T-type hero legend

179. Appear

When Lao K was in trouble, Sa's situation was not very good.

He has better ability to think and deal with strange situations than Lao K, which is because he has seen more than Lao K. But the ability brought by this experience also requires a large number of examples to support his thinking, and the situation he has encountered now is something he has never seen before.

At the beginning, he didn't realize that he would encounter obstacles in deciding to find the Merry, but he felt wrong after running around for a long time and finding that the surrounding scene had not changed much.

No, that is actually not very accurate. In fact, the scene around him still changes, and if you look at it, you won't find any problems. But Sa's feeling is much sharper than ordinary people. In such a ever-changing scene, he still found some very contradictory things. For example, a fruit that has never disappeared there, a flower that has bloomed for countless centuries, etc. This is undoubtedly an abnormal existence, although they are not inconspicuous among the large areas of dense fruit trees.

After discovering this situation, Sa stopped and began to doubt whether he had not really entered the middle of the time stream that needed to be entered. It is very simple to check this situation. He went straight back to Lao K. As long as he can find Lao K who is still in place, he can prove that he has indeed left before, and can also check with Lao K whether something special has happened in the process.

It's just that things didn't go as he wants. When he returned to the place where he should have broken up with Lao K before, he found that it was empty. He still remembers that he told Lao K to track down if he saw any clues first, but to leave him some clues in place. But after looking around, there is still nothing.

This means that either this is not the place that should be in theory, or that old K did not leave him a word when he left.

Although Lao K's personality is a little careless, he should not be careless in this kind of place. I think he can still be sure of this. So that is to say, there are only a few possibilities at present:

1, this is not the original place at all;

2, this is the original place, but Lao K ran away, and the reason why he ran away made him unable to leave any instructions, such as kidnapping;

Third, this is the original place. Old K also left a message before running away, but there is any power to erase the information he left.

These three possibilities are now more likely to be the first. He doesn't want to see that old K is in danger. If old K is plotted by something, then it means that there is actually a very powerful force on this planet, which seems to be in addition to plants or plants, at least stronger than old K, and it is more difficult to deal with it.

At present, it is imperative to determine which situation it is.

Sa's ability is much higher than that of old K. Although in general, his ability to convert energy is not as good as that of Lao K, the talented guy, so it may not be as good as Lao K to simply compare the size and level of his explosive energy. But he has lived long enough, and he is very proficient in the development of his own potential. So he didn't work as hard as Lao K, but chose another way. He had to carefully explore the planet he was on first.

This exploration is purposeful.

If Lao K was taken away by someone, or someone erased the information left by Lao K, then there should be at least something that can be sensed. If you can't feel anything, it means that either the world is not the world it should be, or the opponent is far more powerful than him. Either is not good news. If it is confirmed that such a thing has happened, he will find a way to get out first, and then he may need to go back to Gree Lang to move the rescue.

Fortunately, things didn't go that way, and after looking for a while, he had a little clue. He felt the faint message left by Lao K, but it seemed that the energy had been consumed. This message was almost untenable, and it finally dissipated not long after he found it.

But even if it is only a little bit, it is enough to infer the previous situation. Old K must have encountered something strange to him, so he caught up with him to check. But judging from the consumption of the energy ball he left behind, either someone is deliberately destroying the information he left, or his body may not be good at present.

After surviving for so many years, Sa has completely become the calmer he is at a critical moment. After thinking carefully, he can probably guess that Lao K may have entered the mezzanine at some time. But he doesn't know much more about this planet than others. In fact, he has no clue how to find Lao K.

First, he lost the ship and his teammates on the ship, and then even the last remaining friend disappeared. Sa only felt quite depressed. Now he must find the power on this planet that really dominates all this, otherwise he is afraid that he will encounter nothing in the future.

To find out who is secretly tossing these things behind the scenes, according to the previous situation, finding the conventional method must be time-consuming and laborious and nothing, so Sa took the simplest and most direct method: violent destruction.

In addition to plants and plants - at least it looks like this - it is really simple and there is no psychological pressure to destroy it. It was decided that Sa immediately took action, and the surrounding trees and flowers began to change strangely under his rapid energy absorption and conversion.

Sa's original intention is just to destroy, and then attract the one or a group of guys who exist here hiding in the dark. But after the beginning, I found that the flowers and trees here did not seem to be as simple as they seem. They had eaten the fruit here before and didn't find anything special at that time; Gu Li also studied the wall-climbing plant that once occupied the Merry, but found nothing special. But now you can feel it by directly decomposing these trees themselves. They don't seem to be pure plants. The energy they contain is too strong, just like some energy storage equipment.

This wakes up. The planet is in a special situation. There won't be any anti-cooperative rival organization hiding here, right? Use the strange phenomena here to cover yourself, hoard energy, build your own base or something.

This is not to be blamed. The nature of his work makes it easier to move closer to this aspect. What's more, according to the intelligence he knows, there are indeed several such organizations scattered in the corners of the twelve universes. The so-called defense is invincible. Even if you are really lucky to meet such a person today, it is not completely impossible.

With this speculation, Sa's vigilance has reached a higher level. He pays close attention to the surrounding situation and intends to fight back as soon as he sees something wrong. Fortunately, he was prepared, so when there was a sudden sound of breaking the air behind him, he reacted before he could turn around and defend. A teleportation flashed to the source of the attack and raised his hand to split it.

Unfortunately, the situation of the other party is more strange than he thought. Not only did his palm fall empty, but what's more strange is that he didn't see what attacked him at all. His hands in front of him were empty and his body were empty, as if the blow just now did not exist at all. If it hadn't been for the sudden emergence of dense armed forces surrounding him, Sa would have almost felt that everything before was dreaming.