Tai Ruins

Chapter 62 Unreal Land

"Wait a minute, stand under me and don't move." The firelight floated high in the sky and preached to the two people below. Following the route of the firelight, the firelight stopped moving in an inconspicuous corner, and Mufeng followed. Although there were some doubts, after about a few minutes, the area where Mu Feng was located changed under the traction of mysterious forces and was connected to another area. Fortunately, under the leadership of the firelight, he did not encounter any other existence of the enemy and the Elder Hall.

Once again, a whirlpool with dark light suspended quietly in the void. Unexpectedly, no other monks appeared here. Mu Feng said to the firelight, "Is this the entrance to the virtual fantasy?"

"Yes, that's it. You can't believe it, but what I said is true." The firelight immediately spread the spiritual thoughts.

Thinking a little, in order to prevent the firelight in front of him, Mu Feng threatened, "You go in first, will you go in by yourself or shall I send you in?"

Hearing Mu Feng's words, the firelight was obviously a little anxious. He jumped up and down in the air and said, "No, the soul will be hanged by the black whirlpool when it enters, and I won't die..."

This time, the firelight's position was very firm, allowing Mu Feng to force and profit to be stunned by thunder and bite to death. In the end, it was fruitless. Leaving the two of them and stepped into the whirlpool together.

Looking at the two figures disappearing in the whirlpool, the firelight danced in the void, which was a kind of excitement of his treachery. Unexpectedly, at this time, the void on the edge of the firelight cracked a gap, and a snow-white beast came out of it, which was startled by the firelight.

Scratching his lovely head and looking confused, the animal's claws poked towards the firelight, as if the surrounding space was completely locked. The firelight could not move at this time. If it hadn't been for the human expression, it would have been sweating at this time. As expected, the beast's claws bounced on the firelight a few times. Seeing no response, the snow-white beast jumped into the black whirlpool.

The confinement on his body was immediately lifted, and the firelight disappeared at the corner. Yes, this is the road to the virtual fantasy, but the entrance to the virtual fantasy is more than this. The main reason why there is no one here is that the entrance of the black whirlpool is relatively dangerous, but Mu Feng and his wife have been kept in the dark, and what will be extinguished by the power of space is simply made up by the firelight.

With a flash of glory, Mu Feng and the two appeared in a continuous mountain range, which seemed to be very similar to the barren mountain range that just came in. What's going on? The illusion will be reborn in your mind from time to time. The most important thing here is the ability to distinguish between reality and illusion. Anything that appears in front of you cannot be trusted. Xi'a looked at the scene in front of her and reminded.

Along the way, I always felt something whispering in my ear. This feeling was very annoying, but Mu Feng never found out where it came from.

"Someone came in again, and everyone is ready to welcome our guests."

"Yes, it's mine this time. Don't grab any of you."

"Do you want an arm or a thigh?"

Every time you walk a distance, the space here will become another appearance. A round of bloody remnant sun hangs high in the sky at this time. Isn't this a scene in the forgotten ancient world? Is it finally here?" Mu Feng muttered that his huge spiritual perception spread out, and several weak breaths were found in the sky, underground and surrounding forests. This breath was a little subtle, as if it were constantly changing.

An illusory shadow emerged from the ground behind Mu Feng, but it sank again in an instant. When Mu Feng looked behind him, those fine sounds disappeared out of thin air.

Suddenly, the change suddenly appeared. Three monsters-like entities flashed out of the void that seemed to have no physical objects. At this time, three entities also appeared behind Mu Feng, and two were crawling on the ground.

"The virtual beast, the masterpiece after the soul of the deceased is integrated into the body of Warcraft, and the worst has the sixth-level primary strength." Seeing such a dense virtual beast, West Asia said in a low voice.

While talking in West Asia, those virtual beasts have begun to move. First of all, the threat from the sky. The virtual beasts integrated into the souls of human monks retain most of the strength of the dead. Coupled with the strong body of warcraft, the winning rate is not high if they want to defeat alone, not to mention that there are eight virtual beasts. .

The golden hand evolved in the void and patted at the virtual beast running towards him. Feeling the threat from behind, the virtual spirit beast only left a shadow and disappeared in place and fell into the air. At this time, the two virtual beasts that had been crawling on the ground also launched an attack at this time. They suddenly came out from the ground and grabbed Mu Feng and Xi's feet, and the attack above and behind them came at the same time.

The golden and purple energy erupted from the two people, and the dazzling light wrapped the whole body in an instant. The two arms that originally grabbed the two seemed to be grasping two burning flames. The piercing heat spread to the bodies of the two virtual beasts, "squeak..." With a few hiss, Mu Feng and Asia also Freedom has been restored.

"Transp!" Appearing behind a virtual spirit beast out of thin air, the golden big hand imprinted on him. With a bang, the virtual spirit beast was directly smashed. Although the virtual spirit beast with an entity is more powerful than the dead soul, its nature is completely different.

The purple pupil appeared again in the eyes of West Asia. Where the eyes passed, the body of the virtual spirit beast ignited purple inflammation, but the virtual spirit beast that tried to extinguish was surprised to find that this purple inflammation could not be as expected, as if it did not burn people all the time, and the enemy lost two accomplices in a blink of an eye.

The remaining six virtual spirit beasts surrounded the two people in the shape of a six-pointed star, and silk energy overflowed from their bodies and faintly connected into an aperture. And the aperture rotated at a high speed under the energy supply of the virtual beast, and the figures of the six virtual beasts disappeared in front of the two. The white aperture was spreading, gradually covering the two. The purple pupils shone with strange light, which did not produce the expected effect. Ziyan automatically extinguished after touching the aperture.

"Unless your absolute strength can break this aperture, everything will be in vain." I don't know where the sound came from.

"Ten blades return to the ruins!" Westa shouted softly, and saw the purple light blade condensed in the aperture condensed into a super-large purple blade in the void and split towards the aperture. With a bang, the aperture behaved as if it had been hit hard, and ripples rippled on the surface of the aperture, but the aperture was not penetrated as expected.

"Oh, it's a good force, but unfortunately these are the six apertures we have forged, and it's not so easy to break." The sound mixed with electric sound came again.

After doing that move, the purple light in Xi's pupils was faded. It should be that move that consumed a lot of his energy. West Asia, who just wanted to do something again, was blocked by Mu Feng. Let me do it." After the baptism of the Three Holy Fruits, Mufeng's physique is far from comparable to that of other monks of the same level. The golden light condensed into a layer of golden horn on the surface of his fist, leaving a shadow, and Mufeng's figure swept towards the aperture.

"Bang" tried for the first time, but I didn't expect that I failed to break this confinement with all my strength. Although the aperture showed signs of collapse, those small gaps were soon made up. Is it only to this extent?" It was Mu Feng who spoke, and his black hair danced casually. As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, the stone blade appeared in Mu Feng's hand out of thin air. The golden light exploded on the stone blade, like a golden flame.

"Break it for me!" Teleported to the edge of the aperture, waved the golden stone blade and split it up. The seemingly strong aperture could not withstand such a huge fixed-point explosion and exploded in the air. At the same time, the six virtual beasts appeared and fell to the ground. Obviously, they were all seriously damaged.

Once the opportunity appears, Mu Feng and West Asia will no longer give them a chance to bully themselves. The reaction speed of the virtual spirit beast is obviously much slower than before. Maybe it was because I was too confident in myself that I didn't expect to fall into the hands of two people.

With a bang, the battle ended after the last virtual beast was smashed. Just after these virtual beasts were destroyed, the bloody sun that had been hanging high in the sky also collapsed.

Considering the particularity of the existence of Guiling ointment, Mufeng goes to the area where the concentration of the soul is relatively strong. The space here is constantly changing, and the virtual and reality alternate, which makes people unable to distinguish between reality. Although Mufeng has the natural ability to suppress the illusion of breaking the evil pupil, it is indeed the consumption of spiritual power. It's too big, and now the Mufeng under strength can only support it for a few seconds.

"Do you feel that something seems to be wrong?" Along the way, although I occasionally encounter the special existence of this space on the way, I either choose to kill quickly or avoid it. However, when the two step into a special area, the heavy feeling that haunts in their hearts has been lingering. Is it because they inadvertently broke into other people's private collar? Land?

The fog here is much stronger than ordinary places. Just as Mufeng unconsciously looked around, in a void area, a paste-like object condensed in the void attracted Mufeng's eyes. It's really: there is no place to find through the iron gate without any effort! Obviously, West Asia also saw the spiritual ointment, but in the process of the two, a palpitating feeling permeated their hearts, getting closer and closer, and the pressure of the breath became stronger and stronger.

After the faint fog, a misty figure appeared in the fog, but it is certain that the other party actually has an entity. Is this the enemy or a special existence here?

The figure obviously felt the breath of Mufeng and went straight this way. Although it seemed to walk over, the speed was not slow no matter how you look at it...