The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1715 Missing Sword, Sword of All Lives

At the moment when Zhong Yuan answered, he understood that he had to be 120,000 points of caution. Because with this bet, Lingshu will definitely work hard!

Sure enough, Lingshu boy at this time, after arching his hand, without saying a word, the long sword was in his hand in an instant, and then, a sword pointed obliquely, cold and sharp, and then went straight to his body, piercing and cold.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan only knew why the wind fairy and Yue Zheng were so embarrassed before. There is nothing we can do. In fact, the sword of Lingshu Tongzi is too sharp. When the sword comes out of its sheath, it points straight to the most critical place on his body. The posture seems to be able to kill one of the swords.

Although even Zhong Yuan himself didn't believe that Lingshu Tongzi could kill himself with a sword, he didn't believe it, but he was unwilling to bet on it. If you don't want to gamble, you have to fight, and the mana will naturally be consumed.

Before this, the Wind Fairy and Yue Zheng fell into the edge of danger step by step, and finally, they were defeated. Zhong Yuan, naturally, he will never take such a path again. Just now, Yue Zheng's outbreak made Zhong Yuan see a good way to suppress Lingshu boy.

Although this method consumes a lot of mana, Zhong Yuan himself and himself can still stick to it. After all, there is also half the body of Daluo Jinxian and the fate of a Buddha monk. At the critical moment, it is absolutely enough to refine it.

It's worth the loss of these two losses. What's more, it also has its own birthmark of the mirror spirit.

At that time, Zhong Yuan poked the magic tree in his hand to the ground, set the time, fell to the ground and took root, turning into a towering giant tree, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and dense flowers and fruits. Zhong Yuan's body shook, and he was also integrated into the magic tree.


With a muffled sound, the sword is sharp and straight through the trunk of the tree.

Such a power, when it was so powerful, many war-watching monks were shocked. Because before, they obviously could see that the cultivation of the Lingshu boy was a little insufficient. At present, such power is enough to compete with the previous Yue Zheng outbreak, and even won.

At that time, if Lingshu Boy used such a sword power, how could he be embarrassed?

Among the monks, only the king demon, Yang Sen and other four saints of Jiulong Island understand that the fighting power of Lingshu boy has greatly increased, what's going on!

Lingshu boy, as a sky-watching mirror spirit, is best at discovering the secret treasure library. Therefore, there are many adventures along the way. However, what really laid the foundation was the Haotian Sword Book he got when he left the heavenly court.

"Haotian Sword Book" is the method created by God Haotian, the lord of the heavenly court in those years. It is called a classic because it includes everything, and all the laws of time can be found in it. Because of this, Haotian Sword Book is also known as one of the most complicated swordsmanship in the world.

For a long time, because of the particularity of the sky-watching mirror spirit itself, the most carefully practiced by Lingshu boy is the lack of fingers all the way.

The missing sword has no magic moves. It pays more attention to the fit between the heart and the way of heaven. If the heart is like a mirror, it will naturally show the wonderful principles of heaven and earth. These wonderful principles of heaven and earth are the swords of nature.

As soon as the sword comes out, it points directly to the opponent's flinches and critical places, which can be said to be fatal and terrible.

However, this means that the lack of swordsmanship is too high for understanding. Therefore, although the Four Saints of Kowloon Island also watched the Haotian Sword Book, they did not learn this way of swordsmanship. On the contrary, the spirit boy has achieved a lot on top of the lack of swordsmanship.

In addition to the lack of swordsmanship, there is also a swordsmanship. Lingshu Boy has a lot of heart, that is, the swordsmanship of all sentient beings.

The swordsmanship of all sentient beings is a heart swordsmanship, which is the guide of the heart, gathers the thoughts of all sentient beings, and support itself, which can temporarily increase its own combat strength.

And the extent of this surge depends on the number of thoughts of all sentient beings.

Perhaps, Lingshu Tongzi can also understand that because of the relationship of Baoling, the progress of cultivation is difficult and slow, so he deliberately practiced the swordsmanship of all sentient beings. In order to enable his own swordsmanship to have strong enough power, he even preached and established faith in many worlds. At that time, the four saints of Jiulong Island almost thought that the Lingshu boy was going to change his way, which was a good job of persuasion.

If the Lingshu boy only uses the ordinary swordsmanship of all sentient beings, the four saints of Jiulong Island will not be nervous at all. However, in fact, it is not only that. The Lingshu boy uses the forbidden sword in the swordsmanship of all sentient beings.

This sword can ignore the source of the thoughts of all sentient beings and mobilize wantonly, so as to show unparalleled power. However, such recklessness is not without cost. The price is that after the event, your own cultivation will fall accordingly according to the degree of growth. Moreover, it is not the kind of temporary fall or just the reduction of cultivation, but the kind of real fall, together with the feeling of mood, which is cut off.

At that time, the monks, like those monks who have never entered a higher realm, will practice again without any advantage. On the contrary, it will require more effort and suffering to enter the high-level realm, because the power of the invisible barrier will be strengthened to a higher level. Go up.

The Four Saints of Kowloon Island are very clear about the strength of the Lingshu boy. Therefore, at this moment, as soon as he used such a fierce sword, he understood that it was definitely a taboo sword in the swordsmanship of sentient beings, and there were a lot of thoughts of sentient beings!

At that time, I couldn't help but worry about the four saints on Kowloon Island. I was worried that after the war, not only his cultivation would fall wildly, but also his body would be severely damaged.

However, Lingshu Boy has used the forbidden sword. No matter how worried they are, they can't save it. Therefore, at this moment, they can only silently hope in their hearts, hoping that the Lingshu boy can win the final victory. Because, if you win, you may be personally treated by Master Tongtian. In that case, all problems are not a problem.


After being pierced by a sword, that is, time, it will be shocked, and then the infinite divine light bursts out from itself, flowers and fruits, combined into one, turning into ripples, shaking up and down. In an instant, the afterglow power of Lingshu Boy's sword was completely squeezed out.

Then, these ripples began to ripple in all directions, violently hitting the Lingshu boy. RS