The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1716 Defeat

Lingshu boy, standing in the distance, cut out with a sword, each sword, cut to the weakest part of the ripple impact, so it is through the hole and cut on the magic tree.

On the magic tree, leaves, flowers and fruits keep falling. At the same time, Lingshu Boy himself did not receive much pressure.

Strength, combined with fwarfs, can really be said to be unfavorable!

However, this situation did not last long. In just a short time, the Lingshu boy found that he was no longer the ring of the central square, but a different world.

It is naturally impossible to really replace it with a world. At this point, Lingshu Tongzi confirmed without doubt, so at the first time, he felt the way of heaven, sensing the weakness of this world, the sword power of all sentient beings, and the chopping out of a sword.

In the void, there are cracks and thousands of ravines, which look quite different. However, in this way, this world has never meant to be destroyed at all, and with the passage of time, it is still constantly closing.

Lingshu Boy has not broken into the ruins of the world, and he doesn't know much about the Golden God, so he doesn't know anything about the magical realm. However, this does not hinder him. He understands the fact that he has been trapped.

In this case, Lingshu Boy has two choices. One is to find the weakness of the world. Through the accumulation of time, it abruptly opens a channel to the outside world; the other is to continue to strengthen his sword power and break through this world with strong power.

Compared with the two methods, there is no doubt that it is the latter, which is more effective and easier to get out of trouble. However, others don't know, but Lingshu Boy himself can't understand it anymore. He has now reached the limit of his own combat strength.

It is not impossible to improve the combat effectiveness, but the price may be a heavy blow, and even death.

Thinking that Zhong Yuan may not be able to hold on to such a powerful world for a long time, so at this moment, Lingshu Boy did not hesitate to choose the former.

"Sneer, sneer, sneer,..."

Lingshu boy, the sword light in his hand is vertical and horizontal, a space channel, at that time appeared, crooked, and extended towards the unknown mist.

Every time he turns, Lingshu Tongzi can feel that this world's invisible bondage to him is reduced by one point. However, he was not happy for a long time. In a short moment, he was about to cut off the direction of the past. Suddenly, the hole opened spontaneously, and a huge torrent surged out and hit him fiercely.

The grandeur of the situation made the Lingshu boy couldn't help feeling palpitations. He set the time and chose to avoid it. However, at this moment, "Puff, puff, puff,..." In all directions, the void was broken, and there was a huge torrent in every place, gushing out and hitting him fiercely.

At this moment, the Lingshu boy was like a flat boat in the mountain of the ocean, and the character was baptized by the huge storm. There is no place in the world. It is a safe place. All he can do is to drift with the tide.

"Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang,..."

Vast torrent, a wave of * impact on the barrier sprinkled by the Lingshu boy's lack of sword spirit. The barrier is getting thinner and thinner. Looking at that, it may be destroyed anytime and anywhere.

"It's worthy of being the practitioners of the road of power. The strength of power has actually reached such a situation?" Lingshu's face was extremely solemn, "It seems that God has forced me to use a higher level of power!"

On the face, after a wry smile, Lingshu Tong Zimu showed a touch of fierceness. At that time, he said to himself, "Hope, God is on my side!"

While talking, the long sword in his hand pointed obliquely to the sky. Suddenly, the long sword shook, and the sword rang and spread all over the fields. Then, between heaven and earth, there are many more light spots in the sky, big, small, red, green, etc., which can be said to be everything.

After these little light spots appeared, in an instant, they rushed towards the long sword in the hands of the Lingshu boy like smoke returning to the nest and the sea.

In a short moment, these light spots poured into the sword. At that time, the long sword spontaneously tinnitus and burst out ten feet of sword light.

At this time, Lingshu Tongzi pointed to the lack of a sword, and a sword light of tens of thousands of feet long crossed the void. At that time, he cut the world into a huge and incomparable gully, and almost cut the world into two halves. It is faint, and there is a familiar atmosphere of the performance field, which permeates.

Feeling this moment, Lingshu's heart was overjoyed. At that time, the sword light in his hand cut out again, still cutting towards this ready-made crack.

At the core of the divine power domain, Zhong Yuan saw this and was also appowned and smiled bitterly on his face. It seems that there is really no good stubble to be recommended to compete with the disciples of Tongtian Sect. Obviously, his strength is low, but he can burst out such a strong combat power at a critical moment!

It seems that it is very difficult for me to win with the blessing of the six reincarnations. Time goes by, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no new changes. For this plan, I can only bet on it. Look, this real, the combination of the two magical powers can make my combat strength push forward at a higher level!"

At this time, Zhong Yuan no longer hesitated and reached out to the six reincarnations above his head. At that time, the six reincarnations collapsed and turned into tens of thousands of laws of forces. Then, it was divided into two, half, and re-condensed into six reincarnations, and half condensed into a god

However, the condensed into a god-opening axe seems to be quite blurred and extremely small, as if it were just a brand.

This god axe is time, and it goes to the huge six-way reincarnation disk and branded the past.

At this moment, even if it is Zhong Yuan, he can't help but be a little nervous. Because of this kind of integration, Zhong Yuan has only deduced on the theory, and has not really tested it. Because at that time, Zhong Yuan felt that only the six reincarnations after the change were enough to sweep his opponent in this ring battle.

Unexpectedly, among the three, the Lingshu boy, who is the weakest in cultivation, forced him to such a situation.


After a huge earthquake and a violent tremor in the six reincarnations, it regained its stability. At this time, on the six reincarnations, the light of value poured down like a Heavenly River and fell on Zhong Yuan. In an instant, Zhong Yuan felt that he was full of strength.

In that time, the physical strength began to transform and turned into mana. A trick was pinched out, and the long river was vast and gushed out, pouring into the magic tree.

The magic tree, as the treasure of Daluo, has its own power and power. It's just that the magic power limited by a boost is limited, so the power of the derived magic power is limited, and there is no such domineering power to crush everything. At this moment, with the help of Zhong Yuan's mana, the divine power soared in time. In an instant, the huge gully in the divine power domain was flattened, slightly full of the line. A huge stone tablet appeared out of thin air and hit the second sword cut by the Lingshu boy.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the sword light was instantly shattered, turning into a little fluttering light, drifting away the void. And on the huge monument, there is also a deep sword mark. Only one point away, you can cut one in half.

In that time, the monument disappeared, and an octagonal hammer of thousands of feet in the void manifested, with a strong destructive machine, went towards the suppression of the Lingshu boy.

At this moment, the spirit pivot boy, between his breath, has faintly flowed out of the essence. Obviously, his body of the moto god has been unstable. However, in the face of such an offensive, he still had no intention of retreating at all. On the contrary, his face showed a touch of madness!

The long sword was raised again, and when it was, another brilliant sword light rose to the sky.


Another earth-shaking loud noise, the sword light was shattered again, and the octagonal hammer was also cut in half.

Then, without a half-pause, another bloody halberd appeared out of thin air. On the blade, there was a sharp light shining, and the bloodiness was extremely disgusting!

The bloody halberd, as if manipulated by an extremely clever martial arts practice, like a dragon, chopped and killed the Lingshu boy.

At this time, the Lingshu boy still had no look of submission at all. The long sword in his hand was raised again, and he was about to urge the light of the sword again to welcome the general. Suddenly, a golden light cable, a round jewel, crossed the space and flew over. The long golden light rushed directly to the Lingshu boy. In an instant, it was firmly bound, and it was difficult to move at all. Naturally, the sword light was not cut out.

And the round jewel faced the blood-colored halberd that was cut down. All of a sudden, it was smashed, blood, and mass in the sky.

At this time, a loud drink sounded, "It can be over. In this time, the Lingshu boy is defeated!"

When Lingshu Tongzi heard this, at first, he was a little unconvinced, and his body trembled violently, trying to break free from the shackles and continue to fight. However, after several unsucciful earns, he no longer struggled, and his face was full of disillusion.

The speaker is not someone else, but the king demon of the head of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island.

Zhong Yuan, who still has to stay in the interception for a long time, will naturally not make things too stiff. At present, the goal has been achieved, but there is no hesitation, that is, time, it will respond.

"As long as the spiritual friend agrees, I have no objection!" RS