The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 23 First Virtual Circle

A sound of footsteps came from the vast Gobi Desert. A figure lowered his head and walked slowly on the dry ditches on the ground. There are no plants growing here, and there is no animal activity. Seeing this scene, I really understood the artistic conception of "poor desert birds do not fly, and thousands of mountains are still lazy".

This Gobi is sometimes quiet and suffocatingly quiet. In addition to the depressed footsteps, an occasional whirlwind rolls up a column of yellow sand and rises into the air, and there is an inexplicable quiet atmosphere. Sometimes the wind is strong, flying sand and stones, which seems to destroy the whole nature under its ** power, which is frightening and helpless. Just as the figure was slowly shaking, suddenly a black figure rushed to him. Just as he was about to arrive, a sword light flashed by. The black figure turned into 24 pieces and fell to the ground, and then slowly turned into a spirit and dissipated, some of them were absorbed by the sword light.

"It's really disappointing. There are always these false attacks, and I can't even be quiet." The figure said to himself, but the tone was calm and calm. After saying that, the figure calmly put away the sword and continued to walk forward. That figure is Chen Xiuyuan. It has been almost a week since he came to the virtual circle. In addition to desolation, he feels boredom. Because there is no one to talk to here, and there are some unknown attacks on him, which makes him have a big head.

"It seems that it can't go on like this. I have to find a place to settle down. If it goes on like this, I will go crazy. I can't go crazy. The group of lovely nobles in the corpse soul world are still waiting for me to revenge. I have another excuse to destroy all the nobles, hahaha, hahaha, hahaha." Chen Xiuyuan still talked to himself, talking and laughing, but the laughter was frightening. After saying that, Chen Xiuyuan went on the road alone and began to wander so busy and aimlessly. Just as Chen Xiuyuan wandered aimlessly, Chen Xiuyuan felt that there were two more powerful evil spirits colliding in front of him. Chen Xiuyuan immediately became energetic and quickly rushed forward. When Chen Xiuyuan arrived, he saw that two big virtuals were fighting. One of them was only about ten times bigger than a cow, and the other was similar to a dog, but several times bigger than a dog. However, at this time, the dog is at a disadvantage and has many wounds on its body, but it still does not give up and continues to fight with the cow.

The cow may be impatient, because as long as it devours this virtual word, it can be promoted to Yachukas. So it decisively flashed for the dog, saw a powerful spiritual power formed in its mouth, and then quickly shot at the dog. After seeing the power of this virtual flash, although despair appeared in his eyes, the dog tried its best to condense a virtual flash and shot at the fierce virtual flash. The dog's flash was decisively dispersed, and the cow's flash continued to attack the dog. The dog still did not give up and tried to jump aside in an attempt to avoid the flash. However, although it did not give up, the flash still hit it. The dog screamed and was blown out. After being bombarded out, the dog wanted to get up and continue fighting, but after struggling several times, it still couldn't get up. The cow ran happily to the dog after seeing that the dog could not rake up. When the dog saw the cow running towards him, he still did not show fear, but his eyes were full of regret for life. After the cow ran to the dog, it immediately opened its big mouth and quickly bit the dog.

"Tut, as a cow, eating meat is not a good behavior." Just as he was about to bite the dog, the cow felt that he had been attacked by a huge force and flew out, but heard such a sentence in his ear. The cow got up and roared angrily, and then looked in the direction that attacked it. When it saw that it was a god of death who attacked it, his eyes immediately became excited, because after a devouring the death, it could 100% advance to Yachukas. Then the cow quickly hit Chen Xiuyuan. Chen Xiuyuan snorted disdainfully after seeing the cow's coming, and then quickly hit it with his shoulder with a sword. At the same time, his body burst out with strong spiritual power. One person and one cow bumped together. Then the cow was hit by Chen Xiuyuan and retreated repeatedly, and finally under Chen Xiuyuan's sword. And the last sword was split into two halves, and it was the breaking army and ascending the dragon attack. Then Chen Xiuyuan put away his sword and threw it next to the dog with the bull's head. After looking at Chen Xiuyuan, the dog quickly devoured the bull's head. Then the dog burst into strong spiritual pressure, but the injury on his body was all healed, and his spiritual power also improved a lot.

After the dog was fully injured, he immediately bit Chen Xiuyuan. Chen Xiuyuan saw the dog's arrival and punched it half to death, and then said, "Well, I'm your master from now on. I don't want to encounter such a thing today in the future, otherwise, you will die!" After Chen Xiuyuan's words, his body burst into a strong spiritual pressure, which made the dog tremble, and that The spiritual pressure was still rising, and the dog couldn't stand it anymore and immediately lay on the ground and surrendered to Chen Xiuyuan. After seeing the dog submit, Chen Xiuyuan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, it's good. I like your kind of knowledge, um, something. From now on, you can call it Wang Cai.

The dog barked dissatisfiedly, as if he was not satisfied with the name. However, Chen Xiuyuan ignored it. Just as Chen Xiuyuan was about to leave with Wang Cai, an extremely strong and evil spiritual pressure quickly moved in the direction of Chen Xiuyuan.

"Yeah, I think we can't leave until later. Next, let me move the tibia. Wangcai, you can run and play, but don't try to run away, or you will die." Chen Xiuyuan said lightly. Just after Chen Xiuyuan finished speaking, a humanoid virtual appeared in front of Chen Xiuyuan, which was no different from people except for a mask on his face.

"Oh, I said, how can there be such a strong spiritual pressure reaction here? It turns out that there is a death here. But now that you're here, you don't have to go back!" The humanoid said, and after saying that, a virtual bullet quickly shot at Chen Xiuyuan. Chen Xiuyuan casually recommended the block and took a step back to block the attack. The humanoid virtual saw Chen Xiuyuan so lightly and offset its false bomb attack, and his eyes under the mask couldn't help narrowed slightly.

"If I expected it, you should be something beyond the Vastodd level of Yachukas. It is said that you have surpassed the strength of the captain of our corpse soul world, and it doesn't look good to me!" Chen Xiuyuan said lightly, but the tone was full of disdain.

"Well, just wait a minute if you don't ask for mercy! Remember my name, just wear it every day, and I'm about to kill your great vanity!" The human figure said angrily, but Chen Xiuyuan couldn't help laughing when he heard the name. After saying that, when he saw Chen Xiuyuan's unbearable face, he couldn't help but be even more angry and quickly attacked Chen Xiuyuan.

"Well, Mr. Gangri, I'll see why you want to kill me now. Remember my name, Chen Xiuyuan, who is about to kill your death." Chen Xiuyuan looked at the coming of the sun and said lightly. When he came to Chen Xiuyuan, he quickly kicked Chen Xiuyuan. Chen Xiuyuan's random back jump dodged this foot and quickly held the sword one by one, and the swordslashed up. It was the swordsmanship that was upgraded. Chen Xiuyuan flew through the sun and quickly broke out with strong spiritual pressure with his sword body and hit the sun that was still in the air. He had not had time to react before he was hit by Chen Xiuyuan's sword. He saw Chen Xiuyuan hitting it with shocking spiritual pressure, and he couldn't help but quickly put his hands across his chest to block it. Chen Xiuyuan's impact this time. As a result, it goes without saying that he was hit and retreated again. When he felt that his whole body was numb, Chen Xiuyuan's sword-wielding hand quickly split up under the sword. In Gang Ri's shocked eyes, Chen Xiuyuan cut a huge wound on his chest, and then the blood on his body spewed out money.

After being hit by Chen Xiuyuan's sword, he suddenly felt that his body's spiritual power had been greatly reduced. He looked at Chen Xiuyuan in horror and asked, "What is your ability? Why will his spiritual power be greatly reduced after I am cut by you."

"Oh, this, this is one of my swordsmanships, called extreme ghost swordsmanship · iron chopping. The effect is to reduce the enemy's spiritual power while attacking the enemy, and it can also be superimposed!" Chen Xiuyuan answered faintly, and immediately with a sword, he quickly cut through the sun. When the sword was just flashed, Chen Xiuyuan quickly turned around and hit the sword again at an incredible speed. If he couldn't escape this time, he could only be cut by Chen Xiuyuan, but he didn't expect that Chen Xiuyuan quickly turned around and chopped the sword again at an incredible speed. Sun wear, and stop after four swords in a row. Chen Xiuyuan's move is the five-stage chopping of swordsmanship. After being hit by four swords in a row, his body was hit by four extreme ghost swordsmanship · iron chopping style, and its spiritual pressure has been weakened to a fairly low level.

"Okay, the game is over, dear Mr. Gang Ri wear, you can go to hell now!" Chen Xiuyuan said faintly. After saying that, he quickly rushed to Gang Guanri's side and made a rapid continuous slash to it. At the last blow, a sharp sword spirit directly dismembered it. Chen Xiuyuan also breathed a little after this move.

"Wang Cai, we should retreat immediately, or we won't be able to leave." Chen Xiuyuan said to Wang Cai, who was shocked. Wang Cai reacted, immediately nodded the dog's head, and then quickly ran away. Chen Xiuyuan saw it and immediately jumped on Wang Cai's back.

"Wang Cai, take me to where you live, understand!" Chen Xiuyuan said to Wang Cai faintly, and at the same time, he laid a mobile boundary to isolate the spiritual pressure by his side. Wang Cai shouted twice when he heard Chen Xiuyuan's words, indicating that he knew, and then ran to the place where he lived more quickly.

(Alas, it's really tiring to update in recent days. Every day, I have to ride a bike to the Internet cafe to code words, and then ride back for dinner. And the weather has become very cold these two days, and I heard that it will snow tomorrow. Dear readers, please give me more recommended tickets for the sake of Xiaosi's hard work. This is a free thing, and you don't lose anything. I see that other fans have thousands of tickets, but I only have less than 200 tickets. To be honest, I'm quite frustrated.)

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