Natural dull young master

Chapter 37 Don't have good intentions

Beauty has been the focus of the group of men with excess male hormones since ancient times.

To put it bluntly, it is to appreciate beauty; to put it bluntly, it is to hunt for beauty.

And mediocre-looking women have always been the fate of green leaves. Well, there is an obvious example in front of us now.

"Miss, I wonder if I have the honor to sit here and enjoy the flowers together?"

When a good-hearted man, with two people, holding a fan, ignored me, affectionately, and surrounded Li Tian with the moon, I yawned. He made the way interestingly, sat not far from them, and watched the development of this bloody drama.

The only thing that makes me feel very depressed is that there are no melon seeds around me!

"I don't know how long it will take for the wooden steward to come~"

I thought to myself that there was a faint desire to eat in my mouth.

However, it will take some time for the wooden stewer to come, so I narrowed my eyes and casually looked at the three princes in front of me.

A ** man wearing a nylon scarf, wearing a white brocade robe and holding a fan from time to time; a thin and thin man in a dark blue robe; the remaining one, who is slightly fat and often subconsciously turned his head. As long as he is careful, he can see the appearance of the thief's eyebrows and rat's eyes. I don't know what he is looking for.

"It doesn't look like a good person!"

I curled my lips secretly, and my heart was quite helpless.

I didn't expect that someone would still follow me after going so far. Could it be Li Tian's peach blossom luck?

I looked doubtfully and blushed. Li Tian, who was almost speechless with "Peach Blossom" on his face while talking and laughing with the leading man, affirmed his thoughts again.

Well, it's really lucky.

It's just that why no one comes to me. Although I can't describe myself as "beautiful" or "beautiful", at least I'm a beautiful woman. How can I ignore me so much? Is my sense of existence so low?

I wanted to cry without tears, so I had to squint. Carefully look at the scenery next to it.

Originally, I wanted to have a "eye-in-noying" person, but a few men were next to them. If they wanted to be unfavorable to Li Tian, I could help them in time.


Once again, I carefully observed the three men next to me, and I couldn't help but be a little confused.

What on earth is that fat man looking at?

I opened my eyes slightly and felt a little uneasy.

"The three of them followed. Do they really just want to come here to enjoy the flowers?"

I muttered in my heart, and I got up and moved towards Li Tian's side. It was closer to several of them.

Only one person noticed my behavior, that is, the thin monkey who approached me. He looked at me indifferently, pulled his mouth, and then put me aside. I guess he felt that I was so stupid that he didn't take me seriously. He continued to hold Li Tian high and said something that sounded like flattery, but in fact it was roundabout. Listen to Li Tian's message.

For example:

"Miss, I came here and saw so many girls. Only your temperament is elegant, fresh and refined. It's really well-bred. I really want to visit your house and feel the atmosphere of your house."

Li Tian originally talked to the man in white brocade who was talking to, but the thin monkey said such a good word, which fascinated Li Tian, and at least remembered the reservedness of the daughter of a famous family. Just revealing the standard eight teeth, whispered:

"Thank you for your praise."

but he did not answer the subtext of the thin monkey man. Then, he continued to chat with the man in white.

The thin monkey didn't care, just smiled and acted as an audience, no longer intervening in the chat between Li Tian and the man in white brocade.

Although I was relieved to see this, my heart tightened. The feeling of uneasiness has been spreading on me.

And the slightly fat man I have been paying attention to finally stopped looking around, treated me as air, and nodded gently to the thin monkey.

If I hadn't been paying attention to him, I might not have noticed this subtle action of a slightly fat man.

My eyes shrank slightly and I was busy trying to pull Li Tian to my side.

But the thin monkey, as if to know my movements, stood in front of me and blocked my way.

I gritted my teeth, and a sharp color flashed in my eyes. I shouted at Li Tian, who was smiling:

"Li Tian, be careful!"

Li Tian was shocked by my roar and subconsciously took a step back and opened the distance from the man in white brocade and the slightly fat man who was surrounding Li Tian.

The thin monkey was also stunned, but he reacted quickly and suddenly pulled down his face:

"Do it!"

Then he turned around with a disgusting smile on his face, as if everything was under his control, standing high overlooking the ants with God's eyes, and smiled softly:

"It seems that you are not a nerd. Well, that's better... Ah!"

The hissing and roar suddenly remembered, which made the two people who wanted to catch Li Tian stop. They saw the thin monkey covering their lower body and squatting on the ground in pain. They were a little shocked, but they did not help and continued to catch Li Tian, who was tired of running in a small space.

"Good sister!"

I kicked the thin monkey, and then I wanted to step forward to make up for the thin monkey, completely solve him, and then help Li Tian.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I raised my foot, the thin monkey reacted and almost threw me out with a block with his hand.

When I fell to the ground, I endured the pain on my body, touched the ground casually, and hurried forward to chase.

Take advantage of your illness and kill you!

Although he can't do anything to kill him, at least he can let him not interfere with me to save Li Tian.

When the thin monkey was still in pain and his facial features could not be used normally, unexpectedly, I sprinkled the dust in my hand into his eyes.

The dirt and dust in my hands and the mixed pebbles are sprinkled.

"Ah, my eyes!"

The thin monkey rolled on the ground as I expected.

I passed him and rushed to Li Tian.

Li Tian is gradually unable to resist this time. Although, which one of the people in the general's mansion has no kung fu? However, Li Tian's kung fu is a little difficult to deal with one person. Moreover, the two big men are not confronted head-on with Li Tian at all. Li Tian has less combat experience, and will only fight randomly when the other party approaches and squander all her strength.

I shook my head and saw that Li Tian could still handle a few rounds. While they were not paying attention, I found a stone on the ground and held it with my hand, with a satisfied smile on my face.

Although I regret not taking the powder I made, sometimes the stones that can be seen everywhere are also useful.

Take the stone and look for them carefully.

Maybe the slightly fat man was a little anxious. He strode forward and was thrown by Li Tian's hand and staggered.

"Good opportunity!"

My eyes lit up and stepped forward with a stone and smashed the slightly fat man fiercely.


The slightly fat man's head was stoned by me, shook his body a few times, and then fell into a coma.

I was relieved and sat on the ground.

At this time, I no longer needed my support. Li Tian controlled the whole situation well and began to be agile.

The three-legged cat's kung fu is a little difficult to deal with two people, but it is still okay to deal with a seemingly unarmed scholar.

When Li Tian was about to come to an end, suddenly a loud roar came out:

"Yes, be careful!"

I listened to this familiar shouting and subconsciously turned around, and a stone hit my face.