Tai Ruins

Chapter 207 Sacrifice

"Why did you bring me here?" Mu Feng asked the fire, now that I am a man-made knife and I am a fish, and what is in front of me is a strong orc who can fight against the human emperor. It is almost impossible to escape from his hands, unless the predecessors of the Yan clan are willing to come out to help.

"I want you to participate in the selection of the annual sacrifice on my behalf. If you can be selected, you can regain your freedom, and you can't even do whatever I want." The fire threw a bait and replied.

"Okay, I promise you!" Mu Feng answered very simply. First of all, he is not his opponent in terms of strength. Secondly, this is the base camp of the orcs. It can be said that it is impossible to escape step by step. Mu Feng's plan is to take it step by step.

"It's refreshing enough. Then you can have a good rest these two days and go out for a walk when you have time, but remember not to go too far, you will be in danger." Huo Liao said with a smile, and then he went out of the stone room, and a person's bath wind was also sitting in the stone room, adjusting the damaged body.

When it is almost time to eat, servants will enter the stone room of Mufeng. Mufeng glances for the first time. These are some special humanoid monsters that will only faithfully carry out the orders given by the master. After looking at these dishes, Mu Feng was not interested. The meat of the two plates of animals was placed directly on the stone table in the stone room and told Mu Feng that it was time to eat and went out by himself.

On the first day, Mu Feng has been recuperating his body. The power of the original soul washed his injured meridians over and over again, and his physique was slowly recovering. When Mu Feng was satisfied with his body, he was out of the state of retreat again. Stretching out, Mu Feng decided to go out for a walk. It is rare to come to such a place. It is almost impossible for human beings to have such an opportunity to explain to the subordinate on the side of the stone room to walk out of the cave with Mu Feng.

The outside sky seems to be blocked by a layer of gray color, and there is no sunlight. However, the air here is so fresh, which may also have something to do with the early morning period. Here, Mu Feng actually heard the sound of water and followed the sound source Mu Feng all the way, but there was still a small tail behind him.

This is a stream not far away. The stream is very clean. The breeze involuntarily picks up a handful of stream water and drinks it. It is sweet and refreshing. The fish in the stream are playing freely, and the waves rolled up by the waves are also swept away by them. Along the stream, Mufeng walked slowly, and no strange things were seen along the way, and no other monsters passed by.

When Mufeng wanted to step into a forest, he was stopped by the follower behind him and said, "The master has told you not to go out of a ten-mile radius, which is also for your safety..."

"Well, let's go back now." Mu Feng looked tasteless and just wanted to pass the time, and the deserted mountains were not allowed to have any accidents, so he followed the subordinate back. Coincidentally, when Mu Feng just returned to the door of the cave, he met the bald man called "Wei Qin", and the other party stopped Mu Feng in curiosity.

Human? Why are you here? Don't you know it's a capital crime?" Wei Qin said coldly, and at the same time, a strong pressure overwhelmed Mufeng. Even Mufeng could not be his opponent. When his knees softened, he knelt to the ground with his hands supporting the ground. The power of the soul roared and could not resist the huge pressure. The subordinate next to him was the same. That's how it is.

"Wei Qin, you are so bold that you even try to destroy the sacrifices I offered. Destroy him, how do you want me to explain to the king!" Then an angry rebuke came from the sky, and Mu Feng listened carefully. This should be the sound of fire. Just after this sound, the huge pressure receded like a tide.

"Is there the word 'sacrifice' engraved on his face? Even if the king was executed by mistake, it is impossible for me to be punished. Besides, whether the sacrifice in your mouth can be selected is still unknown. If you can't choose, you should know the consequences. Of course, Wei Qin knew that human beings who could not choose sacrifices would be executed, but he did not tell Mu Feng, and Mu Feng also heard it in the clouds.

"This is our business, please don't interfere too much!" Huo Lion finally put down this sentence and took Mu Feng and the subordinate to the stone cave, and Wei Qin also followed him and walked in.

Mu Feng promised Huo Liao to help him, but he did not know the details. During this period, Mu Feng also asked Huo Liao, but he was prevarieged by him in a few words. Anyway, tomorrow is the time to choose, as long as he can do his best, so that he can get out as soon as possible.

After returning to the stone room, Mu Feng entered the state of retreat again. The competition of the Hundred Battles Pavilion, which should have appeared, did not appear, and this place was not as simple as expected. When Mu Feng woke up again, he was awakened by the fire outside the stone. Today's selection of sacrifice has been opened...

Following the pace of the fire and bypassing several stone caves, the simple and solemn stone hall appeared in front of Mu Feng. Sure enough, today is still the first to be there, and today's test will also be held in the stone hall. Wei Qin, who will not come in very much, also has a man next to him. He is 25 or 26 years old. His strength can't see through and should be a little strong. The young man who came in also came in with a man, and his strength was also not weak. The last twin brother came in with only one man. Judging from Mu Feng's intuition, the strongest of these three people should be the last.

"Since all the suitable candidates have arrived, let's start." I don't know when the figure of the Beast King appeared on the stone seat and said, and then I saw him walk down the steps and come to the middle of the stone hall. Then he said, "Then please come to me in turn!"

The first player was the man recommended by the twin brothers. After standing in front of the Beast King, a powerful aura instantly surrounded their bodies. When the man appeared again, it was only half a cup of tea, followed by the man recommended by the young man who always smiled. The same thing happened, but it was clear. The time is longer than the first man to be tested.

The third player was the man recommended by Wei Qin. After standing in front of the Beast King, the powerful aura wrapped the two again, and the time was quietly lost. The longer they stayed in it, the higher the quality of the sacrifice. This time, almost a sticks of incense, the two bodies reappeared in the stone hall. Seeing the Beast King nodded slightly, Wei Qin also looked at the fire proudly.

The last one to play was Mufeng. After the aura completely wrapped his body, Mufeng felt that his body was pulled by a strong force and could not move. Then the body of the beast king appeared, and a breath of the world burst out from his body. Mufeng now feels like a storm. Boats sailing in the sea in rainy weather may collapse at any time.

The strong golden breath began to flow out of Mufeng's body involuntarily, and even the black virtual shadow sitting in Mufeng's body seemed to be implicated by it. The black gas mixed with golden light flowed out. Everything seemed so strange, and the involvement was increasing, and Mu Feng's whole body was Severe pain drowned out.

"Hmm?" At this time, the beast king obviously found this abnormality. The black gas was obviously not owned by the teenager himself. He grabbed the wind with one hand at this time, and the situation in the wind was clearly reflected in the eyes of the beast king. So that's it!" Knowing carefully, the Beast King looked at Mu Feng, who was still suffering. Although Mu Feng's expression was a little ferocious at this time, he did not make a sound, and he had not fainted under this intensity. In this case, the pressure would not stop.

An hour later, the figure of the Beast King and Mu Feng appeared in front of several people at the same time. Looking at their solemn faces, they did not know why, waiting for him to announce the final result. This year's sacrifice has been selected, which is the teenager recommended by Huo Lion. Please follow me. The Beast King finally announced the result, and then took Mu Feng to the outside of the Stone Hall.

"Ah..." With this scream, the three people who were not selected were directly killed and walked deeper into the cave under the leadership of the Beast King.