Tai Ruins

Chapter 218 Injury

A black-clothed Mufeng is integrated with the surrounding environment, and Mufeng is quietly waiting for the prey to play. Time is passing quietly, but the breath of the wind has not changed at all. Five figures appeared halfway up the mountain of Heifengzhai. The leading old man has the strength of the heavenly level. The two middle-aged men on the side are also good, the super-level senior and the intermediate, but a bandit force has such strength, which is really not weak.

If the three strong men are together, Mufeng can only grasp the weakest man among them, and Mufeng's target is only the primary strong man. Mufeng controls his breath and follows him, looking for a gap to kill him, at least to hit him hard, otherwise the large-scale attack two days later will kill and many people.

"Senior Feng, please take a break first. I will ask the servants to inform other senior officials to come to the main village for a meeting." The man led by him should be the owner of the village of Heifeng Village, saying.

Then Feng Xiaoshui, led by a subordinate, went to the guest room to rest for a while, followed like a ghost. After the subordinate went out, there was only the middle-level strong man left in the room. Mu Feng deliberately revealed some of his breath on the tree outside, which was indeed found by the other party. Mu Feng controlled the distance and led it to a secret place in the forest.

stood still on a tree, and then looked coldly at his opponent, wearing an iron mask on his face. Then came the old man's voice and said, "Your Excellency hid secretly by the house without informing in advance?"

"I'm here to kill you." Mu Feng said coldly.

"That depends on whether you have the ability." After saying that, the old man did not do it, but waited for Mufeng's attack. In his eyes, Mufeng was just an intermediate strength in the ground, which was not much different from himself and was fearless.

Mu Feng's eyes shone with terrible calm, and then disappeared in place. The disk flew out, the faint white light fell down, and the old man's body was imprisoned. The golden light condensed at Mufeng's fingertips and shot quickly at the old man with a bang. The old man under the white light suffered this blow, and his body fluctuated violently, and his body was imprisoned and unable to move.

"Roar..." With a powerful beast roar, the old man's body was expanding, and the surrounding leaves fell after the sound, and the disk was lifted directly, and the old man's breath was rising. This is a pangolin-like warcraft covered with thick scales, with two bone spurs on its tail, and two small eyes emit cunning light under the scales.

The current opponent can't be imprisoned by the disk at all. His instant killing skills can't be imprisoned for too long, and in front of absolute strength, he is much worse than his opponent. Even in the state of the demon god, coupled with the power of the sub-sacred weapon stone blade, it is difficult to cut it immediately.

"Ky, I'm going to do it." Feng Xiaoshui made a mechanical cold sound and reminded him. Mu Feng stared at his opponent's every move, and suddenly lost his opponent's figure in his sight, and his body reflexively moved towards the edge not far away.

"Bum!" Just now, the place where Mu Feng was waiting was swept by the opponent's steel tail. The rocks collapsed and failed to hit the blow. The opponent continued to rush towards Mu Feng. At this time, the silver eyes quietly replaced the black pupils, and the stone blade was summoned out.

Feng Xiaoshui's attack trajectory was infinitely slowed down, and even the other party's intention was to clearly give back to Mu Feng's eyes. The golden flame burning on the stone blade, the body moved only a small step to the side, and the stone blade cut towards the empty body with a trace of destruction.

"Puff..." The golden light shot the body of the opponent who rushed up suddenly, even if it defended against the long pangolin, it could not completely resist the power of the domineering sub-sacred weapon. A deep crack was scraped open, the skin opened, and blood gushed out.

The old man suffered pain and slowed down. The attack not only failed, but also ate such a thing. Oh..." Feng Xiaoshui flashed aside and began to stare at Mu Feng. Mu Feng sneered, and the golden light shot directly at his opponent. The crisis came again, and this time the opponent did not choose to attack, but wrapped himself tightly.

After shooting the opponent, the golden light rebounded directly towards Mufeng, which was much faster than that released by Mufeng. Teleported away from the place, the golden big hand condensed in the void, and the wind flashed on it, looking coldly at Feng Xiaoshui below.

"Wo..." Thousands of fine needles shot out of the cracks of the scales, and the golden big hand tightly wrapped Mu Feng's body. The black fine needles shot densely into the golden big hand. The black breath overflowed, and the golden energy could not resist the seemingly small black needle.

The black figure ghostly wrapped around Feng Xiaoshui's body, and a soft voice floated by and said, "Where are you attacking?" After hearing the sound, Feng Xiaoshui was shocked, and the steel-like barb stabbed towards the sound source. Unexpectedly, Mu Feng would not be easily tricked. The golden light enveloped Mu Feng's whole body. Mu Feng grabbed Feng Xiaoshui of the pangolin's body with bare hands, and he could not escape no matter how the other party struggled.

"Drink..." Mu Feng shouted sharply, suddenly throwing the other party's body to the ground, and the huge inertia directly smashed a large area of trees. Mu Feng's body followed, and the golden light kept swallowing on the stone blade, and secretly said in his heart: "I'm going to..."

The stone blade seemed to be roaring, and the martial soul kept shouting in it, but he still couldn't break through the shackles of the stone tools. His body flashed, the opponent's unstoppable beast body, a golden rainbow passed, and the cracks on the ground were constantly spreading away. It was completely hit, and the opponent's breath became illusory. It seemed that the one just now gave The damage caused by the opponent is indeed not light.

There were many figures with strong breath in the spiritual perception. Mu Feng sighed in his heart and teleported over. The disk shot out again to imprison the now weak Feng Xiaoshui, and the faint white light fell down. Destroy!" Gently spit out from Mu Feng's mouth. How could Feng Xiaoshui, who was in a weak state, get out of the confinement state? The huge beast drive began to slowly dissipate. What Mu Feng could not see was the words in his mouth.

The huge beast body is constantly dissipating, and the black breath is mixed with the white light, and then it becomes more and more intense. With a bang, the whole forest instantly turned into flat ground. Mu Feng had deliberately controlled his body and stood farther. However, this is the intermediate self-explosion of the heavenly realm, and the power can be imagined.

A small mushroom mass rose up, and then the smoke slowly dissipated. The disk fell to the ground, and the golden protection on Mufeng's body has been completely broken, and there are still some faint scars on his body. He tried to contact the disk spiritually, but there was no sense of it. He moved his weak body and walked towards the disk. This is a guy who can save his life. He also feels a little light in his hand, as if something is better.

Put it into the space ring, and Mu Feng felt the figure behind him and ran down the mountain along the path. The power of the soul that consumed so much could not resist the self-explosion of the junior strong man in the heavenly level. The speed chased by the other party was also very fast. Mu Feng walked along the remote road to the city of moonlight. The exhaustion of the power of the original soul made it difficult for Mu Feng to make high-intensity movements, but Mu Feng was lucky and did not meet the bandits of Heifeng Village all the way.

After entering the city, he hired two carriages. Mufeng sat in the carriage and slowly repaired his injured body. The skin trauma recovered quickly. Basically, when Mufeng got out of the car, he had almost completely recovered, but now Mufeng is still a little weak and walked towards his room.

Before I got to my room, I saw Youyue waiting at the door of my room from afar. After hearing the sound of footsteps, she raised her head. After seeing that the person was Mu Feng, he greeted him and said in a panicked tone, "Mu Feng, what's wrong with you? Why are you so pale?"

"Nothing, let me go back to my room first. I feel a little tired." After pushing away the moon, Mu Feng stepped directly into his room, and then closed the door with a bang, leaving the moon outside the door.

In the room, Mufeng sat in **, and the Emperor's heart was slowly repairing Mufeng's body. Poo..." A big mouth of blood spit out, and Mu Feng continued to run his skills after a few dry coughs. As time went by, Mu Feng's face became more and more rosy. Taking a deep breath, Mu Feng opened the door, but saw the moon still waiting outside the door.