Genius Master

Chapter 658 Escape from Death

"Ye Tian, where are you going? It's dangerous over there!"

Seeing her son putting the little girl on the ground, she inexplicably rushed to the direction of the safe passage full of smoke. Song Weilan couldn't help but be stunned.

Although Song Weilan had lost her belief in escaping at this time and hoped that Ye Tian could live, her son would leave like this without saying a word. In addition to worrying about her son, she also had an indescribable feeling.

"Mom, what are you thinking? We'll get out of here in a moment!"

After hearing his mother's words, Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, stopped, turned around and said with a smile, "Look at Elini, I'll be back soon!"

Due to the pouring of raw materials from the plane upstairs, the safety passage under Ye Tian burned. Although it had not yet burned to the floor, at the door of the safety passage, the temperature was extremely high and full of choking smoke.

Ye Tian tore off a piece of cloth from his left arm. After soaking it with the water sprayed on the top of his head, he tied it to his mouth and nose, closed his eyes and rushed into the thick smoke.

Although his eyes were closed, under Ye Tian's air sensor, the surrounding situation seemed to be three-dimensionally presented in front of him. The wall next to the safety door had been burned gray and black, and the iron door was about to melt.

"Damn it, do you want to roast me to death?"

Feeling the extremely hot temperature, Ye Tian's right hand was empty as a symbol, and a suction came out of his hand, attracting all the strong evil breath in the floor.

"Huh? I don't know how many people have died below?

When Ye Tian did it, he suddenly felt it from the safe passage. The evil spirit overflowed with great resentment, and he couldn't help but feel horrified. He and his mother escaped, but the people in the stairwell could not be spared.

At this time, he had no time to think too much. Ye Tian stretched out his hand and put the almost substantial evil spirit around him. The hot temperature suddenly dropped, and Ye Tian felt cool in his heart.

"Blessed by the ancestors of Sanqing, don't burn that thing!"

Ye Tian accelerated his pace. Flashing through the fire spewing out of the security door, he came to the left side of the security door and exhaled violently. After blowing away the thick smoke in front of him, he stared at the wall.

"Haha, God doesn't want to end me, cough... cough, I can't be happy!"

Seeing the glass door painted in red, Ye Tian forgot his environment for a moment and laughed wildly, but a thick smoke was inhaled into his mouth, and he coughed repeatedly.

What appeared in front of Ye Tian was a roll of fire hoses. Looking at the thickness, it is estimated that the length is at least about 100 meters, which is enough for your own use.

The glass outside the fire hose had already been shattered. Ye Tian stretched out his hand and took out the baked and hot fire hose and hung it on his shoulder. He retreated under his feet and rushed out of the smoky area.

"Xiaotian, what are you doing?"

Seeing her son rushing out with a fire hose on his back, Song Weilan hurriedly greeted him, but when she saw Ye Tian's left arm tied with a bandage, she couldn't help but be stunned. Xiaotian, what's wrong with your hand?

"Mom, are you still in the mood to take care of this now? I'll explain it to you later when we go out!"

Ye Tian smiled bitterly. He has been wearing a long-sleeved shirt these days, but he doesn't want his mother to worry. Is it really so easy to make money? The billions of dollars given to his mother were all made by him with his life!

He raised his hand to stop his mother who was about to speak. Ye Tian went to the window, tried gravity bearing on a support column with his hand, and then tied the fire hose to it.

"Xiaotian, let's go on with this?"

Seeing her son's behavior, Song Weilan understood a little and said, "Son, take Alyni to escape. It's enough for mom to recognize you in her life!"

Although Song Weilan knows her son's ability, on the one hand, Ye Tian is injured, and on the other hand, this kind of thing is more dangerous. She doesn't want to involve her son and can't escape.

"Mom, what are you talking about? This fire hose is enough for the three of us. With your son here, no one can die!"

Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words. With the escape tool, he also relaxed. If it hadn't been for his mother and the little girl, he could slide to the ground with his bare hands.

Ye Tian picked up the rolled-up water belt, scratched it like a knife, cut off a two-meter-long section, and then threw the remaining nearly 100-meter-long water belt out of the window.

"Look, there seems to be something thrown down on more than 20 floors!"

"It's a fire hose, and there seems to be a man standing by the window!"

"Yes, does he want to slide down from above?"

Around the World Trade Center at this time, all the firefighters in New York and several nearby cities were gathered. Although the smoke was rolling on the top of the building, they could clearly see the rest of the floors through the high-power telescope.

As soon as Ye Tian's fire hose was thrown down, it was caught by several observers.

Before that, the way to save the people trapped in the building was strange. In addition to Superman who felt that he could fly like a bird, there were even people jumping off the roof with umbrellas.

Of course, the results are the same. So far, none of the people who escaped from the top floor have been spared except one who fell on the air cushion.

The rescuers below are not very optimistic about Ye Tian's move.

You should know that the fire hose is relatively wide, which is not as easy to grab than a rope. The height of that floor is also 70 or 80 meters from the ground. It is not easy to grab the fire hose and slide down. It will fall down with a soft hand.

"Seior, the height of the fire truck can reach there. Shall we use the ladder to save the people on that floor?"

An observer reported what he saw to the commander at the scene and made his own suggestions.

The director looked at Ye Tian standing by the window with a telescope, and finally shook his head and said, "No, there is only one person on it now. Our child can't die for him!"

The continuous explosion of the World Trade Center led to a large amount of bricks pouring down from the sky, which caused great trouble to the rescue work.

Less than an hour after the incident, 62 firefighters have lost their lives directly because they were hit by masonry, and the number is still increasing.

This almost stopped the rescue work on the periphery of the World Trade Center, and more firefighters rushed into the inside of the World Trade Center to help evacuate and rescue those trapped inside.

If the fire truck and ladder are really allowed to rescue Ye Tian, the commander at the scene must be psychologically prepared to get a fire truck and the lives of more than a dozen firefighters, which is also the main reason why he refused the observer's advice.

The observer was silent when he heard the words. He knew that the commander's decision was right. There were still explosions on the more than 80th floor of the North Building, and a large piece of cement board could fall on the head of the firefighters at any time.

However, with this episode, a reporter holding the camera next to the commander put the camera at the window that threw out of the fire hose.

"Mom, don't be afraid, turn around, close your eyes, hold my neck tightly, and don't let go!"

Ye Tian has always been begging for himself but not for others. He has never expected a heroic American firefighter. At this time, he has held Elini on his chest, carried his mother behind him, and then tied her to him with a fire hose.

"Xiaotian, I'm not afraid to be with you!"

Song Weilan hugged her son's neck tightly. Once upon a time, this child in her infant years had grown into a man she could rely on. At this moment, Song Weilan felt a sense of pride in her heart.

"Hold on tight, let's go!"

Ye Tian smiled and grabbed a fire hose with his right hand. Looking at the chaotic crowd below, he turned around and jumped down from the window.

It was at this moment that he was completely captured by the camera reporter. Originally, he wanted to shoot the whole picture of Ye Tian's action, but Ye Tian's behavior was beyond everyone's expectation.

The first thing that jumped out of the window was not one person, but two big and one small three people.

Secondly, this kind of sliding down the water belt should be moved down slowly with alternating hands.

But Ye Tian only clamped the water belt with his legs, but one right hand did not exert any force at all. The gravity of the earth made the three people fall down quickly, which was not much slower than jumping off the building.

However, just after falling more than 40 meters, Ye Tian's legs exerted slightly, and the speed of descent suddenly slowed down.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. They doubted whether there were two pieces of iron in Ye Tian's crotch? Otherwise, just that kind of friction is enough to blur the flesh and blood between his legs.

"It's not good. A slate fell down. It's exactly his direction!"

Seeing that it was only more than ten meters from the ground and all the firefighters were about to cheer and go up to save people, the observer suddenly exclaimed.

After a violent explosion, the whole wall on the 90th floor could no longer stand the fire and the shock, and it all fell down.

The wall more than ten meters wide weighs at least a few tons, and its falling speed far exceeds that of Ye Tian. Almost at the same time as the observer exclaimed, the wall is only more than 30 meters from the top of Ye Tian's head.

And at its speed, I'm afraid it will hit Ye Tian and the other people in a second or two. The most worrying thing is that the young man has been looking down at the ground, as if he has not realized that the disaster has fallen from the sky.

The time was fixed at this moment, and everyone's hearts were raised to their throats. Although they knew that they could not help Ye Tian, someone still shouted loudly to remind Ye Tian of the danger above his head.


PS: The first update, there are still 20 monthly tickets left to reach 2,000. Friends, please support me. The fat man continues to code words. Well, please vote for the recommended ticket!