Tai Ruins

Chapter 144 Xuanqing Capital

"Hey, I'm here. Come on!" Croty greeted Mu Feng not far from the gate of Xuanqingdu, as if he had met an old acquaintance, and his eyes were particularly red. Standing beside him was a girl dressed as a little boy.

Until Mu Feng and the other two walked to Croty, his slightly praised voice again and said, "That's right. Let's get out of the desert so soon. Let's go!"

The three powerful characters "Xuanqingdu" appeared on the gate. Unexpectedly, there was no one defending the city, and there were many people who did not come and went. It seemed that Xuanqingdu was indeed well-known, and Dayan Tiansheng ranked first among the top strong men of the holy level.

"Now that we have come to Xuanqingdu, we will leave and meet in this 'brid house' after finishing our business. How about that? At that time, you just need to say hello to the front desk in advance. Croty pointed to a luxury hotel on the side and said.

"See you later!" After saying goodbye to the two, Mu Feng listened to the location of the city master's mansion here. Almost as long as he stayed in Xuanqing for a while, he would know it. Seeing that there was still some distance from the destination, Mu Feng found a luxury carriage and went away.

Surprisingly, the gate of the city owner's mansion of Xuanqingdu, that is, the mansion of Dayan Tiansheng, was wide open and there was no guard. It was no wonder that he didn't see an older elder greeted him and said, "What are you doing, sons?"

"I'm invited by your host to come here to meet you. This is my invitation!" With that, Mu Feng presented the invitation he received that day.

"Well, please come with me." The old man's face was kind, and his greetings led the way in front of him. Instead of condescending, he was very kind.

Then the three came down to the living room under the leadership of the old man. The old man retreated and looked around. The decoration here was simple. There was a curling smoke in the incense burner, and the simple landscape paintings hanging on the wall were also extremely simple ceramic collections.

Not long after, the previous old man walked into the room and told Mu Feng that the three owners were already waiting for the three in the main hall.

Bring Mu Feng and the three into the main hall, the old man retreated. In this huge hall, there was only one old man sitting on the ** carved by Panlong on the high platform. There was no breath. At this time, the old man said, "Welcome, my ally, the new owner of the glazed city." The old man's voice came, hovering over the main hall for a long time, not entangled with what happened that day. How could his power not know?

"Senior, I don't know what's wrong with summoning the boy here?" Mu Feng asked directly.

"Ha ha, it's not easy for the owner of Mucheng to unify the glazed city at a young age. Today, it's really extraordinary. The owner of Mucheng is really the leader of the young generation!" A series of praises of Dayan Tiansheng held Mufeng in the clouds. If there is anything, you should say it directly!

"The senior is overreputed. The boy is not as martial as you said. He just makes a living. Otherwise, he doesn't even know how to come to the door. Sometimes thunderous means are still necessary." Mu Feng blushed and replied.

"This time, I invited the Lord of Mucheng to come only for one thing, which is a entrustment!" Dayan Tiansheng looked at Mu Feng's reaction and then continued, "It is crazy that I want to get Liuli City. In fact, this is really a big mistake. It's just a simple cover. As long as the owner of Mu City cooperates with me and makes the outside world feel that I want to do something in Liuli City, isn't it difficult?"

"So that's it. The senior can let me know, and the boy will definitely do it. Why do we have to meet in person? There is absolutely no problem with this kind of thing." Mu Feng promised his promise.

"That's good. It seems that I'm too worried. I'll invite Lord Mucheng to come over and see what kind of person he is by the way. It's really not wrong to say that a hero comes out of a teenager." Dayan Tiansheng said lightly.

"Ky, remember the teachings of the elders. If there is nothing else, the boy will go back and implement it first." Mu Feng replied that it was such a big thing, and he had to run all the way by himself. If it hadn't been for your Dayan Tiansheng's style, who would have been so full and had nothing to do?

"Why do you have to be in such a hurry to leave? Well, of course, it's rare to come to Xuanqing to see the wonders here. There are two scenes here that are very famous in the whole Tianxuan Continent. Wait for me to order you to find the old man who brought you in just now, and he will take you to experience the wonders there." After saying that, Dayan Tiansheng disappeared into the hall out of thin air, leaving three people with confused faces. It seemed that the itinerary of Mu Feng was also arranged by others, and he had to accept it.

"The two major scenic spots in Xuanqing City: one is 'the tide of flowers and the sea', and the other is 'hundreds of families competing for beauty'. These two places are amazing places, and they will arrive at their destination in a moment. Every year, these two alone can bring a lot of guests and income to Xuanqing." The old man led the way and explained to Mufeng, and the pride revealed in his words was unnoplained.

"Yes, West Asia, have you ever heard of the two major scenic spots in the Xuanqing capital?" Mu Feng turned around and asked West Asia.

"I have heard of it, but I have never really seen it. As the name implies, it is a sea of flowers. It is a wonder that such a magical landscape can be created in this plain. 'hundreds of families compete for beauty' should be a competitive analogy for all monks, regardless of level." West Asia thought for a moment and replied.

"This prince is still erudite and hearable, which means the same, but watching this kind of landscape on the spot is different from what you imagined. As the saying goes, it's better to see him. I think you will be surprised." Hearing Xi's answer, the old man also praised it slightly and said.

After a while, the three of Mu Feng led down to a strange place under the leadership of the old man. This is a finely crafted stone arch with the four characters "flower tide making the sea" engraved on it, and there are still guards on the side. Mu Feng glanced a few times, but he didn't expect that the ticket alone would cost 50 gold coins, which was a little expensive. After thinking about it carefully, I will be relieved. The people who can come here are all powerful or rich people. Who cares about such a little money? The two guards saluted when they saw the old man, and Mu Feng walked in under the leadership of the old man.

In the eyes of Mufeng is a disc-style building, but there are many entrances on the side. After being introduced by the old man, it is the world of "flower tide and sea". The old man did not enter, but let Mufeng enter and experience it by themselves. As soon as they stepped into the mouth, a slight space fluctuation came, and Mu Feng and the three walked into another flower world, and a magic door behind them was closed in an instant.

This is a sea of flowers. Many flowers in this world can be seen. There are beautiful and generous paradise birds. Lotus flowers grow in the pool that bloom in summer, and those on the side of the road bloom in late autumn **. There are begonias, peonies, magnolias, rhazis, violets, and tulips can be seen everywhere. The breeze blows, the water waves are not good, and the smell of soil mixed with flowers comes to the nose, giving people a feeling of returning to nature.

"Flower Tide and Sea" is a virtual space set up to simulate ecological changes. Here you will see other people who also come to visit, but they are very friendly to each other. Pop, pop..." The bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky, rendering this sea of flowers into a different kind of beauty, but the bodies of several people who were close to the wind were automatically bounced away.

"Wow..." A gust of wind blew, the raindrops tilted towards the flowers, and the wave of flowers kept extending. Before long, the sun rose in this space, and the rainbow after the rain crossed the sky, which was so beautiful.

There is a gazebo for tourists to rest, but it is basically overcrowded, and Mufeng and the three have been wandering in it to enjoy the beauty of nature. However, the next wonderful question arises. How should they get out? It seems that the old man didn't say anything at the beginning, which is really entangled.

"This beautiful and generous lady, how can I get out of here?" Mu Feng stiffly walked towards a pair of men and women enjoying flowers not far away, and said to the woman on the side, but the man's eyes were obviously full of anger, and Mu Feng ignored them.

"Ah, don't you know? In fact, in addition to rest, the other function of those pavilions is transmission. Any gazebo has this function!" The woman replied kindly.

"Thank you, girl!" Then Mu Feng and the three of them rushed to the nearby pavilion. The appreciation was almost over. It was time to go back.