Genius Master

Chapter 772 Sifang Vibration

Ding Hong has lived for hundreds of years. He has experienced almost everything in modern China and experienced all kinds of wars, but nothing has ever endangered his life. In his heart, he is at the top of the world's food chain.

But this sense of superiority was destroyed by the powerful missile today.

Ding Hong can really feel that if he hadn't used the spirit stone cloth array in time in the depths of his mountain, I'm afraid that only the vibration caused by the explosion could make him smashed to pieces.

It's like an elephant being challenged by ants, and it almost succeeded in the challenge, which made Ding Hong furious. He wanted these old hairs to know the end of angering him.

Looking up at the sky, Ding Hong let out a clear roar in his mouth. The roar shook the air around him to ripple, and the sound came from a distance of more than ten kilometers.

The long roar lasted for more than a minute. Ye Tian, who was more than ten kilometers away, suddenly found that with the roar, the trauma suffered by Ding Hong's organs had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although there was only one person standing there, Ding Hong was as unshakable as a mountain. An amazing momentum rose to the sky, and even the sun above his head became dim... The man is not dead yet? God, how can this possible?"

Just as Ding Hong showed his figure, his figure also appeared on the satellite monitoring screen of the headquarters hundreds of kilometers away, which made the whole headquarters chaotic.

Although the Kh-555 missile is not equipped with a nuclear warhead. But the power of the explosion was witnessed by everyone, and they couldn't believe it anyway. In this explosion, there are still people who can survive.

But that's the truth. Ding Hong, photographed by Tianyan, showed a trace of sarcasm on his face, which was definitely a **naked provocation, as if mocking those who wanted to deal with him.

"Shock, shoot quickly!"

Almost all the generals grabbed the walkie-talkie at hand at the same time. Fear completely occupied their hearts. Only by killing the devilish man can they feel at ease.


At the moment when the order was transmitted to the helicopter, more than a dozen helicopters spewed fire at the same time. The sound of machine guns with a diameter of more than 20 mm resounded throughout the sky.

Countless bullets blocked Ding Hong's head on the front and back. The heavens and the earth were full of the smell of sulfur in the gunpowder, and the impenetrable rain of bullets covered the sun.

Even Ye Tian's yuan god in the distance was stunned. He understood that if it were him, he was afraid that he would be shot at this moment, and he would not even have the chance to escape for his life.

"How can I stand it?!"

Seeing the dense rain of bullets, Ding Hong showed a ferocious smile on his face. He was not a good person in the first place. In order to advance to Jindan Avenue, he has been suppressing his own state of mind for hundreds of years.

But what happened today made his heart crazy. The only idea in his mind was to kill all these mortals who dared to offend his majesty.

When the first wave of bullet rain hit him, Ding Hong suddenly opened his mouth and spit, and a red light spewed out of his mouth, creating a red barrier like a shield on his body surface.

After the bullets of those cannons hit this barrier, they couldn't shake a point. The alloy bullets were twisted into powder one after another. When the two hit, the fire splashed everywhere, rendering Ding Hong like a god.

"It's impolite not to come and go!"

Just blocking these bullets, Ding Hong naturally refused to stop. In his mind, a mass of real steam rose from the soles of his feet, wrapping his body into the air and flew to the three helicopters closest to him.

Once Ding Hong's body left the place, the helicopters suddenly lost their targets, and the rain of bullets fell to the ground, but the people on the three helicopters closest to him found that the red barrier around Ding Hong had disappeared.

Maybe it was not this idea that came to their minds, but at the next moment, the red light flashed in front of their eyes, and the iron sheet of the whole helicopter was torn from the middle like tofu.

The fast-rotating propeller broke out of the fuselage and hit the glass of a helicopter behind it, directly cutting off the pilot's head, and a spark appeared on the operating platform of the whole helicopter.

Another helicopter in the zigzag formation did not please it. Although it was in the backmost position, the red light directly cut its propeller after tearing the first helicopter.

The lost propeller helicopter fell to the ground with a heavy pendulum. The falling object at a height of more than 100 meters made it hit the ground, and the whole thing became a ball of scrap iron, and then the fire that rushed to the sky lit up.

More than 20 soldiers in the helicopter had mouth and nosebleeds, and none of them were spared. They all showed a shocked expression on their faces. Before death, they also experienced several seconds of cruel waiting.

The three helicopters had almost no reaction, and turned into bright fireworks in the sky. The fire and smoke in the sky made more than a dozen other helicopters in the distance rise high.

It's just that all this was in vain. Since Ding Hong, who was full of murder in his heart, had taken action, he had no intention of keeping his hand. He really wrapped his body, and the red light went straight through the helicopter formation like lightning.

I don't know what kind of material formed the red light, like a rainbow after the rain, and like the deadly sickle of death, flew straight to the sky, back and forth in the helicopter formation, and cut more than a dozen helicopters.

The huge explosion sounded, mixed with the wailing before death, and endless resentment even caused the sun to disappear from this area.

The whole sky was shrouded in fire and black smoke. The sky, which was originally clear, suddenly squeezed thick dark clouds, and the sun... seemed that I couldn't bear to see this hellish scene on earth.

At this moment, countless people standing in front of the monitor and seeing this scene from the satellite are stunned and can no longer say a word. I'm afraid that Hollywood's stunt blockbusters can't shoot this effect, right?

"He...what did he do?"

This question came to almost everyone's mind, and some people even speculated that more than a dozen helicopters were hit by some kind of missile, otherwise how could they not explode at the same time?

"Go and find out immediately if China has developed any secret weapons?"

At this time, even the owner of the White House had arrived at the Pentagon, and the fire on the monitor frowned.

Recently, the U.S. government has been repeatedly hit. If it is surpassed by China in armaments, the Americans can no longer enjoy the superiority of the world's police.

"Tell those right-wingers to stop a little recently. In addition, my visit to the shrine next week will be postponed indefinitely!"

In Tokyo, Japan, the Japanese Prime Minister, who had just taken office to form a cabinet, also issued such an order to his staff. The picture in front of him involuntarily gave him a sense of fear.

As for the heads of state such as Britain, Germany and France, they have also been awakened from their sleep. It is said that Ye Tian's attack and killing of soldiers in the past was only his personal bravery, but the act of destroying more than a dozen helicopters in an instant can already rise to the level of national security.

Almost all countries that can see this picture through satellite surveillance have held emergency meetings, and they can't but associate the Chinese with the Chinese government.

In a heavily guarded building more than 100 meters underground in the suburbs of Beijing, China, the seven core leaders sat there, but they were different from the shocks of other countries. They knew the origin of this man in Taoist clothes.

" this those people?" The person who asked the question was an old man in his seventies, but he was very well maintained. He looked like he was only in his fifties. His square face showed a trace of majesty.

"It should be, but they have not been born for a long time. Why did they go to Russia to kill?" The middle-aged man sitting in the second place frowned. In fact, it can be seen from the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes that he is no longer young.

"He is also a Chinese. Can he be incorporated into that organization?"

A general in a general's uniform stared at the video and said, "Although our country has made some breakthroughs in the development of personal potential over the years, no one there can compare with him. It's too far!"

"Lao Jin, don't think about it. In those years, Taizu didn't have any way with them. How could they sell our face?"

The old man who spoke first sighed, and his face became serious. "We should seal the news of these people strictly, and all files will be added to a level of confidentiality, and the leaker will be punished for treason!"

Although it can't drive these monks, the old man doesn't mind using them to send some wrong signals to the outside world. What the soldiers are talking about is true or false.

Not to mention the rapids of various countries, Ginis, who stayed in the headquarters hundreds of kilometers away, was also dumbfounded. He never thought that the strategic missile was dispatched, which not only failed to kill this person, but made him more and more crazy.

You know, there are still hundreds of living soldiers on those more than a dozen helicopters, which are more casualties than a few days ago. I'm afraid this is also the largest one of the Russian military casualties since World War II.

Ginis grabbed the little hair left in distress. He really didn't know how to explain it to the Clemlin.

Ginis understands that it is not only Russia's satellites monitoring there at this moment, but all countries are paying attention to it. Russia's face has become a fore conclusion. RQ