Shu Song

Chapter 23 Fang Hate Late

Far away from the stranger, banners flew over, and the rest of the world was chaotic. In the silent night, the autumn wind relied on a piece of infatuation from the distance, falling far away, as if there was nothing to rely on in the darkness, but it was blown up by the wind. On the silent official road, a red dust rose again.

She drank repeatedly, scolded the ** horse and galloped away, chasing up towards the place where the march passed.

In the wind country, the dust fell again, but the red dust was suddenly raised by the autumn wind and blown to the east. In the eyes of the country, it is the towering imperial city, the dazzling palaces, and the fluttering smoke and dust, like no man's land, rising one after another. At this moment, the wind suddenly stopped and completely settled the dust.

In the dark palace, there was a woman's sad laughter from time to time, and the palace lamp swirled a few times under the light of the surrounding night wind. He went to the window secretly, but only looked through the slightly open door, and the slight candlelight set off a few people in the house.

The jade-like beauty, Bai Ling crosses her neck, crossed behind, is the ruthlessness of the two palace people. On the side, it was a cold look, looking at the so-called "crazy" queen.

"The hanging has always been the punishment that people in the palace dream of. It can protect the whole body, and this palace is also not thin to your grace!" There is no ordinary grace and luxury on his face. I don't know whether it is caused by the unsatiable in the court today, or the unique secludedness in this court, and the face is a little pale.

A Man's delicate jade face, at this moment, because she couldn't breathe, grabbed Bai Ling on both sides with both hands, but even so, Bai Ling on her neck still deepened her strength. Can't speak, only the hatred in those eyes, like a green front that can pierce people's hearts, looking directly at the Ming.

"Don't look at me like this. I've seen a lot of eyes like this!" Yao Ming and A Man looked at each other and said to the queen who was like an ant in her hand at this moment, "Tut, don't be so reluctant. Your brother was not killed by me. I originally wanted to make peace between Daliang and western Xinjiang through your marriage, but now that this idea has been broken, you can also follow you. The elder brother is gone!"

Zi Ming stared at Aman's eyes and looked directly at them. At this moment, both sides were fierce. In this palace that was used to death, it seemed extremely common.

With a "bang", the sound of Han Yu breaking into the door was frightened in an instant. Looking at Han Yu's recklessness, a little embarrassed appeared, "What's wrong?"

Han Yu knew that she was rude, lowered her head and said to herself, "Your Majesty is coming to the palace!" Han Yu looked up at Zhen Ming and looked at the queen who looked a little more hopeful because she heard the word 'Your Majesty'. For a moment, she didn't know how to decide.

"Come on, come on..." Jingming hurriedly ordered, "Han Yu, you must send her down to Huangquan before the emperor arrives."

Yi Ming's order made Han Yu feel a little unprepared. Although she has been in the palace for so many years and has seen many people die in front of her, it is the same when it comes to sending a person on the road with her own hands, and Yu Ming's words are beyond questionable.

"Do you dare to disobey this palace?" Zhengming saw Han Yu's hesitation, but the defeat in the past few days made him have to be suspicious at this moment, "Han Yu, I treat you well!"

Han Yu was suddenly shocked when she heard this. After the operation of saying this, it was usually when she wanted to kill people. She answered, "I dare not!" Then, at the urging of Hao Ming, he moved to Aman. Bai Ling took over the other end and exerted his strength on his hand fiercely.

At this moment, there was a hot pain in my neck, and I couldn't breathe, and even the strength to stretch out my hand to resist gradually disappeared. His face was almost blue, and when he was finally desperate, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Han Yu, you are so bold that the queen dares to do it!" Xiao Yuling hurried in and looked at the gasping appearance, as if he had been running all the way. Even if Xiao Yuling had known for a long time that he wanted to kill Aman, he still rushed up with anger when he saw such a scene in front of him.

She took Han Yu's hand and suddenly slapped her. Han Yu fell to the ground, but did not dare to say anything. She could only hang her head to the ground and wait for Ming to come out to protect herself.

However, Zhenming didn't seem to see this in his eyes, but just smiled faintly, "Didn't the emperor always like this woman in western Xinjiang? Why are you so angry?" Xiaoming looked at Xiao Yuling's color and was a little trance.

At this moment, Xiao Yuling held A Man, who had no strength, and explored her hand in her nose. Fortunately, there was still breath back and forth. Xiao Yuling breathed a sigh of relief, hugged A Man on the ground, looked up at the moment of Ming, and suddenly became in a trance.

How can this scene be similar?

In those years, it was the same. He hugged his mother and begged this woman weakly and palely, also in this place, and it is the same now. The difference is that he held his queen this time. In front of Ming, the shadow of those years was an eternal nightmare.

"Give her away!" Xiao Yuling opened his mouth coldly without feeling weak at all. If he had grown so big, maybe his mother could have been sheltered in her arms like this. ......

"Daliang and Xijiang are already at war. Queen Abar is the princess of Xijiang. In my eyes, I can't tolerate her!" Jingming said resolutely and turned around and did not face Xiao Yuyu. She knew that Xiao Yuling was no longer the one who could pinch and flatten herself. No matter how incompetent the child is, he will eventually grow up one day.

"She is my queen, and you have no right to give her any life or death order!" Xiao Yuying shouted coldly.

"Who dares to disobey!" Zhenming also drank it coldly, but unlike Xiao Yuling, when Zhenming's cold shout came out, the bodyguard who had been waiting for the moment suddenly pointed to Xiao Yuling with a long knife.

"These days, I am enough to tolerate you in the court. If you don't want to be killed by this place, you can put the woman down obediently, otherwise..."

Xiao Yuling glanced coldly at the soldiers around him, all of whom were blind soldiers. He did not doubt the authenticity of what was said. As long as she gave an order here, she could immediately kill him as the emperor here. However, Xiao Yuling laughed and looked at Yuan Min, who seemed to be confident. "I am no longer a useless and incompetent crown prince. I am now the emperor. Don't you think you will be in trouble if you give a killing order? Is it even more troublesome than when you killed your father and hid the body in the bedroom for two consecutive years?"

"Do you dare to try it? Do you dare to stage another play!" Zhenming did not give up much, and the murderous intention in his eyes seemed even more. "Originally, if you were obedient, I could let you live a few more years and be a happy emperor, but you thought you had a long life. Since I could silently and colorlessly kill your father in the bedroom, you can also do the same today. Let your father's body accompany you, take care of you again, and let your father and son go the same way!"

When I said this, everyone's faces changed. Even Han Yu, who dared not speak, has a pale face at this moment. The tough look emitted from her eyes has become a strong inhibition at this moment, suppressing the impulse to shed tears.

"Hmm!" A sneer overflowed from Xiao Yuling's lips, "Then you can try and see if the old things will happen again on me!" When he said this, Xiao Yuling was not completely sure that he would be shocked by himself.

Otherwise, for so many years, this weak emperor has never had such an expression. What burst out of that look is indeed a kind of confidence that is enough to make people stunned,... and majesty!

Innate majesty!

However, even so, Xiao Yuling still knows that if he does not know how to resist at this moment and shows weakness in front of the Ming Dynasty, then he will not be able to keep the woman in his arms as before, so he has to hold himself to the last moment.

He lowered his head, looked at A Man, and told him, "Don't worry, you are my queen and the mother of Daliang. Even if Xijiang and Daliang are now in war, no one can do anything without my order. Close your eyes and sleep, and I will protect you!"

Close your eyes and sleep, I will protect you!

This man's words, her husband, built a wall for her for the first time in this Bianliang Palace, which made her feel cunning and framed everywhere. At this moment, Aman believed his words without hesitation, with two lines of faint tears on his pale face, nodding his head, obediently closed his eyes, and quietly closed his eyes in the steel-like chest.

It is undeniable that Xiao Yuling's bet is right.

In his heart, Xiao Yuying, who dared not fight back and scolded him. The previous confrontation in the court did not fully show the sharpness of Xiao Yuling.

But now it's different. Now that he has something he is determined to protect, he will completely erect a protective wall for this. And Zhenming does also have the ills of people who have always been above the high position, - suspicious!

If Xiao Yuling dares to say such words so boldly, she must have her own grasp. And at this moment of meditation, Xiao Yuying knew that he had won this psychological tug-of-war!

Looking at the sleeping face of the woman in his arms, although he knew that it was impossible to sleep in such a situation anyway, A Man still kept his eyes closed obediently, and would rather tears slip from the corners of his eyes than shock Xiao Yuxuan.

This moment is quiet and heartwarming!

Xiao Yuying strode out, leaving a room full of self-condened people.

Han Yu slowly got up and came to the stunned Xiao Yuling, "Princess, we..."

Because of Han Yu's words, he suddenly came to his senses and pointed to the direction of the door where Xiao Yuling walked, "Do you think he is really Xiao Yuying? Did I see Xiao Yuyu, who grew up?"

Han Yu didn't say anything. Zhenming recalled Xiao Yuyu's appearance just now. The more he thought about it, the colder he became. "I can't stay, I can't stay for a moment. I must not let those two live tonight. If he is alive, one day..." Zhenming's words suddenly stopped and his face turned white.

"...I will die a miserable death!"