Tai Ruins

Chapter 53 Ancient Soul of War

The man had long black hair, and his face was covered by it. His figure was medium, and his bronze skin showed wild destructive power. He just went straight and put the unprepared return ointment not far from Mu Feng into his mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it into his stomach, leaving two people stunned. .

Seeing that the task item that was about to arrive was eaten by an unknown man in front of him, Mu Feng was a little unbearable. This was the first to find out that he bullied him and stopped the black-haired man's way and said, "What do you mean? What did you just take is obviously what I found first. You are not grabbing people. All right?"

Although he didn't look directly into the man's eyes, when he faced the man alone, Mu Feng seemed to be pressed by something. For a long time, the man finally said, "That thing is originally mine. It can be said that everything in this area is mine, including your life." From beginning to end, the man spoke in a calm tone, as if what he had just said was basic common sense.

He sneered. Although the man's breath was very strong, his tone was obviously too strong. Mu Feng caught up and stopped the man again with one hand and said, "Please take back what you just said..."

Stop the pace again and said to Mu Feng, "I don't want to kill today. You are in my way." After saying this, the man walked straight ahead. And in front of the man stands Mu Feng. If Mu Feng has been standing there, he is bound to block the man's way.

Looking at the black-haired man who came towards him, Mu Feng also had no intention of avoiding at all. Not surprisingly, the man's body hit Mu Feng. At the moment of contact, Mu Feng only felt a domineering force swept towards his body. This was not deliberately urged by the other party. Is this reaching a What can be generated after the determination of the realm? Mufeng's body involuntarily moved up to the side, and the man successfully walked over the edge of Mufeng. The golden light filled Mu Feng's hand and grabbed the man who had just walked by. It was very smooth that the man also stopped under this grab.

At the moment when the man turned around, the attack had also come, and his fist without any breath hit Mu Feng, but Mu Feng's reaction was also not slow. He teleported to the opposite side of the man and stared at the man like this. Oh?" Unable to hit, the man also looked at the wind not far from him with interest.

"I've given you a chance. It's a pity." As the man said this, his body disappeared in front of Mu Feng and appeared behind Mu Feng. With a bang, this time Mu Feng could not predict the man's movements in advance. His body was directly smashed away, and a sharp pain spread to his whole body in an instant. Unexpectedly, the man's fist strength was so strong, even Mu Feng's body The quality was shocked, patted the dust on the body, and stood up in the wind.

"It's a little interesting." Looking at the teenager who had just been subconsciously judged to be garbage, he didn't expect that he could stand up with his full punch. It seemed that he was not as injured as he thought.

The golden big hand appeared in the void behind the man and patted at the man. Unexpectedly, the man who obviously felt the change behind him did not choose to dodge. His big golden hand slapped the man steadily. After a loud bang, the smoke dissipated, a lonely figure appeared on the ground full of cracks. The attacking man just now was blocked by his strong physique.

"Good strength, but the strength is too weak." The man continued to shout, "The stars fell..." The sky seemed to crack, and all kinds of light came out of the mouth. At this moment, the overwhelming energy stars condensed in the sky and hit the wind.

Looking at the large-area energy attack above, Mufeng's face looked a little solemn and shouted, "Wanfakongxiang..." This large-scale attack can't be avoided at all. The previous batch of stars fell to Mu Feng's side and automatically annihilated, but the density released by the man this time is also extremely high. In the current state Mufeng can't completely resist this attack. Under the impact of many stars, Mu Feng was also seriously injured, and trace blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.

"Your companion was beaten like this, do you stand by and watch like this?" Without continuing to attack Mu Feng, the man felt that there was no need at all. It seemed that he still overestimated him, and then asked West Asia, who had been watching as a third party in the distance.

"You are very strong. I'm not your opponent, but I don't think he will be defeated so easily. If he really dies today, it only shows that he is not as good as others." The absolute strength is so different that West Asia did not choose to help.

"Interesting, it's really interesting." Listening to West Asia's words, the man laughed at this time.

As soon as the spiritual idea moved, the stone blade that was originally silent under the power of its own soul was summoned. As soon as the stone blade was started, the voice of the martial soul came: "How did you carry this kind of guy?"

What does it mean? This kind of guy, do you know what this man is from? Mu Feng immediately returned to preach.

"That's the ancient soul of war after successfully invading the host. If it hadn't been for the physical strength of his master, you wouldn't have been able to stop the other party from facing each other with your current strength." Wuhun explained that he did not show any mercy to Mu Feng.

"Not very strong?" Mu Fenger, is it still not strong that a man's body can directly carry his golden hand without any harm?

"I think we'd better withdraw." Wuhun gives the best advice for the current situation.

But at this point, even if Mufeng wants to give up, the man will not necessarily allow it, and looking at the indifferent face of West Asia in the distance, Mu Feng knows that he must not retreat in this battle, otherwise the point of West Asia following him will be gone.

After made up his mind, Mu Feng shouted softly, "Cheer up and give it to me." Holding the stone blade, he rushed to the man. The golden blade of light penetrated the stone blade and went straight to the man, feeling the threat from above. This time, the man did not hold it big, "Absolutely!" The man shouted loudly, his hands held high, and a circle of white light blocked the impact of the stone blade under the man's urging. The buzzing sound kept coming out of the wall, and the golden blade without follow-up support was slowly exhausted and finally dissipated in the void.

"That's right, it should be a sub-sacred weapon, is there anything else?" The man blocked Mu Feng's attack and stood still and said to Mu Feng. Although he whispered, both of them heard it clearly at the same time.

The man's provocation did not cause much fluctuation. After all, the absolute strength of the other party is much stronger than himself. If you have the strength to dominate the life and death of others, you will take it for granted when you say this. Do you still want to use that trick?" In the face of a man's absolute strength, even if he has little chance of winning after using that move, it is still a question whether he can imprison his opponent.

After all, I still have to have a try. The silver fox Wanyi, who once followed Mu Feng from the Linglong Tower, was left out every time she died. Instant kill!" Mu Feng shouted softly, is there no other way? Floating behind the man, the golden energy imprisoned the man in an instant, but before a few golden energy pierced the man, the man came out of it. The gap in strength was really too big, and the man's figure in the ensuing golden big hand only shook the man's figure.

"If there is nothing else, I will take you on the road." In order to fulfill the promise just now, there must be a man between Mu Feng and the man, but the other side of West Asia has been indifferent and coldly looking at what just happened.

The man's figure suddenly appeared behind Mu Feng and moved away again. Mu Feng successfully avoided this attack, but most of the energy in Mu Feng's body, which was suppressed from the beginning, had been consumed. Can he avoid the man's attack every time? The head-on confrontation was not his opponent at all. The man's figure moved again, and Mufeng, who moved away, suddenly heard the man's faint voice: "Very good skill, but it's a pity that you guessed wrong this time." The figure that was originally attacking Mu Feng actually collapsed in the void. The man's body appeared behind Mu Feng. With a bang, Mu Feng was hit firmly and flew far away in a parabola.

Before it was finished, the man did not want to give Mu Feng any chance to turn around. A series of attacks were like a well-designed bureau. No matter where Mu Feng teleported from a short distance, the man's figure would appear there, with another loud bang. Mu Feng was hit by a cliff not far away. Under the man's savage force, Mu The wind was thrown straight into it, and the gravel on the cliff fell down and drowned the wind.

Feering the weaker breath of Mufeng, West Asia in the distance couldn't help frowning. Under this blow, the man stopped for a while and saw that Mufeng had not come out for a long time. He shook his head with a little disappointment and was about to leave. After a few steps, the man's pace suddenly stopped. The falling gravel clicked, and a slightly thin figure staggered out.

"Oh?" The man turned around and looked at Mu Feng coming out. He was also a little surprised. There was no room for the continuous attack on himself just now. The teenager's strength did not even reach the sixth level at the beginning. It was a whole nine high-intensity attack. If he was called a general sixth-level monk, he may be in the fifth time. The body has collapsed, and a wonderful idea has been formed in the man's mind. Good skills and strong body, although he is a little young, after all, he has good talent.

"Shunting and searching for God!" The man drank gently and saw Mu Feng's extraordinary body and talent. Unexpectedly, the man wanted to give up. Can Mu Feng avoid the man's claws this time?