Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 8 Truth, Reward

When Qin Shenran learned about these two things, the Liyang City of Xiqin, the current capital of the Western Qin Dynasty, was stunned. He never imagined that he was actually a fake Prince of Qin, the ugly woman Meng Hongxi, and the ex-fiancee he abandoned was the real princess?

Half a sound, Qin Shenran came to his senses and sat on the dragon chair in the upper study. For the first time, he doubted his bloodline. Now the former Qin royal family died in the hands of Qin Chen. The only person who knew about this matter was the man who had been supporting him since he was a child. Come on, General Meng, come to see me!"

The eunuch beside him was about to go down to preach the decree, and the voice of the bodyguard had sounded outside the door: "Your Majesty, General Meng asked to see you!"

"Let him in!" Just in time, he is now full of doubts.

Meng Bo came in and looked at this middle-aged man who had aged a lot in a few months. Qin Shenran suddenly felt a trace of guilt. In the past 18 years, without Meng Bo, he would not have been able to build the country of the Western Qin Dynasty with all. The remaining 200,000 soldiers and horses in his hand are also the head of Meng Bo. It can be said that Without Mengbo, he would not have become the Western Qin Emperor today. He has been naturally enjoying Mengbo's support for him, because he felt that he was the only bloodline of the Qin royal family and the master of Mengbo. He had never felt that he owed to Mengbo. If Mengbo was really his biological father, his biological son would indeed fail. Especially when Los Angeles was trapped a few months ago, he abandoned the city and left him to defend Los Angeles alone.

Meng Bo was about to bend over and go on a trip to the king and minister. Qin Shenran quickly came out from behind the desk and held Meng Bo's arm. "Your uncle doesn't have to be polite!" Uncle must have known that when he came at this time!"

Mengbo looked up at Qin Shenran. The father and son looked at each other, and Mengbo couldn't help but feel ached.

At the beginning, Mongbo insisted on staying and sticking to Los Angeles. His body was more seriously injured in that war. After capturing Los Angeles, he stayed in Los Angeles for three months before he was completely. He heard about the disappearance of Princess Han and knew that Los Angeles was the territory of the Han Palace. He continued to stay in Los Angeles. His identity was embarrassed and also hung up. Qin Shenran left Los Angeles and returned to Qin Shenran a month ago.

"I just want to know the truth!" From Meng Bo's eyes, Qin Shenran knew the truth in his heart, but he still wanted to hear Meng Bo confirm it himself.

"Your Majesty, Xi'er is indeed the daughter of the former emperor. You were born ten days before Xi'er, and you two were forcibly replaced by the former queen!" Meng Bo sighed and still told the truth.

Qin Shenran suddenly took a step back and said in a slightly deep voice: "So, aren't you my uncle? Are you my father?

Meng Bo nodded: "Raan'er, I'm sorry for Xi'er for my father, and the queen and you are also sorry for her! As a royal princess, she has been fostered in my house since she was a child and was ignored by me. She has hidden her strength since she was a child, perhaps because she has always known her true identity, and her literary martial arts strategy is also difficult for men in the world. Only a few days after she returned to Xiangcheng, Qin Chen was defeated! However, if you hadn't divorced her three years ago, maybe it would have been our Xiqin who attacked Xiangcheng today!" Although Meng Bo's tone was not too reproachful, it was clearly full of reluctance and regret.

Qin Shenran sat down in a chair. It turned out that she was the real royal blood, and what flowed on her was the most noble blood, but she was just the son of a general, but she still disliked her like this and that. In the final analysis, she was the most nothing. It's a person.

"Even if I didn't get married with her three years ago, with her talent, she would never marry me, a dage prince, and Wen Qinghan would not easily give up her. When I withdrew from marriage that day, the prince of the Three Kingdoms scrambled to marry her. Now the prince of the Three Kingdoms has become the king of the Three Kingdoms. My father felt that I had the ability to marry them in those years. Fight? Up to now, we can only wait and see what has changed. Although the current Hanwang Mansion has not yet established a country, its national strength and territory are the most important of the four pictures. Our Western Qin is the weakest. Once the world is in chaos, our Western Qin will be the first to bear the brunt and will be annexed. Now it is the most important thing to strengthen its strength. Father, recruit 300,000 new soldiers nationwide from tomorrow. You and the vice generals are responsible for training new recruits! For the future of Xiqin, I can only work hard for my father!" Qin Shenran calmed down and analyzed.

After various changes, Qin Shenran grew up quickly. He is not the dage prince three years ago, but compared with the kings of the Three Kingdoms, he is still not mature enough. In terms of training and commanding troops, he still needs to rely on Mengbo. Moreover, Mengbo is his father and the most trusted person among all the ministers around him.

The two discussed some details of the conscription, and Meng Bo returned to his general's mansion. Although Qin Shenran is not the former prince of the Qin royal family now publicized the world, Western Qin was basically founded by Meng Bo. The civil and military officials were all the people he later used, and only a small part of them were brought by Prime Minister Zhu Sheng from the previous dynasty. The literary minister, now Zhu Shenggui, is the father-in-law and prime minister. Naturally, he will not do anything unfavorable to Qin Shenran's throne. Therefore, even if such a truth is revealed, it will have little impact on the court of Western Qin.

Xiangcheng, ten days after the war, Xiangcheng has restored its former prosperity. Many rich businessmen and dignitaries who originally moved out of Xiangcheng have moved back one after another. Although the people have just gone through the war and changed their new master, in their minds, Princess Han Hongxi is the royal orthodoxy, and the Han Palace should be this city and this country. The owner.

The original Zhongcheng Palace was converted into the Hanwang Palace. Wen Qinghan made people change the original luxury gold hall into the council hall of the Hanwang Mansion. The backyard of the original palace became the back garden of the Hanwang Mansion. Those concubines and eunuchs of Qin Chen were all emptied and assigned to Jiahe Pass in the border area as hard work.

The court of the original Zhongcheng was also quickly cleaned by Wen Qinghan by fierce means. In just ten days, all the civil and military officials were cleaned up and demoted to civilians. A court that did not stay in the Hanwang Mansion was filled in the position of prime minister. Leng Moyi, who had just arrived from Kanto, and Xianghua was left in Kanto and was awarded the title of governor. Kanto's civil, military and political affairs, and 300,000 troops in Kanto.

Half a year of the battle, the cold iron army and ghost soldiers who fought all the way were rewarded. Yi Qing and Li Guo were awarded the title of first-class generals of national protection and generals of the town respectively, Mo Chen and Situ Tong were awarded the title of Zhong Yonghou and Jing Kanghou respectively, and Mo Lan was also awarded the title of female general.

After the award, the next major events will naturally be the establishment of the country, the establishment of the name of the country, the accession to the throne, the establishment of the queen, etc.

In the council hall, Wen Qinghan and Bai Lan sat on the main seat, and the civil and military officials of the Hanwang Mansion sat in the two rows below. The ministers asked the Han king in unison when he planned to ascend the throne.

Wen Qing said coldly: "I never intend to ascend the throne. I like to be a prince. If you want to have an emperor's master, wait for my son to grow up!"

Such capricious words stunned the ministers and generals and slandered: If you don't plan to become emperor, then you still fight so desperately and fight desperately to take Zhongcheng this country within half a year. What is the purpose? Isn't it for the throne? The power of the emperor? Is it just to help the princess restore the country and make a smile? Who believes it?

Although everyone is dissatisfied, no one dares to say it. Because their master is really a master with a strange personality, cold and gentle combination, they all look at Leng Moyi with strange eyes. Only he and Wen Qinghan are best friends, and only he dares to disagree in front of Wen Qinghan.

"Cough!" Leng Moyi coughed helplessly under the pressure of everyone's eyes and said, "Your Majesty, the prince is still not born in the princess's belly. If the princess's baby is a princess, how long do we have to wait?"

"Ha ha, don't worry. If Lan'er's baby is a princess, I will try my best to give birth to a son for you as soon as possible! As for the establishment of the country, I don't think it's necessary to stand now. It's not too late for my son to stand up and ascend the throne. If there is nothing else, you can break up!"

After saying that, he got up, picked up Bai Lan, who had been sitting beside him silently, and looked considerate with her husband: "Lan'er, are you tired? Come on, I will help you go back to the backyard to rest!"

The ministers and generals couldn't help rolling their eyes and watching him carefully help the princess out of the palace and disappearing from their sight. Their master was indeed an unpredictable two-faced person. He just told them that he would not be the emperor in a ruthless manner, turned to face the princess, and Like a gentle and harmless little husband.