Genius Master

Chapter 495 Mantis Catching Cicadas

"Very good, I hope what you say is true!"

The viper-like eyes of the hero of the North Palace stared at the top of Deqin Baden, which made him tremble at the bottom of his heart, as if he had returned to the scene when he saw the snakes dancing, and the beads of sweat the size of beans kept dripping from his forehead.

"Master, there is a cave area in front of you, and the shadow team has entered!"

As soon as the voice of the hero of the North Palace fell, the news came from the front of him, which diverted his attention, while the top of Dechin Baden fell softly to the ground like a collapse. The hero of the North Palace put too much pressure on him just now.

The hero of the North Palace pondered for a moment and said, "Let the shadow team not enter without permission, all of them exit the cave, and hurry up and move forward!"

The Shadow Team is an organization of the Kitamiya family dedicated to assassination. It is good at Japanese ninjutsu and is good at hiding their whereabouts. Their number is even smaller than the dead team, with only twelve in total, and none of the Kitanomiya heroes can afford to lose.

Under the order of the hero of the North Palace, the team's pace accelerated a little. I don't know why. When it was more than 300 meters away from the entrance of the cave, the trees suddenly became sparse.

The bushes on the ground have also become less, and black soil is exposed in some places. After pushing forward for more than a hundred meters, the sweaty people suddenly felt much cooler. The heat of the body is rapidly cooling, and even the sun hanging high above the head does not seem to be so hot.

Although these changes attracted the attention of some people, they all thought that they were caused by the unique climate in the mountains and didn't take it seriously. Instead, they opened their clothes to feel the coolness.

"Devil, this must be the devil's curse!"

No one found that Dechin Baden, who was staggering in the team, turned pale at this moment, and he muttered to himself in local dialect. If it hadn't been for the support of a person in charge of him, I'm afraid that Dechin Baden would no longer have the strength to walk.

Although it has been more than 40 years since he first came to this place, Dechinbaden clearly remembers that before he accidentally broke into the cave, there were plants all the way, full of vitality.

But at this time, the plants that were originally covered in the ground seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. After walking more than 100 meters, Deqin Baden did not even see an ant or insect at the top, and there was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

The terrain of Devil's Mountain is extremely strange. The entrances of these caves in the mountain are more like a spacious canyon. When you first enter, you can still see the eyes on the top of your head, but when you go deep for a distance, you will find that you are already in the cave.

And when you walk in the cave for a period of time, there may be light coming from the top of your head, so that you can see the situation in the cave clearly even if you don't need torches or lights, which also causes some people to unconsciously go to the depths of the cave.

I don't know how to form this landform. The shape of many places is the same. It is as complicated as a maze. When the sun overhead finally became thin, the hero of the North Palace stopped the team. He also sensed the coldness.

There is not even a breeze here, but everyone feels a piercing chill through their hearts, which is completely different from the cool feeling just now. Some people with relatively thin bodies can't help trembling slightly.

The face of the hero of the North Palace showed a trace of solemnity and uncertainty, causing this cold and cold atmosphere, which has been with him for nearly half a century.

Right now, every day, the meridian of the hero of the North Palace will suffer the pain of ten thousand needles. His perverted psychology is actually a way to vent this pain. Otherwise, I'm afraid the hero of the North Palace can't stand it.

Feeling the cold and evil breath in his body, the thoughts of the heroes of the North Palace can't help but go back to decades ago.

The hero of the North Palace at that time was just an unknown direct descendant of the family. His father, as the head of the family, gave birth to more than a dozen sons like a stallion.

It is not a very outstanding hero of the North Palace. In order to get an opportunity to attract the attention of their father, they joined the treasure hunt in Myanmar. It was only when they found the treasure collection site according to the predecessor of the family who had been broken in World War II that they found that the treasure had been taken first.

This made the leader of the team furious. After sending personnel who were good at tracking and scouting, they found that a group of Chinese had been active in this area, and not long ago.

The old man made a decision, led the team to catch up, and spent a lot of money to find a local guide. When the Chinese were about to enter China, he stopped them in a dangerous place.

The hero of the North Palace will never forget that it was a bloody evening at dusk. He and more than 100 family elites hid on both sides of a canyon, which is also the only way for those Chinese people to return to China.

What the deputy Beigong hero didn't expect was that the team with only more than 20 people was extremely careful, especially the leader of the team, which was more like a sixth sense. When the team had just entered the gorge, it immediately turned around and rushed back.

Only in the rear, there were also ambushes arranged by the Beigong family. In order to find out the exact whereabouts of the treasures, the elders did not order to shoot, but led dozens of people to surround the group of Chinese.

But what happened next surprised everyone. The Chinese, who were already at a disadvantage, took the lead in taking action. The leading Chinese man used a three-foot green front, and one of them killed the clan elders on the spot.

And the Chinese people he brought were as unstoppable as the tigers. The elites of more than 40 Beigong families were slaughtered by those Chinese in just a few minutes in a two-on-one situation.

This sudden change made the family members who were still buried behind the mountain dumbfounded. Many of them had participated in the war of aggression against China. In their impression, the Chinese people were as weak as sheep. Even the strongest Chinese soldiers were not their opponents at all when fighting for bayonets.

But the current situation has subverted their previous cognition. Where are these Chinese sheep? One by one, they were like killing gods. Several people even cut out their hearts with knives and chewed them after killing their relatives.

The leader was killed, and the enemy's cruel means made these Japanese, who were used to obeying the orders of their superiors, for a moment, did not know what to do. Panic spread in their hearts, and they were about to miss a good opportunity and be drilled into the jungle on both sides of the canyon by those Chinese.

"Shoo, kill them!"

At this time, a gunshot sounded, and the command-like voice of the North Palace hero sounded. The Japanese immediately found the backbone, aimed at the Chinese people below, and poured out the bullets.

When it comes to the Japanese's individual combat ability, it is really strong. The bullets they fired in panic and unprepared suddenly knocked down 17 or 18 Chinese people, and the remaining five or six people hid behind a big rock and deadlocked with the people of the Beigong family.

The successful sniping also made the Japanese regain their self-confidence and blamed themselves for the fear just now.

So when they saw that there were only five or six people left, the Japanese shouted one by one, pulled out their samurai swords from their waists and rushed down the canyon. They decided to use the samurai's method to wash away their inner shame just now.

It's just that reality has hit them again. Although there are only five or six people left on the other side, all of them have experienced hundreds of battles. The impact of forty or fifty people has failed to make them confused. Instead, more than a dozen people have been killed by those Chinese in succession.

However, this time, the Japanese also lost their fear. The advantage of the number of people made the Chinese gradually unable to support them. In the end, only the leader and a strong man were struggling to support, but they were also surrounded by them.

The hero of the North Palace was cunning by nature. When he first charged, he hid at the end. Seeing that the Chinese who used the sword seemed to be a little exhausted at this time, he swam to his side. After the other party showed his flaw, he cut off his left arm with a knife.

It's just that the other party reacted very quickly. He didn't wait for the hero of the North Palace to continue to expand the results of the battle, and he stabbed him in the heart like lightning with a sword. If the people around him hadn't opened it with a knife, the heroes of the North Palace would have turned into a pile of

But the man was obviously very angry. He actually abandoned the sword and hit the hero of the North Palace with his right palm. At that time, the hero of the North Palace only felt a strong force coming, sprayed blood in his mouth, and his body flew back.

In the blurred vision, the hero of the North Palace saw the tower-like strong man roar, and actually tried his best to kill a road to cover the broken-armed man and rushed out of the encirclement. As for the following things, the hero of the North Palace could not see it with his own eyes, because he was already in a coma at

After waking up, the hero of the North Palace felt extremely cold at the first time, which also made a great change in his character. The evil deeds of killing father and daughter were also what happened after that.

Feeling exactly the same breath as the daily chill in his body, the body of the hero of the North Palace standing there trembled slightly. He didn't know whether he was afraid or excited at this time.

"Baga, Gou Xinjia, haven't you died yet?"

The hero of the North Palace clearly realized that after nearly half a century, he would once again compete with the Chinese who later learned to be called Gouxin's family in another way.