The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 785 Crack, Error

The ascetic head thinks that he has only put on such a posture, which will definitely be shocked by Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan and prompted him to change his strategy of sword fighting.

After all, it is a well-known fact that the mana power consumed by using magic weapons is scarce. Otherwise, the monk would not have spent a lot of effort to sacrifice the magic weapon to help himself fight, and just take action directly.

Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan, seeing this, naturally understood the thought of the ascetic. However, the ascetic head is not only not a deterrent to him at all, but also makes him happy, because such an ascetic head is right in his mind. Even if the ascetic head does not do so, he also has to find ways to let the ascetic head do so.

Because the magic power used by Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan to consume ascetic head is based on those magic weapons of ascetic head.

Indeed, the mana required to use the magic weapon is very scarce. However, this rarity is also relative. Generally speaking, the higher the grade of the magic weapon, the more mana will be needed. The stronger the power of the magic weapon, the stronger the mana consumed.

Although the magic weapons used by the ascetic head are not up to the level of the treasure, they are all the top goods among the magic weapons. The magic power consumed by this kind of magic weapon is quite small. Although, compared with the magnificent mana of the ascetic head, it is really nothing, there are many magic weapons that can't withstand.

You should know that the mana power consumed by manipulating a variety of magic weapons at the same time, especially non-life magic weapons, is definitely not as simple as one plus one, but increased by multiples. In this way, the mana consumed by the ascetic head to stimulate the magic weapon is quite objective. If, under the stimulation of Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan, it stimulates the deeper power of the magic weapon, the mana consumed will be even more.

If the ascetic head is in full bloom, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan will definitely not choose such a struggle. Because mana is not reduced as much as it is consumed, and at the same time, it is also recovering all the time. And the mana recovery ability of ascetic head is quite weak.

However, the current ascetic head is that nearly half of the mana is suppressing the injury in the body and can't be used at all. Once used and the injury breaks out, the life will be in danger. In this case, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan is very confident. If he works so hard, the winner must be himself.

Because, in this absolute power confrontation, it is impossible for the ascetic head to receive a little shock. Therefore, nine times out of ten, the injury of the ascetic head will be aggravated. In this way, the ascetic head will have to mobilize more mana to suppress it.

Because of this, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan felt that his IQ, the first think tank of the Emei School, had declined after being injured. Otherwise, such a simple situation would never be unexpected.

Of course, it is also possible that ascetic head is taking a dangerous move in the army and exercising that deceitful trick on himself. However, his own idea has been decided. No matter how it changes, he will not change at all.

Lin Yuan, a strong-minded Xuandu Yushi, did not change at all. Not only that, there is not even a change in moves. Just like this, a straight sword, from the front, straight to the throat of the ascetic head.

At this moment, the light of four-fold protection is shrouded in the body of ascetic head. Naturally, there is no fear of worry at all. Therefore, it is a smile on his face and responds very calmly. It seems that I am the towering high mountain, and it is difficult to destroy myself with the strength of any flood.

In fact, it is indeed the case. Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan's sword with all his strength was cut on the body protection treasure of the ascetic head. A loud noise, like a boulder, was thrown into a lake, stirring up endless ripples of power. However, after the ripples dissipated, everything returned to calm.

If it is not that ascetic retreats, I'm afraid that no one will think that nothing has ever happened.

For the achievements of his own sword, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan was not surprised at all, and he did not have any dissatisfaction. He seemed to be a machine without intelligence. Once again, he cut a sword towards the ascetic head with the strongest power. Similarly, this sword is magnificent, without the slightest smell of concealment or recitation.


Another loud noise sounded, and countless ripples rose again on the body protection light of the ascetic head. There was nothing else. This time, the ascetic head did not even take a step back. Obviously, he has been very adapted to such a level of power as Lin Yuan, a scholar of Xuandu.

If he was an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have given up his original plan in the face of this. After all, this kind of plan does not seem to have any effect at all, as if it is in vain. However, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan is different. However, he firmly believed that his hard work had a great impact on the ascetic head, but it was all inside, and the ascetic head did not show it.

In his opinion, the ascetic head wants to use such a gesture to force himself to give up this strategy, so as to fall into his trap.

So, next, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan is like a third-rate swordsman practicing swords, using almost the same straight hit, but this straight move, if the power is completely burst out, it is enough to destroy a mountain and overturn a big river.

"Bun, Bun, Bun,..."

The powerful sound came one after another. Of course, the momentum of such a fight is not small, but the monks under the ring, except for the relatives and friends of both sides, have a feeling of drowsiness. Because this kind of sword fighting is so boring that it can't show the demeanor of a master at all.

If it weren't for them, they knew that the two people on the stage could not be scolded casually, I'm afraid they would be sarcastic.

The two people on the stage really don't care about the thoughts of the people under the stage. In their hearts, the two of them have almost the same idea, that is, persistence and victory.

That's right, so is the ascetic head. In his opinion, his own consumption is large, and the consumption of Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan is even greater. However, when Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan came with another sword, he suddenly found that the injury in his body was unstoppably aggravated by another point, so that he had to transfer part of his mana again to suppress it. At this time, he suddenly found that his choice was wrong.

However, the mistake has been made, and it is impossible to save it now.