Genius Master

Chapter 494 Mantis Catching Cicadas

"It's mysterious. It's hidden by my uncle. Can it be lost?"

When Hu Hongde saw that Ye Tian only said half of his words, he couldn't help muttering in a low voice. In his heart, Gou Xin's family is omnipotent. Naturally, what he hides can't be found by ordinary people.

"What do you know? Have a good rest and keep up your spirits!"

Ye Tian stared at Hu Hongde dissatisfiedly. Almost all the more than 20 people brought by Gou Xin's family were the top players in China at that time. Even so, he lost three people. The people he brought were just ordinary people who practiced shallow kung fu, and one of them would die on the spot if he was not careful.

And when Gou Xin's family left, he used the special geographical location in the Devil's Mountain Cave to set up a nine-ghost lock evil array, which arranged all the evil spirits within a few kilometers of the surrounding area around the treasure. In the past few decades, the evil spirits accumulated there can kill Wu Chen and others in an instant.

The mental abnormality of Deqinba ascending to the top has nothing to do with the formation. However, at that time, the formation of the formation was not very much evil spirit. Otherwise, Deqinba ascending to the top will not only be delired, but also probably unable to escape from the Devil's Mountain alive.

Although the cultivation of Gouxin's magic at that time is not as good as Ye Tian now, the formation is relatively shallow, but the accumulation of these decades will also make it a shady place. Even if Ye Tian wants to break it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time.

Seeing that Ye Tianshen was in awe, Hu Hongde did not dare to joke anymore. Wu Chen and others entered the tent to rest after being full. There was nothing to say all night. At more than five o'clock the next day, the sound of the engines of the two armored vehicles cut through the silence of the mountain forest. Go in the direction of Devil's Mountain.

The distance of more than 300 kilometers, if you put it in a place with good road conditions, that is, three or five hours, but in this hilly and forest area, it is not easy for the car to pass through. The speed is very slow. At noon, it is far from the Devil's Mountain on the map. There are still sixty or seventy kilometers away.

"Shasha...Boss, call the boss!"

Just as Ye Tian and his party got out of the car to prepare for lunch, there was a rustling sound on the walkie-talkie at Ye Tian's waist, and then there was a shout of Mara Kai.

Ye Tian took the walkie-talkie. He asked, "Lao Ma, I'm Ye Tian. What's the matter? What position have you reached now?

"We have arrived at the periphery of Devil's Mountain, but there seems to be something wrong!"

Malakai was standing on a small hill more than ten meters high at this time, and they were in an armored car. Parked in the woods under the hills, the car was disguised by all kinds of green plants, but when they came closer, it was difficult for ordinary people to find it.

From here, it is far from the entrance of Devil's Mountain and the small mountain village. It's about a kilometer, but with a high-power military telescope. Maracay can clearly see where the situation is.

Although the tents around the village have been put away, they are in the forest grass at the exit around the village. It can be faintly seen that some young people in camouflage combat uniforms have automatic weapons on their shoulders. Maracay roughly counted a total of 32 people with guns, which blocked the whole village.

"Professional soldier!" After seeing these people, Maracay had such an idea in his mind and immediately called Ye Tian on the walkie-talkie.

"Lao Ma, find a way to catch one and find out how many people they come from!"

After hearing Maracay's clear situation, Ye Tian's heart sank. He didn't expect that he was chasing slowly, but he was actually taken the lead by others.

"Boss, I understand!"

Malakai agreed and turned off the walkie-talkie, made a few gestures to the bottom, and followed Ye Tian for the past few months, but he was suffocated by Marakai and others. At present, he could return to the familiar life. Several people were all excited.

The Japanese guards seemed to be strict, but they were all aimed at the small villages surrounded by them, and they were not very vigilant to the outside world. Maracay personally sneaked into a place only 50 meters away from the village and quietly stunned a guard with live ammunition.

One of the members of Maracay's four-person team was stationed in Okinawa, Japan in his early years. I heard that there is naturally no problem with Japanese.

Those who were left on the periphery to guard these villagers naturally did not need any elites. Under the torture of Maracay, in just five or six minutes, they figured out the number and firepower equipment of the other party, which also surprised Malakai and others.

It turned out that this time, the Beigong family dispatched more than 180 family members, each of whom was equipped with automatic weapons and a high-explosive bomb. In addition, they also had an armored vehicle and 15 flamethrowers.

The most important thing is that most of the more than 100 people have had the experience of mercenaries abroad, and even more than a dozen of them were born in famous West Point schools in the United States. They are not to mention people who have seen killing on the battlefield. If such an armed force is placed in Myanmar, it can be regarded as a strong military force Measured.

Of course, in this mission, the Beigong hero also did not tell the people in the family. For example, this peripheral guard only knew that everyone had entered the mountain, and as for what to do, it was indescribable.

"Boss, what are we here for?"

After figuring out the situation of the other party's flight, the strong Malakai and others also smiled bitterly. No matter how strong they are, there are only four people. If they want to fight with more than 100 Japanese who are not weaker than professional soldiers, Marakai really has no confidence in his heart.

In particular, this village was built on a gentle slope, and then going in is the entrance of Devil's Mountain, and below is a flat river. Only some low bushes have forests 500 meters away, which is not conducive to sneak attack. Even the Malakai just now climbed almost 500 meters close to the ground. It was not discovered by the guards.

Ye Tian did not answer Maracay's question, but asked, "Lao Ma, what level have I reached in your employment?"

International mercenaries are graded. The higher the level of mercenaries, the more expensive the cost of employment. In the employment contract, there are also detailed division and regulations on the responsibilities of mercenaries, and the corresponding remuneration can drive these professional mercenaries to perform the corresponding duties.

This is the same as shopping. You get what you pay for. You can't expect to spend 8,000 yuan to hire a bodyguard, and he will work for you. At best, such a person can play the role of being a follower.

"Boss, Ms. Song has signed the highest-level employment contract with us. You have the right to order us to fight!" After hearing Ye Tian's question, Maracay smiled bitterly. He understood what Ye Tian meant. It seemed that today's battle was inevitable.

"Lao Ma, don't worry, I won't let you do anything beyond your ability."

Hearing Maracay's wry smile, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "Lao Ma, I need you to get rid of the guards guarding outside the Devil's Mountain, and then block the Devil's Pass with firepower. As long as you can do this, your mission will be completed."

Although more than 100 people were dispatched by the Kitamiya family this time, they have just come here. Ye Tian is not very worried. What he is most afraid of is that the Kitamiya family has obtained the treasure and left, so that even if he has the ability, he can't catch up with Japan to get back the gold.

"Boss, are you serious?"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Maracay was cheered up and let them meet more than 100 short soldiers. Malakai asked himself if he had the ability, but he attacked dozens of guards who were not very vigilant. He was still very sure to complete this task.

"Yes, as long as you can get rid of the guards and block the entrance of Devil's Mountain, the employment contract between you and me is completed!"

After repeating his words again in the walkie-talkie, Ye Tian shouted at the people who had just been full, " Hurry up and get to the designated place within three hours!"

Devil's Mountain, which has been silent for thousands of years, in this morning full of fog, seems to have broken into a group of devils. The silent mountain forest has become noisy. The roar of various vehicle engines resounded through the whole mountain, and a tracked armored car in the front of it crushed the thick trees of the bowls.

However, the team's speed is not fast, because in addition to cutting off some thick tree trunks, temporary pontoon bridges need to be built in some places for armored vehicles to pass through.

Moreover, some animals that were originally nighttime activities were also disturbed from their sleep by loud noises and followed the team behind the armored vehicles. From time to time, there would be an exclamation. They did not have the excellent protective clothing of the death squad.

Fortunately, there were plenty of preparations before coming, and all kinds of venomous snake serums were equipped. Although more than 20 people were accidentally bitten by poisonous snakes along the way, no one was killed or injured. After three or four hours, the car came to the place where cannibal flowers appeared before.

Standing in front of the charred cannibal flower for a long time, the hero of the North Palace asked someone to bring the top of Dechin Baden and said in a bad tone, "Dechin Baden, because of your dishonesty, my children have suffered a lot of sacrifices. I want to know, do you have anything else to hide

Dechin Baden looked at the terrain around him with a frightened face and shouted, "I swear, what I said is true. If you go another 500 meters, you will enter the cave. You... You can't go any further, the devil will curse!"

In fact, the casualties of the dead team cannot be blamed on the top of Dechin Baden, because the cannibal flowers on the Devil's Mountain bloom at night, and they specialize in preying on the creatures that are active at night.

ps: The first update, it was written on the plane. I went down and found a place to pass it. After looking at the recommendation ticket, I was at the end of the list again. Please recommend the ticket!

. ( To be continued...RQ