T-type hero legend

265. Another

Although there is Glee Lang as a reference, Lao K knows that after a period of time, when people gradually adapt to the development speed of new technology, physical skills will be valued again and developed for a longer time. But at present, he still feels that old man Li's behavior is quite awesome, or it should be said that this fully shows how stubborn the old man is. If you are not a stubborn person, how can you insist on spending so much energy on something that is generally not valued by society and worthless to this level?

However, old K is not in the mood to sigh how persistent the other party is now. He hugged his son and ran directly into the air, making the old man stretch out his hand to hold little Giulias empty:

"Hey, if you have something to say, old man, why are you doing something!"

Old man Li naturally knows why he wants to do it, but at this time, he must know and pretend not to know. His son is his. Although it seems that the child has not been abused in that nursery, he has been fed like an experimental pet since he was a child. Even people like Lao K who have no childhood will be distressed.

The old man looked well-restrained. Even if he saw Lao K floating in mid-air, there was no big mood swing. He was still trying to communicate with Lao K: "You are holding my great-grandson. Please give him back to me."

The old man's expression does not seem to be wavering, which does not mean that others can deal with it calmly. Since Lao K floated out, the crowd downstairs has not stopped all kinds of exclamation. The old man spoke loudly, and the people below heard the old man's shouting clearly and became more nervous. Old K even felt that someone was thinking that he could not stimulate him, so that he would not throw the child down with excitement.

Little Julias seems to be exposed to so many different thoughts at the same time, and each thought seems to be so active. The child twisted excitedly in Lao K's arms, but the old man Li, who looked at the father and son calmly opposite him, was ignored. Yes, old man Li was too calm and his thinking was not obvious, so the child naturally ignored him if he could not feel it.

Originally, Lao K didn't take what the old man said. Now his son is twisting in his arms and feels that he can't hold him, and his attention is naturally distracted: "Oh, little ancestor, don't move!"

Old Li looked nervous at this moment.

Although he was also the one who nodded and agreed to let his great-grandson accept spiritual transformation for the sake of the family, it was also the bloodline of the Li family. He agreed to carry out the transformation because he believed that it would not only not threaten the child's life, but also make the child have more powerful abilities than ordinary people. If he thought that this experiment would have a greater possibility of losing his child's life, he would not have agreed.

Now he is really nervous to see that Lao K holds the child in his arms, but the child is twisting around in his arms and is about to fall. But many years of experience in various negotiations told him that he must be calm at this time, especially not to show what he cares about, otherwise he will be caught by the other party.

Old K can't take care of his twists and turns. He can feel their thoughts and hear them talking at the same time. At this time, he feels that the group of people under his feet are really noisy. However, the son seemed to be very interested in that, looking like "let the young master go down and have a closer look". The child's body is very soft, and it won't take long for Lao K to feel something wrong. He is afraid that if he is not careful, even if he doesn't drop the child, he will break his little arms and legs.

Thinking of that possibility, Lao K felt that he was going to sweat coldly. Finally, he gave up holding little Julias empty-handed and turned into the previous one. He got an air ball to put the child in.

The Li family on the ground couldn't see the situation in mid-air. They saw that little Julias also suddenly floated up and thought that old K had started the babysitter car, and the crowd soon calmed down. If there is a babysitter car with children, you can't touch it. Whether you are worried or watching the bustle, you will lose your focus. And in their opinion, old K can release the babysitter car, so it seems that he can explain why he is suspended in mid-air. Although at present, it seems that the babysitter car that can create enough space to accommodate adults has not yet appeared.

The airball made by Lao K is indeed very close to the latest lightweight babysitter here. However, he directly uses the energy combination to make air balloons, and the technology here is to release a transparent and breathable material to form air balloons. This material will automatically harden when it comes into contact with air, and there is enough space for children to stay in the middle. And even if this material hardens, it is not completely hard. It is a little flexible. Children are not afraid of bumping and hurt when they roll in it.

Such a nanny car naturally attracts attention, but because it is a new technology, the price is not affordable for ordinary families. But for the Li family, it was not so far away, so as soon as they saw the changes on the other side of little Julias, they found a reasonable explanation for themselves.

Old K completely sneered at the ideas of these people. However, at this time, he can't ignore the old man on the opposite side. The people on the ground gave him a subjective explanation because they couldn't see clearly. The old man on the opposite roof could see clearly, so naturally he would not think that old K took out the nanny car. In fact, the old man is now staring at Lao K's eyes with amazingly bright eyes, and even more clear ideas have appeared in his thoughts that were not so easy to be clarified. He has realized that Lao K is a spiritual energy controller, and has been quickly calculating how to have a good conversation with Lao K, and then put Lao Klong under his own banner.

"This little brother, the old man, I didn't mean any harm. I just took the liberty. I'm sorry. Please forgive me as an elder and worry about future generations.

This is magnificent. Lao K is covered with goose bumps and can't help waving his hand: "Uncle, you're welcome. Anyway, I picked up this baby, so there is no reason to give it to others.

Old Li made all kinds of preparations, thinking that if Lao K could listen to him, it would be the best. Even if he refused, no matter what he asked for, he could continue to trap him. After a long time and figure out the other party's true thoughts, he naturally had a way to get his great-grandson back. But he didn't expect Lao K to give him such a thing, and looking at his expression, the other party was obviously not joking.

The old man couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, but he remained calm for the time being: "Little brother, I'm Sertrathers Lee, and you should have heard about it. Although we don't know how you got here, I can promise you that you will never break into other people's houses, and even whatever you want is negotiable. As long as you give me back the child, this is the only bloodline of this old bone so far.

Although this sentence can still be felt fake in front of Lao K, who can feel the fluctuation of his thoughts, but the content of the words is true. Not long after Julius's body was returned to Enewburg, his mother became depressed and died. Not long after Liya appeared, his father took on a cross-galactic pursuit mission and finally disappeared in the vast universe. Therefore, seriously, little Julius is indeed the only bloodline of the Li family and will be the only inheritor of the title of quasi-gory in the future.

However, there is no doubt that the reason why old man Li pays so much attention to the child has nothing to do with the child's own identity. Julias still has many cousins. Even if there is no one here who is as direct as him, the family is always a family. If you want to find a master to come out, it may not be him.

The Li family standing on the ground knows this well. No one refutes him when the old man said so at this time. But several men have begun to run to the entrance of the small building, as if they want to go to the roof through the passage in the building to support Mr. Li.

Old K really doesn't pay attention to these people's support and other things. There's nothing he can do. The power gap determines that even if these people rush up, they can't hurt Lao K. He doesn't need to worry at all. But now he is not easy. These people were suddenly sent in by some force, and old man Li seems to know that they are coming in and what they are going to do after they come in. That is to say, if he wants to take his son away, maybe the key to finding a way to leave lies with old Li. So should he pretend to promise to return his son to him and take his son back after taking the way out of his mouth?

The support elevator of the Li family has only reached the second floor, and Lao K has not yet considered it. Suddenly, the whole space vibrated again. The fluctuation feeling is bigger than before, as if it would be torn apart immediately. Suddenly, the Li family on the ground panicked, and some people screamed and even cried. Old man Li was also shaken by the huge shock, but his lower plate was very stable and did not mean to fall down. He could even frown and observe around and try to judge what had happened.

Old K, little Julias and Vera wrapped in the airball by him were not greatly affected by this shock. After the initial shock, Lao K has quickly calmed down, because he found that although the vibration was very big, it was more moving. For example, the ground and sky, as well as the small building opposite, are vibrating with a strong range. But the real energy fluctuation is not very strong. If the previous energy fluctuation was to send people in and use energy to open a channel, the current vibration is more like someone wants to break in.

Who would rush here at this time? In his mind, Lao K suddenly remembered that the previous channel connected to the opposite Einburg seemed to have disappeared?

Realizing this, Lao K felt abruptly that if the person who came was Vera or her subordinates, there was no need to break through at all. The people on the Merry are too far away to appear immediately. Before, only Sa and himself were separated, and it was agreed that they would inform each other. But after discovering it, he was full of thinking about getting his son out, and he didn't want to run back and talk to Sa first. So now it's a tough breakout outside, isn't it?

Lao K immediately became excited at the thought that it might be sasive. If it's sas, if he can come in, that is to say, the shell here can still be opened! Then he can take his son away!

Unfortunately, this excitement did not last for three seconds. Suddenly, the sky made a big tearing sound, and then the whole space suddenly darkened and quickly lit up. When the light reappeared, the previous huge vibration had stopped, and the sky overhead was full of white clouds, as if nothing had happened. And there is a half-person deep pit on the ground.

The bold Li family leaned over to look, but they couldn't see anything. On the contrary, Lao K in the air was clear about the situation at the bottom of the pit. Of course, Vera also found it and sighed to Lao K very movedly: "I really didn't think that he would be such a stupid person before."

Sa, who lay face down at the bottom of the pit, felt Vera's sarcasm and struggled to make a convex gesture learned from old K.