Tai Ruins

Chapter 219 Departure

"Why don't you go back?" Mu Feng asked curiously.

"Who knows if you will die in my room? That's not touching the frown of the Leng family." Youyue said righteously.

"I'm really sorry. I'm in good health, and I'm sorry to bother you to care about me." Mu Feng said and wanted to go out of the house.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by the moon behind him and said, "Where are you going? What happened to such a serious injury just now? To be honest, didn't you go to Heifengzhai? Wasn't you found running back?

Nodding, Mu Feng half jokingly said, "You have found this all. Miss Youyue, you are really smart..."

"That's because Miss Ben's IQ is far from comparable to ordinary people. Tell me why you were found? It's only one day, and your acting skills are really bad enough. The moon despised.

"You're right. I'm leaving the City of Moonlight soon, so I've done something for you, just a gift for me when I leave." Mu Feng said it didn't matter, but the quiet moon beside him immediately rushed and said, "How can you leave? Don't you still want to be my auxiliary tutor? And don't you have to help my elder sister rob and eliminate the black wind village? How can you do this?"

"I'm sorry, you may not believe anything I said, but that's a fact. It was purely an accident for me to come to the City of Moonlight. I have a very important task, so I can't stay here for a long time." Mu Feng said, afraid that the other party would not believe it, but looking at Youyue's exploding look, Mu Feng continued, "I don't need to lie to you. As for your sister's worries, I have solved it for her."

"In a word, you can't leave. Anyway, I don't care, but I can't leave. You helped my elder sister... Wait, what did you say just now? You said you solved that problem for my elder sister? Is that the middle-level strongman?" The moon asked in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, I'm telling the truth. Whether you accept it or not, my departure will become a reality." Mu Fengxin is unbearable. Youyue's personality is a little spoof and domineering, but in the final analysis, she is just a 16-year-old girl.

"No, no..." You Yue shook her head vigorously and said.

"Alas~" sighed softly, and Mu Feng disappeared in place. When Youyue raised her head, she found that Mu Feng had disappeared. The originally suppressed emotions completely turned into tears. This was the first time in her life that she would shed tears for a man. This was the little girl's feelings, which was so unpredictable.

Walking blankly on the street, Mu Feng is thinking about the where to go of the next stop. A trace of the clue he finally got has been broken. Do people in this world really know that there is a beast alliance? Unconsciously, Mu Feng has come to the gate of the arena he has registered. Looking up at the huge black stone arch and the ferocious Warcraft carving, Mu Feng walked in.

After registration, Mu Feng waited for his own test in the lounge. Soon it was Mu Feng's turn to think about it, and Mu Feng didn't pay attention to what his opponent called. When he punched himself firmly, the faint soreness came, and Mu Feng raised his head and looked at the other coldly.

"Instant kill!" Mu Feng muttered in his heart that his opponent lost Mu Feng's figure in an instant, and then he was surprised to find that his body was dominated by a mysterious force and could not move at all. Forced to open the power of blood, the opponent turned into a beast, and the roar was endless, but he could not escape from the confinement of the wind, and the golden energy kept swimming in the opponent's body. When the opponent's breath becomes weaker and weaker, Mu Feng does not mean to stop. The arena is like this. If you don't admit defeat, you have to wait to be killed by your opponent.

Then the next game, Mufeng did not have the awareness of rest. In this series, each victory or killing did not bring much sense of achievement to Mufeng, but he really didn't want to stop like this, as if there was a sultry still suppressing himself.

The golden light condensed at Mufeng's fingertips and shot through the opponent's body with a splash, followed by a series of light and electricity. The opponent could not resist this intensity and strange attack at all, and Mufeng would directly use the power of his body to fight against the opponent.

"I recognize..." Before the last word was spit out, the power of the sacred weapon had come. The huge golden light directly completely shattered the opponent's last hope. The blood instantly dyed the ring red, and the ring also trembled slightly under this intensity of attack. Today is destined to be the night of Mufeng's fame. The name of Shura spread throughout the competition venue. The ruthless, fierce and domineering strength left an indelible impression on the audience present. Many people are guessing what kind of face is under the mask, ferocious? Rough, or something else...

And when people began to focus on Mu Feng, he disappeared so inappropriately. Looking at the dim red moon in the sky, Mu Feng went to a nearby restaurant, asked for some wine, and then began to think about a few dishes alone. There were fewer and fewer guests in the restaurant. Mufeng only cared about drinking the choking "wheat red song". It was late at night and a little cold. Mufeng put down a few black Lu coins and left in the curious eyes of the clerk.

Originally, Mu Feng just wanted to leave, but he still had to go back and have a look. Maybe Youyue would do something stupid. The power of the original soul is reduced to the lowest level. Unless the holy level is strong, those of the Leng family can't find the trace of Mu Feng at all. Diving into the familiar Youyue room, there was still a faint light in her room. When Mufeng approached the window, she saw Youyue sleeping at the table with sporadic tears hanging on her eyes. Mufeng sighed helplessly and flashed into her room and picked up a thin sheet to cover the moon's body. In this way, you won't catch a cold.

Finally, Mu Feng laughed at himself in his heart, and then disappeared into the moon room. The crimson moonlight looks so strange. Mufeng rushes on the street. Although the night is deep, Mufeng must go to a place.

Looking at the old man's signboard at the door, Mu Feng sneered in his heart that this chain store was really big. Mu Feng, who just wanted to walk in, was stopped by a man dressed in ordinary clothes. The other party's strength was not strong. Sorry, distinguished guest, the old gentleman has closed today. If there is anything, please do it as soon as possible tomorrow.

The implication is obvious. Mu Feng took out two black coins and said, "I'm still bothering this big brother. I'm looking for an old man with an emergency. I hope you can help me with the way."

After counting two black coins, the man was also quite satisfied, which was equivalent to his half a month's salary. Then he let Mu Feng wait a little and went into the inner hall to call him the old man. However, I saw an elderly man come out with cloudy eyes. After seeing Mu Feng, he sat down in the chair and asked, "Little guy, what's the important thing?"

"I want to ask my senior something?"

"If there is anything, just say it directly, but this is also a certain fee, and it is necessary for money when you are old." Some old voices came from the old man.

"Do you know that there is a place called 'Beast League' in this dark space?" Mufeng came straight to the point. Anyway, this is also an open profit transaction. It is reasonable to buy information with money.

"Beast League? I have been in the world for more than 50 years, but I have never heard of the Beast League. It seems that I am ignorant. As compensation, I can provide you with a piece of information free of charge. The old man thought for a long time and did not find the information he needed.

nodded slightly, and Mu Feng continued to ask, "Senior, do you know some information about the "Burial Valley"?"

"The burial valley is located in the Liujin Mountains by the Blackwater River. It is said that there is a super powerful soldier soul in it. Even if the strong man enters the Holy Land, he may not be able to come out alive. What do you ask this?"

"I have a friend who needs to refine the magic soldiers. Go there and borrow some samples." Mu Feng said nonsense, and then asked, "Does the senior know how to get to the Liujin Mountains?"

"Because of the Liujin Mountains, a city with a chief business has been formed nearby over time, called the Golden City. When you go there, you will naturally know how to get there. You can find a driver familiar paths to take you there." The old man explained in detail for Mu Feng.

"Thank you, senior..." Mu Feng still put down two black Lu coins and then left. It's really not easy to find someone so late.