Genius Master

Chapter 514 Public Disk

"Master, we are all gone. Why are you staying in Myanmar? Why don't I stay with you..."

Seeing that Ye Tian was unwilling to follow the helicopter back to China, Zhou Xiaotian was a little worried. He didn't see many dead people like this trip. He had always been in a trance for fear of what would happen to Ye Tian in Myanmar.

"Of course I have something to do if I stay. Will these armored vehicles be sent back?"

Ye Tian waved his hand with a smile and said, "I still have to go to Xiguo to have a look. The house in Hong Kong needs some good jade. I'll look around and see if I can get some?"

Ye Tian knew in his heart that so many [Sun] I disappeared in Myanmar, which would definitely set off a big storm. He wanted to return the armored car to General Bo Gang before the news leaked out. When someone was suspicious in the future, he would have gone away long ago.

As for going to Liu Xiguo, it was Ye Tian's temporary intention. The jade used in the layout of Hong Kong's mansions does not have to be very precious, but it requires a large amount. Instead of returning to China to buy it in the future, it's better to take this opportunity to go to Myanmar's emerald public market.

Moreover, jadeite belongs to hard jade. In terms of carrying the spirit of heaven and earth, it is even better than Hetian jade. However, this kind of jade is not produced in China. It has not been known to Qimen since ancient times, and there is no introduction to jadeite even in Ye Tian's brain.

"Ye Tian, if you don't reply, we will leave now!"

Seeing that the master and apprentice were chatting there, Song Fei did not dare to delay any longer. His mission on this trip was limited in time. Seeing that if he stayed any longer, he would exceed the scheduled time.

Ye Tian nodded, patted Zhou Xiaotian on the shoulder, pointed to Song Fei and said, "Yes, Xiaotian, I'll give you an important task. Wherever he goes, you can follow him. Urge them to hurry up and give me the five tons of gold back to the furnace. At that time, you can send it to Lao Tang on Hong Kong

"Yes, very, don't worry, I'll do it for you!"

Hearing that Ye Tian had entrusted such an important thing to him, Zhou Xiaotian suddenly looked excited and promised loudly.

"Who are these people? Almost the same age, one is like a ghost, and the other is so simple!"

Song Fei looked at Ye Tian's master and apprentice with some depression. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Ye Tian was fooling the young man. With Song Fei's hundred courage, he did not dare to tamper with this gold. As for finding someone to follow him?

Looking at the roar of several helicopters and slowly flying off the ground, Ye Tian looked at the Malakai people and said with a smile, "Lao Ma, I'll work hard again. Why don't you send the armored car back with me?"

"It's not hard, it's not hard, boss, isn't that what you should do?"

After hanging out with Wu Chen and others for a few days, Maracay learned a few more Beijing accents, but in his American Mandarin, Ye Tian wanted to laugh.

"Yes, boss, how on earth do you solve those [day] yourself?"

Seeing that Ye Tian was in a good mood, Maracay made a gesture to his throat. As a mercenary who often wanders on the edge of life and death, Lao Ma can still be ashamed to ask questions about such a trump card. After all, he has more unique skills, and at some point, he has more hope of survival.

"This, can't you really learn?" Ye Tian shook his head. Seeing Malakai's disbelief, he smiled bitterly and said, "Lao Ma, take out your strongest defensive posture!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Maracay hurriedly stepped back and stood with his legs in eight characters. With his hands on it, it was not the western boxing rack, but Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, which protected the key parts of his body tightly.

"Look at it!" Ye Tian reminded him that his right hand stretched out with a "snorting" and pinched it into Maracay's neck.

It's strange to say that although Mara Kai could clearly see Ye Tian's movements, and even the route of his move, he didn't know why, when his left hand on his chest blocked it up, he felt a pain in his throat, but he had been choked by Ye Tian.

Although he knew that Ye Tian would not kill him, Mara Kai was still pale with shock. In the face of people like Ye Tian, except for the deep helplessness in his heart, all that was left was fear. He swore that he did not want to meet such an opponent in his life.

"The kung fu of the country is to pay attention to the inside and outside. You have to build the foundation since you were a child. You have now become a bone, but you can't practice it."

Seeing the look of Maracay's begging for mercy, Ye Tian smiled and let go of his hand. The foreigner had a little strength, that is, to worship the strong. As long as he really shocked them, these people would never be unintentioned again.

Under Ye Tian's beating, Maracay and others became extremely honest. After driving the off-road vehicles that had emptied the gold to a canyon and burned them, four people drove three armored vehicles and returned to Yangon two days later.

On the way back, Ye Tian really hunted a tiger. Under the cover of the tiger's skin, the adjutant Bo Gang, who came to pick up the vehicle, had no doubt at all. He never thought that in just one week, Ye Tian actually crossed half of Myanmar and did those great things that shocked the world.

Of course, in addition to the wreckage of those off-road vehicles, more than 100 [day] have completely disappeared from the world. It is basically impossible to get the body out of the collapsed cave.

After handing over the armored vehicles, Maracay and others used their own channels to transport the remaining arms out of Myanmar, and left at the time of meeting with Ye Tian in the capital. Ye Tian returned to the hotel where he first came to Myanmar under the escort of a military vehicle.

"Uncle, you're back!"

Liu Xiguo was not surprised by Ye Tian's sudden appearance in front of him. He knew that this tall young man, like his father-in-law, had some unknown skills and could not look at them with the eyes of ordinary people.

But if Liu Xiguo knew what Ye Tian had done in the past few days, I'm afraid he would have shocked his chin, right?

Ye Tian took a left and right look and asked strangely, "Xi Guo, what about Dingding?"

When he finally left Yangon, Ye Tian still issued a strict order not to allow Liu Dingding to participate in this operation. The girl was almost angry and cried at that time, but only took the power of Ye Tian's master, and finally had no choice but to agree.

"She doesn't like gambling stones. She went to the capital to find his grandfather." Liu Xiguo is also helpless about this daughter. Although she is very beautiful, she has been crazy since she was a child. Up to now, she doesn't even have a boyfriend, but looking at her and Ye Tian's apprentice, it's a little interesting.

"When are you going to leave? Why don't you go to the place where you want to gamble on stones? Ye Tian is not qualified to gamble stones in Myanmar. If he wants to enter the jade public market, he has to use the name of Liu Xiguo Company.

Liu Xiguo replied, "Uncle, the stone we bought is almost done. Let's go for a walk in the afternoon and return to Hong Kong early tomorrow morning!"

"Well, I'll go with you to increase my knowledge. If there is anything you like, can I go to your account and buy some?"

Ye Tian was very satisfied with Liu Xiguo's itinerary. He didn't want to stay here for a long time to do such a big thing in Myanmar. He went to the public market in the afternoon. If he could find the right jade material, it would be the best. If he couldn't find it, he would leave tomorrow.

"No problem, uncle, we still have 3 million dollars for emergency use in our account, so we can buy some good materials."

Liu Xiguo knew the relationship between Ye Tian and his father-in-law, and immediately agreed. At this time, the Burmese public market is not as popular as that of future generations. The material exceeding tens of millions of rmb is a good wool. Three million US dollars is a lot of money.

Called the hotel's bus, Liu Xiguo and his wife and the gambling master they invited took Ye Tian to the National Jade Trading Center on the outskirts of Yangon.

At present, there is no scale of future generations here. It is just a wall in a large open field. The wall is surrounded by Burmese soldiers with live ammunition. No businessman who participates in the emerald market can approach the wall and can only enter and exit through the main entrance.

"This... all of these are emeralds?"

After showing some documents, Ye Tian entered the venue of the emerald public disk. Looking at the field with a radius of thousands of square meters full of all kinds of stones, Ye Tian couldn't help but be stunned.

"Uncle, to be precise, it should be all raw stone. Is there any jade in it? It's hard to say." Seeing Ye Tian's shocked appearance, Liu Xiguo couldn't help laughing. When he first participated in the public market, his performance was worse than Ye Tian's performance.

"Why are there so few people?" Ye Tian found that compared with the opening of the public market venue, the flow of people in it was relatively small, and only a few areas were stopped to observe.

"Uncle, the situation in Myanmar has not been stable recently, so there are not many people participating in the public market this time. In addition, the public market is almost over, and some people have stayed in the hotel!"

Since the surrender of Kunsha this year, the situation in Myanmar has become more and more chaotic. Many local forces have kidnapped jade merchants from Southeast Asian countries who came to Myanmar and offered a high ransom, which made the Burmese jade merchants popular.

Therefore, companies that do not have a certain military background have watched the public market, and the retail investors have also suffocated, which has also made this public market extremely depressed, and the trading volume of the original stone is far lower than that of previous public markets.

However, the success of the Burmese public market has nothing to do with Ye Tian's dime. After listening to Liu Xiguo's explanation, he asked bluntly, "Xiguo, which side is the stone of half gambling?"

After leading Ye Tian to the half-gambling stone area with the window open, Liu Xiguo carefully reminded: "Uncle, the price of jadeite in the market has dropped a little this year. Don't play too much."