The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 786 Refuse to lose, reputation declines again

It was already midnight. Anyway, he couldn't sleep any more, so he simply sat up in **. From the pocket of his coat on the quilt, he took out a cigarette and a lighter to smoke, and handed one to Zhang Min.

Jiaxing recalled that his long-time leader of the authorities was responsible for excessive housing work. At that time, it was simple but not simple. First, a housing standard was established. According to the level and position of the leading cadres, how many square meters should be enjoyed. Generally, each person under a few square meters was a difficult household. Then take a look at how many square meters of houses, how many sets, locations, room types, which are public houses, which are private houses, etc.

The key business of this brokerage company is to operate more than 100 houses replaced by employees in the group. The house information is not only displayed in the window of the company's own store, but also published in some tabloids. However, it is still the same. There are many people who come to consult and negotiate. The key point is that the price can't be negotiated. The seller has a big appetite, and the bid he wants to buy is low. Sometimes the price difference between the buyer and seller is half. How can this be a deal?

After these six principles were passed by the company's leadership, they were pushed to the employees and the masses, and the response was very positive. Of course, there are also a few people who say that it is so troublesome that it is better to go to the society to buy it.

"I will know if you calculate it like this. Your only task now is to do a good job of improving living conditions for the employees of this Oriental company!"

Haiyan told her that she wanted to ask her to manage the hotel together. But Meili replied that maybe the hotel she is currently working on would not let her go. Yanzi put forward a two-step plan. First, she took time to help plan the preliminary work of the hotel and hotel opening. Then she felt that she could enter the appropriate time to work in the Oriental Group, and then resigned from her current work unit and officially joined the Oriental Group as the vice president of the hotel.

"I don't know what to do."

Zhang Min thought for a moment and said that this should be done: there are indeed hundreds of houses developed by the group now. If you sell some to internal employees, it is also a good thing, which can also enhance the cohesion of the enterprise. At the same time, this can also mobilize party, league and trade union organizations at all levels to play their role.

At this time, this group of people were asking Sinan when to pay the salary, and the 110 police car arrived. Some people wanted to run, but it was too late. Many security guards and cars in the hotel had surrounded all these people, and none of them had run away. There are a total of six people in this group, including Wang's good friend!

Sinan said, "The brokerage company of this real estate is quite complicated. It is said that there are now two or three thousand grain stores in Shanghai, more than before the reform and opening up. There will be three or five or even more than ten on a short road. During this period, I went around and summarized that this kind of company can be divided into several categories. One is called a chain store, ranging from a few to tens of hundreds or even hundreds of stores. Companies with the same name are all over the streets and alleys of the city. The second type is basically a single-family husband and wife store, two tables and a few stools, one or two telephones, two or three people, and a better one is a computer; and The form is located in some buildings, without a facade, and even the business license can't be taken out. What's more, it's a different place with a shot. Although the Municipal Housing Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau have repeatedly stressed the need to standardize the operation, the irregular operation has been heard from time to time.

In the evening, Haiyan came home for dinner and sat down to discuss with Zhang Min how to complete the tasks assigned by the two bosses during the day.

Finally, after repeated work, some problems can always be solved. But to solve it, it is still to go around in the circle of some old houses. It is to build some new public houses. Due to the limitation of housing construction funds, the area is limited, and it is still "more monks and less porridge". The old poor households have not been solved, and new poor households have emerged again.

This hotel is the first day of business. How busy Haiyan should be. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Sinan finally saw Haiyan in the chairman's office. Haiyan was a little puzzled to see Sinan so late at night and asked, "It's already 12 o'clock in the evening. Why don't you go home and come to my office?"

As soon as Haiyan heard it, he thought that 20 out of these 4,000 people were 800 people. This matter is extensive and complicated. How can I help with this? Although she didn't say anything, she was thinking about it carefully.

"I have warned these two people to stay away from this friend. But the two of them just didn't listen. That's good.

"Siying, how much does it cost to pay the difference and handling fee of our second-hand house discount to buyers this time? Have you calculated it?"

He turned his body three times and twice, which woke Zhang Min up. Zhang Min rubbed her eyes and asked Sinan, "Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?" He twisted the bedside light switch, and the hands of the clock on the wall were already pointing at 3:30.

After a while, Liqi also arrived at Jiaxing's office, so everyone sat down on the sofa.

Siying said, "Then who will pay the lower price of our commercial housing than the part sold to the employees, the expenses incurred in the middle, and the salary of the sales staff? This money doesn't add up to a small amount.

Jiaxing said, "Of course, it's only this time, and I have to stop it for a period of time. There is no store after this village."

Later, Haiyan held a temporary board of directors to specialize in this part of the second-hand housing replacement business, made appropriate adjustments in personnel, and also decided to set up a real estate brokerage company to deal with second-hand housing. This is Siying's suggestion, and the manager of this brokerage company is Sinan.


After Haiyan left, Zhang Min and Sinan asked the waiter to take some snacks, ate and took a bath, and then went to the room to talk and went to sleep.

"Of course I'm happy to work with you, but I don't know anything about real estate."

Later, I worked as a seller and lowered the listing price a lot. One-third of the second-hand houses were finally sold, but the listing price of more than 70 sets refused to come down. As a result, no one paid attention to it.

Jiaxing said, "I have discussed this money with your Aunt Liqian, and she is going to pay from the part of the fund she loves to the society."

It's really a coincidence. This beauty is now the vice president of a hotel. She has rich knowledge and practical experience in the business of this hotel.

"I'm actively trying to figure it out, but I haven't found the general manager of this real estate company recently." The good friend said helplessly.

On the fourth day, on the morning of January 4th, Haiyan came to tell him that Lisi was willing to lend 2 million yuan to Sinan privately to pay the wages owed to the migrant workers on the construction site, so as to solve the urgent problem.

After saying that, Jiaxing handed over a large pile of investigation materials to Siying's hand. Siying took over and looked over, turned over, spit out his tongue, and handed them over to Haiyan's hand.

The problem now is that these objects have provided more than 200 second-hand houses for replacement. Among them, internal digestion is relatively easy to solve the problem, but the more than 100 sets to be pushed to the society can hurt Siying's brain.

Jiaxing put forward his own idea, which is like this: about 10% of the commercial housing developed by the company has not been sold, and there are about hundreds of houses. Its location and quality are still acceptable. Can these people choose this part of the house? If they are satisfied with it, sell it to them at cost price, or slightly higher than the cost price? At the same time, help replace the house they now live in, and pay for the commercial housing. The insufficient part requires them to pay cash out of their pockets, or take part of the mortgage loan from the bank.

For the house that is ready to be replaced, some entrust the Oriental Real Estate Company to find the next house; some find the matching one by themselves. Then negotiate the transaction price, sign relevant contracts and agreements, and conduct transactions in accordance with legal procedures.

Haiyan asked again, "Is this the way to keep doing this, or only this once?"

The Oriental Company signed 485 sets of various surplus commercial housing resources in two months, including a small number of buildings that are about to be completed, and some even chose villas.

This Min worked hard all day and fell asleep in a short time. But Sinan couldn't sleep at all. He tossed and turned around, thinking about things: his good people [police] did not check it properly, and what kind of contractor did he do? At first, it was okay. Later, I got together with my friends, and the problems and troubles came. Until now, I can't stop it, and I can't even go home. Thinking about myself, I'm really unlucky. Now I come to make a second-hand house, but I have met these customers again. What I bought is less than a penny, and what I sold is a full price, which makes the middleman laugh and cry. The more he thinks about it, the more frustrated he becomes. It's really what northerners say, "people are unlucky, salty salt and maggots."

"The total is less than 40 million yuan."

But her brother Sinan's luck was so bad that the migrant workers on the construction site kept looking for him, asked him for the salary in arrears, and threatened to kill him. In addition, the transaction progress of this second-hand house is still a problem. By December 31, there are still 45 houses that have not been digested.

Jiaxing said again: "It's settled. Report a specific implementation plan within ten days, and finish it within half a year after the auction. This good thing must be done well, and we will listen to the opinions of all parties.

"Yes, I have been in [Sun] for many years. What I have not seen is that every family has their own property rights. Many people rent houses to live in------" Zhang Min also talked about the housing situation of ordinary people she saw when she was working at [Sun].

After she told Liqian about this idea, Liqian thought that the girl's reputation was not bad and could be considered. Jiaxing also thinks it can be tried.

Zhang Min asked the waiter to deliver some breakfast, milk and cake. After eating, Zhang Min took care of Sinan and stayed in the room honestly. Don't go out. In this way, Sinan squatted in the hotel room for two days. He was really suffocated, but he didn't dare to go out for fear that the migrant workers would find him here.

Therefore, Sinan and Jianfang came to his house five or six times in a row, but they didn't see the figure of their friends.

The reason why a good friend always dodges during this period is that he hasn't been in trouble recently. Kong Sinan's project is the intermediate guarantee he made. Now that he has something to do, Jianfang and Kong Sinan keep asking him for money. Because his own investment consulting business is also sluggish, he has eaten the whiteboard for almost several months in a row, and the money has no progress. What bothered him most was his bad luck in the casino, and he lost nine out of ten bets. After losing the bet in China, I went to Macau, and I almost couldn't go back to Shanghai.

Siying said bluntly, "I want a house and find a market."

Now even Siying, who has always been very dedicated, has begun to complain, and she is a little helpless and wants to let it go. What's more, now she is also in the hands of Jianfang's finances, which is really hard to take care of.

Lisi said, "But you two ladies, don't be too shrewd in the economic account, and you should also have a spirit of love, including the sales ladies and gentlemen who do this!"

This Sinan is a [policeman] inspector, and he is really a good [policeman] inspector. And he always lacks something in business, and the project contracting is not ideal. Now he is not sure about the second-hand housing transaction, but he is also very dedicated. He has found a lot of books and materials to learn and recharge. Fortunately, several salesmen found in the brokerage company are quite good at it.

"I already know about this."

Sinan, who was stunned, woke up at this time, but when he saw that his friend was also in it, he was also confused. Why did this friend also come? What's going on? Let's listen to the next breakdown.

Sinan was about to bend down and drilled into the car from the back door of the car when suddenly several people came out of the back of the car, grabbed his suit collar and dragged him out of the car. Before Zhang Min could react to what was going on, these people punched and kicked Sinan indiscriminately, breaking one of Sinan's front teeth, and the blood flowed straight out. At this time, Zhang Min shouted to the security personnel in the hotel to come out to interfere, and then took out his mobile phone and called 110.

Since the reform and opening up, the housing conditions of Shanghai residents have been generally improved, which can be said to be greatly unexpected. Of course, there are still problems, but the second and third generations of the whole family live in six or seven square meters, which can be said to be very rare.

"Friends, don't avoid us like this. We should always find a way together." Jianfang's statement is a little more moderate.

Let's not talk about this for the time being. Besides, Jiaxing and Liqi have been discussing one thing recently, that is, among the employees of Oriental Group Company, some people report that they are not very satisfied with their family's housing and ask for further improvement. Let's see if the company can help solve it.

Haiyan asked, "What's the matter with Dad asking the two of us?"

Beautiful readily accepted the plan, and then the "Oriental Hotel" made all the preparations before opening very smoothly, and on New Year's Day in 2005, it opened as scheduled and officially opened to the public.

At this time, everyone was silent for a while and didn't say anything. Jiaxing said, "What, it's still difficult to solve. This is the first thing I put forward. The employee income of our group company is higher than that of ordinary units, so many people have bought commercial housing by themselves, and there is no big problem living for the time being. But I recently went to the homes of several employees. Some of them have their sons and daughters to get married; some of them have a good living area, but the quality of the house is not high, and they want to further improve it. Now the price of houses is gradually rising, and these people don't have much money------"

"It's natural for the house for the two of you to come. You two sit down first. I'll call and call Boss Lican."

"What do you do?"

So, she arrived at Junlan's house first. Junlan expressed her strong support, but she wanted to be willing. As she spoke, Meimei came home from work. As soon as she saw that Haiyan was at her house, she greeted each other. Then, Haiyan directly cut into the topic and said, "Beautiful sister, I want to invite you to work in the Oriental Group. I don't know if you have this interest?"

"This is called planning to add market." Siying said with a smile.

Siying also said, "It's quite troublesome to do this. It's refreshing not to do commercial housing."

"It doesn't matter. Let him hurry up for a while. I hope he can learn from it. He borrowed other people's money so that I had to help him find a way. The purpose of asking him to help you make a second-hand house also means that. Do you understand?

On the night of New Year's Day, Sinan really had no choice but to come to Haiyan.

But the problem of this hotel building is not that simple. Because he was preparing for his long-term investment and operation, everything was handled by Haiyan himself. Haiyan was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat or go to the toilet. For Haiyan, there have been a lot of hotels, but it is completely another thing to run it by yourself. It can be said that it is a completely unfamiliar new topic. The group has basically made arrangements. The main task of this swallow in the future is to manage the hotel, which is the owner of the hotel. But now there is no effective helper. She thought it would be better for a woman to help with this kind of management. She thought about beauty.

Jiaxing thought for a moment and said, "The principle is set like this, okay? If the principle is set, what to do it is the business of you two ladies."

Zhang Min didn't want to smoke, so Sinan said, "Now that the swallow is not here, smoke one, I won't expose it."

"There is also Jianfang's money, which may not come back. The two of them are so anxious."

In practice, it will fall to everyone through labor unions and other organizational systems. Of course, during this period, it is inevitable for people to find leaders, go through the back door, compare with each other, care about each other, make noises, and even quarrels.

"I? There is no place for me to sleep in such a big hotel." After saying that, she called Zhang Min, explained the task, and went to work.

Lisi interrupted Siying's words and said, "It's sure to find a market, but is our company easy to help?"

"How dare I go home now!"

Jiaxing wanted to make tea for the two of them. Siying rushed to make tea by herself and said, "The president made tea for us. How can this be?"

"Why are the migrant workers looking for you?"

"It seems that only Aunt Lisi can help you with this matter, but you can't mention cash until the bank opens after New Year's Day. You can do this. Just hide in my office for a few days. It's safer here. I'll ask Zhang Min to accompany you. There are two beds to sleep in the room.

So the two of them drew up a few bars: first, the object of enjoying this preferential housing source must be an employee of the Oriental Company and live by themselves; second, it is limited to the purchase of houses that the Oriental Company has not yet sold, including second-hand houses; third, the deadline is December 31, 2004; fourth, it is in the house. The handling fees that should be paid to the state's deed tax, bank, insurance, and outside housing intermediary units in the house transaction shall be borne by the buyer; fifth, the transaction fee handed over to the Oriental Company can be exempted; sixth, the price of the house replaced by the employee can only be traded after the evaluation unit or consensus.

"What about you?"

Chapter 88 The group organized a special team for the employee's roommate's friend Kong Sinan's disaster-prone Oriental Real Estate Company to open the clothing company's product showroom, on-site office to receive the company's employees, look at the list of commodity housing resources sold by the company, and select, negotiate and register satisfactory housing resources.

One day, when it was getting dark, the two finally blocked him in front of his house.

The replacement task of this second-hand house is entrusted to Siying. These more than 100 sets of second-hand houses are scattered, the housing situation is quite complicated, and the transaction time is limited. It must be completed by the end of the year. The key is that the price is not easy to negotiate, and the negotiation is stuck and can't continue.

"You, whose surname is Wang, hide from us every day. You can't hide for fifteen and a half months. The guarantee you made for the money filled in our project should be recovered by a way. If you don't chase it back, we'll see you." This Sinan pulled down his face and talked.

Finally determine which pairs can be added, which pairs can be matched, and which pairs are in the second or third batch. Make an internal plan and lead the group to discuss it. If necessary, organize to inspect the specific situation of these people's houses on the spot, and then make some appropriate adjustments, or blow the air first, and then publish the housing plan when you are more sure.

In fact, this is not the case. Yesterday, the two of them were still together and lost their gambling from Macao and returned to Shanghai together.

"Well, it is estimated that there are nearly 500 employees in this house sale, each of which has an average area of 80 square meters to buy our commercial housing, which is 40,000 square meters. At present, the average market price of these houses is 4,000 yuan per square meter. The price we launched is 20% of the market price, that is, 800 yuan, a total of 32 million yuan. In addition to the handling fee in the transaction, we help pay about 2,500 yuan per set, about 1.25 million yuan, and the two numbers add up. 33,5 million yuan. In fact, it must be higher in the end.

"What should I do?"

"Do we give subsidies?" Si Ying asked.

As the two men spoke and spoke, they were sleepy. They fell asleep and fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up, it was already dawn and the sun was already drying my buttocks. It was almost ten o'clock on the watch, so the two got up and washed their faces.

Zhang Min also sat down in **. After taking the cigarette in Sinan's hand and lit it, he also smoked it one after another. At first, the two talked aimlessly, and then talked about second-hand houses and the general manager of brokerage companies.

Jiaxing said, "The director of the administrative office of the head office has made a preliminary statistic. About 20 out of the nearly 4,000 employees in the company have such and such an unsatisfactory housing. Think about what can be done to help them solve it."

"Then their role is not small and indelible!" Zhang Min said.

At this time, Lisi asked Siying to return the financial work in her hand to Jianfang, which allowed Siying to concentrate on the house replacement of the employees in her hands. It made Siying very happy. Originally, she wanted to talk to Xu Lijuan about this matter, but now that Li silk offered to it, she was of course very happy. But she also mentioned another thing to Li silk and said, "Xu [Lord] Xi, there is one more thing about my brother Sinan. I heard that he has contracted a project, but the money filled in may be wasted.

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved. You don't have to worry about your brother and Jianfang. I will help you solve it.

Lisili then said, "This is my love for our group's employees, because they have contributed to our group and also made rewards for the society."

"I see. You are really a kind-hearted person. On behalf of the whole family, I thank you."

So, Jiaxing called Haiyan and Siying to his office.

Jiaxing replied, "It's not like this------"

"Lord] Xi, don't worry! I will try my best to do it well."

"It doesn't matter that Jianfang's money is still her own, but part of my brother Sinan's money is borrowed, and he is already worried to death. Now you ask him to help me make a second-hand house. He has this idea!"

It is indeed a "small place" where many ordinary people live in a big city like Shanghai. Some families have two or three generations, six or seven people, and seven or seven or eight people. The housing area is less than ten square meters. It's really a pair, a pair under the bed, plus a few children, or burning a briquette stove, pouring the toilet, eating, drinking, pulling and sprinkling in one room. There is no quality of life

At this time, it's almost the end of the year. The three high-rise buildings developed by Oriental Group Company have been basically completed, and the hotel has also begun to be renovated. Zhang Min is responsible for the sales and rental of a commercial residential building and an office building for the completion and acceptance of this project. It is going smoothly and is coming to an end.

"Of course, of course, Shanghai has a population of more than 10 million people and millions of households, and each family must have a commercial suite with a coal bathroom, which may be difficult to do for a while. After all, we are still in the primary stage of socialism, and the per capita GDP is only a few hundred dollars. To reach thousands of dollars, you may have to work hard on several five-year plans, and this matter has to be done slowly. Besides, if you buy a commercial house according to your ability, you can get a bank loan and have the ability to repay the loan. However, with the help of brokerage companies, ordinary people can pay some intermediate introduction fees, sell smaller houses, and then buy larger ones, which can improve living conditions more easily. By making second-hand houses, Sinan can also tell how to improve the living conditions of ordinary residents.

"It's not real estate."

"How did you calculate it?"

At this time, Jianfang also came and brought a signed cash check with her. Therefore, Sinan and Jianfang, accompanied by Zhang Min, went downstairs and left the hotel lobby together. They walked to the gate and prepared to get on the car to withdraw money from the bank.

Haiyan asked, "What kind of economy is this?

Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan is still tough. The sword is cut out, and the power is not weak at all, just like the previous countless attacks, the opponent has no impact at all.

At this moment, the ascetic understands that his original choice was wrong. However, at this juncture, even if it is clear that it is wrong, there is no room for change.

Now, there are only two that can be left to him to choose. One is to take the initiative to admit defeat, give up face, but win the opportunity to better nourish the body, so that his essence is not damaged: the other is not to admit defeat, and continue to support it like this until it can't be supported, and is beaten by Xuandu Yu Those who are killed. The advantage of this is that his own dignity has been well preserved.

The ascetic head has always been an incomparable person. At this moment, he did not hesitate at all, so he immediately opened his mouth and said, "I admit defeat!"

There's nothing I can do. I'm worried that if I talk about it at night, I won't give him a chance. They will deliberately make a man-killing posture and kill it directly. This kind of risk will never be risked.

The situation of the two people's fight has always been comparable. It can even be said that ascetic head seems to be more calm, because his baby body protection is really too shocking. However, at this time, it was him who took the initiative to admit defeat, which naturally shocked many monks who could not see the real situation.

"Emei faction, someone took the initiative to admit defeat again. It seems that the strength of the Emei faction is not very good!"

"This is the largest school in the millennium. Why don't you even have the backbone? It's enough for the leader to be greedy and afraid of death, even the elders in the door are like this. It seems that this Emei School is really in decline!"

Countless eyes passed Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Guxing Toutuo and others. Although there were no words in their mouths, through their eyes and expressions, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and others could guess what was in their hearts.

In such a situation, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming finally calmed down and fell into depression again, very aggrieved. Because he has no reason to refute at all, because that's the truth.

"Abitter, you are very self-avinced!" Lin Yuan, a scholar of Xuandu, will not miss such a good opportunity for revenge. At that time, he replied with a smile, "Now, you must know a lot about your own three-legged cat skills. Therefore, I would like to advise you that in the future, it is more serious to spend more time on practice. Don't wander around all day long and pretend to be a master.

Look, it's not a good person who hasn't done it, so it's exposed! Fortunately, your Emei faction and our Tianmeng are not that kind of sworn enemy. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't end so easily today.

As soon as the words fell, Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan did not mean to wait for the ascetic head to answer at all, and drove the light back to the camp of Tongtian League.

Ascetic head, as early as when I opened my mouth, I understood that I would inevitably suffer a robber.

Therefore, he was also preparing in advance. When Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan opened his mouth, he had already fully figured out the words to deal with. However, he did not expect that Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan would not give him this opportunity at all.

At this moment, if the ascetic head is a person singing the leading role in the ring, not only can the original situation not be improved at all, but also it will become worse. Therefore, at this moment, the ascetic head had to surge to the throat, and the words that were about to burst out were swallowed back into the stomach. Then, after saluteing a little, he also went out of the ring and came to the side of Miao Yi Zhenren Qi Shuming.

"Second brother, how is your injury?"

"Brother, the injury is fine!"

That is, time, the sound of countless inquiries poured over like a rainstorm.

For this, the ascetic head naturally can't respond one by one, so he can only shake his head and say, "Don't worry, it's okay. As long as it's recupated to a certain extent, it will be all right!"

The victory of this battle is a very heavy blow to the Emei School. Correspondingly, it is an unexpected surprise to the Tongtian League. Although Zhong Yuan is also very clear about the combat effectiveness of Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan, in the face of the profound sect of the Emei School, the ascetic head, a cunning elder, is still not very optimistic about Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan.

However, I didn't expect that when the ascetic head was fighting, the situation was frequent. In many cases, Zhong Yuan didn't even dare to think about it. Therefore, even if Xuandu Yushi Lin Yuan came down and got to his side, Zhong Yuan still had some hazy feelings about the victory of his own side.

It's not that such a victory shocked him. It's that such a core figure of the Emei School has lost the battle. Then, it seems that it is not impossible for Zhong Yuan to have a complete victory that he had never considered at all. After all, when it comes to the immortal-level masters, at least among the people present on both sides, it is still the Tongtian League, which is more dominant.

Zhong Yuan is a very rigorous person who will never change plans easily. And once he decides to change, it means that the results after the change will be carried out according to his expectations. Therefore, at this moment, that is, Zhong Yuan began to send a voice to his long-determined sword fighting monks, asking them to change their original plan to an all-round victory, so that the glory of the Emei faction was completely defeated in these three sword fights.

This situation was expected by a group of elders of Tongtian League, but it has always been suppressed by Zhong Yuan. Because Zhong Yuan doesn't want any new twists and turns. Now,

Zhong Yuan's mind is changed, and their hearts will naturally not be unsuitable at all.

After everything was arranged, Zhong Yuan, the leader of the Tongtian League, opened his mouth again at that time and said to Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming, "I'm sorry, we are in the lead this time. I don't know Master Qi. Have you ever chosen the next candidate?" Naturally, this time, it will be played by Xuan Zhenzi, the second-generation chief elder of the Emei faction!" While talking, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming signaled to Xuan Zhenzi with his eyes.

When it was, Xuan Zhenzi stepped out without hesitation and stepped into the ring.