Shu Song

Chapter 22 Welcome the noise of the horse all night

The sky is dark, dusk, the sky is low, and it is a dark night. Above the distant stranger, the autumn wind sobbed, swept the fallen leaves all over the sky, and the autumn was sinking, waiting for death.

At this time, it was close to the chaos of the army, but today's court once swept the storm, resulting in the continuous mobilization of troops in Bianliangjing recently. In this Bianliangjing, the vast official road as far as the world has also become extremely lonely. It's hard to see it all day except when the horses come and go.

At this point, the night is all dark, and the official road is already bleak. Coupled with the sad whimpering sound of the autumn wind, it adds a hasty color to the desolate ancient road.

In the distance, there was a galloping sound of a steed horse, 'dah' tight, and the horse mastered repeatedly scolded, and the horse hissed and roared. The man tightened the reins and stopped the horse. He still turned the horse's head a few times and frowned! The cold around brushed the white shirt, and the man was impatient.

"That's right here. Why hasn't anyone come yet?" Immediately, Xuan Jinyu, who was captured by Zhenming from that time, had a cold look on his face in the night wind, but revealed an anxiety that could not be ignored.

Today, in the capital of Bianliang, King Yanyun was ordered to go on an expedition. The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the banquet was also over. It was the time for the overnight expedition. Liang Ji did tell him to wait here for the army to pass by and go with Xiao Chengyou. But now, the ancient road is green, and the autumn wind is gusting. Only Xuan Jinyu is wandering on the edge with one horse. Where can you see any trace of the march?

"Is it that I missed the opportunity and missed the army?" Xuan Jinyu couldn't help sinking into his eyebrows and meditating for a moment. He suddenly turned his horse's head and was about to go to the dark place in the distance. At this time, the sound of the horn blew with the wind from afar, long and tragic, and settled the heart that Xuan Jinyu had been holding.

smiled. He sat on the horse and couldn't help being excited. It seems that the time is just right!"

The horse came with a horn and raised a banner all the way, and its tail was hunted with the wind. Instead, it was not covered by the sound of the man and horse. Instead, it flew freely on the empty sky. The "beam" was towering to the sky, and the sound of beating and hitting and hitting among the soldiers and horses was tragic and heroic, making the men who heard it full of excitement.

At the front, the red mane horse is vigorous, which contrasts with the awe-in power of the owner of the horse.

From afar, what you can see is the white shirt standing proudly in the center of the ancient road, looking at the thousands of troops and horses in front of him, which can break the sky without bending their eyebrows.

Not bad, bold!

Looking at Xuan Jinyu's elegant clothes, he was hunted by the wind in the night. However, what Xiao Chengyou praised was Xuan Jinyu's vast lineup in the face of his millions of troops. Instead, he was not afraid at all, but calmly came to his face.

" hiss"

The war horse Changming looks particularly sad in the dark night. Xiao Chengyou tightened the reins and stopped his horse a foot away from Xuan Jin. Behind him, the Haolong army also stopped at Xiao Chengyou. Suddenly, there was no sound of the marching pace, leaving only the sound of the hunting flag being blown by the wind.

"Who are you? You can know that the march can't be delayed for a moment. Unexpectedly, the road is in the center to stop me from going!" Xiao Chengyou said so, but there was a trace of fun in Xuan Jinyu's eyes. The hand holding the horse whip casually put on the horse and looked like a good wait.

It's not that Xiao Chengyou didn't know that Liang Ji had arranged to let Xuan Jin enter his army long before the march. On the one hand, there is a great difference in life and death on the battlefield. Although it is difficult and dangerous, it is also fast to make contributions. Another reason is that this place in the capital is the existence of Longtan Tiger Cave for Xuan Jinyu.

As long as Xuan Jinyu is still in the capital for a day, he will not see the sun for a day. But on the battlefield, there are different generals who do not have any orders from foreign emperors. As long as Xuanjin heals your heart, you can be promoted and return to the court with meritorious service. No one is afraid.

This is what Liang Ji said to Xuan Jinyu, and also what he said to Xiao Chengyou.

Therefore, two people who had nothing to do with each other collided for the first time in front of the vast army tonight.

Xiao Chengyou is not a blind follower. Since Liang Ji asked Xuan Jin to come to him more and more, he will definitely arrange a position for him in the army. However, if he doesn't have something to appreciate, it will always be just a position arranged.

That's why Xiao Chengyou has such questions and temptations.

Xuan Jinyu was not as calm as Xiao Chengyou. He was on the horse and observed the expression of the prince introduced by Liang Ji little by little. A man has an ambition and what he has learned will serve the country. But it's not just the handsome one, it's left and abandoned?" Xuan Jinyu said it directly.

It made Xiao Chengyou smile, "It's also quite bold and speaks cheerfully!" Xiao Chengyou praised this person for the second time. He asked again, "What's your name?" Who is the teacher?

"Xuan Jinyu..." Xuan Jinyu's voice was cold, word by word, so that the officers present could hear it clearly. The family did not shy away from this family at all. The son of the late Xuanyin Zaifu, a martial artist at home..."

Both people sat fixedly on the horse and looked at each other, allowing the autumn wind to blow their clothes and brush their armor, both of which were motionless as mountains.

But unlike the determination of the two, the deputy generals and other officers behind them have begun to be a little different, but the military power is still not much **.

"Xuanyin Zaifu!" Xiao Chengyou said the name, "I haven't heard the name for a long time, but..." He smiled at Shangxuan Jinyu, "You are very bold. You dare to report yourself in front of the king and the three armies. It's good, not bad!" Xiao Chengyou pondered for a moment, and his smile gradually dissipated. "So, since you are the son of Zai Fu, the position in the army must not be confused. In this way, what do you think is the ideal position of the prince if you want to serve your country and enter my army?"

Xuan Jinyu's heavy words tonight were all comfortable when Xiao Chengyou's words were asked. It seemed that he had said so much with Xiao Chengyou tonight, waiting for his words.

But he didn't know that this was also one of Xiao Chengyou's ambitions. In his heart, ambitious subordinates are not good soldiers. Therefore, Xiao Chengyou did not let him march directly, but let him choose a position among many generals to test his ambitions.

Xuan Jinyu glanced at the military appearance on the opposite side, with a long wind, majestic and discipline. At first glance, it was a well-edited army. Looking at Xiao Chengyou's side, Xuan Jin smiled more and pointed to the deputy general beside Xiao Chengyou. "Xuan Jinyue will not be a nobody forever, and in the name of Xuanmen, except for the position of the prince's commander, Xuan Jin does not dare to overdo it. For the rest, Xuan Jin thinks that only the position of deputy general can match me!"

"Presumptuous!" A roar like Lei Gong suddenly sounded. It's not from Xiao Chengyou's mouth, but from the deputy general next to Xiao Chengyou. I would have been the deputy commander of the eldest princess herself. How can you talk nonsense?" The general blushed, as if he were really angry, but it was because he was marching at this time, and Xiao Chengyou had not said anything, otherwise he would have rushed out and died with Xuan Jin.

And Xiao Chengyou, who was beside him, couldn't help laughing secretly, as if he had no intention of speaking.

However, Xiao Chengyou is also secretly sighing whether Xuan Jinyu is eye-catching or mistaken. Unexpectedly, he caught the eyeliner placed beside him, which was exactly what he was like.

The vice general saw that Xiao Chengyou did not speak for a long time. Relying that he was the deputy general of the eldest princess, he pointed the finger at Xiao Chengyou, and then asked for an order to go to war. Xiao Chengyou glanced at him coldly, and the general was suddenly stunned and suddenly didn't understand Xiao Chengyou's thoughts.

"Not bad, I like it!" Xiao Chengyou said something that made the general dissatisfied again. However, I already have a deputy general. How can I accept you as a deputy general? Why don't you..." Xiao Chengyou looked at his deputy general and smiled maliciously. "Why don't I make an exception to open a ring for you two? There can only be one deputy general. Whoever survives, I will continue to take him to fight in the frontier."

Xiao Chengyou's words are obvious that anyone alive can be his deputy general.

But how can the general treat himself as such a pastime by Xiao Chengyou? "I'm the deputy general of the eldest princess, how can I allow you, ah..." Before the general finished his words, a scream, like his thunderous voice, deterred everyone present. He lowered his head unbelievably and looked at the long sword running from his back to the front of his chest, with blood flowing down from the blade and dripping on the saddle.

"You..." His eyes widened, and the refutation momentum just now suddenly disappeared. He never thought that he had died at the hands of Xuan Jinyu before he took action. Even before the curse came out, he had rolled under the horse, and his eyes were still surprised, but he had died.

Most of the soldiers behind him are not Xiao Chengyou's own soldiers. At this time, he saw that the deputy general ordered by the eldest princess died halfway before going on the expedition, and he had nothing to do with Xiao Chengyou. At that time, he couldn't stop it.

Xiao Chengyou shouted and shocked the unbelievable and ** soldiers below. I know that you all want to say that he was ordered by the eldest princess, but don't forget that you are now my soldiers, and you have to obey. My deputy general is not such a mediocre man. You just need to know that the vice general was martyred in the melee!"

"Follow me, fight together and make contributions, but if anyone doesn't accept it, I will never tolerate it!"

Xiao Chengyou's voice was not as loud as the general, but every word was extremely shocking, and the soldier's heart suddenly stabilized without any fluctuation.

Xiao Chengyou was very satisfied with the current state. He looked back at Xuan Jinyu and was also very satisfied. He was cruel enough and fast enough to take action. He needed such a person on the battlefield. Moreover, why not do it if he can justly clean up the eyeliner placed beside him and get a good general on the way!

facing Xuan Jinyu, Xiao Chengyou's face suddenly became severe. The army is about to leave. Why is my deputy general still there?

When Xiao Chengyou said this, Xuan Jin smiled, and then jumped from the front of the horse. The mount jumped to the mount of the general just now, "Your subordinates are waiting for you at any time!"

The long army is vast, hunting with banners, and in the sad night, it is still far away!