Tai Ruins

Chapter 145 The Way of hospitality

"Oh? Did you come out so soon?" Seeing the three Mufeng who appeared in the teleport, the old man greeted him and said.

"Let's go..." Mu Feng said lightly, and went straight away after finishing the business.

Next, under the leadership of the old man, Mufeng and his group walked towards another popular arena in Xuanqingdu. It is said that this is the most profitable place in Xuanqing every year. What's special about the unlimited arena?

All the way is unimpeded. Under the leadership of the old man, Mufeng and the three directly enter the VIP box of the arena. Those who can sit in it are all face-headed people. In the box, you can overlook the whole arena. Several people sit and wait for the beginning of the test.

"Good luck. This afternoon's test is a battle between super levels." The referee did not introduce anything, and the old man took the lead.

Then came the roar of the referee below and said, "Come down and welcome the super-level 'Anda' and the super-middle-level 'Doll Roll' for the test. Let's give a warm applause!" As soon as the words fell, I saw the two of them walking on a large-scale ring, and thunderous applause broke out in the audience, and the shouts were endless!

"Lord Mucheng, who do you think will win this victory?" Shortly after the battle, the old man asked Mu Feng around him.

"In my humble opinion, I think the super-level junior player who is good at physical skills will win the final victory of this competition. Although the opponent's strength is stronger than him, after all, he is just a famous magician. As long as he reveals a flaw, he will be taken advantage of by his opponent. And look at the whole fight of the strong man who is good at physical skills. The process is much better at judging the timing than the opponent.

"Yes, yes, the owner of Mucheng observed very carefully. As the owner of Mucheng said, the final winner of this game will be the one you said." The old man praised it.

The advantage of the wind and fire magician is to connect the hegemony of the fire element with the elegance and continuousness of the wind element, so that he can exert the greatest power of wind and fire. Once there were two geniuses who controlled the wind element and fire element on the mainland. At that time, their enthusiasm for the rules of the element became a part of their life. In order to pursue their own mysteries, they embarked on a road of no return.

The battle situation has changed. The magician who had been in a hot situation has not caused too much real damage to his opponent for a long time, which made him feel very uneasy. Obviously, he has hit it, but the opponent seems to be like nothing. There is absolutely no way to go on like this. He made up his mind and shouted, "Ryuyan Waterfall!" In an hour, the fire all over the sky hit the opponent under the guidance of the wind, and the overwhelming fire raised the temperature of the whole ring.

"Introvert..." I saw the opponent waving his palm, and a Taiji picture was shot out. The sky-flowing fire hit the Taiji map and was led to the other side, and the man standing there was the man who had originally launched the magic skill. Wra..." A fire wall and wind wall formed out of thin air, and the creaking sound continued. The fire wall turned into ashes and flew. With a bang, the wind wall was broken, but the hot waterfall was successfully blocked.

A ghost appeared behind him, and a magician was hugged all over his body, and he was a close combat who was good at physical skills. A faint voice came from his mouth and said, "Three bodies!" Then the magician was pulled up by the man, and a beautiful inverted fell backwards. Then he wrapped his feet around the opponent's head and rotated to bring the opponent to the ground. With a bang, the opponent's body was still tightly entangled and could not move. Finally, the opponent was kicked into the sky, and the man's figure was instantly bullied and disappeared behind the opponent. His right foot was kicked down fiercely. The opponent's figure was pressed down again and pressed to the ground.

Inadvertently, two burning flames appeared in the eyes of the wind and fire magician, and saw red flames surrounding the magician, like a burning fireball. The physical man was forced to get out of his body and flashed into the distance. The burning fireball slowly floated into the sky and finally suspended in the air. The magician who was proficient in operating the wind element could indeed stay in the air for a short time.

"You will pay for this!" The man in the fireball said angrily, and then heard a faint chant: "The elf in the fire, the dancer in the wind, please listen to my pious prayer and destroy the enemy in front of you!" The height of the magician is just out of the reach of the body, so that the magic skill can be completed.

"What a strong fire element and wind element. This should be the bottom of his box. It's time to reveal the results." Seeing the changes in the field, the old man said lightly.

Two different energies are constantly expanding, and the body magician below shows a solemn face. This degree of element fluctuation is enough to cover the whole ring. He can't avoid it at all, and his opponent is suspended in mid-air and can't hit the target, which means that he must face this intensity of attack. .

"Fare!" A faint voice came from the magician's mouth, and two roaring fire dragons swept down from above, with a blue wind on the side. Seeing this situation, the physical magician played his fists and feet in place, sometimes slowly, sometimes anxious. When the fire dragon rushed to the opponent's body, a Taiji black and white magic condensed behind it, and the violent explosion came. He could not see the result of the collision just now in the ring, but the magician in the sky had already After gasping for breath, he slowly fell to the ground and away from the explosion. It seemed that the blow just now consumed a lot of energy.

"I haven't played yet!" A figure came out of the smoke and was unharmed under the high-density bombing just now. Then he said, "It's a pity that you are just a magician. Can you still take this move now?"

"The song on all sides!" The body surgeon's body suddenly differentiated into four identical bodies, moving at a fast pace. You can see it like a shadow remaining in place, and the real body has rushed to the opponent. The crackling impact came from it, and the magician was submerged by his figure in an instant. The end!" The last four figures hit the magician together. After he closed, he saw the magician fall softly on the ground and did not wake up.

With one-handed Optimus Sky, it is obvious that this game was won by the super-level junior physical surgeon, cheers, shouts and of course curses.

"What you can see today is the confrontation between superpowers. There has been a life-and-death duel between the strong in the holy steps here, and one of them has fallen." At the end of the game, the old man said lightly to the wind on the side.

"Is it?" Mu Feng muttered that the confrontation between the strong men of the holy level was not something that ordinary people could watch. How many people could withstand the pressure alone? After the game, the old man led Mu Feng and the three of them to leave the VIP box, and today's task was completed.

"Thank you for visiting Xuanqingdu. I apologize to you again on behalf of my master." The old man said, and then bowed deeply. Mu Feng hurriedly held him up. How could he bear such a big gift?

Farewell to the old man, Mufeng returned to the super hotel called "Hanshe" and asked the front desk for the news. As expected, it was the same as the scheduled plan, and the front desk waiter learned that the old man had returned to the hotel. When he asked where he lived, a waiter led the way in front of him.

knocked on the door, and after a while, the head of a "little boy" poked out. Seeing that it was Mu Feng and the three, he shouted inside, "Croty, it's them!"

Then he walked out of Crotty's figure. After seeing Mu Feng, he took the hand of the "little boy" out of the room and said, "Let's go to dinner together. You can't cross the desert casually at night, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

Then several people went to the hotel under the leadership of Crotty, which was also an extremely well-decorated restaurant. Mu Feng was curious about Croty's identity. Although the strong man was very good at making money, he seemed to only spend money, but he didn't ask much.

"Then when will you meet my employer with me?" On the wine table, Mu Feng asked lightly.

"I can just send this little guy back first. In fact, I'm fine." After taking a sip of wine, Croty replied.

"What on earth is this little girl?" Mu Feng asked curiously.

"She is the lost third princess you heard in Huayin Kingdom. It's amazing!"

"Hehe, a little..."