Tai Ruins

Chapter 206 on the thief ship

The lion and tiger beast moved at a high speed in the mountain stream, and the figure of Mufeng disappeared in Xia's eyes in an instant. Now her body can't do violent movements at all. She dragged her weak body and walked in the direction of the city. She met Baishui outside the forest. After seeing Xia's appearance, she let Xiaoqing treat her in place.

With the wind, which was still in a coma, the lion and tiger mysterious beast ran all the way south. It did not know where it would go, bypassing the lake, and then the continuous mountains. When the light sprinkled on the earth the next day, the wind still showed no sign of waking up, but the lion and tiger beast had stopped walking.

This is a cave. When the lion and tiger mysterious beast appeared, he saw an old man coming out of it. After seeing the unconscious wind in the mouth of the lion and tiger mysterious beast, the lion and tiger mysterious beast whispered a few words, and the old man took it to the cave. The long stone cave is more and more open. Although it is a simple device, there are many passages connected in the cave. It is not easy for someone to lead you to the destination.

In the huge stone room, there is only one stone seat on the top steps. At this time, there is only one person in the stone room. This person is on fire. Seeing the lion, tiger and mysterious beast led by the old man, he walked up.

"Do you mean to contribute him to Lord Beast King?" Listening to the low whispers of the lion, tiger and mysterious beast, Huo Lian asked curiously that there was a meeting to be held this morning. Of course, Huo Lian, who was very active, was the first to be present, which made him pick up this cheap, but then he was a little confused: "You mean that this human being can be used as a tribute to the annual sacrifice? But judging from his weakness, there is nothing special about him!"

"Is that so?" After listening to the description of last night, Huo Lyan muttered that he was also convinced of its words, because he was superior in the herd, and it was impossible to deceive himself with a few courage. He said, "Well, if the tribute is adopted, I will arrange a good place for you. You go down first."

After the old man took away the lion, tiger and the mysterious beast, he carefully looked at the teenager in front of him, as if he had seen it somewhere. Suddenly, his heart was thrilled. When he attacked the city yesterday, didn't the little guy stand beside the emperor! Seeing Mu Feng who is still in a coma, I don't know the reason why the fire is. This is the drawback of no matter how powerful the warcraft is, you can't use energy to test the current situation in Mufeng's body.

Then he ordered people to take Mu Feng down to guard him. As soon as there was a situation, he immediately reported it, and then quietly waited for the beginning of the early meeting. Not long after, he walked into a middle-aged bald man with a rough face. After seeing the fire, he only laughed twice, and the fire did not pay attention to it. It seemed that the relationship between the two was not very good. Then he saw a young man walking in from the door of the stone room, dressed in ordinary clothes and good-looking. After coming in, he greeted Huo Lion and the bald man at the same time, and the two also responded politely.

Then, at the same time, two young people with the same appearance came in. At first, they didn't seem to feel any difference, but when they looked carefully, they could see that the relationship between the two was extraordinary, and looking at their indifferent expressions, the three people who passed by did not say a word until they walked to the bottom of the steps, and then stood on both sides. In terms of location, the identity of these two people is higher than that of the previous three.

The stone hall seemed a little quiet at this time, as if he was waiting for something. Then he walked into a man from outside the stone door. His dark and thick hair floated casually, his sword eyebrows were not angry and powerful. His bronze skin showed wild charm, and he only wore an ordinary linen trousers under him. .

"The king of beasts for thousands of generations, longevity and heaven..." After seeing the people coming, the five people in the stone hall shouted at the same time. This man is the leader Odohim, the authoritative beast king. Waving his hand, the man walked directly to the stone seat in the world and said, "Today, you are summoned here for some matters of the annual sacrifice. I don't know if there are suitable candidates present?"

Huo Lion has been waiting for this moment for a long time and took the lead in saying, "I have a suitable candidate to participate in the annual sacrifice in three days..."

"Oh? You should know the importance of the annual sacrifice. We just want to find powerful monks or seedlings with excellent blood inheritance in the human world and extract their blood to study them, which is of great benefit to our future ambition. The beast king on the stone seat replied.

"The king of beasts, his subordinates also have a suitable candidate, which is enough to take on such a heavy task, unlike some people who have more than one year!" The speaking bald man slanders the fire without hesitation, but it is difficult for anyone to fight in such a scene, and he may fight again at ordinary times.

"You don't have to quarrel much. Bring your respective sacrifices three days later, choose the best choice, and dispose of the rest directly." The Beast King finally issued the king's order and then said, "Fire, Wei Qin, what's special about you two attacking the city of the human race yesterday?"

"In my observation, the human race is vast and popular, and every short period of time, there will be many strong people to protect the border, and the growth of Warcraft is not as fast as that of human beings, so when the human race is basically balanced, the orcs are decreasing." The bald man called Wei Qin said that he proudly glanced at the fire with bad eyes.

"Yes, this is the key. The growth of Warcraft is not as fast as that of human beings. Then you know that knowing this, I should let you know the reason for constantly attacking the city. I need human blood to improve the shortcomings of the Warcraft race, so don't forget Ben." The voice of the beast king Hongliang echoed in the stone hall.

"Is there anything else you need to report? If not, you can all retreat." No one continued to speak, and then several people retreated in turn.

When the fire came out of the door, he walked towards one of the stone passages. Fresh sacrifices must be well surveyed, otherwise it would be themselves who would be dismarished at that time. In a stone room, when the fire saw Mu Feng who was still sleeping, he couldn't help thinking about how this guy could sleep so well, but Mu Feng's current breath was really weak. Thinking that if Mu Feng hadn't woken up three days later, he would really lift a stone and hit himself in the foot.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I took out a sky-blue crystal that the king of beasts rewarded me in the past. It is said that no matter how serious the injury is, it can be repaired by this seemingly petite crystal. I have never been willing to use it, but I didn't want to be cheap today. Sending the crystal into Mufeng's mouth, the blue crystal turned into ** and slipped down Mufeng's throat.

"Ding..." The power of the original soul, which was still dry, seemed to be moistened by the blue raindrops all over the sky, and the power of the soul slowly began to fill up, but the blue ** in the sky did not stop falling, and part of it was absorbed by the golden half moon in the sky, revealing heat. Golden light, and a small part is absorbed by the black virtual shadow hovering over the power gully of the soul, and most of it is turned into raw materials to nourish the soul.

Mu Feng's originally weak breath began to ease, and some pale faces began to appear rosy, but Mu Feng did not wake up immediately. Seeing that Mu Feng's situation had improved, he ordered his servants to report to himself immediately if there was any situation, and then he left the stone room, leaving Mu Feng, who was still in a coma.

After a day and a night, Mufeng began to wake up, but his eyelids seemed to be as heavy as lead, and there was still a weak pain in his body. When Mu Feng examined the situation in his body, he breathed a sigh of relief. About an hour later, Mu Feng reluctantly opened his eyes and saw a stone room, holding the stone bed with his hands, and then sat ** curiously looking at everything in front of him.

After seeing Mu Feng wake up, the subordinate outside the stone outdoor greeted him and said, "Dear guest, my master brought you back. Since you have woken up, I will inform the master. Please wait a moment!"

After a while, Huo Leng entered the stone room under the leadership of the subordinate and ordered the subordinate to leave. There were only Huo Leng and Mu Feng left in the stone room. After seeing the people, Mu Feng was puzzled, as if he had seen each other somewhere, but he couldn't think of it. He shook his head and said, "Senior, what's wrong with me? Why did I appear here? Where is this?" Mu Feng rushed out three doubts in a row, and his last scene was fixed in the battle scene with the lion, tiger and mysterious beast.

"You were injured in the battle, rescued by my doorman, and then sent to me. I woke you up with the holy medicine. As for where is this place? This is the holy place that the Warcrafts of Oddohim admire, and my name is Fire. Two days ago, I led a large number of Warcraft to capture your human city.

Mu Feng was shocked when he heard the explanation, doesn't that mean that he got on the thief's boat? This is actually Oddohim's base camp...