Genius Master

Chapter 766 Breakthrough

"Gaga, you can't escape. Give me your blood, and I'll give you a chance to become a member of the blood clan!"

An unpleasant laughter came out. More than ten meters away from Ye Tian, Kurt's figure appeared faintly, but his state was not much better than Ye Tian's.

The original gentleman's dress became tattered at this moment, and there was a little red spot on the skin exposed to the outside of the clothes. A pair of eyes were full of blood. Obviously, it was also hurt in the explosion.

"Do you really think you've eaten me?"

Ye Tian's eyes were cold. Since his debut in his teens, he has never been so despised.

"Of course, it will be an honor for you to have the first kiss of a blood count!"

Kurt nodded proudly. After seeing Ye Tian's ability, he believed that as long as Ye Tian could become a blood clan, the starting point would be very high. I'm afraid he would be a viscount at the beginning, and maybe he could reach the same count level as himself.

If you want to create a family, it is not enough to have a high level of evolution, and you must have your own descendants to have strong power.

So Kurt also temporarily changed his mind and wanted to develop Ye Tian into a member of the blood clan. After he was promoted to marquis, his subordinates could also have some effective generals.

"It's up to you old bat?"

Ye Tian had no time to talk nonsense with Kurt at this moment. He staggered his feet and came to Kurt's side in an instant, and his right foot quietly kicked Kurt's temple.

"Bow!" With a muffled sound, Kurt's body flew high. In terms of fighting skills, this old guy who has lived for hundreds of years is obviously far from Ye Tian, who has experienced black market boxing.

However, just like last time, although he was kicked to the point by Ye Tian, Kurt stood up again as if nothing had happened, and his neck bone made an unpleasant "k" sound, which had already recovered as before.

"Ky. You made me angry!"

Following De Kura, who is also a big man even in the dark parliament, Kurt has been respected by believers no matter where he has gone for more than a hundred years. But he was kicked to the ground by Ye Tian twice today, and his face was a little unstoppable.

The penetrating red light appeared in his eyes, and Kurt's hands were ten fingers. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of "Dangdang". When he looked carefully, his nails popped out more than a foot long, flashing with a faint cold light, looking like ten sharp daggers.

With blood-red eyes, loose hair, and cold nails, Ye Tian really realized at this time that the man in front of him was really possible to be what he called a vampire.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Ye Tian has been practicing his courage in the wild grave since he was a child. Although Kurt's appearance was strange, he couldn't scare him. He snorted coldly and rubbed himself to bully him.

It seems that after transforming into a combat state, Kurt's reaction is much more sensitive than before. This time, he caught Ye Tian's figure. He grabbed Ye Tian's ribs with five sharp nails in his right hand without waiting for him to get his feet.

"Carving insects!"

Ye Tian's mouth was gently exposed, and his right arm suddenly became weak and boneless, and he wrapped it along Kurt's wrist.

After holding the other party's wrist, Ye Tian held a belt. With a click, Kurt's wrist was strangled by him.

Ye Tian, who was murderous, naturally more than that. After cutting Kurt's wrist, he retreated back and kicked Kurt's chest at the same time, making his body fly backwards.

Ye Tian's movements were as fast as lightning. Kurt only felt a pain in his right wrist, and then his chest was like being hit by a train, and his thin body was thrown back in the air.

However, Ye Tian did not let go of Kurt's wrist. After kicking the other party away, he actually tore Kurt's right hand abruptly, and a stream of black blood gushed out from the broken wrist.

"It stinks!"

The smell of blood made Ye Tian wrinkle his nose and casually threw his right hand, which had shrunk his nails, to the ground. He said with a smile, "You can't be killed. When I tear off your limbs, see if you will die?"

"You... you can't kill me!"

Kurt never thought that his most proud body would be torn off a right hand by Ye Tian. Although he immediately stopped the bleeding, Kurt had a trace of fear in his heart.

You should know that although Kurt's key point is in the core, the damage to the flesh needs to be repaired by the energy in the core.

If his limbs are really torn off by Ye Tian, even if it can be repaired, I'm afraid his level will fall from the count to the viscount level, which is absolutely unbearable for Kurter.

"Can't you kill? Then let's try it?"

Ye Tian grinned, but in Kurt's eyes, it was like a devil's smile. This is the brine tofu, one thing reduces one thing. In Europe, the blood clan has always been synonymous with the devil.

"Huh? How dare you come?"

Just as Ye Tian was about to completely solve Kurt, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his mind. Looking up, there were several highlights in the night sky more than a thousand meters away.

A sense of crisis filled Ye Tian's heart. Regardless of Kurt's fearful face, Ye Tian turned his head and left without hesitation. Under the real rise, his body disappeared in front of Kurt in an instant.

"**, I almost fell here!"

It was not until Ye Tian's figure disappeared that Kurt took a long breath. At this time, he understood his master's instructions to him that those monks did have the means to destroy them.

Just as Kurt picked up the broken hand on the ground, he suddenly raised his head and found that the three missiles were roaring and flying in his direction, which immediately scared Kurt's soul to fly away.

Unlike those monks in the East, Kurt has been watching the development of society for hundreds of years. He knows the power of these missiles better than anyone else. If he is hit, I'm afraid that his core will be evaporated by the high temperature in an instant.

There was a strange cry in his mouth, and Kurt's body suddenly stretched out, and his arms were raised high, flying like a big bat.

At the same time, three missiles also hit the open space where he was just now, and the violent explosion roared, shaking the mountains and flames soaring into the sky.

Ye Tian, who was already more than a thousand meters away, looked back and his scalp was numb. Human beings have developed war weapons to the extreme, and they are often overwhelmed. I'm afraid that even if the legendary immortals come, they can't get benefits.

"Isn't it just killing a few people, as for such a big liver fire?"

Ye Tian's footsteps, which were exciting behind him, accelerated a little. He seemed to be like a ghost in the jungle at night, and the speed was almost invisible to the naked eye.


A sound like a broken watermelon came out, but a paratrooper's head was pressed into the chest by Ye Tian, and his feet did not stop at all. Ye Tian rushed into the middle of the paratrooper team blocking the way, or with his palm or fist. In an instant, more than a dozen paratroopers were dead.

Although the Russian side has invested tens of thousands of troops, the terrain of the mountains and forests is uneven, and there are jungle obstructions, so more than a dozen people can only be jointly searched and arrested.

Secondly, the night rose, and the soldiers' sight was far less than that of the day, which made Ye Tian like a fish in water, like death wandering around the world, constantly harvesting the lives of those soldiers.

In just half an hour, at least hundreds of people died under Ye Tian's fist. There were screams everywhere in the mountains and forests. The mountains and forests, which had been silent for hundreds of years, seemed to have become a Shura hell.

At this time, Ginis knew what a stupid thing it was to launch a paratrooper force, because he was afraid of hurting his own people. The plane in the sky was completely turned into a decoration, and he could only watch the devil-like figure below kill.

The orders were conveyed one after another, and the sound of the walkie-talkie calls came one after another. A small team gathered together and no longer dared to search as recklessly as before.

Seeing those soldiers gathered together and all had heavy weapons, Ye Tian distinguished the direction and quietly sneaked into the mountains. His cultivation did not fully recover, and this killing also made him feel a little weak.

The difficult mountain road for ordinary people has no impact on Ye Tian. More than half an hour later, his figure appeared in a mountain eral dozens of kilometers away.

Looking left and right, Ye Tian's body was in a ball and leaned against the rock wall behind him. The hard rock was soft like tofu and sunk in.

With a wave of palm, the gravel falling from the top of his head suddenly covered the hole that could only accommodate one person. After clothed the array that isolated the breath, Ye Tian breathed a long sigh of relief.

"If you wait until tomorrow to recover some real things, you must leave Russia!"

The days of killing not only consumed Ye Tian's physical strength violently, but also seemed to have a trace of magic in his heart. In the face of those soldiers, Ye Tian's action was obviously much more fierce, as if he could not excrete the suppressed anger in his heart without doing so.

This makes Ye Tian feel a little bad. The two schools of Buddhism and Taoism often say compassion, which is not a hole. From ancient times to the present, no one who has killed too much seems to be able to have a good end.

Overflowed the tired Yuanshen, he gently knocked on the Sanqing bell. The crisp bell went straight into the Yuanshen, washing the irritability of his heart. After a long time, Ye Tian entered the deep meditation.

"Didn't you catch up?"

When the first sunlight rose the next morning, Ye Tian woke up and turned around on time. After the divine consciousness was released, he found that there was no soldier more than ten kilometers around him.

"This place seems to be a little familiar?"

Waving his palm to shake open the gravel that blocked the mouth of the cave. Ye Tian came out and looked left and right, and his eyes couldn't help showing a strange color... The first update, there is still the second chapter today, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket support!

. ( To be continued) RQ