The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1717 God-given Dharma

When the Lingshu boy reached such a situation, he did not die and did not give in, but nodded quite decadenly. Then, Zhong Yuan got the original seal of Lingshu boy's life as he wanted.

After imprinting this point into the sky-watching mirror, Zhong Yuanxing felt that the power of the sky-watching mirror had greatly increased, but it was still a long way from Daluo Zhibao.

At this time, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate to say that he could let Guantianjing follow Lingshu Tongzi for a period of time to help him treat the injury. However, he was politely declined by Lingshu Tongzi.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan did not underestimate the Lingshu boy, but looked at him more and more. Because he could feel that the other party's refusal was not because of a little self-esteem, but that he had made up his mind to completely cut off everything between him and the sky-watching mirror and become a true and complete spiritual boy.

In this way, sometimes good and sometimes bad, from the situation of Cangyu Shenjun, it is obvious.


After the battle, Cangyu Shenjun had no delay, that is, time, to reintroduce Zhong Yuan to the Biyou Palace.

In the Biyou Palace, the master of Tongtian still sits on the cloud bed. Seeing that the two people came in, that is, time, he said, "There is cause and effect, fate, strength, potential, and luck. He is indeed a good apprentice. You can enter my door!"

Hearing this, Zhong Yuanfu fell to the ground without any hesitation, that is, time, and said, "Disciple Zhong Yuan, see the master!"

"Hmm!" Master Tongtian nodded slightly. At this time, his hand waved slightly. Cangyu God has nothing to neglect, that is, time, and then leave.

"Since you have entered the school as a teacher, you should hold my teaching method. However, there is no other way to teach. Teachers teach according to their aptitude, and create different methods according to their individual differences. At this time. Master Tongtian opened his mouth again and said, "Your situation is clear as a teacher, but I want to ask you again that you really want to be a general. As your way to prove your way?"

At this moment, the Master of Tongtian was extremely serious, and the emotion even made the whole space stagnant.

Listen to this, Zhong Yuan's heart. I also thought about it unconsciously.

The road of practice, the benefits are obvious, and the combat power is strong. However, in the same way, the disadvantages are also obvious. It is extremely difficult to advance, if it is another way. With his background, I don't know how long it will take to break through Daluo Jinxia. However, now, his road to Da Luo is still quite far away.

In the past, Zhong Yuan did not pay too much attention to this choice. The reason was very simple. Before the achievement of Daluo Jinxian, everything had its own predecessors to follow. There was still a good chance to prove Daluo on the road of the road of power. However, now that he has worshipped the Lord of Tongtian as his teacher, the road of Daluo is no longer so far away, so his path must be made clear.

Because the Master of Tongtian's creation of the method for him is definitely not aimed at the Daluo Jinxian, but to guide him to the door to the supreme saint of the mixed yuan.

After this road is confirmed, it is not so easy to change.

Whether to take an unprecedented pioneering road or a relatively easy road of reference, this is really a difficult choice for Zhong Yuan. Zhong Yuan was immersed in deep thought.

For Zhong Yuan's situation, Master Tongtian can also understand it, so he did not say much, but waited quietly, waiting for Zhong Yuan to give the answer by himself.

Zhong Yuan didn't think about it for too long. Soon, his determination was settled. At that time, he said, "I've thought about it, and I have to continue the road of cultivation!"

"Oh? You have to think about it. This road is likely to be a dead end! If you really take this road, you are likely to never have the possibility of the supreme saint!" The master of Tongtian heard this, but he immediately said again. The expression on his face is as plain as water, and there is no tendency at all.

"I've thought about it!" At this time, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all, that is, time to return, "After endless years, the monks who walk on the road of 'shortcuts' are not more than hundreds of millions, but there are only the masters of Pangu Shenjiao.

The road of Taoism is a difficult and dangerous road, but I think this road is not necessarily an alternative 'shortcut to the sky'!"

"You said that the leader of Pangu Shenjiao, do you know that it was because he gave up his innate way of strength that he finally proved his success?" The master of Tongtian said again.

"I know, but I'm still willing to continue to try and see if I can do what he can't do!" Zhong Yuan replied in time, and his tone was resolute and firm.

Hearing this, the master of Tongtian said, "Okay! Now that you have made up your mind, I won't say anything more. I will create a set of practice methods suitable for you for you, so that you can walk more smoothly on this road as much as possible!"

"Thank you, Master, for your success!" Zhong Yuan bowed down at the time and shouted loudly.

Master Tongtian did not say much. His right hand brushed casually, and a fairy light mass came out. In an instant, Zhong Yuan was enveloped. After a while, the fairy light was taken back, but it did not re-hidden into the body, but condensed between his palms, turning into a mass of gas, constantly flowing.

This light, which is the source light of all laws, is a little original spiritual light derived from the way of the Taoist religion of heaven. It can evolve all laws in the world, and the effect of the magic tree is somewhat similar, but it is not the same.

Time, a minute and a second. Zhong Yuan, kneeling to the ground, waiting quietly, extremely respectful, and not impatient at all.

This evolution has evolved for three days and three nights, and it was not until a time when the East wanted to know that the brilliance kept flowing that it stabilized.

At this time, the Master of Tongtian threw it casually, and the source light of all laws flew up immediately, turned into light and rain all over the sky, drifting down, and fell into the spirit of Zhong Yuan one after another.

At the moment he received the light rain, Zhong Yuan just realized that this light rain was a series of innate Taoism, scattered with nearly 100,000 words. These innate Taoist texts, in Zhong Yuan's sea of knowledge, have become a gorgeous chapter.

This chapter, called "The Holy Law of Wanhua", is a unique skill created by the Master of Tongtian for Zhong Yuan. This skill is not as what Zhong Yuan imagined. It only stops abruptly in a certain period of Daluo Jinxian, and it directly points to the supreme position of the mixed Yuan, which can be said to be the method of suppression. ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to the starting point (qidian.) Vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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