Genius Master

Chapter 767 Disaster leads to the east

"So it's here?"

He reached out and took out a map from his close-fitting backpack. Ye Tian let go of his mind and observed around. He couldn't help but realize that the reason why he felt familiar was that he had seen this strange geographical location on the map.

On the opposite side of the trough where Ye Tian is located, there is the same place. The two troughs are together to form a horseshoe shape, and the place name translated on the map is called the horseshoe valley.

It is more than 50 kilometers away from the gold mine that Chen Xiquan wants to mine. It is very close to the Sakha Republic and deep in the mountains, so it needs a huge amount of mining funds.

"Ding Hong doesn't know where he is?"

Ye Tian raised his head and looked in a distant direction. His cultivation had just entered the innate realm. Although his divine consciousness was hundreds of times more powerful than before, he could not spy on the situation more than 50 kilometers away.

Because he helped Hei Jiao kill the Taoist, Ye Tian always held a respectful attitude towards Ding Hong, but Ye Tian was also curious that the gold mine could be valued so much by Ding Hong.

"This place is geographically remote. If Ding Hong is disgusted, I'm afraid I can't escape his pursuit."

When facing Ding Hong for the first time, Ye Tian could faintly feel the hostility in the other party's heart, but it would be in public, and the other party did not do anything.

But here the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Not to mention Ye Tian's death, that is, a thousand and 800 people are thrown in it. I'm afraid that no one can be hit by the water, and the bones will not be found if they are rotten.

And there is a more important reason. That's Huai Bi's crime. If there is really any treasure in the gold mine, Ding Hong will probably leave himself in order not to spread the news.

Therefore, Ye Tian was really a little entangled. He not only wanted to know what treasures were in the gold mine, but also afraid that Ding Hong would have bad intentions, so he couldn't help hesitating for a moment.

"Cours, why are none of those search soldiers missing?"

Ye Tian suddenly had an idea in his heart. He couldn't deal with Ding Hong. But this doesn't mean that the Russian military can't do it either. Those powerful missiles, even immortals, have to retreat, right?

Ye Tian did not expect the army to kill Ding Hong. But as long as he can be forced out of the gold mine, he can always get a share of the money. By the way, he already has his share in the gold mine.

Thinking of this, a white fog gushed out of Ye Tian's body, and his body soared into the air. The direction he went was the mountain road when he came... Colonel, why did you order all the teams from the search mountain to be withdrawn? In the temporary headquarters of the training camp, Victor was looking at Genis with a dissatisfied face.

After coming from Genis, the orders given made Victor and others feel a little strange. Yesterday, he clearly grasped the enemy's trace, but Genis ordered all the search and arrest teams to withdraw!

"The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will be dispatched in ten minutes, and I have mobilized all the satellites in the right orbit. As long as the man shows up again, he can definitely locate him accurately."

Ginness sighed. He said, "I decided to use long-range attack weapons to attack him. Our soldiers have suffered enough casualties!"

The battle in the jungle last night was only about an hour, and the paratrooper division suffered more than 600 casualties, to be precise, more than 600 deaths. Because no one is injured and does not die.

This is the establishment of two battalions. Even in the worst defense of Moscow in World War II, this phenomenon of full-house death is extremely rare, let alone in modern times of peace.

So after reporting the war situation, Genis was under great pressure. The president and the defense minister's scolded him to take back the paratroopers, otherwise the devilish enemy didn't know what crazy would do?

The casualties of the army are only part of the pressure on Genis. The twelve black market boxing champions who died and were killed and injured yesterday also worried about Genis.

You should know that every successful black market boxer has a huge interest group behind it, including not only the super-rich gangsters of various countries, but also many Russian giants.

Just like the oil tycoon who bought a Premier League team, the behind-the-scenes boss of the black market boxing training camp, all the twelve most successful boxers under him died, and he also expressed his dissatisfaction to Genis from the side.

All kinds of pressures forced Guinness to change his strategy and take back the paratroopers in the first time to avoid greater casualties.

But this does not mean that Genis gave up the pursuit of Ye Tian. After reporting to the president, he launched the "Tianyan" satellite monitoring system that Russia has not yet fully developed.

Moreover, Ginis has sent hundreds of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and it is difficult for every creature within a hundred miles to escape the monitoring of these modern technology.

"I don't know why the president is still unwilling to send out the werewolf army?"

After sending out Victor and other generals, Ginith sat in front of the map and meditated. As the most direct subordinate of the president who was an intelligence officer, Ginith knew much more than ordinary people.

Genis knew that there was a mysterious army in Russia, but that unit was so mysterious that even Genis had heard a name, and he didn't know the army's organization and its combat effectiveness at all.

"Colonen, I found the trace of the enemy!"

While the colonel was meditating, the combat staff suddenly screamed, and a person appeared in the instrument temporarily set up in the room.

Gini couldn't think much about it. He jumped up from the chair as quickly as a cheetah, grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted, "I order the artillery brigade to concentrate its firepower and cover the No. 3 area!"

"These are all unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and the other party has also learned well!"

Ye Tian showed his figure after walking more than ten kilometers. At the same time, he found that there were no pilots on the small planes in the sky, but drones.

"What's wrong, the other party doesn't want to send someone again?"

Just after Ye Tian made a gesture to greet the reconnaissance plane to the other party's mother, a chill suddenly appeared in his spine, and he seemed to hear the roar of shells from more than ten kilometers away.

"Fuck you, you're playing with yin!"

Ye Tian could no longer care about provoking the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky. His right foot slammed on the ground. His shoes made of cowhide broke from the root, and his body rushed forward like a cannonball, drawing shadows in the air.

After Ye Tian's fully unfolding body, whether it is a reconnaissance aircraft in the sky or a surveillance satellite outside the planet, it can no longer capture Ye Tian's trace.

Almost as Ye Tian's body rushed out, the roaring cannonball landed at the position where he had just been. The huge explosion sounded, the soil flew and the trees were broken, and the gunpowder smoke rose.

The firing of the artillery array lasted for more than five minutes. When the explosion stopped, there was no complete place on the ground. The ground with a radius of three kilometers was combed by the shell like a plow.

"He should die now, right?"

Seeing this scene from the Sky Eye satellite monitoring, Ginis leaned on the back of the chair with relief. The indiscriminate attack of the cannon just now covered a range of three kilometers almost at the same time.

Ginness has reason to believe that even a bird can't escape from this range in just ten seconds, because it is completely unscientific.

He waved his hand tiredly, and Ginis said, "Send troops to search there. Even if there is only one piece of meat crumb left, bring it back!"

As soon as Genis's order was issued, a staff member standing behind him said in a trembling tone, "Up... Colonel, he... he's not dead yet!"

"Isn't you dead?"

Ginisi looked at the sound. When he saw the video, he couldn't help stuffing his chest, and a mouthful of blood gushed to his throat, and his mouth was full of a sweet smell of blood.

On that screen, Ye Tian, who looked very much like Rudolph, was drawing against the sky with his index finger. Although he could not see the shape of his mouth, Ginis believed that he must be greeting his female relatives.

In fact, Ye Tian wanted to dress up as Kurt, but the old guy's figure was too short. If he used bone shrinking, Ye Tian would consume a lot of real energy, so he could only let Rudolph continue to take the blame.

Ginness finally couldn't hold back the mouthful of blood. After spewing out, he shouted, "Report the direction, send out the fighter, and you must kill him!"

Genis can't believe that someone can be faster than a cannonball, but he hasn't died, because Russia still has the most powerful air force in the world.

"***, it's important to run for your life!"

While Genis gave the order, Ye Tian couldn't help shivering. He restrained his figure and quickly ran to the location of the gold mine. He knew in his heart that he just needed to lead the disaster to the east.

More than 50 kilometers is a fleeting distance for Ye Tian and more than ten fighter planes, but after coming to the gold mine, Ye Tian's figure completely disappeared.

"Ding Daxian, don't you think you found me!"

Four or five meters under a frozen ground as hard as a stone, Ye Tian's breathing has completely stopped, and there are three serial arrays around him, all of which play a role in hiding his breath.

Ye Tian's fear of Ding Hong was far beyond the soldiers and planes that surrounded him. When he came to the gold mine for more than ten kilometers, when he felt Ding Hong's breath for the first time, he immediately made such a move.

However, Ye Tian knows that Ding Hong is afraid that he has found himself. He can only hope that the plane in the sky can interrupt Ding Hong's attention to him... The second update, the update will be earlier tomorrow, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket support!

. ( To be continued) RQ