf Pass, he is thinking about Xiaojiu all the time.

Wang Dahe hugged Xiaojiu for a while and slowly let him go. He said with a cold face, "You stinky boy, why are you here again? Don't you know it's a big crime to go camping without permission? Come on, go back while there is no one right now.

Xiaojiu smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry. I'm an official member of the Canglangguan like you now!"

"Ah!" The five people opened their eyes wide.