T-type hero legend

266. Do it

The others present could not see Sa, but saw a big pit on the ground out of thin air, and naturally there was a wave of chattering discussion. This made Sa more and more clear and had a feeling that his reputation had been destroyed, and he simply wanted to stay at the bottom of the pit. But of course, this can only be thought about. Although he is a spiritual body, it doesn't matter much compared with ordinary people with physical fetuses, but it is also shameful to be in this posture all the time.

Fortunately, at least he didn't materialize when he came here. Except for the two who are spiritual bodies, others can't see him, which is not too embarrassing. But he also felt that in addition to Vera and Lao K, there seemed to be another force observing him. That force was not weak, but very pure, just like a child who didn't know the world.

This doubt quickly turned into depression after he saw the child following Lao K. Thinking that he was surrounded by such a big child before, the feeling of shame swelled even more.

Probably his sense of shame was too strong. Vera, who was still laughing at him, gradually restrained her laughter and introduced him first: "This is old K's son, little Julias."

In fact, Sa probably recognized it before Vera's introduction. First, the child follows Lao K, and you can more or less guess by looking at Lao K's expression; second, everyone's mind wave is unique. Even if he is still a baby now, some characteristics are carried from the mother's womb, which is easy to identify.

After recognizing the child's identity, Sa's shyness and anger rose to another height. Because he remembered that when he first met little Julias, the other party accidentally showed a very surprised expression, and also showed a mixture of sympathy and laughter. At that time, he didn't understand why at all and thought it was his own illusion. Now he still remembers the scene just now!

Suddenly, he couldn't help feeling regretful. If he had known it, he wouldn't have rushed in!

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, especially for people like him who have sufficient space-time travel experience. Although there are countless possibilities for the development of each event, in fact, the development of the event is the only possibility on the one-way passing timeline. Even if he successfully prevented himself from breaking back a few minutes before through time travel, it is estimated that he will still fall here in other ways and smash a deep pit on the ground. Come on. Unless he can choose not to be himself at this point in time, he may have another completely different choice in this matter.

However, this ability to make himself another person is still a mystery at present. Old K has successfully entered different parallel worlds and parasitised on himself at that time. But even so, in the end, he can't directly replace the other party.

When events occur at a time point in time produce different results due to the diversity of events themselves, these results will lead to the division of the previous world into multiple different parallel worlds, and the protagonists of each event in these parallel worlds will become completely different individuals because of this differentiation. These individuals were actually the same individual before a certain time point, but after that time point, they were divided into different monomer. At this time, only the most likely individual who inherits the event split will successfully inherit the identity of the individual before the event, while other individuals in the parallel world have made subtle changes at that point and become "others".

At present, there is no better way to replace other people's lives than by traditional confinement or murdering each other. It is not feasible to achieve this by modifying what happens at a specific time, at least for now.

Lao K and others watched the dog eat shit. In the eyes of others, it was just that Lao K suddenly squatted down in mid-air. They don't know how Old K suddenly did this, and Old Li is not a patient person. His helper also arrived at the top floor now, climbing to the roof through the skylight of the roof. Looking back at the clumsy people, the old man decided not to rely on their help, but to do it by himself.

Because he still had to talk to the old man, Old K floated out less than two meters from the edge of the roof, and little Julias floated at his feet. The small building is a very traditional building with a pointed roof, and the eaves protrude from the outer wall can be more than half a meter. Old Li looked at it for a while, estimated the distance, and immediately took action.

He will carry some knife ropes and other things on his body all year round, and this time he uses a buckle. This buckle itself has a climbing rope, one end is a hook claw, and the other end is the buckle itself. Hold it in your hand and shake it. The hook claws fly out to hook the target position, and the rope brought out under the hook claws can make people hang on it. And there is also a control button on the hook claw to control the zoom of the rope.

The old man held the thing tightly in his hand, looked in the right direction and jumped out of the roof. The right hand is thrown back, and the left hand is directly displayed to fish for little Julias.

Old K's reaction was not slow. He noticed it when Old Li took action, but he was still shocked by the old man's agility. As an ordinary person, the old man is obviously very unusual, and his movements have probably reached the speed of magic in the eyes of ordinary people.

It's just that he is not the only one here. Vera is sasane, and he also took action while old Li took action. Their movement speed is not the level after ordinary people's physical training has reached the limit. Old Li felt that his waist was tight, and he was suddenly fixed in mid-air. His left hand could have touched the babysitter's car where little Julias was, but he could only watch Lao K take the child's airball farther away.

Old Li's current situation is actually very strange. He has completely vacated, and only Sa picked up his trousers and hung him in mid-air. However, the old man himself has a good balance. Although he is old, his body functions are good, and the muscles in various parts are still very explosive. So although he was carrying his trousers, he still stood straight in the air, and even maintained his previous movements with his hands. Although the hook and claw at the end of the buckle have reached Vera's hand, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is also very strangely floating in mid-air.

The Li family on the roof and on the ground were shocked by the scene in front of them. Some people even began to speculate whether there was any strange substance in the air here that could make the people on it float up; or Lao K had some strange weapons. The Li family who followed up to the roof are also eager to try, but no one dares to really jump down from the roof to try - if they dare, they can probably see the bloody pictures on the spot. Lao K and others are not willing to rescue them one by one.

However, no one among these people thinks that this is old K's magic, and the proportion of technology in this civilization is still absolute.

Unlike the juniors who speculated randomly, Mr. Li knew very well why he was suddenly fixed in the air. And he doesn't think it was Lao K's. What's more likely is that Lao K has invisible companions!

Old Li's guess is basically the truth, but he doesn't know it himself. Although he didn't know, it didn't prevent him from taking this as a speculative point and began to stimulate Lao K: "Little brother, I, old man Li still thought you were a decent man, but I didn't expect to use this kind of trick."

Old K rolled his eyes in his heart and didn't care that he was still chattering. After so much time, his son has probably digested what he had just eaten. Although he has not begun to cry, emotional dissatisfaction has appeared. Old K is anxious to take him to the previous laboratory to feed.

Old Li was controlled by Sa. The Li family on the roof could not enter Lao K's eyes and greeted them. He flashed past the old man Li with his son in his arms, and then disappeared from the window of the sky before the people on the roof recovered. In Mr. Li's opinion, old K completely ignored his words and ran away directly with the child!

However, because Lao K ran in the direction of the small building, Old Li immediately became happy again, completely forgot that he was still held in his hand by the invisible enemy at this time, and anxiously urged the other Li family: "Quick! Seal the small building! Don't let him run away!"

Following the old man's words, an older man among the Li family on the roof suddenly woke up and took out a small box from his side and pressed it without looking at it. The whole building suddenly beeped slightly, and then began to sink slowly.

Sa has just arrived, and she hasn't reacted yet. Vera has seen it before. He cursed and immediately left the old man's buckle and ran in from the window. From Vera's reaction, she probably understood something, and immediately old Li's life was not easy. He was directly raised in his hand, and then felt that one hand directly clasped his throat:

"Although you can't really seal him, you'd better let your family leave the building on the ground."

Old Li broke out in a cold sweat.

It's not how threatening Sa's words sound, nor does it that he recognize Sa's voice, but that he finds that as a result of his own years of exercise, he can't struggle at all in the hands of this young man. This made him burst into an alarm. The other party would be invisible and have such a high force value. Even in the face of Lia, he did not have such a feeling of fear, but now he only feels chills and clearly feels the oppression that can directly threaten life.

This is caused by Sa's direct use of mental sensing threats. Although old man Li's thinking is very complicated and difficult to see, in essence, he is still the mental state of ordinary people. So even if Sa can't see his idea, it can still have a certain impact on him. Liya can also do this kind of thing, but at the beginning, Liya purely used the excuse of interests to move old Li, and she directly replaced her mind for other things that really can't be said, so naturally there is no need to use this kind of pressure.

It's just that Old Li doesn't know, and in his cognition, Liya is already quite threatening. Now this hand shocked him even more, and the old man finally felt a trace of uncertainty. He almost sacrificed everything in his family to cooperate with Liya. Is this step right? If it's right, then why does he encounter this situation now?