Genius Master

Chapter 659 Escape from Death

At a distance of nearly 100 meters, the shouts of these people were doomed to be in vain, but the scene in front of them almost made them stare out.

Just when the floor was more than 20 meters away from Ye Tian, and everyone thought that these people in the air had no chance of survival, Ye Tian suddenly made an unexpected move.

Ye Tiantian's left hand outside suddenly touched his waist. The tied fire hose loosened for some reason. The little girl who was originally nestled in his arms fell straight down.

At the same time, Song Weilan, who was behind Ye Tian, also sank sharply. Her arm, which had little strength, was not enough to support her body at all.

The rescuers were nervous about this sudden situation. At this time, it was still more than 20 meters away from the ground. It was unreasonable for two people to fall down.

"Damn it, the house leak is raining all night. It's really killing me!"

In fact, as early as the explosion sounded and the floor fell off, Ye Tian had a warning sign in his heart. He knew that this disaster could not be avoided by himself, so he had prepared early.

After cutting off the fire hose like a knife, Elini just fell on Ye Tian's calf, and her body jumped gently on Ye Tian's right leg in mid-air. Elini's little body suddenly changed direction and flew straight to the air cushion more than ten meters away.

After picking off Elini, Ye Tian turned around and sent his left palm to his mother's waist. The force burst out, and a strong force pushed Song Weilan's body diagonally out, and the landing point was the same as that of Aini. It's all the huge air cushions spread on the ground.

Ye Tian's sudden move stunned everyone. At this time, they couldn't even think about why Ye Tian had so much strength. They were all excited about the two women's escape.

It's just that before they cheered, a more stressful scene happened.

Because the falling floor was too large and the speed of falling extremely fast, half of Song Weilan's body just flew out, and the floor fell from the sky. It was about to hit her.

"Damn it, God, are you playing with me?"

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian also smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to throw his mother and Elini out and crashed into the burning World Trade Center building, but the floor fell at a downward rate. It's beyond Ye Tian's imagination.

Seeing that his mother was about to be hit by the floor, Ye Tian had no time to think about it at all. He crossed his heart and grabbed the right hand of the fire hose. Ye Tian's body suddenly rolled in the air.

All this happened in a few seconds. Ye Tian's rolling made the fire hose wrapped around his waist, and his body abruptly raised a few meters to meet the floor that weighed several tons.

The fire hose tied around his waist made Ye Tian's body stand upright in the air. He raised his hands above his head and let out a roar that could be heard within 100 meters: "Open it!"

There is almost no pause. Just as Ye Tian raised his hands, the floor had been smashed down with Wan Jun's power. Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts rose to their throats.

The floor weighs thousands of kilograms, plus the strength that fell from the height of the **10th floor. This force is more than a thousand, not to mention a flesh and blood body, even if there is a fire engine parked below, I'm afraid it can be smashed into a discus.


Even Song Weilan exclaimed in mid-air. If possible, she would rather be under the floor. Not the young son.

In everyone's heart, Ye Tian's behavior is undoubtedly touching a stone with an egg. The head must be Ye Tian in the air. Even the photographer forgot to capture the camera and looked up at the scene that happened in mid-air.

The threat of this floor to Ye Tian was not under the iron legs of Anthony Marcus at all. Just when the top of his head was shrouded in a shadow, the crisis of death also appeared in Ye Tian's heart.

However, at this time, Ye Tian's state of mind is also calm. From childhood to his age, he has always acted at will and is not hindered by the world's feelings, but only his mother is the greatest karma in Ye Tian's heart.

"That's it!"

Under Ye Tian's air engine induction, the decline speed of the floor was not as fast as that everyone outside saw. At that one-thousandth of the wonderful time, Ye Tian noticed the weakness of the floor.

"Bow!" A loud noise, like another explosion, shocked the glass around it that had not been completely broken and fell straight down.

And the floor actually became fragmented in mid-air. The part that originally hit Song Weilan's waist fell to the ground against her waist. Song Weilan, who almost looked at the floor hitting her son, fell heavily on the air cushion.


Song Weilan made a fierce cry in her mouth. After falling on the air cushion, regardless of the stones falling from the sky, she had to climb down even rolling and crawling.

"Save people quickly!"

Seeing this scene, the commander at the scene decisively issued an order, and more than a dozen firefighters rushed to the air cushion with the stones falling from the sky.

You know, this air cushion is only five meters high, and ordinary people can't climb down at all. Even the firefighters have to set up a ladder to go up. There are four or five other people running in the direction of Ye Tian and the stones falling.

In the hearts of these American firefighters, Ye Tian is a true hero. He sacrificed himself at the most critical time and saved the lives of the two women. Whenever there is a glimmer of opportunity, they all want to save Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian's situation is really in danger.

Although he found the weakness of the floor, the manpower could not beat the sky after all. Ye Tian poured his whole body with his real fists, but he still couldn't resist the power of the floor.

Although the slate was torn apart by him, Ye Tian's arms were also broken into several segments under this touch. What's more, a slate the size of a grinding disc hit Ye Tian's head heavily.

After the battle with Anthony Marcus, Ye Tian's body had not recovered. Coupled with the physical running this morning, he was already the end of a strong crossbow. After his arms were broken, his mind was a little blurred.

"Xiaotian!" At this moment, his mother's shout came from Ye Tian's ear, and at the same time, a sense of crisis rose in his heart.

"I can't die yet. God wants me to die, but I won't die!"

Almost subconsciously, Ye Tian lowered his head, bowed his whole body, fixed his back on it, and faced the heavy falling slate.


The strong force from his back almost shattered Ye Tian's organs. The big mouth of blood spewed out in the air, and the body entangled in the fire hose rolled and fell to the ground.

The height of more than 20 meters is as high as a six- or seven-story building. Ye Tian in the air no longer seems to have the ability to save himself, and the rescuers have not been able to run over, which made everyone's hearts feel.

It was his mother's shout that saved Ye Tian's life. Although the lumbar spine was almost broken and the injury was serious, this force made Ye Tian completely awake.

When he was still three or four meters away from the ground, Ye Tian's only uninjured legs suddenly twisted, wrapped around the fire hose around him, and his falling body suddenly stopped.

However, this hang also exhausted Ye Tian's last physical strength. After a few seconds, his body finally fell weakly and was just caught by the rescuers.

"Oh, my God, miracle, this is a miracle!"

"God, you're still here, aren't you?"

"Thank God, that young man is not dead yet!"

"Hero, he is an American hero!"

At this moment, the whole audience was boiling. All the people who witnessed all this, regardless of nationality or race, were in tears.

Cheers thundered, and tears blurred everyone's eyes. They didn't even know what they were shouting. When they suffered such a major disaster, the United States needed heroes, and human beings also needed heroes!

A young Chinese, when his life is most threatened, he leaves the hope of life to others and goes to the difficulties by himself.

More importantly, Ye Tian's last self-help shows that he is still alive, which is what Americans need. The heroes they don't want to die. Only the living heroes are the most American-style heroes.

Ye Tian's behavior made the firefighters present forget their fear, and more people rushed into the World Trade Center building that was about to collapse to fulfill their accusations and missions.

"**, damn, why did I forget to take a picture of him?"

While everyone was cheering, the photographer standing next to the commander slapped himself in the face fiercely, "God, forgive me, this year's annual news photography award should be mine!"

The young reporter has reason to believe that if he can film Ye Tian's scene in the air, he can definitely win this year's annual news photography award without controversy.

However, when he held the camera and wanted to rush into Ye Tian, who was carried down by the firefighters, the opportunity was gone. Ye Tian, who had very weak signs of life, was sent directly into the ambulance.

"Wan way, that's my son, let me go!" Song Weilan, who had just been put off the air cushion, limped over and grabbed Ye Tian's hand on the stretcher.

The injury on Song Weilan's leg was not minor, and now she is still bleeding, but at this time, Song Weilan only had her son in her heart, and she didn't even feel any pain.

"This lady is also injured, and that little girl, take them to the hospital together!"

The commander at the scene knew that this was not a good time to promote heroism. Only the living can accept the worship and cheers of the Americans.


PS: The second update, there will be three updates today, and I will write it down no matter how late it is. Oh, I just said yesterday that I won't stay up late. Guys, can you vote for a few more monthly tickets to blow up my sister-in-law? There are only 30 votes short!

. ( To be continued