The Great Hero of Death

Chapter 24 Sunset and Moon

The virtual circle, under the hazy moonlight, reveals the messy scenery left after the battle. A gust of wind blew gently, blowing up the sand and dust on the ground, and several little vans who had escaped the waves of the battle carefully climbed out of their hiding place. After scanning the surroundings and finding that there was no danger, he safely climbed out to look for prey. Just as the two little virtual met each other and wanted to devour each other, a strong evil spirit pressure appeared here. Before the two little virtual could react, the strong pressure crushed them into pieces and slowly dissipated. At this time, it turned out to be a young man in a white cloak with a knife hanging around his waist. You will think that he is a god of death, but if you look closely, you can find that he has a necklace-like boney thing on his neck and a unique hole in his chest.

"Oh, the spiritual pressure of death should not have gone far. Hey, I really can't catch up now. This virtual circle is really getting more and more interesting. Let's have fun in the future, hey hey!" The young man in white said lightly and flew back in the direction he came. After the young man in white left, Chen Xiuyuan, who was far away from him, was relieved.

"What is he? What kind of monster is this? It is neither the spiritual pressure of death nor the pure virtual spiritual pressure. When did such a monster appear in the virtual circle? Why didn't Brother Lan Ran tell me? But regardless of him, if I hadn't spent a lot of spiritual power and physical strength before, I would have fought with him. However, the battle just now was also good. At least I have reached level 50 now. After Chen Xiuyuan felt that the horrible spiritual pressure had disappeared, he couldn't help but feel relieved, but he still did not lift the boundary of the isolated spiritual pressure, and then said to Wang Cai leisurely. After listening to Chen Xiuyuan's words, Wang Cai couldn't help shouting with approval, and then ran to the place where he lived easily. Half a day later, one person and one dog finally arrived at the destination. Chen Xiuyuan came down from Wang Cai, looked at Wang Cai's nest and sighed.

"For good, it's not much different from what I imagined. It doesn't surprise me nor make me sad. It's good to make a fortune." Chen Xiuyuan looked at Wang Cai's dog hole made of several stones under a cliff and said to Wang Cai faintly. Wang Cai shouted proudly after hearing Chen Xiuyuan's praise, as if to say, "My nest is not bad!" Like.

"From the perspective of your dog, your nest is not bad. But where do you want me to live, Wang Cai?" Chen Xiuyuan said faintly to Wang Cai. After Chen Xiuyuan said that, Wang Cai excitedly pointed his paws at his dog kennel and shouted at Chen Xiuyuan twice, as if to say, "You can live in my nest. It's OK for me to sleep outside!"

"You mean to let me live in your dog hole, is it Wang Cai!" Chen Xiuyuan asked Wang Cai faintly, but his tone was full of danger. Wang Cai didn't feel it, but still shouted excitedly at Chen Xiuyuan, as if responding to Chen Xiuyuan, "It's like this."

"Go to hell, Wang Cai!" Chen Xiuyuan roared angrily at Wang Cai and immediately kicked it away. However, Chen Xiuyuan used the power to send out this kick, so Wang Cai was not hurt at all. After Wang Cai was kicked away, he immediately ran over again, shouted twice aggrievedly, and then lay on the ground. Chen Xiuyuan ignored Wang Cai's treasure. First, he looked at the wall of the cliff, then drew and nodded as if he were sure of something. After doing this, Chen Xiuyuan withdrew from the god-sreatening army on his back, and then quickly cut at the wall of the cliff. For a moment, he saw the sand and stones flying, and Wang Cai was scared by his behavior and immediately ran away. However, Chen Xiuyuan still ignored Wang Cai and continued his great cause of splitting walls. After churring for a while, Chen Xiuyuan felt that it was really boring.

"I can't go on like this. I don't know when I can split a cave. By the way, how about trying the phantom sword dance!" Chen Xiuyuan muttered to himself. After saying that, Chen Xiuyuan stood in the place where he had cut a little hole. After taking a deep breath, he quickly cut his sword to the wall at an incredible speed. When Chen Xiuyuan kept swinging his sword, it seemed that four or five Chen Xiuyuan were cutting towards the wall. And the wall kept splashing out of it. After cutting for a while, Chen Xiuyuan sent a powerful sword spirit to the wall, and then saw a large amount of sand splashing out of it. After everything calmed down, Chen Xiuyuan looked at the cave nearly five meters deep and smiled with satisfaction.

Chen Xiuyuan walked into the cave he opened up, looked at the wall of the uneven ground, and couldn't help frowning. Then he withdrew from the god-shattering army again and began the repair work. After that, there was a continuous knocking sound in the cave, and sand and stones kept splashing out of it. Almost half a day later, the sound inside completely stopped. The cave is smooth and flat, and there are all kinds of swords carved on the two walls. If you look carefully, you will find that the sword carved on it is the same as the sword formed when Chen Xiuyuan casts extreme ghost swords and storm style. Then we looked in. In the middle of the cave was a table carved with stone, and at the top of the cave, there was a bed carved with stone. Chen Xiuyuan put away his sword and looked at the fruits of his labor and couldn't help laughing with satisfaction.

"It's not easy to finally have your own house!" Chen Xiuyuan looked at his house and said with satisfaction in the cave. After saying that, he walked out slowly. After coming out, he took a look at Wang Cai and flew to the top of the cliff without saying anything. Chen Xiuyuan flew to the top of the cliff and looked at the unique moon of the virtual circle. He couldn't help thinking of the time with Shenyue Qianhe. At that time, he would go back with Shenyue Qianhe after practice every afternoon, and the two walked happily facing the sunset. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but be crazy. At this time, Wang Cai also climbed up and lay quietly beside him. He suddenly remembered a song from his previous life and couldn't help singing it.

In order to hide your loneliness

Intentionally avoid each other

I want to be so far away and silently

Follow you

What kind of dream will you have when you fall asleep?

At least I want to keep my dream

It seems to be about to break and can't be touched

The street where the moon shines at night

When you can't sleep and tremble alone in the dark

By the way, remember the moon swaying in the night sky...

The dark color of the sky

I don't know why it makes people feel gentle

Everyone regards important people as the lamp in their hearts

It's like sunset...

When the night comes deep darkness and wraps the streets and people

The warmth in the unquenchable heart is still...

When Chen Xiuyuan finished singing, tears flowed involuntarily. He secretly swore, "God Moon Qianhe, I will definitely find you!" Chen Xiuyuan was sad for a while and immediately cheered up, because it was not the time for him to be sad, and there were still many things waiting for him to understand. However, the premise of understanding these things is that he must use strong power. Chen Xiuyuan's current strength is still far behind.

"Yes, before I go back to the soul world, I must use a powerful force that can ignore everything. However, my current swordsmanship can be said to have reached the extreme, and there is no room for promotion. And I remember that in my previous life, my 60s seemed to have reached the peak. I don't know if I can break through this limit in this world. Forget it, I don't think about this for the time being. Let's talk about it first. Chen Xiuyuan secretly made plans for his future time. After thinking of this, Chen Xiuyuan greeted Wang Cai and jumped down. He returned to his temporary residence, asked Wang Cai to guard the door and climbed to ** to sleep. He is indeed tired. He hasn't slept once in so many days, and he has fought repeatedly. His spirit has always been tense. It's strange that he is not tired. As soon as he relaxes, he falls asleep immediately.

Chen Xiuyuan slept for two days before waking up. When Chen Xiuyuan walked out of the room, Wang Cai immediately ran to Chen Xiuyuan and then shook his head and turned around Chen Xiuyuan.

"Well, it's time for us to go to work. Let's upgrade ourselves to level 60 as soon as possible." Chen Xiuyuan said lightly to Wang Cai. After saying that, he took the lead in walking outside, and Wang Cai also followed closely.

(Well, it's snowing at home. It's snowing heavily. Xiao Si borrowed a friend's computer today, because he really can't get out today. Because I use someone else's computer to code words, I'm embarrassed to write in front of the computer. If you are not satisfied with today's chapter, don't be surprised, and ask for tickets. For the sake of such hard work, just count tickets!)

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