Genius Master

Chapter 401 Return to Soul Grass

When Gou Xinjia met Hu Yunbao, it was encircled by him, and then he was exhausted in the circle of Changbai Mountain, so Gou Xinjia did not have time to explore spells with Hu Yunbao.

So Hu Hongde was the first person Ye Tian met who was familiar with the magic of the sun and moon. At present, he heard the word fox fairy from his mouth. Ye Tian couldn't help asking, "Is there really a fox fairy in the world?"

"I don't know, but after chanting the spell, I can feel a force on my upper body. Since I was eight years old, I have invited the fox fairy to protect her body, and she has never been sick."

In the face of Ye Tian's inquiry, Hu Hongde couldn't say one, two, three, which was because he refused to practice magic in his early years, but now it's too late to regret it.

However, Hu Hongde heard from his father that he could enter the Japanese barracks alone to assassinate the major general officer, all relying on the escape skills in the spell, and there was no family spell, and he could not break through this great reputation.

Moreover, Hu Hongde also saw his father casting spells to invite the fox fairy with his own eyes. His father, who was already in his fifties, was as dexterous as an ape in Changbai Mountain, which really opened Hu Hongde's eyes.

But it's about the life of his granddaughter. Hu Hongde is really not in the mood to discuss magic with Ye Tian now. Qiqi Aiai said, "Ye Tian, let's not talk about this for now. Can you contact your uncle and ask him to come over?"

Hu Hongde knew that Gou Xin's family was over 80 years old. It was reasonable that he should kowtow to him as a junior, but at present, Hu Hongde can't care so much about this situation.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Lao Hu, I just called the eldest brother. He is not very familiar with your magic. It's actually the same whether he comes or not."

"So... isn't that little fairy?"

Hu Hongde was shocked when he heard the words. If there was nothing he could do about Gou Xin's family, I'm afraid no one in the world could save his granddaughter. Hu Hongde suddenly looked sad.

"Lao Hu, I mean, I'm here. It's the same for me to come or not!" Seeing that Hu Hongde didn't understand what he meant, Ye Tian repeated what he just said.

"Ye Tian, you.................. You mean, can you save Xiaoxian?" This time, Hu Hongde understood and looked at Ye Tian with a surprised face, with a little disbelief in his heart.

Gou Xin's family defeated his father in three moves and used his array to trap the little devils, which Hu Hongde saw with his own eyes. Even after 50 or 60 years, the hero's invincible posture still left an indelible impression in his heart.

But Ye Tian in front of him is only in his early twenties, and there is even a trace of tenderness on his face. Hu Hongde can't connect him with the magic man in his impression anyway.

"I'm not 100% sure, but I can give it a try!"

Ye Tian still doesn't know what kind of spell Hu Xiaoxian has won, and he can only try it with soul magic, so he doesn't dare to give Hu Hongde a promise.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Tian continued, "Lao Hu wants me to save your granddaughter. He needs two conditions."

"You said, as long as I can get ten conditions!"

Hu Hongde quickly agreed. He has a relationship with Gou Xin's family, which does not mean that he also has a friendship with Ye Tian. Naturally, others can't help himself for nothing.

Ye Tian nodded and said, "First, when I cast the spell, there can't be outsiders in the room except you. If I can't do this, I don't have to mention it later."

"There's no problem. I'll kick them out. I'm not angry. Does this little bastard really think that I've changed to a vegetarian these years?"

Hu Hongde gritted his teeth. For the sake of his granddaughter's life, he turned against his son and daughter-in-law to ensure that Ye Tian would not be disturbed when casting the spell.

"The second condition is that I need a rhizome of a soul-returning grass. Can you find this?"

According to the brother, the rhizome of the returning soul grass should be ground into powder, and then mixed with incense to light it. Without this thing, Ye Tian's soul move will greatly reduce the effect.

"Return to the soul grass? What is this?" Hu Hongde was stunned when he heard the words. He had never heard of such a thing.

"Don't you know?" Ye Tian also showed a surprised look on his face. According to his brother, there should be soul-returning grass in the northeast.

Hu Hongde shook his head and said, "I don't know, let's talk about its shape and characteristics? There are a lot of names in our old forest.

"This is a plant. The height should be between 60 centimeters and 1.5 meters. The rhizomes are thick and short, clustered with most slender roots, the outer skin is gray-brown, and the leaves are long oval.

This thing is open in summer and autumn, with a lot of head-shaped huā order, 3 layers of total bracts, hemispherical, green and slightly purple, tongue-shaped blue-purple, Lao Hu, I know so much. Do you think there are similar plants?

Ye Tian's memory is very good. Gou Xinjia described the characteristics of the soul grass to him on the phone, and at this moment, he paraphrased it word for word.

Hu Hongde thought about it carefully, his eyes suddenly lit up and said loudly, "This thing is called donkey clipboard dish. Yes, you can see these things in the old forest!" Donkey clipboard dish? That name is interesting, Lao Hu, are you sure? There are as many as 10,000 kinds of plants in Changbai Mountain. Ye Tian is afraid that Hu Hongde will make a mistake.

"Determine, it's the donkey sandwich dish!" Hu Hongde grew up in the old forest of Changbai Mountain from the day he was born, and later learned traditional Chinese medicine from his elders in his family. He knows these medicinal materials very well.

"But the branches and leaves of the donkey clip have withered in this season, and it is not easy to find a rhizome."

Hu Hongde frowned as he spoke. If it was in spring and autumn, the donkey sandwich dish was at the time of opening, and it could be seen in many places.

But it's almost winter. Except for pines and cypresses, the rest of the trees in the mountain forest are bare, and these herbs are left with only the rhizomes buried in the soil, which is a little troublesome to find.

"Ye Tian, if not, I'll go back to the mountains right now. You wait for me here for a day, and I can come back with the soul grass at the latest tomorrow afternoon. What do you think?"

For the sake of his granddaughter's life, Hu Hongde can't care so much. Even if he digs his hand, he has to find the soul-returning grass.

"Lao Hu, it's okay for me to stay here. Why don't I go with you?"

Ye Tian thought that he was bored to stay in the ward, especially if the patient was a girl, it was better to follow Hu Hongde to Changbai Mountain.

"Ye Tian, it's not easy to walk in Changbai Mountain. I'm afraid you won't get used to it if you grow up in the city." Hu Hongde shook his head when he heard the words. He was afraid that Ye Tian would delay him in finding the soul grass.

Ye Tian saw Hu Hongde's thoughts and immediately laughed loudly and said, "Lao Hu, I didn't grow up in the city. I've been wandering in Maoshan all day since I was five years old. Don't underestimate me!"

"Well, let's go now!"

Hu Hongde was in a hurry. He took out another 200 yuan from his leather pocket and threw it on the table. He pulled Ye Tian out of the noodle shop.

Since the closure of the small clinic, Hu Hongde has lived in Changbai Mountain all year round. In recent years, the mountain has been closed for afforestation. After the hunting and killing of wild animals is strictly prohibited, Hu Hongde often goes to pick some precious medicinal materials, but he is not short of money.

"Oh, let me make a phone call."

Ye Tian wanted to go back to the hospital and tell Yu Qingya, but he didn't expect to be directly taken into the carriage by Hu Hongdra. He could only take out his mobile phone and call Yu Qingya.

Although she didn't know how Ye Tian got together with Hu Xiaoxian's grandfather, Yu Qingya knew her boyfriend's ability, so she didn't worry, but just asked Ye Tian to pay more attention.

"Drive! Oh......" Ye Tian has taken all the car, train and plane, but he still took the carriage for the first time. Looking at Hu Hongdeyang whipping the horse, it was a little novel.

Changbai City is not very big. In more than half an hour, the carriage went out of the city and ran on the dirt, a little faster than in the city.

"Ye Tian, your kung fu is amazing."

After getting into the carriage, Hu Hongde and Ye Tian sat on the carriage left and right, with their shoulders next to each other. Hu Hongde found that there was only a thin shirt in Ye Tian's jacket.

You know, the temperature in Changbai Mountain, which is approaching November, is already below zero. Even Hu Hongde has approved a fire fox's shoulder on his body, otherwise he can't resist the cold.

At this time, Hu Hongde realized that he underestimated Ye Tian. Among other things, Ye Tian's invulnerable time alone was far incomparable to him.

Ye Tian smiled and said, "I have a good chance, Lao Hu, how long will it take for you to live?"

At this time, the carriage had gone up the mountain road, bumping on the path of the birch forest on both sides. Sitting on the car was like dancing, and the whole body was shivering.

Hu Hongde raised his whip, pointed to the front and said, "After the forest farm in front of you, it's almost enough to walk in for another half an hour. This carriage is from the forest farm, and I want to return it."

While talking, the path in front of him became open, and a forest farm full of logs appeared in front of him.

"Master Hu, is Xiaoxian all right? Why did you come back so early? Who is this little brother?

After stopping the carriage, a middle-aged man in his forties greeted him. He took a strange look at Ye Tian sitting next to him, took out a pack of cigarettes and gave them to Hu Hongde and Ye Tian.

"The little girl is hard-lived. I'm not afraid. I don't smoke this cigarette. I'd better smoke my cigarette bag."

Hu Hongde pushed the cigarette back and said, "Cap of Song, this is Xiaoxian's classmate. Come in the mountain with me. Take me a few bottles of wine to keep out of the cold at night!"

"Master Hu, okay, if you beat the roer later, you should save some meat for me."

Hu Hongde has lived in the mountains for more than ten years. Someone in the forest farm was sick and asked him to see it. It was very popular. The director of Song agreed and went back to the house and brought out four bottles of wine.