T-type hero legend

178. No space

Many things in the world are just like that if you don't think about it, but if you think about it carefully, it will involve a lot of reasons. Old K is now confused by the problem in front of him. He intuitively feels that he has fallen into some logical trap, but he can't sort out a clue.

Don't think about what you can't think of. Do it first. Maybe you can figure out the problems that you couldn't figure out before in the process of doing things. This is Lao K's consistent purpose. At present, he felt a headache and naturally adopted the method he was best at and put aside those talkative questions. Anyway, for me, what happened just now is what happened. It should be okay for me to go back to the time before just now! Maintaining such a simple and straightforward idea, he began to try to convert between time and space.

He is not fully sure that he can travel smoothly in this damn place, but the result is very surprising. In this strange place, his mental touch ability has been completely ruined, but it seems that as long as it is not embedded in the strange scenery around him, he can walk and jump, and travel in time and space!

But he didn't know whether his grasp of time would deviate here. After trying many times, he finally admitted that he couldn't go back to the previous time correctly.

The strange voice reappeared after a period of silence, this time with obvious ridicule: "Haven't given up yet?"

Old K ignored it and tried again, but found that the result remained unchanged. The only timer in the Merry that looked slightly different. The time shown on it clearly showed that Old K had returned to the current time in his memory two months ago.

Old K just found out about this situation. It's okay that he can't go back to the time he wants to go, but why did he run such a long distance forward? Why is the Merry still here with him? Even if he is trapped in this strange place, no matter how he runs forward or backward in time, his position in space will always be imprisoned in this place, what about the Merry?

He has no way to carry objects through time and space. He hasn't learned that skill yet, so the situation that the Merry has been following him should not be caused by him. But if it weren't for him, why would Merry still be here when he returned to this location two months ago? Now the time he travels depends on is his own time. According to his time, it is impossible to see the Merry if he is not on Grelang at this point.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking about it. Could this haunted place directly stop for time? Although he felt that he had traveled in time and space, he didn't actually? The time on the Merry is just some kind of trick that the annoying voice deliberately adjusts to make fun of him?

The timepiece on the Merry is generally quite reliable and cannot be changed at will. This is a safety measure arranged by Tours considering the nature of their travel. After all, no matter what the circumstances, an accurate time can often determine many major problems, so this timepiece is very anti-interference.

Lao K has tried it himself. The timepiece enhanced by Gu Li's technical improvement obtained from Little Phoenix can almost be said to be solid. Even Lao K is quite difficult to penetrate directly into its interior to modify the time. So unless the voice really has an extremely powerful ability, or is really idle out of maggots, it is too abnormal to take so much effort to tease him.

The haunted voice in such a haunted place, Lao K dares not say whether the other party will be particularly powerful; as for the problem of idleness... In this kind of place where birds don't shit, the planet is not even marked on the standard star map of the Pan-racial Collaborative Association. Maybe it's really too idle... But if so, why is it so straightforward when it takes action against Prisace? Is it because this power is very murderous? But it leaves itself, is it more fun?

No, Lao K found that his thinking began to diverg again, and quickly shook his head to throw away these thoughts. Only consider the most conventional situation, although it may seem to be the most unusual situation, that is, whether he or the Merry, they are indeed here and did travel in time, and the Merry does not know why the time has synchronized with itself, so no matter where they go, the Merry is I will follow to that place.

After all, he has tried so far and has not been able to enter the time he wants to go. Maybe if he can successfully enter that time, Merry will become two, then he can confirm that he has really traveled time and space with the Merry.

Unfortunately, before it finally succeeds, all guesses can only be guesses. In case of no way to confirm, old K can only continue to try, over and over again. In fact, he is quite glad that he is in a mental state. At least in this state, it is not a big problem not to eat or rest for a long time. Of course, as an energy body, the energy carried by the body will be slowly consumed and needs to be supplemented by him, but this speed is negligible compared with the consumption speed of the human body.

"So people's health is really cumbersome..."

Old K didn't notice that he had begun to think nonsense and still insisted on continuing to try. At the same time, he was also expanding his thinking to a more and more boundless level:

It is said that books are read thousands of times. In fact, everything is almost the same. When you try enough, you can understand the key points, and then you will succeed... I have tried thousands of times, and you can always find the key point of the problem... Speaking of speaking, you really shouldn't listen to Sa. Let's see where it is now... However, Sa didn't know where he had gone. He was also seen before, but where was he when everyone was hanged later? He is also a spiritual body and can be strangled by those lines? Can't, right? What if he doesn't die?

Old K thinks about things endlessly while mechanically repeating attempts. At first, he would check the time carefully after arriving at the place. Soon he saved even this step, just meditate on the time he wanted to go, and then tried over and over again - anyway, if he entered the right time and place, he would see everyone immediately.

I don't know how long such an attempt took. After countless times, the voice finally expressed its boredom: "Why don't you give up? It's impossible to carry out the kind of activity you imagine here."

Seeing that Lao K ignored it and continued to try, the voice finally couldn't help saying a little information about this place: "This is a gap in time. All the fragments of things you see are intercepted from other timelines and don't happen here, so no matter how you jump, it's impossible to happen again. Now the scene I've seen before, unless I intercept it for you again, understand?"

Lao K didn't understand very well, but he understood the meaning of the voice, that is to say, what he just saw did not happen in the place where he was now!

But how is this possible?

"Why is the Merry here?"

When I heard such a question, the sound made a disdainful hum, and then the Merry suddenly disappeared completely.

Old K was shocked and immediately became anxious: "Where did you get the Merry?!!"

It seemed that Lao K's jumping performance pleased this strange sound. It made a series of low laughter, and then suddenly the bright red and pale world around Lao K disappeared, and was replaced by darkness, as if at the beginning of chaos, it was completely dark that did not even exist up and down, left and right. The world.

"It's stupid," the voice sighed in a strange tone like an aria. "I've given you so long and so many hints, but I still don't understand where I'm going. Then there is no need to let you out. Just have a good rest here and rest forever.


Old K wants to protest, but he is not very bound now, but even if nothing is bound, he is still in a completely unmanageable state: no one listens to his protest; his telepathic ability is infinitely extended but he doesn't get any response; he continues to jump at different times but always He can only see the boundless darkness; even if he is not bound by anything now, he can't replenish himself, because no matter how he tries in this place, he will never be exposed to a trace of energy.

This is like a huge zero-energy space. All the energy bodies that enter here will eventually be completely consumed because they cannot be replenished, just like the monsters in Journey to the West will melt the precious bottles of the subdued.