Genius Master

Chapter 771 Anger

Kh-555 missile uses advanced composite materials to make projectiles, and uses new stealth technologies such as radar absorbing coatings and absorbing materials. The radar reflection cross-sectional area is only 0.01 square meters.

There is an additional fuel tank in the front of the projectile, with a length of 7.45 meters, a bullet diameter of 514 mm, and a maximum launch weight of 2.2 tons.

Because of its size and weight, Russia has only a handful of aircraft equipped with such missiles, most of which can only be used for submarines or ground operations.

The standing Kh-555 missile usually carries a thermal nuclear warhead of 200,000 tons, with a cruising altitude of 40 to 110 meters and a maximum range of 5,500 kilometers.

Of course, when using this kind of missile at home, the nuclear warhead is naturally removed and replaced by a high-explosive bomb. Although its power is far less than that of a nuclear bomb, it is absolutely no problem to flatten a mountain peak when a missile more than 7 meters long is dropped.

"Coordinates...wind direction...countdown begins, one hundred and eighty, one hundred and seventy-nine...ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

After Genis gave the order, the staff of the missile base quickly got busy, all kinds of passwords were entered into the computer in the missile, and a voice system began the countdown!

The Kh-555 missile uses a terrain matching navigation system, which can receive positioning data from the GLONASS satellite navigation system, and uses an optical electronic search head at the end of the target.

The accuracy of this kind of missile is as high as 50 meters. Basically, as long as it hits, it can destroy all life within a few kilometers around it. Not to mention the powerful nuclear bomb, only that kind of shock wave can raze a small city to the ground.

"Five, four, three, two, one, launch!"

With the completion of the countdown, a stinging fire appeared in the tail of the missile. The behemoth bounced out of the launch rack and flew quickly in the predetermined orbit.

As a subsonic cruise missile, the Kh-555 missile has a maximum range of 5,500 kilometers. The launch site was only a few hundred kilometers away from the target. Almost in an instant, the missile came to the top of the gold mine with spiritual veins.

"Huh? What's going on? I've been a little uneasy these days. Is there a disaster?

Ding Hong, more than ten meters underground in the cave, suddenly felt an irritability. This feeling was very strange. In his memory, it seemed that this feeling appeared only when he had not entered the innate realm.

The cultivation has reached the realm of Ding Hong, and the induction of things outside the body. Especially with an extremely keen insight into his own safety, he can even feel the eyes projected on him from a few kilometers away.

It's just that Ding Hong has been out of touch with the secular world for too long. He doesn't know that the ants in his eyes have developed the weapons of war to the extreme.

Among other things, the nuclear weapons possessed by the United States and Russia alone are enough to destroy the planet countless times, if Ding Hong knows. He absolutely dares not be so careless.

However, the six senses far beyond ordinary people still made Ding Hong feel inappropriate. His heart seemed to be clenary by a big hand. Even breathing is not smooth.

"No, is it that the other party used that kind of bomb again?" Such an idea came to Ding Hong's mind, and then his scalp was numb, and the body protection really came out, wrapping his whole body tightly.

Just as Ding Hong's idea turned, the Kh-555 missile hit the hill with a loud noise, and the whole world shook.

A small black smoke like a mushroom cloud rose from the mountain, accompanied by a strong fire in the middle.

Within one square kilometer around this hill. Under the monitoring of various satellites, the air seems to have some kind of distortion, showing a wave form.

Whether it is a Siberian wolf or an insect that hibernates underground, whether it is a towering tree or a grass in the permafrost. All life within a two-kilometer radius disappeared at this moment, and the fire instantly filled the whole mountain.

The power of the high-explosive bomb lies not only in the explosion, but also in the shock wave it produces, even more nuclear bombs in a small range, but there is no post-war pollution, otherwise it will also be listed as a prohibited weapon.

The fire is full and the earth is shaking. This earth-shaking scene has been captured by at least ten national satellites.

Countries that originally despised the polar bear belt couldn't help but re-evaluate their force. As powerful as the United States, they also felt the greatest pressure since the end of the Cold War.

"Ula! Ula!"

When the scene was returned to the headquarters, even the old generals took off their hats and showed their bald heads and cheered. In their opinion, the man who entered the cave would definitely die.

It's not that these generals are blindly confident, but because the hill, which was originally more than 50 meters high, had at most 30 meters left at this time, and the whole hill was half flattened.

The generals have reason to believe that as long as the other party is still a creature on the earth, it is impossible to escape the shock of the Kh-555 missile, even if God comes!

"Order, the second helicopter formation will go to the target site to collect all the data after the missile explosion. In addition, turn over three feet and find that person for me!"

Kh-555 missiles are so expensive that even a big country like Russia can't afford it. This big guy occupies a large share of Russia's annual military budget.

This time, it was used to deal with Ding Hong. In fact, it also meant to test fire, so as soon as the explosion was over, Genis quickly gave the order, which was also a special warning from the President and Xie Gayev.

At this time, the obscurity on Ginis's face had already been swept away. Although the task of this trip was not perfect, the result was still acceptable.

Genis has expected that in the near future, his military rank may become a general. Major general in his forties should be very young in the Russian military.

A formation of 22 helicopter gunships carried hundreds of soldiers to the explosion site.

Although the officer has been emphasizing the safety of the operation, the soldiers' faces betrayed their mood.

The young soldiers on the plane looked a little nervous. After all, they had just seen the mushroom cloud-like smoke hundreds of kilometers away.

"What happened? Has there been an earthquake?"

Although he was more than ten kilometers away from the explosion site, Ye Tian was still impacted. He was afraid that he would be found by Ding Hong and closed his six senses. He only felt that the land around him suddenly shook and almost squeezed him to death in the ground.

Fortunately, this earthquake-like action did not last long, only a few seconds, but Ye Tian's mouth and nose overflowed with blood, and the dirt had been shaken into an internal injury.

Feeling the cold and dark underground world, Ye Tian couldn't help it anymore. The fear of the unknown made him risk being found by Ding Hong and release the yuan spirit.

"Damn, has the Russian government dispatched a nuclear bomb? Why is there such a big movement?"

The invisible and colorless face resembled Ye Tian, and the Yuanshen, who was still holding the three clear bells in his arms, quietly appeared on the ground. At first glance, the little face of the Yuanshen showed a surprised expression.

The hill in the distance has turned into a small mountain bag, and the thick smoke and hot fire in the sky renders the situation there like a volcanic eruption.

"Ding Daxian, what on earth did you do to make the other party so angry?"

Ye Tian is really an unsympathetic person. He hid in a birch tree and actually gloated.

It's just that Ye Tian didn't think about it. If it hadn't been for his previous killings, would the Russian government have been forced to use the Kh-555 missile? Until now, the one in the Klimlin is still distressed.

"Hey, it's a little too much. It's all like this, and even a helicopter is dispatched?"

Just as Ye Tian was mourning for Ding Hong, there were more than a dozen black spots and the sound of the huge propeller turning in the distant sky, but Genis sent people to clean the battlefield.

"I don't know if that gold mine will be discovered by these people?"

As soon as this idea came to Ye Tian's mind, he laughed dumbly. The Russian side knew that this gold mine was only limited to the geographical environment and could not be mined. Presumably they would not think about this gold mine.

"Huh? What's the matter? It's difficult... Hasn't Ding Hong died yet?"

Suddenly, Ye Tian sensed that in the place where there was thick smoke and fire, a huge momentum rose, just like the birth of a fierce beast that had been dormant in the ground for ten thousand years, and the shocked Ye Tian's yuan spirit was a little unstable.

"Damn it, it's not dead. What kind of cultivation is Ding Hong?"

Ye Tian did not dare to release his consciousness to observe, but through his eyes, he still saw a figure jumping out of the hill more than ten kilometers away, so that Ye Tian's yuan god almost fell from the tree.

"Damn Russians, I'm going to kill you all!"

Although he escaped a disaster, but Ding Hong's current appearance is a hundred times more miserable than Ye Tian's. His hair with his hair on his temples had already been scattered, and his clothes were shaken into powder.

If he hadn't carried a magic weapon with him, and more than ten metal spiritual stones hidden on his body had become a formation, I'm afraid Ding Hong would not have escaped this disaster.

But even so, after Ding Hong rushed out of the cave that was almost uneven, it was extremely miserable, but he showed more expressions on his face, which was anger!

After hundreds of years of monasticism, Ding Hong's state of mind has long been unwaveless.

But the moment of life and death he experienced still made him explode. Only killing can excrete the anger in his heart at this time!


PS: Finally, it's more out. You have to vote for the recommended monthly ticket to the prime minister!

.( To be continued