Genius Master

Chapter 770 Strategic Missile

The aftermath of the missile explosion set off a wave of air, shaking the trees below. Even Ding Hong's bodyguard felt unstable, with layers of ripples, and retreated several steps. Ding Hong's face turned pale.

The location of the explosion is hundreds of meters away from him, and it is still so powerful. If it explodes around him, Ding Hong doesn't know if he can handle it, and he can't help but be alert.

At this time, Kurt, who was thrown out by him, had already lost his bones. The high temperature generated by the missile explosion evaporated his whole body in an instant, and even the core turned into powder, and he could not die again.

"It's really troublesome. Let's go back early and dig through the last spiritual vein!"

Ding Hong shook his head. The power of modern weapons is difficult for him to compete with, especially at the threshold of Jindan Avenue, which is not suitable for mass killing, otherwise the difficulty will be doubled when he is promoted.

Only being beaten but not fighting back. This business is not cost-effective, and there should be a monk nearby. Maybe the news has already been transmitted to the boundary of China.

Now, except for the first spiritual vein, the rest have been mined by him. After digging up the spiritual vein, it is not a pity to leave. It is because Ding Hong has retreated.

As soon as he brushed his sleeve robe, Ding Hong turned around and walked towards the vein. Dozens of kilometers of mountain road seemed to be shortened under his feet. With each step, Ding Hong's figure appeared thousands of meters away.

However, Ding Hong has been away from the secular world for too long, although he knows about airplanes and bombs. But I didn't know that when he left, there were countless "eyes" in the sky staring at him.

"Colonen, is this... still a human?"

In the headquarters hundreds of kilometers away, a group of generals stared straight at the monitor, which was not particularly clear, the picture just now. There was a storm in each of them.

You know, although Russia's military strength is not as strong as that of the former Soviet Union, it is not as famous as the Patriot Missile of the United States. However, Russia, which has completely inherited the former Soviet army, should not be underestimated.

Those three air-ground missiles are not ordinary helicopter missiles. Instead, the pke-500А air-to-ground missile system is used, and three missiles are enough to destroy a building.

But the picture taken from the satellite shows that the three missiles were intercepted by a humanoid object. How powerful and how accurate the judgment is, this phenomenon is obviously beyond their ability to understand.

Not to mention how the man could throw a person hundreds of meters away, the three air-to-ground missiles alone were intercepted by manpower, which these generals never dreamed of.

"I don't know whether he is a human or not. All I know is that we must kill him!"

Looking at the unclear picture on the video. Ginisi was also pale. He could almost conclude that the killing in Moscow and the death of General Lofsky were the work of this man.

And Ginith also believes that at this moment. It's definitely not only Russia's surveillance satellites that have seen this scene. I'm afraid that even the United States, Britain and other countries know about it. If that person can't be eliminated from **, Russia will lose face.

"Colonel, this man is not even afraid of missiles. And it moves so fast that our weapons can't lock him at all!"

Looking at the constantly changing pictures and coordinates on the video, Victor's face showed an incredible look. If it hadn't been for the satellite monitoring, I'm afraid they would have lost the trace of the other party.

"It's not completely unlocked. As long as he stays in one place for more than a minute, we can kill him!"

Ginisi's eyes suddenly lit up, because he saw that the man in ancient Chinese costumes actually entered a cave and disappeared.

"I want to connect with the president, please wait a moment!"

Ginis stood up and told the adjutant, "Watch the whereabouts of this man closely to make sure he comes out of the cave!"

hurried out of the headquarters, Genis came to another room, dialed the president's special phone number, and reported the situation in full.

"Mr. President, I think this is also an opportunity to show the strength of the Russian military. We can use it as a drill ground and use the Kh-555 cruise missile!"

The Kh-555 cruise missile mentioned by Guinness was developed by Russia in the mid-1990s and was successfully tested for the first time at the beginning of this year. The emergence of this strategic weapon is actually due to the stimulation of the Americans.

The authoritative "Diplomatic" magazine of the United States once published a provocative article "The United States now has the ability to destroy all of Russia's long-range nuclear forces at once", which strongly stimulated the Russians.

This "one-time destruction theory" has not only been criticized by the Russian media, but also prompted Kh-555 to be put into production. The Russian military confidently announced to the world that Russia and the United States still maintain a nuclear balance of "ensuring mutual destruction" to a certain extent.

In terms of power, range and even strike accuracy, the performance of Kh-555 completely surpasses that of the U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile. The only shortcoming is that the Russian army currently has only a handful of aircraft capable of carrying Kh-555 missiles.

And due to the high cost, the Kh-555 missile has not been mass-produced. So far, the number of Kh-555 missiles in Russia has not exceeded 30.

Only the president's breathing came from the microphone. Guinness couldn't help but be anxious and said, "Mr. President, we have to resolutely fight back against this provocation. General Lofsky died at the hands of that person. Now I'm afraid other countries are watching our jokes!"

Guinness guessed well. Although it was late at night in New York, the White House, which was attacked only six months ago, was brightly lit. Several generals wearing senior military ranks were looking at the picture coming from the satellite with a serious face.

But Ginith was a little wrong. These generals, who could determine the fate of the United States, were not gloating, but extremely depressed.

After watching the video, an old man wearing the rank of general looked at a lieutenant general sitting opposite him and asked, "Jackson, how long will it take to complete our Superman plan?"

The lieutenant general shook his head and said, "General Clarence, the progress of District 51 is very slow. I'm afraid it will take at least 20 years!"

"20 years? The Ministry of Defense allocates so much money every year. Can't it be equipped with a Superman team?

General Clarence is very dissatisfied with this. The picture in the video makes him feel a sense of urgency. Perhaps the Chinese research in this regard has surpassed that of Western countries.

"General Clarence, the weapons and equipment for individual combat have been developed, but that set weighs more than 3,000 kilograms, and our super warriors can't be loaded at all!"

Jackson smiled bitterly when he heard the words. According to their original idea, it was to develop a weapon and equipment that could be used by a single person to carry out strategic combat missions, that is to say, one person can form a nuclear deterrent.

But after investing what can be called astronomical research funds, the equipment that scientists finally finalized is more than 3,000 kilograms. With the equipment, there is no one who can use it.

Zone 51 has developed the human potential through various means in the past few decades, which is to "create" a super warrior who can match this weapon, but obviously, they have not succeeded.

After listening to Jackson's report, Clarence was silent for a long time and said, "Calculate the power of that person being thrown out, I think... we should have a good relationship with the Chinese!"

Although personal force can no longer play a decisive role in modern society, the importance of means such as infiltration and infiltration and attack and killing of special forces is increasingly prominent.

If the person with superpowers in the video is really working for the Chinese government, I'm afraid that the leaders of all countries in the world will have trouble sleeping and eating.

You should know that a nuclear bomb can destroy a country, but such a person can destroy the central nervous system of a country by assassination, which is no less powerful than nuclear deterrence.

So not only the United States, but also everyone who saw this video through their national military satellites had a trace of fear of China. How many secrets do they don't know about that mysterious oriental country?

The picture turned back to Siberia, and Genis came out of the room with an excited look on his face. He had been authorized by the president to use the Kh-555 missile.

"General Victor, that man didn't come out of it, did he?"

Back to the headquarters, the atmosphere inside is still very depressing. As long as you are a person, you will always be afraid of strangeness in the face of areas that you can't understand.

Victor shook his head and said, "No, he didn't come out after he went in. Colonel, do you have any good ideas?"

"The president ordered that the Kh-555 missile can be used!"

Ginis nodded gently, walked to a red telephone, picked up the phone in front of the crowd, first reported a series of numbers, and then said, "The president ordered a three-minute countdown, launch a Kh-555 missile to the coordinates!"

With the order of Ginis, at the foot of a seemingly inconspicuous barren mountain in the northwest corner of Siberia, a huge rock slowly slid away, revealing a dark hole.

A double track extends from the mouth of the cave. On the rail, there is a missile launcher, and the rocket-like missile on the launcher flashes in the sun... There is another chapter, but if you have to be late, don't wait for friends who go to work. Well, it's the end of the month, tomorrow is still Monday Everyone's monthly ticket recommendation, please vote for the prime minister. Thank you, Fatty!

.( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation.) RQ