Genius Master

Chapter 513 Convince people with virtue

Chapter 513 In ancient times, people all over the world regarded gold as the best entanglement for going far away. To this day, gold is still the common currency in the world. As long as you have real gold in your hands, banks, jewelry merchants and gold merchants around the world can exchange gold for local currency. It can be unimpeded all over the world, and its monetary status is even more stable than that of the US dollar.

And almost all luxury goods will encounter the problem of depreciation. For example, some famous watches and bags can no longer be sold at the original price when they are newly bought. After using them for a long time, the value is even more depreciating, which may not even be worth half of the original price.

However, there is no problem of depreciation on gold. Its brilliance and value are permanent. When the gold jewelry has been worn for a long time and become discolored, the value of gold itself has not been reduced. There is no second-hand gold with a discounted price on the market. As long as the gold is re-cleaned, Gold jewelry or gold bars.

Gold is a symbol of wealth in the eyes of the world, but in Ye Tian's eyes, gold has other functions. As early as when Gou Xin's family asked Ye Tian to make gold, Ye Tian had already made arrangements for the use of these gold.

The ancient Inca regarded gold as the sweat of the sun. The pharaoh of ancient Egypt insisted on being buried in the flesh of the god, gold. One of the gifts brought by the Three Doctors of the East mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible is gold, and the Bible Revelation describes the streets of the holy city of Jerusalem as made of pure gold.

All these signs show that gold also has a special status in foreign religions, and the world rarely knows that gold has a lot of applications in feng shui. Some buildings that look brilliant and tacky are actually reasonable.

The scarcity, preciousness and stability of gold are a symbol of wealth and identity. The architecture and feng shui pattern made of gold will form a unique aura, which will greatly help the owner's wealth increase.

It's just that China's gold reserves are very small. Since ancient times, only emperors can enjoy the feng shui pattern created by gold. A super rich man decorated the whole room with gold, and even the toilet is pure gold. In fact, he has been instructed by some high people.

Ye Tian's villa in Xiang/Hong Kong is located in the middle of the mountain, which is excellent in terms of the geographical location of feng shui. The reason why Ye Tian left these gold is to create a golden feng shui bureau, so that it can not only become a gathering pearl, but also attract wealth and treasures.

Of course, Ye Tian would not say these words to Song Hao Tianming. The feud between the Ye and Song families also has a little benefit, that is, Ye Tian can be unreasonable to Song Haotian without telling the reason.

"Yes, I owe you. I agree to this condition!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Song Haotian shook his head and smiled bitterly. In his later years of his life, he reached the peak of his political career, but he didn't want to get old, but he met such a nemesis.

It's just that Ye Tian's request can still be done. People like Song Haotian will naturally leave a three-point space to speak. When he communicated with some people before, he did not specify the amount of gold. Ye Tianke deducted five tons, and he could still make the decision.

"At the way, is what you just said true or false? Is it really the gold snatched from others? After agreeing to Ye Tian's request, Song Haotian asked curiously. He felt that Ye Tian was just angry and didn't seem to be pretending.

"I'm bragging. Don't take it seriously. This gold is hidden by my brother. It's natural for my brother to take it out. I need to grab it from others..."

Of course, Ye Tian will not ask for trouble to admit the angry words just now. After explaining it irresponsibly, he said, "That's it. I have nothing to say to you. I'm hanging up!"

"Bunch boy, hang up my phone again?"

Hearing the blind sound from the microphone, the old man couldn't help it this time. He threw the phone out casually and sat on the sofa and sulked. The health doctors and secretaries who heard the sound were looking at each other in consternation. I don't know who made the chief so angry?

Just after dropping the phone, Song Haotian turned to laugh again. He has been an eunuch for decades in his life, and his anger has long been perfect. At present, he can be furious by the fire of Ye's weather, which is also the boy's ability.

"It's okay. You all go out."

waved his hand to drive everyone out of the room. Song Haotian picked up the phone again, dialed a few more secret inside calls, and explained something.

This pair of people, whether they love or hate, always want to know more about that person. The reason why Song Haotian made those phone calls was that he was worried about what Ye Tian just said. He found some departments to investigate and wanted to see if there were a large number of Japanese entering Myanmar recently?

Five days later, the relevant departments gave some information to Song Haotian, which made Song Haotian inadvertently break his favorite teapot.

The information shows that a week ago, 174 Japanese entered Myanmar in the name of group tourism, but five days ago, all these Japanese mysteriously disappeared in Myanmar, and the relevant Japanese parties are making some negotiations with the Myanmar government.

And the place where the Japanese last disappeared was not very far from the coordinates given to him by Ye Tian, only one or two hundred kilometers away, which made Song Haotian sweat coldly. What the boy said did not exaggerate, but concealed the truth of some facts.

In a hurry, Song Haotian hurriedly contacted Ye Tian and learned that he was already in Xiang/Hong Kong, so he was relieved. Of course, these are all later words.


"Why do you still want to confisate all my gold?"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tian looked at the lieutenant colonel Song Fei jokingly. There is no problem to support the construction of the country, but it can't let honest people suffer losses. By the way, Ye Tian is now poor. Why should he give the gold to the country for nothing?

From this point of view, Vice Chairman Song's level and realm are much higher than that of this small lieutenant colonel. Other people's win-win and mutually beneficial suggestions are to convince people with morality, otherwise Ye Tian does not mind being a tricky person.

"No... I dare not, you... what do you want to do?"

Originally, he was looking straight at Ye Tian's Song Fei, and he was shocked by his words. He was so old that he had seen Song Haotian only ten times, which was relatively favored in the family.

But after more than ten meetings, what Song Haotian said to him was not as much as he had just scolded him on the phone. He had already scolded a soul of Song Fei out of his body, and he couldn't stop drifting. Of course, he was scared.

And the conversation between Ye Tian and the old man also made Song Fei feel upside down. He didn't understand. Who is the grandfather and the grandson of these two? Is it possible that the young man in front of him is the illegitimate son of the old man?

"Beep the things back and you can do whatever the arrangement is, but if you let me know that you are doing something wrong, be careful that I will come to you!"

Due to Song Xiaolong's reasons, Ye Tian has never had a good impression on the Song family, but if he knew the dirty thoughts of the guy in front of him, he would have been able to death.

"Yes, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

At this time, Song Fei has no dared to treat Ye Tian as an ordinary relative of the Song family. You know, even the second-generation successor of the Song family, I don't think he can enjoy this kind of treatment in front of the old man.

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "Ok, don't use it as a pole there. Help me with the work!"

This has always been in Myanmar. Ye Tian was also afraid of many dreams at night. At the moment, he also came forward to set up. Naturally, Song Fei did not dare to put on airss. He honestly followed Ye Tian to help carry the gold bricks and those gold and silver jade jewelry.

After working for more than two hours, except for some gold and jewelry scattered on the way, he finally carried everything into several helicopters.

"Lao Hu, you and Xiaotian go back to China together."

Ye Tian clapped his hands, gathered everyone over, and said, "And Wu Chen, you also go back together. Well, after the gold bricks return to the furnace, everyone will take one as a reward, and the remaining one million will be cashed to you when I return to the capital!"

"Thank you, Master Ye..."

"Master Ye, you're so kind. We didn't do anything!"

"That's right, next time Master Ye, if you have something to do, just say hello!"

These people didn't expect that in addition to the reward of one million, there was a gold brick as a reward. At present, their faces were full of joy. You know, even at the exchange rate of one kilogram of gold at this time, two kilograms of gold bricks were worth one or two hundred thousand rmb.

"Although you hold things and money with peace of mind, there is one thing. Except for Qiu Wendong, you can't say anything to anyone about the experience of coming to Myanmar this time, otherwise don't blame Ye Tian for turning against others!"

Ye Tian's tone suddenly became gloomy, first literary and then martial arts. Ye Tian also convinced people with virtue, and the reason why he gave them gold after returning to the furnace was that he didn't want to leak the news out, otherwise the remnants of the Beigong family would definitely find the capital and fight for themselves.

However, Ye Tian didn't want to hide it from Qiu Wendong. First, the old boy will definitely ask. These disciples dare not say anything. Second, Qiu Wendong is also a transparent person. He will never publicize this matter, otherwise he will not live safely until today.

"Master Ye, please relax. Who dares to say one more word to these kids? Xiaowu, I will cut off his tongue and serve you a drink!"

Looking at the helicopter formation in front of him, and thinking of dozens of bodies burning in Devil's Mountain and more than 100 strangely missing people, Wu Chen quickly patted his chest on behalf of everyone.


ps: The third update, it's really not my fault. I've been writing for more than an hour. There is something wrong with the hotel network. It took me more than an hour to upload it. Tears are running. Please comfort me with the monthly ticket recommendation!