Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 7 Escape, the general trend

As soon as Qin Chen's words came out, except for Xiao Anzhi, who knew about this before, the people present were shocked. Mo Lan; Mo Chen; Mo Yu; Situ Tong; Yi Qing just jumped up from below to the roof. Before they stood firm, they heard this big secret and looked at them all in disbelief. Princess.

White and blue's body was slightly stiff, remembering that 18 years ago, she was abandoned on the first day she came to the world. She was secretly sent out of the Qin Palace, and her fate changed from then on. She grew up alone in that unfocused corner year by year, with no family affection and no love.

Wen Qinghan turned his head and looked at her, with a strong heartache in his eyes. Although he had always known that she and Meng Bo were not as indifferent as father and daughter, he never thought that she was the direct princess of the royal family of the previous dynasty. No wonder after Qin Chen's mutiny, she was so angry that she was determined to restore the country. It turned out that all her family died in the hands of Qin Chen. She is the only remaining member of the former royal family, and Qin Shenran is just a fake prince! Pressing down the shock and heartache in his heart, he stepped forward and reached out to hold her hand.

The warm feeling came from the palm of her hand. White and blue recovered from her memory and looked down at the two hands with ten fingers tightly. Her heart warmed. She was no longer lonely. With this man around her, she would always hold her hand. Father, mother, today, my daughter will avenge you!

She raised her head and her tone was cold: "Qin Chen, since you knew this truth early, then don't blame me for taking your country today. This was originally my father's country. How many lives did you kill the palace maids and civil and military ministers of the previous dynasty by killing your brother? Today, even if you die a hundred times, you can't pay off your blood debt!"

"Hahaha... Do you want my life? I'm afraid it's not so easy..." Before his words fell, a red figure suddenly flew up from under the tower and threw something at the white blue: "Master, go..."

Wen Qinghan took the white and blue to dodge the thing. The thing fell to the ground with a bang, and a burst of red smoke spread.

"Toxic! Hurry back!" Xiao Anzhi shouted and instinctively pulled to the white and blue arm. Just as his hand was about to touch the white and blue, Wen Qinghan had pulled the white and blue and quickly retreated. His figure was like electricity and disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant. He withdrew his hand and flew away from the roof.

Mo Lan and other five people also dodged down in the blink of an eye. Everyone fell on the second-story tower. Two figures far away from the city have flashed into the surrounding mountains and quickly disappeared into their vision. No matter how light they are, it is impossible to catch up with them at this time.

"Damn! Unexpectedly, they both escaped!" Molan stamped her feet fiercely.

"Let him escape for the time being! Qin Chen has been completely defeated. As the king of the lost country with his hands, even if he is still alive, he can no longer hold the sword, which will not cause us any prestige!" White and blue said lightly. She looked back at the city and saw that the few remaining sergeants of Zhongcheng were still resisting tenaciously. She couldn't bear to see more bloodshed and lose their lives.

"Mo Yu, Ma uploaded the order, and the dark guards everywhere secretly investigated the news of Qin Chen and Wu Mei. Once they find the trace, they will kill them with all their strength!" Wen Qinghan's voice sounded coldly. The two people's martial arts skills were not weak, and Wumei was full of poison. They were extremely dangerous people. If they were not eliminated in a day, he was worried that they would come back to find Lan'er's trouble. The open gun was easy to hide, and the hidden arrow was difficult to prevent. He would never allow anyone to endanger Lan'er's safety.

"Yes, my subordinates are as ordered!" Mo Yu nod his head and passed the order. As the leader of all the dark guards of the Hanwang Mansion and the person who came out of Wen Qinghan, Mo Yu's martial arts has advanced a lot in the past two years, and he is much calmer. He is no longer the young boy in those years.

White and Lan turned his head to look at Wen Qinghan beside him and his eyes were deep. "Light cold, I don't want to see more people bleeding again. Help me stop them. They were my father's soldiers! On the day of the restoration of the country, there is no need to hide my true identity!"

"Okay, as long as it is what you want, I will do it for you!" Wen Qinghan clenched his hands painfully, took her, turned to the other side of the tower, and faced the direction of the city.

"Please stop! Those who put down their weapons will not be killed!" Wen Qinghan's cold voice was transmitted to every corner of the city through strong internal force: "Qin Chen has escaped, and his hands have been abolished by the king. He killed his brother and seized the country. He has a selfish desire to overthrow the former Qin Kingdom and changed the name of the country to Zhongcheng. He is unkind and unjust. Why do you have to die for him again? From today, there will be no country! The princess beside me was Hongxi, who was originally the direct princess of the Qin royal family of your previous dynasty. Because she was sent out of the palace by the Empress Qin at birth, she exchanged identities with Qin Shenran and fostered in General Mengbo's mansion. Therefore, the success of this attack between the king and the princess was not an invasion of your country, but for the restoration of the previous dynasty, from the ambitious Qin Chen. To recapture the country that originally belonged to the State of Qin, the princess of my king is the master you should be most loyal to! The princess is kind and can't bear to see you bleed and publicize your true identity. Now you still have time to wake up. Put down your weapons, and you will be soldiers under Princess Han's command in the future! I and the princess will keep your country sound!"

As soon as Wen Qinghan's words came out, most of the middle-commissioned sergeants who still resisted tenaciously stopped fighting. In months of war and confrontation, they had already understood how strong the soldiers under the Han Palace were, especially the ghost army from the hands of Princess Han, which was so strong that they were shocked. It can be seen that Princess Han is a woman. The heroine who made Xumei is a stronger coach than a man. Those cities that have been lost in the past few months have not seen any bloodshed and the displacement of the people. Instead, under the rule of the Hanwang Mansion, they live more peacefully and work. In their subconsciously, they can't help but have a good impression of the Hanwang Mansion. Now when they learn that the Cold King The concubine is actually the direct princess of the Qin royal family in the previous dynasty, so if they are defeated today, it is not a subjugated country. Even if they turn to the Hanwang Mansion and loyal to the Han princess, they are not a rebel army.

Many people thought of this and put down their weapons in their hands. The fighting gradually stopped, and the remaining 30,000 troops surrendered! Some sergeants loyal to Qin Chen still wanted to resist, but they were quickly killed by the ghosts without mercy. The city stopped the war and calmed down.

Wen Qinghan turned to the generals of the cold palace behind him and said, "Generals, clean up the battlefield and arrange the surrender and other post-war matters will be handed over to you. The king's princess is pregnant and can't see blood. I will take her to rest first!"

After saying that, without waiting for everyone to answer, he grabbed the woman beside him and disappeared in front of everyone.

"..." The generals are speechless. When did the prince become so considerate to the princess? It is clear that they don't want to deal with trivial matters after the war and want to take the opportunity to be lazy, but they are the cold king, the highest commander here, and their masters. They can only accept their fate and continue to work hard for him.

The next day, the news of the great victory of Han Wangfu and the identity of Princess Meng Hongxi, the former princess of the State of Qin in the previous dynasty, spread all over the world. From the quiet attack of Kangcheng and Muyang City, the days when they secretly sent troops from Kanto, they only brought 350,000 soldiers and horses. It took only half a year to capture 37 cities in a row and defeat the million troops in the battle. Such achievements are unique in this Central Plains.

For a while, the remaining three countries in the Central Plains, Northern Qi; Southern Chu; Western Qin, while shocking the real identity of Princess Han, they also felt an extreme crisis. The Hanwang Mansion, which was originally peaceful and inconspicuous, suddenly entered the Central Plains. With their strength, if they want to compete with the world, the three countries It's dangerous.

When Qin Shenran learned about these two things, the Liyang City of Xiqin, the current capital of the Western Qin Dynasty, was stunned. He never imagined that he was actually a fake Prince of Qin, the ugly woman Meng Hongxi, and the ex-fiancee he abandoned was the real princess?